ClassesClassesClassesClasses | | | | Operators

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

dev_close_windowdev_close_windowDevCloseWindowdev_close_windowDevCloseWindowDevCloseWindow (Operator)


dev_close_windowdev_close_windowDevCloseWindowdev_close_windowDevCloseWindowDevCloseWindow — Close the active graphics window.


dev_close_window( : : : )

Herror dev_close_window()

Herror T_dev_close_window()

Herror dev_close_window()

void HWindow::DevCloseWindow() const

void DevCloseWindow()

static void HWindow::DevCloseWindow()

void HOperatorSetX.DevCloseWindow()

void HWindowX.DevCloseWindow()

static void HOperatorSet.DevCloseWindow()

static void HWindow.DevCloseWindow()


dev_close_windowdev_close_windowDevCloseWindowdev_close_windowDevCloseWindowDevCloseWindow closes the active graphics window which has been opened by dev_open_windowdev_open_windowDevOpenWindowdev_open_windowDevOpenWindowDevOpenWindow, a suitable menu entry, or automatically by HDevelop itself at program start or after loading a new program (default window).

The operator is equivalent to pressing the Close button in the title bar of the active window or selecting the appropriate menu entry from the visualization menu.

A graphics window can be activated by calling dev_set_windowdev_set_windowDevSetWindowdev_set_windowDevSetWindowDevSetWindow or by pressing the Activate button in the tool bar of the selected graphics window.


Using the code export feature of HDevelop, the code that is generated for this operator may have a different behavior than the related HALCON operator. For a detailed description of the code export of HDevelop graphics operators into the different programming languages see in the “HDevelop User's Guide” the chapter Code Export -> General Aspects of Code Generation -> Graphics Windows.

Example (HDevelop)

* close all windows
for i := 1 to 10 by 1
  dev_close_window ()
read_image (For5, 'for5')
get_image_size (For5, Width, Height)
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height, 'black', WindowHandle)
dev_display (For5)


dev_close_windowdev_close_windowDevCloseWindowdev_close_windowDevCloseWindowDevCloseWindow returns always 2 (H_MSG_TRUE).

Possible Predecessors

dev_set_windowdev_set_windowDevSetWindowdev_set_windowDevSetWindowDevSetWindow, dev_open_windowdev_open_windowDevOpenWindowdev_open_windowDevOpenWindowDevOpenWindow

Possible Successors

dev_open_windowdev_open_windowDevOpenWindowdev_open_windowDevOpenWindowDevOpenWindow, dev_get_windowdev_get_windowDevGetWindowdev_get_windowDevGetWindowDevGetWindow

See also




ClassesClassesClassesClasses | | | | Operators