ClassesClasses | | Operators

morph_hatmorph_hatMorphHatMorphHat (Operator)


morph_hatmorph_hatMorphHatMorphHat — Compute the union of bottom_hatbottom_hatBottomHatBottomHatBottomHat and top_hattop_hatTopHatTopHatTopHat.


morph_hatmorph_hatMorphHatMorphHatMorphHat is obsolete and is only provided for reasons of backward compatibility.


morph_hat(Region, StructElement : RegionMorphHat : : )

Herror morph_hat(const Hobject Region, const Hobject StructElement, Hobject* RegionMorphHat)

Herror T_morph_hat(const Hobject Region, const Hobject StructElement, Hobject* RegionMorphHat)

void MorphHat(const HObject& Region, const HObject& StructElement, HObject* RegionMorphHat)

HRegion HRegion::MorphHat(const HRegion& StructElement) const

static void HOperatorSet.MorphHat(HObject region, HObject structElement, out HObject regionMorphHat)

HRegion HRegion.MorphHat(HRegion structElement)


morph_hatmorph_hatMorphHatMorphHatMorphHat computes the union of the regions that are removed by an openingopeningOpeningOpeningOpening operation with the regions that are added by a closingclosingClosingClosingClosing operation. Hence this is the union of the results of top_hattop_hatTopHatTopHatTopHat and bottom_hatbottom_hatBottomHatBottomHatBottomHat. The position of StructElementStructElementStructElementStructElementstructElement does not influence the result.

Structuring elements (StructElementStructElementStructElementStructElementstructElement) can be generated with operators such as gen_circlegen_circleGenCircleGenCircleGenCircle, gen_rectangle1gen_rectangle1GenRectangle1GenRectangle1GenRectangle1, gen_rectangle2gen_rectangle2GenRectangle2GenRectangle2GenRectangle2, gen_ellipsegen_ellipseGenEllipseGenEllipseGenEllipse, draw_regiondraw_regionDrawRegionDrawRegionDrawRegion, gen_region_polygongen_region_polygonGenRegionPolygonGenRegionPolygonGenRegionPolygon, gen_region_pointsgen_region_pointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPoints, etc.


The individual regions are processed separately.

Execution Information


RegionRegionRegionRegionregion (input_object)  region(-array) objectHRegionHRegionHobject

Regions to be processed.

StructElementStructElementStructElementStructElementstructElement (input_object)  region objectHRegionHRegionHobject

Structuring element (position-invariant).

RegionMorphHatRegionMorphHatRegionMorphHatRegionMorphHatregionMorphHat (output_object)  region(-array) objectHRegionHRegionHobject *

Union of top hat and bottom hat.

Example (C++ (HALCON 5.0-10.0))

#include "HIOStream.h"
#if !defined(USE_IOSTREAM_H)
using namespace std;
#include "HalconCpp.h"

  cout << "Reproduction of 'dilation_circle ()'" << endl;
  cout << "First = original image " << endl;
  cout << "Red   = after segmentation " << endl;
  cout << "Blue  = after erosion " << endl;

  HByteImage img("monkey");
  HWindow    w;

  HRegion      circ   = HRegion::GenCircle (10, 10, 1.5);
  HRegionArray regs   = (img >= 128).Connection();
  HRegionArray tophat = regs.TopHat (circ);
  HRegionArray bothat = regs.BottomHat (circ);
  HRegionArray unionX = tophat.Union2 (bothat);

                        img.Display (w);      w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("red");   regs.Display (w);     w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("blue");  tophat.Display (w);   w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("green"); bothat.Display (w);   w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("white"); unionX.Display (w);   w.Click ();


Example (C)

my_morph_hat(Hobject *In, Hobject StructElement, Hobject *Out)
  Hobject top, bottom;
  clear_obj(top); clear_obj(bottom);

Example (C++ (HALCON 5.0-10.0))

#include "HIOStream.h"
#if !defined(USE_IOSTREAM_H)
using namespace std;
#include "HalconCpp.h"

  cout << "Reproduction of 'dilation_circle ()'" << endl;
  cout << "First = original image " << endl;
  cout << "Red   = after segmentation " << endl;
  cout << "Blue  = after erosion " << endl;

  HByteImage img("monkey");
  HWindow    w;

  HRegion      circ   = HRegion::GenCircle (10, 10, 1.5);
  HRegionArray regs   = (img >= 128).Connection();
  HRegionArray tophat = regs.TopHat (circ);
  HRegionArray bothat = regs.BottomHat (circ);
  HRegionArray unionX = tophat.Union2 (bothat);

                        img.Display (w);      w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("red");   regs.Display (w);     w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("blue");  tophat.Display (w);   w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("green"); bothat.Display (w);   w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("white"); unionX.Display (w);   w.Click ();


Example (C++ (HALCON 5.0-10.0))

#include "HIOStream.h"
#if !defined(USE_IOSTREAM_H)
using namespace std;
#include "HalconCpp.h"

  cout << "Reproduction of 'dilation_circle ()'" << endl;
  cout << "First = original image " << endl;
  cout << "Red   = after segmentation " << endl;
  cout << "Blue  = after erosion " << endl;

  HByteImage img("monkey");
  HWindow    w;

  HRegion      circ   = HRegion::GenCircle (10, 10, 1.5);
  HRegionArray regs   = (img >= 128).Connection();
  HRegionArray tophat = regs.TopHat (circ);
  HRegionArray bothat = regs.BottomHat (circ);
  HRegionArray unionX = tophat.Union2 (bothat);

                        img.Display (w);      w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("red");   regs.Display (w);     w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("blue");  tophat.Display (w);   w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("green"); bothat.Display (w);   w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("white"); unionX.Display (w);   w.Click ();


Example (C++ (HALCON 5.0-10.0))

#include "HIOStream.h"
#if !defined(USE_IOSTREAM_H)
using namespace std;
#include "HalconCpp.h"

  cout << "Reproduction of 'dilation_circle ()'" << endl;
  cout << "First = original image " << endl;
  cout << "Red   = after segmentation " << endl;
  cout << "Blue  = after erosion " << endl;

  HByteImage img("monkey");
  HWindow    w;

  HRegion      circ   = HRegion::GenCircle (10, 10, 1.5);
  HRegionArray regs   = (img >= 128).Connection();
  HRegionArray tophat = regs.TopHat (circ);
  HRegionArray bothat = regs.BottomHat (circ);
  HRegionArray unionX = tophat.Union2 (bothat);

                        img.Display (w);      w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("red");   regs.Display (w);     w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("blue");  tophat.Display (w);   w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("green"); bothat.Display (w);   w.Click ();
  w.SetColor ("white"); unionX.Display (w);   w.Click ();



morph_hatmorph_hatMorphHatMorphHatMorphHat returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all parameters are correct. The behavior in case of empty or no input region can be set via:

Otherwise, an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors

thresholdthresholdThresholdThresholdThreshold, regiongrowingregiongrowingRegiongrowingRegiongrowingRegiongrowing, connectionconnectionConnectionConnectionConnection, union1union1Union1Union1Union1, watershedswatershedsWatershedsWatershedsWatersheds, class_ndim_normclass_ndim_normClassNdimNormClassNdimNormClassNdimNorm, gen_circlegen_circleGenCircleGenCircleGenCircle, gen_ellipsegen_ellipseGenEllipseGenEllipseGenEllipse, gen_rectangle1gen_rectangle1GenRectangle1GenRectangle1GenRectangle1, gen_rectangle2gen_rectangle2GenRectangle2GenRectangle2GenRectangle2, draw_regiondraw_regionDrawRegionDrawRegionDrawRegion, gen_region_pointsgen_region_pointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPoints, gen_region_polygon_filledgen_region_polygon_filledGenRegionPolygonFilledGenRegionPolygonFilledGenRegionPolygonFilled

Possible Successors

reduce_domainreduce_domainReduceDomainReduceDomainReduceDomain, select_shapeselect_shapeSelectShapeSelectShapeSelectShape, area_centerarea_centerAreaCenterAreaCenterAreaCenter, connectionconnectionConnectionConnectionConnection


top_hattop_hatTopHatTopHatTopHat, bottom_hatbottom_hatBottomHatBottomHatBottomHat, union2union2Union2Union2Union2

See also

openingopeningOpeningOpeningOpening, closingclosingClosingClosingClosing



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