interfaces mvtec


Image Acquisition Interface for IDS uEye Cameras

Interface: uEye
Revision: 13.0.3
Date: 2017-08-23
HALCON Version: 13.0


This page provides the documentation of the HALCON uEye image acquisition interface for accessing the USB uEye, USB3 uEye and GigE uEye cameras from IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH. Registered customers can download the latest revision of this interface from the MVTec WWW server.

System Requirements

  • Intel compatible PC with Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) or newer that is also supported by the vendor-specific SDK, or Linux with kernel 3.4 (or higher), and USB interface or Gigabit Ethernet network adapter, respectively.
  • Windows 32-bit: uEye driver (version 4.00.0000 or higher) uEye_usb.sys or uEye_eth.sys. Typically, these files reside in the directory %WINDIR%\system32\drivers.
    Windows 64-bit: uEye driver (version 4.00.0000 or higher) uEye_usb_64.sys or uEye_eth_64.sys. Typically, these files reside in the directory %WINDIR%\system32\drivers.
    Linux: uEye driver (version 4.00.0000 or higher) ueyeusbd or ueyeethd. Typically, these files reside in the directories /usr/local/share/ueye/ueyeethd or /usr/local/share/ueye/ueyeusbd.
    If you do not have this driver, please contact IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH or the vendor from which you bought the camera.
  • Windows 32-bit: uEye DLL uEye_api.dll version 4.00.0000 or higher. This DLL must be within your search path %PATH% (typically, it resides in the directory %WINDIR%\system32).
    Windows 64-bit: uEye DLL uEye_api_64.dll version 4.00.0000 or higher. This DLL must be within your search path %PATH% (typically, it resides in the directory %WINDIR%\system32).
    Linux: uEye shared library version 4.00.0000 or higher. Typically, the shared library resides in the directory /usr/lib/. If you do not have this file, please contact IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH or the vendor from which you bought the camera. Please note that you have to install a higher API version than 4.00 to use the full functionality of newer camera models. Please have a look at IDS Imaging Download Page.
  • Windows: HALCON image acquisition interface hAcquEye.dll or hAcquEyexl.dll, respectively. If you have properly installed the interface, both DLLs should reside in bin\%HALCONARCH% within the HALCON base directory %HALCONROOT% you have chosen during the installation of HALCON.
    Linux: HALCON image acquisition interface or, respectively. Both files should reside in the directory lib/$HALCONARCH within the HALCON base directory %HALCONROOT%.


Only when installing or updating the interface manually follow these steps:
  • Windows: Extract the archive containing the interface files to the HALCON base directory %HALCONROOT% (Note: Administrator privileges may be required for this step). Additionally, you have to move the interface examples to the directory %HALCONEXAMPLES% manually.
  • Linux: Extract the archive containing the interface files to the HALCON base directory $HALCONROOT.


  • Multiple cameras.
  • Synchronous and asynchronous grabbing.
  • Image cropping.
  • External trigger with adjustable trigger delay.
  • Supports uEye timestamp (time of image creation).
  • Software control of frame rate, exposure, and pixel clock settings.
  • Software control of brightness, contrast, and edge enhancement.
  • Software control of gain, gamma correction, and white balancing.
  • Software control of the strobe parameters.
  • Software control of the digital input and output port.
  • Support of lookup tables.
  • Support of user-specific callback function.
  • FALCON/EAGLE compatibility mode.

Using Multiple Cameras

If using multiple uEye cameras, please make sure that each camera has an unique device ID. You can manually set these device IDs by use of the auxiliary program IDS Camera Manager under Windows (or ueyesetid under Linux, respectively), which is part of the uEye driver installation. Note that you can request all actually accessible devices and valid ports by calling the operator info_framegrabber(...'info_boards'...).

Using Multiple Threads

If using multiple threads, call open_framegrabber and the corresponding close_framegrabber always in the same thread to avoid unpredictable behavior of your application.

Image Timestamp

The operator get_image_time typically returns the creation time of the HALCON image object. Since revision 4.6 of the uEye interface, the systems creation time of the camera image is returned (see UEYEIMAGEINFO::UEYETIME under is_GetImageInfo() in the uEye manual).

Reaching Full Frame Rates with USB Cameras

Modern processors and operating systems are designed to be energy efficient. This can also have unwanted effects. In the modern Core i3/i5/i7 Intel processors, the USB bus is also optimized to operate in a power-saving, energy-efficient manner.
As a result, USB uEye cameras cannot be operated using the maximum available frame rate in this mode. Use IDS Camera Manager's CPU Idle-States settings (accessible via 'Additional functions' button) to ensure the full performance of the USB bus in connection with a uEye industrial camera.

FALCON/EAGLE Compatibility Mode

If you want to port an existing FALCON/EAGLE application to an uEye application, you can enable the FALCON/EAGLE compatibility mode to use the existing FALCON/EAGLE parameters without further changes. It's not possible to open a FALCON/EAGLE device with the uEye Image Acquisition Interface. You can enable the FALCON/EAGLE compatibility mode either by specifying one of the possible camera type values 'auto', 'pal', 'ntsc', 'secam', 's-auto', 's-pal', 's-ntsc' or 's-secam' during open_framegrabber, or by calling set_framegrabber_param(...,'compatibility_mode','enable') explicitly.

If the FALCON/EAGLE compatibility mode has been enabled you can also use all the parameters of the FALCON/EAGLE interface (such as 'hue' or 'synclevel'). However, these settings will have no effect on the uEye cameras. Furthermore, there exist the following limitations:
  • Since the frame rate depends on the system performance the actual frame rate can be different.
  • The uEye camera provides only one video port, thus port switching is not possible.
  • If you use the CameraType values '(s-)pal' and '(s-)secam' the actual sensor size of the uEye camera must be at least [768, 576].

Parameters for info_framegrabber

Parameter Value List Type Kind Description
'bits_per_channel' [5, 8, 10, 12, 16] integer pre-defined Values for bits per channel.
'camera_type' ['CAMFILE:', 'ini', '.', 'default', '/cam/set1', '/cam/set2', '<ueye_model_name>'] or ['auto', 'ntsc', 'pal', 'secam', 's-auto', 's-ntsc', 's-pal', 's-secam', 'falcon'] in compatibility mode string pre-defined Syntax for camera configuration file and/or pre-defined list of possible values for camera type.
'color_space' ['default', 'raw', 'gray', 'rgb', 'rgby', 'rgb555'] string pre-defined Values for color space.
'defaults' [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default or interlaced', 8, 'default', -1.0, 'false', 'default', '0', 0, 0] mixed pre-defined Default values for open_framegrabber.
'device' ['0', '1', ..., '254'] string dynamic Pre-defined list of possible device numbers.
'external_trigger' ['false', 'true'] string pre-defined Values for the external trigger.
'field' [] Unused.
'general' [] string pre-defined Information about the HALCON uEye interface.
'generic' ['', 'num_buffers=<num>'] string pre-defined Value list for the Generic parameter.
'horizontal_resolution' [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16] integer pre-defined Value list for horizontal resolution.
'image_height' [] Unsupported query.
'image_width' [] Unsupported query.
'info_boards' ['device:<device_id>'] string dynamic A list of the available devices.
'parameters' ['<parameters>'] string pre-defined Pre-defined parameters of the HALCON interface.
'parameters_readonly' ['<parameters>'] string pre-defined Pre-defined read-only parameters of the HALCON interface.
'parameters_writeonly' ['<parameters>'] string pre-defined Pre-defined write-only parameters of the HALCON interface.
'port' [] Unused.
'revision' '<revision>' string pre-defined Revision number of the uEye interface.
'start_column' [] Unsupported query.
'start_row' [] Unsupported query.
'vertical_resolution' [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16] integer pre-defined Value list for vertical resolution.

Parameters for open_framegrabber

Parameter Values Default Type Description
Name 'uEye' string Name of the HALCON interface.
HorizontalResolution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16 1 integer Desired horizontal resolution of the camera image:
  • 1: Use full resolution.
  • 2...16: Subsampling or binning (depends on the device) by factor 2...16 Note that the set value is the minimum possible horizontal resolution factor for this instance. Note that not all uEye models support subsampling or binning. If both are supported, subsampling is chosen because of frame rate advantages.
VerticalResolution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16 1 integer Desired vertical resolution of the camera image:
  • 1: Use full resolution.
  • 2...16: Subsampling or binning (depends on the device) by factor 2...16 Note that the set value is the minimum possible vertical resolution factor for this instance Note that not all uEye models support subsampling or binning. If both are supported, subsampling is chosen because of frame rate advantages.
ImageWidth 0, <width> 0 integer Width of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image). Note that ImageWidth must be a multiple of 4 (specific models may have further limits). Note that the set value is the maximum possible width for this instance!
ImageHeight 0, <height> 0 integer Height of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image). Note that ImageHeight must be a multiple of 2 (specific models may have further limits). Note that the set value is the maximum possible height for this instance!
StartRow 0, <row> 0 integer Row coordinate of the upper left pixel within the desired image part. The step size of StartRow depends on the used camera model. If ImageHeight is set to 0, then both the first AND last StartRow rows of the image matrix are discarded.
StartColumn 0, <column> 0 integer Column coordinate of the upper left pixel within the desired image part. The step size of StartColumn depends on the used camera model. If ImageWidth is set to 0, then both the first AND last StartColumn columns of the image matrix are discarded.
Field --- Ignored.
BitsPerChannel 5, 8, 10, 12, 16 8 integer Number of bits per image channel: Grayscale (8, 10, 12, and 16 bits) or color (5, 8, 10, and 12 bit). Specifying 5 bits per channel is only allowed in combination with ColorSpace = 'rgb'. You will get an 8-8-8 three channel RGB HALCON image in this case, too. Note that not all models support more than 8 bits per channel. A value of 5 enables the 5-6-5 bit encoded RGB raw data transfer. A value of 5 in combination with ColorSpace = 'rgb555' enables the 5-5-5 bit encoded RGB data transfer.
ColorSpace 'default', 'raw', 'gray', 'rgb', 'rgby', 'rgb555' 'default' string Specify the desired color space and thus the number of image channels of the resulting HALCON image. If ColorSpace is set to 'default', the color space is set to 'rgb' in case of color cameras, and to 'gray' otherwise. The 'raw' color space causes a color camera to produce the raw Bayer pattern image as output. If 'rgby' is specified, a 8-8-8-8 four channel HALCON image with brightness information in the fourth channel is returned (if this format is supported by your camera). If 'rgb555' is specified, the 5-5-5 three channel HALCON image is set.
Generic '', 'num_buffers=<num>', -1 -1 mixed With the Generic parameter some important values can be set before the camera is initialized. Note that the parameter names including the values must be strings, e.g., 'num_buffers=5' sets the number of buffers to 5.
The following parameters are available:
  • num_buffers: To set the maximum number of buffers used in the HALCON acquisition interface a value greater than 2 has to be used. A higher number of buffers is useful if the processing of the acquired images takes longer to process, then the image acquisition. Especially for small sized ROI a higher number of buffers could prevent a buffer underrun.
    Note that depending on the image size of the used camera a high number of buffers can exceed the available memory size of your computer and the program may crash. Default: 3.
ExternalTrigger 'false', 'true' 'false' string Status of the external trigger.
CameraType 'default', 'falcon', '/cam/set1', '/cam/set2', '<ueye_model_name>', '<ini_file_name>' 'default' string The camera type will be detected automatically ('default'). If CameraType is set to 'falcon' (or one of the allowed camera types of the FALCON/EAGLE frame grabber boards) the 'FALCON/EAGLE compatibility mode' is enabled.
If CameraType specifies a non-volatile user memory userset (by '/cam/set1') or a path to an ini file suitable for the selected camera the properties are restored from this file or userset. To store such a file, see parameter 'do_save_parameters'. Note that the properties specified in this file will overwrite all other parameters supplied with open_framegrabber except Device.
Device '0', '<device_id>', '<serial_number>' '0' string The ID of the desired camera (passed as a string!), see also 'Using Multiple Cameras' above.
If Device specifies a serial number, the camera with the specified serial number will be opened. Note that, if a valid device ID or serial number is given, always the matching device will be opened, ignoring if the specified CameraType does not match this device.
Port --- Ignored.
LineIn --- Ignored.

Parameters for set_framegrabber_param

Parameter Values Default Type Description
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_do_reset' --- Resets the hot pixel list and detects new hot pixels with the next image. The cluster list is not reset. In case of dynamic hot pixel correction this parameter has no effect.
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_do_reset_cluster' --- Resets the hot pixel list and the cluster list and determines both lists with the next image. In case of dynamic hot pixel correction this parameter has no effect.
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_enabled' 'true', 'false' string Enables/Disables adaptive hot pixel correction. Using dynamic mode with enabled hot pixel correction will increase CPU usage.
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_mode' 'once', 'dynamic', 'once_cluster', 'dynamic_cluster' string Sets the adaptive hot pixel and cluster correction mode. When dynamic hot pixel correction is active the hot pixel list will be detected for each frame. The following combinations of modes are supported: 'once', 'dynamic', ['once', 'once_cluster'], ['dynamic', 'once_cluster'], ['dynamic', 'dynamic_cluster'].
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_sensitivity' 1 ... 5 3 integer Sets the sensitivity of the adaptive hot pixel correction. Low value means low sensitivity.
'agc' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Auto gain control of the camera to achieve an average brightness value specified with the parameter 'auto_brightness_reference'.
'allow_raw_with_lut' 'enable', 'disable' 'disable' string The camera LUT can also be used with RAW formats (ETH and USB 3.0 cameras).
'anti_flicker_mode' 'disable', 'enable', 'fixed_50', 'fixed_60' string Controls the anti-flicker mode for the UI-3013XC camera model.
'api_timeout' 0, 4...429496729 0 (= uEye API's default timeout of 60 seconds) integer Internal timeout used by uEye API functions in steps of 10 ms (4 = 40ms). The timeout starts in asynchronous mode with the call of grab_image_start and in synchronous mode with the call of grab_image. Note that this timeout may be different from the timeout set with the parameter 'grab_timeout' and will influence only uEye's internal behaviour.
'auto_blacklevel_comp' 'disable', 'enable' string Automatic black level compensation. A given black level offset (see parameter 'offset'.) will be added to the compensation value.
'auto_brightness_max_exp' 0.0, <max_exp> float Upper limit of the exposure time when used to control the image brightness automatically.
'auto_brightness_max_gain' <max_gain> float Upper limit of gain when used to control the image brightness automatically.
'auto_brightness_reference' 0 ... 255 128 integer Brightness reference value which should be achieved by auto gain and auto exposure.
'auto_brightness_roi' [<row1>,<col1>,<row2>,<col2>] current image roi integer Specifies the area of interest in which the average brightness value used for auto gain and auto exposure should be evaluated. Note that changes to the image ROI reset the auto brightness ROI to the same coordinates.
'auto_brightness_speed' 0 ... 100 integer Controls speed (percentage of examined images) of the automatic brightness control unit.
'auto_contrast_correction' -2.0 ... 0.0 ... 2.0 float Controls the auto contrast correction for the UI-3013XC camera model. 0.0 disables the auto contrast correction.
'auto_whitebalance_max_gain' <min> ...100 integer Limits the maximum gain for red, green and blue channels, when used by the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'auto_whitebalance_min_gain' 0 ...<max> integer Limits the minimum gain for red, green and blue channels, when used by the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'auto_whitebalance_offset_b' <blue_offset> float Offset for the blue gain channel relative to the green one when used by the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'auto_whitebalance_offset_r' <red_offset> float Offset for the red gain channel relative to the green one when used by the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'auto_whitebalance_roi' [<row1>, <col1>, <row2>, <col2>] current image roi integer Area of interest which in which the auto white balance function should work. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras. Note that changes to the image ROI reset the auto white balance ROI to the same coordinates.
'auto_whitebalance_speed' 0 ... 100 integer Controls speed (percentage of examined images) of the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'backlight_compensation' 'disable', 'enable' string Configures the backlight compensation mode for camera models UI-3013XC and XS.
'bad_pixel_correction' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Correction of hot pixels of the image sensor.
'black_level_mode' 'auto', 'manual' string Sets the black level mode.
'black_level_offset' 0 ... 255 integer Sets the black level offset.
'black_reference' 'rows_top', 'columns_left', 'disable' string Displays black columns in the image which can be used to calibrate the black level. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'burst_size' 1 ... 429496729 integer In burst trigger mode, the camera captures a series of images in rapid succession on receipt of a single trigger signal.
'capture_status_do_reset' --- Resets the capture status information.
'color_conversion' '3x3', '5x5', 'hw' '3x3' string Selects the Bayer conversion mask, and thus the quality and performance of the image color conversion. If set to 'hw' the camera itself outputs the desired color format which may result in increased bandwidth.
'color_correction' 'bg40', 'disable', 'enable', 'hq' 'enable' string Color correction mode. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
  • 'bg40': Enable color correction for cameras with optical IR filter glasses of the BG40 type.
  • 'disable': Disable color correction.
  • 'enable': Enable simple color correction.
  • 'hq': Enable color correction for cameras with optical IR filter glasses of the HQ type.
'color_temperature' <Kelvin> integer Color temperature for auto white balance. You can fix a setting (in Kelvin) for the color temperature of an image when you are using a color camera. The function will use the sensor's hardware gain controls for the setting, as far as possible.
Using rgb_color_model you can choose between different color spaces. A specific color temperature will result in slightly differing RGB values, depending on the selected color space.
Note that this function cannot be used simultaneously with the automatic white balance function.
'compatibility_mode' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string FALCON/EAGLE compatibility mode, see paragraph above.
'configuration_openmp' 'disable', 'enable' string Enables/disables multicore processing for image debayering.
'continuous_grabbing' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string If the continuous grabbing mode is enabled, the camera grabs all the time. Using this mode, you can achieve full frame rate. If the continuous grabbing mode is disabled, the camera is set to single frame capture and the image queue is not used. Note that this mode cannot be used while 'memory_module' is enabled. Note that for using the snapshot mode (UI-3013XC) the continuous grabbing has to be disabled. Please also note that the usage of grab_image disables the continuous mode.
'convert_to_gray' 'disable', 'enable' string Enables/disables conversion to gray scale image using camera's capabilities. Note that this feature will only be available if a camera LUT is enabled.
'digital_io_direction' <direction> integer Individual direction of the additional digital (general purpose) I/O port pins. A single pin is configured to act as output by writing a 1 to the correspondent bit position. Which pins are capable of acting as input or output can be queried using 'digital_io_capabilities'.
'digital_io_port' <status> integer Digital I/O port. Note that only output pins can be set. The amount and connection of available (general purpose) I/O pins is model dependent. The available pins can be queried using 'digital_io_capabilities' and its direction can be set with 'digital_io_direction'.
'digital_io_pwm_duty_cycle' 0.0 ... 1.0 float Specifies the duty cycle of the pulse-width modulation. (1.0 corresponds to 100 %)
'digital_io_pwm_frequency' 1.0 ... 10000.0 float Specifies the frequency of the pulse-width modulation in Hz.
'digital_io_pwm_mode' 'disable', 'flash', 'gpio1', 'gpio2' string Sets the current pulse-width modulation mode.
'digital_output' 0, 1 0 integer Digital output. Note that the digital output pin is shared with the strobe signal (the strobe signal uses the digital output) and may influence the strobe settings, thus, don't mix them up!
'do_abort_grab' --- Cancels a pending asynchronous or synchronous grab and clears the image memories. Note that cancelling a grab may take up to 12s, especially when in synchronous acquisition with continuous_grabbing disabled.
'do_force_trigger' --- Forces an event trigger when using the external trigger. This might be useful for testing purposes.
'do_load_parameters' '<ini_file_name>' string Loads parameter set of the used camera from the camera non-volatile user memory or from an ini file. To load the parameters from the userset, specify '/cam/set1'.
'do_save_parameters' '<ini_file_name>' string Stores the current parameter set of the used camera into the cameras non-volatile user memory or into an ini file. To store the parameters to the userset, specify '/cam/set1'. This file can be used to restore this parameters by calling open_framegrabber with the file name in the parameter CameraType or calling set_framegrabber_param(...,'do_load_parameters',...).
If the button in the HDevelop Image Acquisition Assistant is used, an ini file with the name of the used camera model will be saved to the current %HALCONROOT% directory.
'edge_enhancement' 'disable', 'strong', 'weak' 'disable' string Edge enhancement mode.
'exposure' 0.0, <milliseconds>, 'auto', 'manual' mixed Exposure time (in milliseconds) of the camera. Note that the value range depends on the current pixel clock and frame rate settings. It can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'exposure_range',...). If the value is equal to 0.0, the exposure time will be set to 1 / (frame_rate). This value may be larger than max. You can leave the 'auto' mode by setting the value to 'manual' or simply enter a valid float value. Please note that if auto exposure is enabled, you cannot change the pixel clock setting. Note, that any modification of the exposure time will only affect images which are not already grabbed and not pre-existing inside the internal buffer queue.
'exposure_longterm' 'enable', 'disable' string Controls the long term exposure feature. Depending on the camera model long term exposure is only supported in trigger mode but not in freerun mode.
'extended_pixelclock' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Enables/disables the extended pixel clock range. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'external_trigger' 'false', 'true' string Enables/disables the trigger mode. Be aware of the settings that your camera supplies. Note that disabling the trigger mode disables the snapshot mode (UI-3013XC).
'face_detection' 'disable', 'enable' string Controls the face detection mode for UI-3013XC. For UI-3013XC, the face detection is only active in live mode but not in snapshot mode.
'face_detection_line_width' <line width> integer Configures the line width set for the overlay boxes that indicate the detected faces in the live image.
'face_detection_max_num_overlays' <max num overlays> integer Configures the maximum available overlays for face detection.
'face_detection_search_angle' 0, 90, 270 integer Sets a search angle (facial orientation angle) for face detection.
'face_detection_search_angle_mode' 'disable', 'enable' string Enables or disables the search angle mode for face detection.
'flash_delay' 0, <min> ... <max> integer Sets the delay of the flash. This value is specified in microseconds. Use 0 for no delay.
'flash_duration' 0, <min> ... <max> integer Sets the duration of the flash. When 0 is specified the flash will remain active until exposure finished. For sensors with global start shutter the flash will remain active until the exposure of the first line finished. This value is specified in microseconds.
'flash_mode' 'off', 'trigger_low', 'trigger_high', 'constant_high', 'constant_low', 'freerun_low', 'freerun_high' string Sets the flash mode. Parameter 'external_trigger' must be set to 'true' before 'trigger_low' or 'trigger_high' can be used. This parameter affected when changing parameter 'digital_output'. Note that there may be an additional delay depending on the mode.
'flip_horizontal' 'false', 'true' 'false' string Horizontal image flipping (supported by all uEye models).
'flip_vertical' 'false', 'true' 'false' string Vertical image flipping. If the specific uEye camera does not support vertical flipping, the image will be flipped in the software.
'focus' <min> ... <max>, 'manual', 'auto', 'once' integer, string Controls the focus of the objective lens if supported by the uEye model. This function is currently only supported by the USB uEye XS and UI-3013XC camera model.
'focus_zone_aoi_preset' 'center', 'upper_left', 'bottom_left', 'upper_right', 'bottom_right', 'upper_center', 'bottom_center', 'center_left' string Specifies the zone in the focus measuring area to be focused for UI-3013XC camera model. Note that focusing on the previously specified zone will only work snapshot mode. In freerun mode, the camera always focuses on the image center.
'fpn_correction_dataloading_mode' 'enable', 'disable' 'enable' string Enables/disables data loading of FPN correction data. Opening the camera is faster when disabled. This mode is saved per camera. The calibrated FPN data will not be lost when disabling.
'fpn_correction_mode' 'disable', 'hardware' 'disable' string Fixed pattern noise (FPN) correction.
'frame_rate' <fps>, 'auto', 'manual' mixed Frame rate of the camera in frames per second. Note that the value range depends on the current pixel clock and exposure settings. It can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'frame_rate_range',...). You can leave the 'auto' mode by setting the value to 'manual' or simply enter a valid float value. The 'auto' value can only be set if auto exposure is enabled and 'gain_master' is not set to 'auto'.
'gain_b' 0 ... 100 integer Blue gain multiplier of the camera in percent. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_boost' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Additional gain boost feature of some uEye models. See uEye documentation for more details.
'gain_factor_b' 100 ... <max> integer Linear blue gain multiplier of the camera. A value of 357 means a factor of 3.57. The maximum value can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'gain_factor_b_range',...). Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_factor_g' 100 ... <max> integer Linear green gain multiplier of the camera. A value of 357 means a factor of 3.57. The maximum value can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'gain_factor_g_range',...). Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_factor_master' 100 ... <max> integer Linear master gain multiplier of the camera. A value of 357 means a factor of 3.57. The maximum value can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'gain_factor_master_range',...).
'gain_factor_r' 100 ... <max> integer Linear red gain multiplier of the camera. A value of 357 means a factor of 3.57. The maximum value can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'gain_factor_r_range',...). Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_g' 0 ... 100 integer Green gain multiplier of the camera in percent. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_master' 0 ... 100, 'auto', 'manual' mixed Master gain multiplier of the camera in percent. You can leave the 'auto' mode by setting the value to 'manual'.
'gain_r' 0 ... 100 integer Red gain multiplier of the camera in percent. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gamma' 0.01 ... 10.0 1.0 float Gamma correction value of the camera.
'global_shutter' 'disable', 'enable' string Enables or disables the global (start) shutter mode of some models. Note that such models are always operating in rolling shutter mode when in free-run.
'gpio_configuration' 'gpio_input', 'gpio_output', 'gpio_flash', 'gpio_pwm', 'gpio_comport_rx', 'gpio_comport_rt', 'gpio_mim', 'gpio_trigger', 0, 1 string, integer Specifies how the selected GPIO should be used. The parameter name with appended GPIO number has to be specified e.g. 'gpio_configuration_1' for the first GPIO, 'gpio_configuration_2' for the second GPIO. The parameter returns a tuple with GPIO configuration as first element and the GPIO state as second element. To query all supported values, the '_values' modifier has to be used after the appended GPIO number. Please note that a state (0 or 1) could be passed as second tuple element e.g. ['gpio_output', 1].
'grab_timeout' 100 ... 214748360 5000 integer Desired timeout (milliseconds) for aborting a pending grab. If -1 is specified, the timeout is set to INFINITE.
'hdr_kneepoints' [<x1>, <y1>, <xn>, <yn>, ... ] float The x value of a knee point indicates the first phase of the currently set exposure time (in %). The y value indicates the proportion of maximum pixel intensity in percent. If two knee points are used, you can set two phases in which the images will not be exposed. This means that two corresponding times will be set on the x-axis.
For instance, the effects of setting x = 60, y = 80 would be as follows: The first exposure phase takes up 60 % of the set exposure time. In this first exposure phase, all pixels are exposed up to a maximum of 80 % of the maximum pixel intensity and remain at 80 % until this phase is over. In the second exposure phase, they are exposed again and may reach the full pixel intensity.
Note: n = number of HDR kneepoints.
'hdr_kneepoints_mode' 'disable', 'enable' string Enables/disables HDR mode.
'horizontal_resolution' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16 integer Changes the horizontal resolution by subsampling the sensor image by the given factor. The possible factors vary with the camera model. The parameter 'subsampling_method' determines the applied method to achieve that resolution. Note that by changing this value in asynchronous mode all images in the image queue, which are not already grabbed, will be discarded.
'image_delay' 0 ... 2147483647 integer Sets the internal camera delay of the image transfer in microseconds.
'image_effect' 'disable', 'monochrome', 'negative', 'sepia' 'disable' string Sets the image effect. Only supported by the USB uEye XS camera model.
'image_format' <image_format> string Several common image formats can be set. The driver then sets the selected format using either ROI, binning / subsampling, or scaler, so that it achieves the best image quality. Note that changing any of these parameters may result in an 'undefined' image format. Note that some image formats are only available in snapshot mode (UI-3013XC). Snapshot mode is configured by disabling continuous_grabbing and enabling the software trigger mode.
'image_height' <height> 0 integer Alters the captured image part by changing the height component. Note that image height cannot be greater than specified with open_framegrabber call. Note that by changing this value in asynchronous mode all images in the image queue, which are not already grabbed, will be discarded.
'image_memory_compatibility_mode' 'enable', 'disable' string Enables/Disables the image memory compatibility mode. This mode must be enabled in order to modify the memory mode. Administrative permissions are required for this parameter. See also example ueye_memory_mode.
'image_part' [<row1>, <col1>, <row2>, <col2>] integer Specifies the upper left (row1, col1) and lower right corner (row2, col2) of the desired rectangular image part which will be actually acquired by the camera. Note that there are model dependent grids for row1 and col1 as well as for resulting width and height. The function automatically aligns the values if they are within the valid range.
'image_part_origin' [<row1>, <col1>] integer Allows changing the ROI position very quickly by using the upper left corner (row1, col1) of the desired rectangular image part, which will be actually acquired by the camera. The command is currently not supported by all uEye cameras. 'bad_pixel_correction' correction has to be disabled.
'image_width' <width> 0 integer Alters the captured image part by changing the width component. Note that image width cannot be greater than specified with open_framegrabber call. Note that by changing this value in asynchronous mode all images in the image queue, which are not already grabbed, will be discarded.
'led' 'enable', 'disable', 'state1', 'state2', 'blink_enable', 'blink_disable', 'blink_5_times', 'toggle' string You can toggle the color of the LED on the back of the USB uEye SE/RE camera housing. For USB 3.0 or USB SE Rev. 4 cameras you can enable/disable LED or enable blinking to identify the device. Note that these features are not supported by all cameras. 'state1' will set the cameras LED color to orange, 'state2' to green if supported.
'level_controlled_trigger' 'enable', 'disable' string By using the level-controlled trigger, the exposure time is directly controlled via the duration of the trigger signal.
'linescan_row' <row1> integer Allows to setup the scan line used for the line scan mode. The line scan mode can be activated via the 'shutter_mode' parameter value 'linescan'. Only supported if 'shutter_mode' is set to 'linescan' and by UI-124x/UI-125x/UI-324x/UI-325x/UI-524x/UI-525x monochrome models.
'log_mode' 'auto', 'manual', 'off' 'auto' string Controls the Log mode. Only supported by UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x models.
'log_mode_gain' <min> ... <max> integer Sets the manual gain of the Log mode. Only if 'log_mode' is set to 'manual'.
'log_mode_value' <min> ... <max> integer Sets the manual value of the Log mode. Only if 'log_mode' is set to 'manual'.
'lut' 'astro1', 'cold_hot', 'disable', 'enable', 'glow1', 'glow2', 'identity', 'map1', 'negative', 'only_blue', 'only_green', 'only_red', 'rainbow1', 'sepic' string Enables, disables the lookup table, or activates one of the presets. You have to use a hardware color processing mode in order to use lookup tables. (Use parameter 'color_conversion' with value 'hw'). Note that setting a lookup table with the operator set_framegrabber_lut the lookup table is implicitly enabled.
'memory_mode' 'enable', 'disable' 'enable' string Enables or disables the image memory of the USB 3 uEye CP Rev. 2 camera. Caution! If you operate the camera with activated image memory, the camera can become very hot depending on the sensor model and the ambient conditions. To avoid burns when handling the camera or overheating, you must provide sufficient heat dissipation. Since version 4.81 of the uEye SDK the feature is enabled by default. In order to disable it you have to enable the compatibility mode using parameter 'image_memory_compatibility_mode'. Changes to this parameter only take effect after closing the camera.
'mim' 'disable', 'gpio1', 'gpio2', 'software' string Controls the multi integration mode for UI-325x camera model. Note that the trigger mode has to be enabled to use the multi integration mode.
'mim_cycles' [<integration1>, <pause1>, <integration2>, <pause2>, <integration n>, <pause n>, ... ] float Configures the multi integration mode cycles as a list of floats pairs with up to 64 integration/duration pairs. The odd value specifies the integration duration (ms), the even value specifies the pause duration (ms).
'multi_roi_axes' [<row1>, <col1>, <row2>, <col2>, <row3>, <col3>, <row4>, <col4>] integer Changes the multi ROI and sets the multi ROI axes for the four ROIs. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'multi_roi_mode' 'disable' string Configures the multi ROI (Note: For enabling see parameter 'multi_roi_axes'). Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'multi_roi_row_axes' [<row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7, row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15, row16>] integer Multi ROI mode supported by UI-336x/UI-337x/UI-536x/UI-537x models with up to 8 ROIs (16 y-axis).
'multi_roi_row_mode' 'disable' string Configures the multi row ROI (Note: For enabling see parameter 'multi_roi_row_axes'). Only supported by UI-336x/UI-337x/UI-536x/UI-537x models.
'packet_interval' 0 ... 2147483647 integer Sets the packet interval for the image transfer in microseconds.
'persistent_memory' string Accesses the cameras internal user memory. When reading or writing memory the parameters 'persistent_memory_config_type', 'persistent_memory_config_offset', 'persistent_memory_config_termination' and 'persistent_memory_config_size' specify how the memory is being written/read from.
'persistent_memory_config_do_reset' --- Resets the persistent memory configuration parameters to their default value.
'persistent_memory_config_offset' [0, <max>, <increment>] 0 integer Specifies the offset from where to read/write the memory block. When the sum of the given offset and size specified by 'persistent_memory_config_size' exceeds the memory size given by the camera, the size will be set to maxSize - offset. A change to the size is only made if the size setting is not in automatic mode.
'persistent_memory_config_size' [0, <max>, <increment>] 0 integer Specifies the amount of memory to read. The maximum amount is defined by the current memory size minus the specified offset of the parameter 'persistent_memory_config_offset'.
'persistent_memory_config_termination' 'enable', 'disable' 'enable' string Enables/disables null termination writing. When this mode is enabled a null termination character will be appended at the end of the data. The size of the data when reading is limited by the size set by 'persistent_memory_config_size' or until a null termination character occurs.
'persistent_memory_config_type' 'user', 'extended' 'user' string Specifies the memory section to access using the 'persistent_memory' parameter. Different memory sections depend on the camera model. A list of supported memory sections can be found in the uEye documentation.
'photometry_shutter' 'center_average', 'center_spot', 'center_weighted' string Sets the photometry mode for auto shutter for the camera model UI-3013XC.
'pixel_clock' <MHz> integer Pixel clock of the camera (MHz passed as an integer). Note that the value range depends on the embedded sensor and can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'pixel_clock_range',...). Some uEye cameras only support discrete pixel clocks. Use the 'pixel_clock_list' parameter to query all supported pixel clocks of the camera.
'power_delivery_profile' '5V_low_power', '5V_high_power', '9V', '12V', '14V8', '15V' '5V_low_power' string Sets a power delivery profile for USB 3.1 cameras. When changing the profile the voltage and current provided to the camera will actually change. The values returned depend on the power supply and it's supported modes. Every mode except 5V_low_power supplies a maximum current of 1A for the user. Note that the PC hardware and camera must support this feature. An USB Type-C cable is also required.
'rgb_color_model' 'Adobe RGB 6500K', 'CIE-RGB Norm E', 'ECI-RGB 5000K', 'sRGB 5000K', 'sRGB 6500K' 'sRGB 5000K' string Selects between different color spaces. A specific color temperature will result in slightly differing RGB values, depending on the selected color space.
Using color_temperature you can fix a setting (in Kelvin) for the color temperature of an image when you are using a color camera.
  • 'Adobe RGB 6500K': Adobe RGB color space with a white point of 6500 Kelvin (mid daylight). The Adobe RGB color space is larger than the sRGB color space, but not all devices can render it.
  • 'CIE-RGB Norm E': CIE-RGB color space with standard illumination E
  • 'ECI-RGB 5000K': ECI-RGB color space with a white point of 5000 Kelvin (warm light).
  • 'sRGB 5000K': sRGB (standard RGB) color space with a white point of 5000 Kelvin (warm light).
  • 'sRGB 6500K': sRGB (standard RGB) color space with a white point of 6500 Kelvin (mid daylight).
'roi' [<row1, col1, row2, col2>] integer See parameter 'image_part'.
'sensor_bit_depth' 10, 12, -1 integer Sets the bit depth of the sensor. With the -1 setting the software selects the appropriate sensor bit depth to the chosen image format. The bit depth can also be selected independent from the image format. Attention: As you can choose combinations that do not fit, this function should be used by experts only. In most cases the auto control is sufficient. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'sensor_scaler_factor' 1.0 ... <max> float Specifies the scaling factor. Internal image scaling is only supported by UI-149x/UI-549x, UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x series sensors. Note that the sensor scaler mode has to be enabled to apply a new sensor scaler factor. Please also note that disabling the sensor scaler mode, the sensor scaler factor is set back to the default value.
'sensor_scaler_mode' 'disable', 'enable', 'enable_antialiasing' string Configures internal image scaling for some sensors. This allows to reduce the image resolution by adjustable factors. Thus, the amount of data from high resolution sensors can be reduced. Internal image scaling is only supported by UI-149x/UI-549x, UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x series sensors.
'sensor_source_gain' -10 ... 4 0 integer Master source gain of the sensor. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'sequence_roi_mode' 'ROI 1', 'ROI 1|2', 'ROI 1|2|3', 'ROI 1|2|3|4' string Sets one of the four possible sequence ROI modes (Note: ROI 1 is the normal ROI). Only supported by UI-124x/UI-125x/UI-324x/UI-325x/UI-524x/UI-525x models. See uEye documentation for further details.
'sequence_roi_parameter' [<index> (integer), <parameter> (string), <value> (integer, float)] integer Sets the sequence ROI parameters for each ROI. Only supported by UI-124x/UI-125x/UI-324x/UI-325x/UI-524x/UI-525x models. The ROIs are transferred together as one image. Possible values for ROI index are 2, 3 or 4. The parameter has to be specified as followed. Please note, that the parameters value is always an integer type, except the two parameters 'exposure' and 'scalerFactor', that are of the type float.
  • 'numberOfCycleRepetitions': Number of readout cycles.
  • 'posX': x position of the ROI.
  • 'posY': y position of the ROI.
  • 'exposure': Exposure time.
  • 'gain': Gain
  • 'binning': Binning mode (not supported yet).
  • 'subsampling': Subsampling mode (not supported yet).
  • 'detachImageParameters': 0 = Every change of the exposure time and the master gain is copied from ROI 1 to the additional ROIs (default). As a change of ROI 1 also resets the exposure time, this change is also transferred to ROI 2, 3, and 4.
    1 = A change of exposure time, gain or position of ROI 1 does not affect the parameters of ROI 2, 3, and 4.
  • 'scalerFactor': Scaling factor (not supported yet).
'sequencer_configuration_enabled' 'true', 'false' string Enables/disables sequencer configuration mode. The sequencer mode must be disabled first and a trigger signal must be set.
'sequencer_configuration_load' <file_path> string Loads a sequencer configuration. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled first.
'sequencer_configuration_save' <file_path> string Saves a sequencer configuration. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled first.
'sequencer_do_reset' --- Resets the sequencer and its current configuration.
'sequencer_feature_enabled' 'true', 'false' string Enables/disables the selected sequencer feature. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled and a sequencer set must be selected.
'sequencer_feature_selected' 'exposure', 'gain', 'aoi_offset_x', 'aoi_offset_y', 'flash' string Sets the selected sequencer feature. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled first.
'sequencer_mode_enabled' 'true', 'false' string Enables/disables the sequencer mode. The sequencer configuration mode must be disabled first.
'sequencer_set_do_save' --- Saves the selected sequencer set. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled and a sequencer set must be selected.
'sequencer_set_path' [0..1, 0..31, <'trigger_source_off', 'trigger_source_frame_end', 'trigger_source_frame_start', 'trigger_source_exposure_end'>, ''] string, integer, float Sets the sequencer path of the selected set. After the specified trigger source gets triggered, the sequencer will step to the sequencer set index specified by the second tuple value. With trigger_source_off specified as trigger source the sequencer will not step to the next set. The last parameter is currently unused.
'sequencer_set_selected' 0..31 integer Sets the selected sequencer set. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled first.
'sequencer_set_start' 0..31 integer Sets the first sequencer set in the sequence. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled first.
'show_internal_errors' 'false', 'true' string Enables error messages sent by uEye driver. Errors will be displayed in a separate message box.
'shutter_mode' 'global_alternative_timing', 'global_shutter', 'global_start_shutter_disable', 'global_start_shutter_enable', 'linescan', 'rolling_global_start', 'rolling_shutter' string Sets the specified shutter mode. Note that not all uEye models support this parameter.
  • 'global_start_shutter_enable', 'global_start_shutter_disable': The global start shutter function is only supported in trigger mode. Only supported by UI-148x/UI-348x/UI-548x and UI-158x/UI-358x/UI-558x models.
  • 'linescan', 'global_alternative_timing', 'global_shutter', 'rolling_global_start', 'rolling_shutter': Only supported by UI-124x/UI-125x/UI-324x/UI-325x/UI-524x/UI-525x models. (See parameter 'linescan_row').
'standby' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Standby parameter turns the camera into a power saving mode. This parameter can only be set with uEye driver version 3.10 or higher.
'start_async_after_grab_async' 'disable', 'enable' 'enable' string By default a new asynchronous grab command is automatically given to the acquisition device at the end of grab_image_async. If the parameter 'start_async_after_grab_async' is set to 'disable', this new grab command is omitted.
'start_column' 0 ... <max - width> integer Altering the captured image part by moving the start column horizontally.
'start_row' 0 ... <max - height> integer Altering the captured image part by moving the start row vertically.
'strobe_delay' <microseconds> 0 integer Delay in microseconds of the flash signal on the digital output. If set to 0 flash delay is deactivated.
'strobe_duration' <microseconds> 0 integer Duration in microseconds of the flash signal on the digital output. If set to 0 the flash signal is enabled as long as the sensor exposures.
'strobe_invert' 'false', 'true' 'false' string If set to 'true', the strobe signal is inverted.
'strobe_io_port' <strobe_outs> integer Allows to set the digital I/O ports to act as strobe output by writing 1 to the corresponding bit position. 'digital_io_capabilities' can be used to query which pins are able to act as strobe out.
'strobe_mode' 'disable', 'enable', 'enable_freerun', 'simulate_global_shutter' 'disable' string Strobe mode:
  • 'enable_freerun' activates the strobe output during free-run mode.
  • 'enable' activates for triggered operations only.
  • 'simulate_global_shutter' sets the parameters 'strobe_delay' and 'strobe_duration' to hit the global exposure time slice on a rolling shutter camera, thus changing any of them may cause the active strobe signal to miss the global exposure window. Note that trigger must be activated.
Note that a return value of 'disable(output)' indicates that flash port is or was used as digital output port (see parameter 'digital_output').
'subsampling_method' 'binning', 'prefer_binning', 'prefer_skipping', 'skipping' 'prefer_skipping' string Chooses the mode used when horizontal and/or vertical resolution is set to a value greater than one. If you choose one of the 'prefer_*' modes the desired resolution is tried to be achieved using the specified method first. A value without a 'prefer_' prefix will refuse any resolutions that cannot be achieved by the selected method.
'test_image' <'none', 'white', 'black', 'horizontal_grayscale', 'vertical_grayscale', 'diagonal_greyscale', 'wedge_gray', 'wegde_color', 'animated_wedge_gray', 'animated_wedge_color', 'color_bars1', 'color_bars2', 'gray_and_color_bars', 'animated_line', 'alternate_pattern', 'variable_gray', 'monochrome_horizontal_bars', 'monochrome_vertical_bars', 'coldpixel_grid', 'hotpixel_grid', 'variable_red_part', 'variable_green_part', 'variable_blue_part', 'wedge_gray_sensor', 'animated_wedge_gray_sensor', 'ramping_pattern', 'chess_pattern'>, <parameter value> 'none' string, integer Sets a sensor test image. The supported test images can be queried by using 'test_image_values'. Note that this parameter is not supported by the XC and XS models. A parameter value should only be given when the test image supports additional parameters.
'timestamp_do_reset' --- Sets once the camera timestamp to 0.
'timestamp_edge' 'falling', 'rising' string The timestamp is set by rising or falling edge.
'timestamp_pin' 'gpio1', 'gpio2', 'ignore', 'trigger' string Pin for setting the timestamp.
'transfer_image_destination' 'device_memory', 'user_memory' string Configures the memory mode for GigE uEye cameras. After the 'device_memory' is enabled, the continuous trigger mode has to be started via grab_image_start. The camera captures a new iteration cycle (single image if burst_size is 1) or an image sequence (burst size > 1) for every trigger signal, until the memory limit is reached. The oldest image is transferred from the camera with grab_image_async. After the image was transferred, it is discarded in the camera memory. The trigger modes ('falling', 'rising') and the burst size can also be specified. After setting the transfer_image_destination parameter again, the device memory is cleared and the image acquisition has to be restarted. Note that a call to grab_image_start also clears the device memory. Please note that a call to grab_image will leave memory mode. Please also note that the GigE memory mode will only work in hardware trigger mode.
'trigger_debouncing_delay' <microseconds> integer Suppresses disturbances at the digital input if you are running a GigE uEye camera in trigger mode. The signal at the digital input is only recognized as a trigger if the signal level remains constant at the target level for a user-selectable delay time. The signal edge can be set using parameter 'trigger_debouncing_mode'.
Note that this function is currently only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'trigger_debouncing_mode' 'automatic', 'both edges', 'disable', 'falling edge', 'rising edge' 'disable' string The signal edge used for the trigger debounce function. The delay can be set using 'trigger_debouncing_delay'. It is recommended to use automatic signal edge selection.
Note that this function is currently only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
  • 'automatic': debounces the digital input with automatic edge selection. The edge is selected based on the set trigger edge (see parameter 'trigger_signal').
  • 'both edges': debounces the digital input for rising or falling edge signals.
  • 'disable': disables debouncing the digital input.
  • 'falling edge': debounces the digital input for falling edge signals.
  • 'rising edge': debounces the digital input for rising edge signals.
'trigger_delay' <microseconds> 0 integer Adjustable time in microseconds to wait after the trigger edge before the acquisition begins. If set to 0 trigger delay is deactivated.
'trigger_signal' 'falling', 'rising', 'software', 'sync_falling', 'sync_rising' string Type of the trigger signal. Models which support trigger synchronisation enable you to synchronize several cameras in free-run mode.
Note that setting a trigger signal enables trigger mode (see parameter 'external_trigger' = true). Note that for using the snapshot mode (UI-3013XC) the software trigger has to be enabled. Please also note that 'falling' and 'rising' are only usable for GigE memory mode.
'vertical_resolution' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16 integer Changes the vertical resolution by subsampling the sensor image by the given factor. The possible factors vary with the camera model. The parameter 'subsampling_method' determines the applied method to achieve that resolution. Note that by changing this value in asynchronous mode all images in the image queue, which are not already grabbed, will be discarded.
'vertical_roi_merge_height' <min> ... <max> 0 integer Sets the height of each vertical ROI in the vertical ROI merge mode. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details. Note that this parameter is only available if 'vertical_roi_merge_mode' is not disabled.
'vertical_roi_merge_mode' 'disable', 'freerun', 'triggered_software', 'triggered_hardware_falling_GPIO1', 'triggered_hardware_rising_GPIO1', 'triggered_hardware_falling_GPIO2', 'triggered_hardware_rising_GPIO2' 'disable' integer The vertical ROI merge mode is a special mode which imitates the behavior of a line scan camera. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details. The vertical ROI merge mode combines the lines of an ROI to a new image. For example a monochrome sensor is operated with an ROI height of 1 and an image height 1000 pixels. So 1000 ROI are merged to an image with a height of 1000 pixels. Note that the set image height must be a multiple of the ROI height. For color sensors the ROI height must be 2 at least for transmitting the color information. Note that 'continuous_grabbing' has to be enabled to use the vertical ROI merge mode. Also the images should be acquired using 'grab_image_async'. After the vertical ROI merge mode was set, the image height should be adjusted. The maximum image height is 8000 for color models and 4000 for monochrome models. Note also if using the extended vertical ROI merge mode (vertical_roi_merge_position_2): The height of each single ROI is half of the height in normal ROI merge mode. Therefore, only even ROI heights are possible. The setting range of the additional position depends on the total ROI height and the first position. The setting range of the second position changes when the first position is changed.
  • 'disable': Disables ROI merge mode.
  • 'freerun': Enables the ROI merge mode in free run mode. (The single ROIs are acquired in free run mode with maximum speed.)
  • 'triggered_software': Enables the ROI merge mode. The single ROIs are triggered via software.
  • 'triggered_hardware_falling_GPIO1': Triggered line scan mode with frame and line trigger. The single ROI is triggered on GPIO 1 (falling edge).
  • 'triggered_hardware_rising_GPIO1': Triggered line scan mode with frame and line trigger. The single ROI is triggered on GPIO 1 (rising edge).
  • 'triggered_hardware_falling_GPIO2': Triggered line scan mode with frame and line trigger. The single ROI is triggered on GPIO 2 (falling edge).
  • 'triggered_hardware_rising_GPIO2': Triggered line scan mode with frame and line trigger. The single ROI is triggered on GPIO 2 (rising edge).
'vertical_roi_merge_position' 0 ... <max> 0 integer Sets the line position for the ROI of the ROI merge mode. Note that this parameter is only available if vertical_roi_merge_mode is not disabled. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'vertical_roi_merge_position_2' <min> ... <max> 0 integer Sets the line position for the second ROI for the extended ROI merge mode. Note that this parameter is only available if vertical_roi_merge_mode is not disabled. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'volatile' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Grayscale only. In the volatile mode the image acquisition interface buffers are used directly to store HALCON images. This is the fastest mode avoiding to copy raw images in memory. However, be aware that older images are overwritten again and again as a side-effect. Thus, you can only process one image while you grab another image. Older images are invalid!
Note that due to different line pitch and alignment, the volatile mode is only possible with full resolution for this session (the one specified in open_framegrabber.
Please also note that this parameter cannot be set if the Generic parameter 'num_buffers' is used with a value different from the default value.
'wdr_mode' 'disable', 'enable' string Using this special mode, you can capture images with a higher dynamic range for UI-3013XC camera model.
'white_balance' 'auto', 'auto_once', 'disable', 'user' string White balance mode:
  • 'auto': Automatic white balance using the RGB gain if the camera has one
  • 'auto_once': Use automatic white balance only once.
  • 'disable': Disable white balancing.
  • 'user': Enable manual white balancing, see set_framegrabber_param(...,'white_balance_X',...).
'zoom' <min> ... <max> 1.0 float Controls the zoom function of the lens or sensor (digital zoom) if supported by the camera. This function is currently only supported by the camera models XS and UI-3013XC. The function always zooms in on the image center. Please note that the XS camera model supports the '_range' parameter extension and the UI-3013XC supports the '_values' parameter extension.

Parameters for get_framegrabber_param

There may exist additional read-only parameters with the following postfixes:
  • '_description': These parameters provide the tool-tip of the corresponding parameter as a string.
  • '_range': These parameters provide the minimum, maximum, step width, and default values for the corresponding integer or float parameter as a tuple with 4 elements, e.g., get_framegrabber_param(.., 'Shutter_range', ..) will return the output tuple [min, max, step, default].
  • '_values': These parameters provide the valid value list for the corresponding parameter as a tuple, e.g., get_framegrabber_param(.., 'volatile_values', ..) will return the output tuple ['enable', 'disable'].

All these postfixed parameter names are not returned when calling info_framegrabber(.., 'parameters', ..) and are used to enable the easy parameterization via a generic graphical user interface, particularly the HDevelop Image Acquisition Assistant.

Parameter Values Default Type Kind Description
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_enabled' 'true', 'false' string pre-defined Returns if adaptive hot pixel correction is enabled.
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_mode' 'once', 'dynamic', 'once_cluster', 'dynamic_cluster' string pre-defined Returns the mode for adaptive hot pixel correction.
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_num_detected' integer dynamic Returns the number of detected hot pixels for the last image.
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_num_detected_cluster' integer dynamic Returns the number of detected hot pixel clusters for the last image.
'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_sensitivity' 1 ... 5 3 integer dynamic Returns the sensitivity of the adaptive hot pixel correction.
'agc' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string dynamic Auto gain control of the camera to achieve an average brightness value specified with the parameter 'auto_brightness_reference'.
'allow_raw_with_lut' 'enable', 'disable' 'disable' string pre-defined The camera LUT can also be used with RAW formats (ETH and USB 3.0 cameras).
'anti_flicker_mode' 'disable', 'enable', 'fixed_50', 'fixed_60' string dynamic Returns the anti-flicker mode for the UI-3013XC camera model.
'api_timeout' 0, 4...429496729 0 (= uEye API's default timeout of 60 seconds) integer dynamic Internal timeout used by uEye API functions in steps of 10 ms (4 = 40ms). The timeout starts in asynchronous mode with the call of grab_image_start and in synchronous mode with the call of grab_image. Note that this timeout may be different from the timeout set with the parameter 'grab_timeout' and will influence only uEye's internal behaviour.
'auto_blacklevel_comp' 'disable', 'enable' string pre-defined Automatic black level compensation. A given black level offset (see parameter 'offset'.) will be added to the compensation value.
'auto_brightness_max_exp' 0.0, <max_exp> float dynamic Upper limit of the exposure time when used to control the image brightness automatically.
'auto_brightness_max_gain' <max_gain> float dynamic Upper limit of gain when used to control the image brightness automatically.
'auto_brightness_reference' 0 ... 255 128 integer dynamic Brightness reference value which should be achieved by auto gain and auto exposure.
'auto_brightness_roi' [<row1>,<col1>,<row2>,<col2>] current image roi integer dynamic Specifies the area of interest in which the average brightness value used for auto gain and auto exposure should be evaluated. Note that changes to the image ROI reset the auto brightness ROI to the same coordinates.
'auto_brightness_speed' 0 ... 100 integer dynamic Returns the speed (percentage of examined images) of the automatic brightness control unit.
'auto_contrast_correction' -2.0 ... 0.0 ... 2.0 float dynamic Returns the auto contrast correction for the UI-3013XC camera model. 0.0 is disabled auto contrast correction.
'auto_whitebalance_max_gain' <min> ...100 integer dynamic Returns the limit of the maximum gain for red, green and blue channels, when used by the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'auto_whitebalance_min_gain' 0 ...<max> integer dynamic Limits the minimum gain for red, green and blue channels, when used by the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'auto_whitebalance_offset_b' <blue_offset> float dynamic Offset for the blue gain channel relative to the green one when used by the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'auto_whitebalance_offset_r' <red_offset> float dynamic Offset for the red gain channel relative to the green one when used by the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'auto_whitebalance_roi' [<row1>, <col1>, <row2>, <col2>] current image roi integer dynamic Area of interest which in which the auto white balance function should work. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras. Note that changes to the image ROI reset the auto white balance ROI to the same coordinates.
'auto_whitebalance_speed' 0 ... 100 integer dynamic Returns the speed (percentage of examined images) of the automatic white balance control unit. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'available_callback_types' 'frame_ready', 'ready_for_trigger', 'first_packet_received', 'query_capture_status', 'device_removed', 'device_reconnected' string dynamic Gets the available callback types.
'backlight_compensation' 'disable', 'enable' string dynamic Returns the backlight compensation mode for camera models UI-3013XC and XS.
'bad_pixel_correction' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Returns if hot pixels of the image sensor are corrected.
'bits_per_channel' 5, 8, 10, 12, 16 8 integer pre-defined Number of bits per channel of the resulting HALCON image. In case of -1 the current bit depth of the camera is used. By specifying a value greater than 8 the grabbed images are delivered as uint2 images.
'black_level_mode' 'auto', 'manual' string dynamic Sets the black level mode.
'black_level_offset' 0 ... 255 integer dynamic Sets the black level offset.
'black_reference' 'rows_top', 'columns_left', 'disable' string pre-defined Displays black columns in the image which can be used to calibrate the black level. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'burst_size' 1 ... 429496729 integer dynamic In burst trigger mode, the camera captures a series of images in rapid succession on receipt of a single trigger signal.
'camera_id' 1 ... 255 integer dynamic Returns the camera ID of the uEye device.
'camera_info' '<camera_info>' string dynamic Serial number, type, version, and date of QC of the camera.
'camera_type' 'falcon', '/cam/set1', '/cam/set2', '<ueye_model_name>', '<ini_file_name>' 'default' string pre-defined Current camera type.
'capture_status' [<API_CONVERSION_FAILED>, <API_IMAGE_LOCKED>, <API_NO_DEST_MEM>, <DEV_TIMEOUT>, <DRV_DEVICE_NOT_READY>, <DRV_OUT_OF_BUFFERS>, <ETH_BUFFER_OVERRUN>, <ETH_MISSED_IMAGES>, <USB_TRANSFER_FAILED>] integer dynamic Returns information on errors that occurred during an image capture. All errors are listed that occurred since the last capture_status_do_reset command. Note that only uEye API capture errors will show up in the capture_status list. Please note that operator timeouts (set with grab_timeout) will not show up in the capture status list.
  • API_CONVERSION_FAILED: The current image could not be processed correctly.
  • API_IMAGE_LOCKED: The destination buffers are locked and could not be written to.
  • API_NO_DEST_MEM: There is no destination memory for copying the finished image.
  • DEV_TIMEOUT: The maximum allowable time for image capturing in the camera was exceeded. (set by api_timeout)
  • DRV_DEVICE_NOT_READY: The camera is no longer available. It is not possible to access images that have already been transferred.
  • DRV_OUT_OF_BUFFERS: No free internal image memory is available to the driver. The image was discarded.
  • ETH_BUFFER_OVERRUN: The sensor transfers more data than the internal camera memory of the GigE uEye camera can accommodate.
  • ETH_MISSED_IMAGES: Freerun mode: The GigE uEye camera could neither process nor output an image captured by the sensor.
  • USB_TRANSFER_FAILED: The image was not transferred over the USB bus.
'color_conversion' '3x3', '5x5', 'hw' '3x3' string dynamic Selects the Bayer conversion mask, and thus the quality and performance of the image color conversion. If set to 'hw' the camera itself outputs the desired color format which may result in increased bandwidth.
'color_correction' 'bg40', 'disable', 'enable', 'hq' 'enable' string pre-defined Color correction mode. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
  • 'bg40': Enable color correction for cameras with optical IR filter glasses of the BG40 type.
  • 'disable': Disable color correction.
  • 'enable': Enable simple color correction.
  • 'hq': Enable color correction for cameras with optical IR filter glasses of the HQ type.
'color_space' 'raw', 'gray', 'rgb', 'rgby', 'rgb555' 'default' string pre-defined Desired color space and thus the number of image channels of the resulting HALCON image.
'color_temperature' <Kelvin> integer dynamic Color temperature for auto white balance. You can fix a setting (in Kelvin) for the color temperature of an image when you are using a color camera. The function will use the sensor's hardware gain controls for the setting, as far as possible.
Using rgb_color_model you can choose between different color spaces. A specific color temperature will result in slightly differing RGB values, depending on the selected color space.
Note that this function cannot be used simultaneously with the automatic white balance function.
'compatibility_mode' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined FALCON/EAGLE compatibility mode, see paragraph above.
'configuration_openmp' 'disable', 'enable' string pre-defined Returns if multicore processing for image debayering is enabled.
'continuous_grabbing' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined If the continuous grabbing mode is enabled, the camera grabs all the time. Using this mode, you can achieve full frame rate. If the continuous grabbing mode is disabled, the camera is set to single frame capture and the image queue is not used. Note that this mode cannot be used while 'memory_module' is enabled. Note that for using the snapshot mode (UI-3013XC) the continuous grabbing has to be disabled. Please also note that the usage of grab_image disables the continuous mode.
'convert_to_gray' 'disable', 'enable' string dynamic Returns if conversion to gray scale image using camera's capabilities is enabled. Note that this feature will only be available if a camera LUT is enabled.
'device' '<device_id>', '<serial_number>' '0' string dynamic Current device ID.
'digital_input' 0, 1 integer dynamic Read the digital input of the uEye camera. Note that the digital input is physically shared with the trigger input pin.
'digital_io_capabilities' [<ports>, <input>, <output>, <flash>, <pwm>] integer dynamic Bitmasks containing available additional (general purpose) I/O-ports (ports), I/O-ports available as input ports (input), I/O-ports available as output ports (output), I/O-ports usable for flash output (flash) and I/O-ports usable for pulse width modulation.
'digital_io_direction' <direction> integer dynamic Individual direction of the additional digital (general purpose) I/O port pins. A single pin is configured to act as output by writing a 1 to the correspondent bit position. Which pins are capable of acting as input or output can be queried using 'digital_io_capabilities'.
'digital_io_port' <status> integer dynamic Digital I/O port. Note that only output pins can be queried. The amount and connection of available (general purpose) I/O pins is model dependent. The available pins can be queried using 'digital_io_capabilities' and its direction can be set with 'digital_io_direction'.
'digital_io_pwm_duty_cycle' 0.0 ... 1.0 float dynamic Returns the specified duty cycle of the pulse-width modulation. (1.0 corresponds to 100 %)
'digital_io_pwm_frequency' 1.0 ... 10000.0 float dynamic Returns the specified frequency of the pulse-width modulation in Hz.
'digital_io_pwm_mode' 'disable', 'flash', 'gpio1', 'gpio2' string dynamic Returns the current pulse-width modulation mode.
'digital_output' 0, 1 0 integer dynamic Digital output. Note that the digital output pin is shared with the strobe signal (the strobe signal uses the digital output) and may influence the strobe settings, thus, don't mix them up!
'do_load_parameters' '<ini_file_name>' string dynamic Loads parameter set of the used camera from the camera non-volatile user memory or from an ini file. To load the parameters from the userset, specify '/cam/set1'.
'do_save_parameters' '<ini_file_name>' string dynamic Stores the current parameter set of the used camera into the cameras non-volatile user memory or into an ini file. To store the parameters to the userset, specify '/cam/set1'. This file can be used to restore this parameters by calling open_framegrabber with the file name in the parameter CameraType or calling set_framegrabber_param(...,'do_load_parameters',...).
If the button in the HDevelop Image Acquisition Assistant is used, an ini file with the name of the used camera model will be saved to the current %HALCONROOT% directory.
'driver_version' '<version>' string dynamic Version number of the installed uEye driver.
'edge_enhancement' 'disable', 'strong', 'weak' 'disable' string pre-defined Edge enhancement mode.
'exposure' 0.0, <milliseconds>, 'auto', 'manual' mixed dynamic Exposure time (in milliseconds) of the camera. Note that the value range depends on the current pixel clock and frame rate settings. It can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'exposure_range',...). If the value is equal to 0.0, the exposure time will be set to 1 / (frame_rate). This value may be larger than max. You can leave the 'auto' mode by setting the value to 'manual' or simply enter a valid float value. Please note that if auto exposure is enabled, you cannot change the pixel clock setting. Note, that any modification of the exposure time will only affect images which are not already grabbed and not pre-existing inside the internal buffer queue.
'exposure_longterm' 'enable', 'disable' string dynamic Controls the long term exposure feature. Depending on the camera model long term exposure is only supported in trigger mode but not in freerun mode.
'extended_pixelclock' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string dynamic Returns if the extended pixel clock range is enabled. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'external_trigger' 'false', 'true' 'false' string pre-defined Status of the external trigger.
'face_detection' 'disable', 'enable' string dynamic Controls the face detection mode for UI-3013XC. For UI-3013XC, the face detection is only active in live mode but not in snapshot mode.
'face_detection_get_face' [<posX, posY, width, height, size>] integer dynamic Returns an index specified detected face. The parameter name with appended index value has to be specified and passed to get_framegrabber_param, e.g. 'face_detection_get_face_0' for the first detected face, 'face_detection_get_face_1' for the second detected face. Note that the face detection mode has to be enabled.
'face_detection_get_face_list' [<posX1, posY1, width1, height1, size1>, <posXn, posYn, widthn, heightn, sizen>, ...] integer dynamic Returns list of detected faces. Note that the face_dectection mode has to be enabled.
'face_detection_line_width' <line width> integer dynamic Returnes the line width set for the overlay boxes that indicate the detected faces in the live image.
'face_detection_max_num_overlays' <max num overlays> integer dynamic Returns the maximum available overlays for face detection.
'face_detection_num_detected_faces' <num detected faces> integer dynamic Returns the current number of detected faces. Note that the face_dectection mode has to be enabled.
'face_detection_search_angle' 0, 90, 270 integer dynamic Returns the search angle (facial orientation angle) for face detection.
'face_detection_search_angle_mode' 'disable', 'enable' string dynamic Returns if the search angle mode for face detection is enabled.
'field' '<default>' 'default' string pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'flash_delay' 0, <min> ... <max> integer dynamic Returns the delay of the flash. This value is specified in microseconds.
'flash_duration' 0, <min> ... <max> integer dynamic Returns the duration of the flash. When 0 is specified the flash will remain active until exposure finished. For sensors with global start shutter the flash will remain active until the exposure of the first line finished. This value is specified in microseconds.
'flash_mode' 'off', 'trigger_low', 'trigger_high', 'constant_high', 'constant_low', 'freerun_low', 'freerun_high' string pre-defined Returns the flash mode. This parameter affected when changing parameter 'digital_output'. Note that there may be an additional delay depending on the mode.
'flip_horizontal' 'false', 'true' 'false' string pre-defined Horizontal image flipping (supported by all uEye models).
'flip_vertical' 'false', 'true' 'false' string pre-defined Vertical image flipping. If the specific uEye camera does not support vertical flipping, the image will be flipped in the software.
'focus' <min> ... <max>, 'manual', 'auto', 'once' integer, string pre-defined Controls the focus of the objective lens if supported by the uEye model. This function is currently only supported by the USB uEye XS and UI-3013XC camera model.
'focus_zone_aoi_preset' 'center', 'upper_left', 'bottom_left', 'upper_right', 'bottom_right', 'upper_center', 'bottom_center', 'center_left' string dynamic Specifies the zone in the focus measuring area to be focused for UI-3013XC camera model. Note that focusing on the previously specified zone will only work snapshot mode. In freerun mode, the camera always focuses on the image center.
'fpn_correction_dataloading_mode' 'enable', 'disable' 'enable' string pre-defined Returns if data loading of FPN correction data is enabled. Opening the camera is faster when disabled. This mode is saved per camera. The calibrated FPN data will not be lost when disabling.
'fpn_correction_mode' 'disable', 'hardware' 'disable' string dynamic Fixed pattern noise (FPN) correction.
'frame_number' <num images> integer dynamic Returns the internal image number (not chronological)
'frame_rate' <fps>, 'auto', 'manual' mixed dynamic Frame rate of the camera in frames per second. Note that the value range depends on the current pixel clock and exposure settings. It can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'frame_rate_range',...). You can leave the 'auto' mode by setting the value to 'manual' or simply enter a valid float value. The 'auto' value can only be set if auto exposure is enabled and 'gain_master' is not set to 'auto'.
'gain_b' 0 ... 100 integer dynamic Blue gain multiplier of the camera in percent. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_boost' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Additional gain boost feature of some uEye models. See uEye documentation for more details.
'gain_factor_b' 100 ... <max> integer dynamic Linear blue gain multiplier of the camera. A value of 357 means a factor of 3.57. The maximum value can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'gain_factor_b_range',...). Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_factor_g' 100 ... <max> integer dynamic Linear green gain multiplier of the camera. A value of 357 means a factor of 3.57. The maximum value can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'gain_factor_g_range',...). Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_factor_master' 100 ... <max> integer dynamic Linear master gain multiplier of the camera. A value of 357 means a factor of 3.57. The maximum value can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'gain_factor_master_range',...).
'gain_factor_r' 100 ... <max> integer dynamic Linear red gain multiplier of the camera. A value of 357 means a factor of 3.57. The maximum value can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'gain_factor_r_range',...). Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_g' 0 ... 100 integer dynamic Green gain multiplier of the camera in percent. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gain_master' 0 ... 100, 'auto', 'manual' mixed dynamic Master gain multiplier of the camera in percent. You can leave the 'auto' mode by setting the value to 'manual'.
'gain_r' 0 ... 100 integer dynamic Red gain multiplier of the camera in percent. Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras.
'gamma' 0.01 ... 10.0 1.0 float dynamic Gamma correction value of the camera.
'generic' '', 'num_buffers=<num>', -1 -1 mixed pre-defined Values of the Generic parameter.
'global_shutter' 'disable', 'enable' string pre-defined Returns if the global (start) shutter mode is enabled.
'gpio_configuration' 'gpio_input', 'gpio_output', 'gpio_flash', 'gpio_pwm', 'gpio_comport_rx', 'gpio_comport_rt', 'gpio_mim', 'gpio_trigger', 0, 1 string, integer dynamic Specifies how the selected GPIO should be used. The parameter name with appended GPIO number has to be specified e.g. 'gpio_configuration_1' for the first GPIO, 'gpio_configuration_2' for the second GPIO. The parameter returns a tuple with GPIO configuration as first element and the GPIO state as second element. To query all supported values, the '_values' modifier has to be used after the appended GPIO number. Please note that a state (0 or 1) could be passed as second tuple element e.g. ['gpio_output', 1].
'grab_timeout' 100 ... 214748360 5000 integer dynamic Specifies the desired timeout (milliseconds passed as an integer) for aborting a pending grab command. The grab_timeout will be used if no api_timeout occurs beforehand. Note that this timeout may be different from the timeout set with the parameter 'api_timeout' and will influence only interface behaviour.
'hdr_kneepoints' [<x1>, <y1>, <xn>, <yn>, ... ] float dynamic The x value of a knee point indicates the first phase of the currently set exposure time (in %). The y value indicates the proportion of maximum pixel intensity in percent. If two knee points are used, you can set two phases in which the images will not be exposed. This means that two corresponding times will be set on the x-axis.
For instance, the effects of setting x = 60, y = 80 would be as follows: The first exposure phase takes up 60 % of the set exposure time. In this first exposure phase, all pixels are exposed up to a maximum of 80 % of the maximum pixel intensity and remain at 80 % until this phase is over. In the second exposure phase, they are exposed again and may reach the full pixel intensity.
Note: n = number of HDR kneepoints.
'hdr_kneepoints_info' <NumberOfSupportedKneepoints> (integer), <NumberOfUsedKneepoints> (integer), <MinValueX> (float), <MaxValueX> (float), <MinValueY> (float), <MaxValueY> (float) integer, float dynamic Gets information about the HDR knee points.
'horizontal_resolution' <resolution> 1 integer pre-defined Current value of horizontal resolution.
'image_available' 0, 1 integer dynamic Status of the last asynchronous grab command. A value of 1 means, that the image is already acquired and thus can be fetched by grab_image_async without delay.
Note that a value of 1 is also returned if a timeout or transfer failure occurred.
'image_delay' 0 ... 2147483647 integer dynamic Returns the internal camera delay of the image transfer in microseconds.
'image_effect' 'disable', 'monochrome', 'negative', 'sepia' 'disable' string pre-defined Returns the image effect.
'image_format' <image_format> string dynamic Several common image formats can be set. The driver then sets the selected format using either ROI, binning / subsampling, or scaler, so that it achieves the best image quality. Note that changing any of these parameters may result in an 'undefined' image format. Note that some image formats are only available in snapshot mode (UI-3013XC). Snapshot mode is configured by disabling continuous_grabbing and enabling the software trigger mode.
'image_height' <height> 0 integer pre-defined Height of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
'image_memory_compatibility_mode' 'enable', 'disable' string pre-defined Returns if the image memory compatibility mode is enabled.
'image_part' [<row1>, <col1>, <row2>, <col2>] integer dynamic Specifies the upper left (row1, col1) and lower right corner (row2, col2) of the desired rectangular image part which will be actually acquired by the camera. Note that there are model dependent grids for row1 and col1 as well as for resulting width and height. The function automatically aligns the values if they are within the valid range.
'image_part_origin' [<row1>, <col1>] integer dynamic Allows changing the ROI position very quickly by using the upper left corner (row1, col1) of the desired rectangular image part, which will be actually acquired by the camera. The command is currently not supported by all uEye cameras. 'bad_pixel_correction' correction has to be disabled.
'image_width' <width> 0 integer pre-defined Width of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
'last_error' <error_code> integer dynamic Last error code returned by the uEye API for the current device.
If no camera is opened, use info_framegrabber(...'info_boards'...) to retrieve information about all connected uEye devices and their last errors (if one occurred).
'led' 'enable', 'disable', 'state1', 'state2', 'blink_enable', 'blink_disable', 'blink_5_times', 'toggle' string dynamic You can toggle the color of the LED on the back of the USB uEye SE/RE camera housing. For USB 3.0 or USB SE Rev. 4 cameras you can enable/disable LED or enable blinking to identify the device. Note that these features are not supported by all cameras. 'state1' will set the cameras LED color to orange, 'state2' to green if supported.
'level_controlled_trigger' 'enable', 'disable' string dynamic By using the level-controlled trigger, the exposure time is directly controlled via the duration of the trigger signal.
'line_in' <default> 0 integer pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'linescan_row' <row1> integer dynamic Allows to setup the scan line used for the line scan mode. The line scan mode can be activated via the 'shutter_mode' parameter value 'linescan'. Only supported if 'shutter_mode' is set to 'linescan' and by UI-124x/UI-125x/UI-324x/UI-325x/UI-524x/UI-525x monochrome models.
'log_mode' 'auto', 'manual', 'off' 'auto' string dynamic Controls the Log mode. Only supported by UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x models.
'log_mode_gain' <min> ... <max> integer dynamic Returns the manual gain of the Log mode.
'log_mode_value' <min> ... <max> integer dynamic Returns the manual value of the Log mode.
'lut' 'astro1', 'cold_hot', 'disable', 'enable', 'glow1', 'glow2', 'identity', 'map1', 'negative', 'only_blue', 'only_green', 'only_red', 'rainbow1', 'sepic' string dynamic Returns the current lookup table preset.
'memory_mode' 'enable', 'disable' 'enable' string dynamic Returns if the image memory of the USB 3 uEye CP Rev. 2 camera is enabled.
'mim' 'disable', 'gpio1', 'gpio2', 'software' string dynamic Controls the multi integration mode for UI-325x camera model. Note that the trigger mode has to be enabled to use the multi integration mode.
'mim_cycle' <range> float dynamic Returns the multi integration mode cycle time range.
'mim_cycles' [<integration1>, <pause1>, <integration2>, <pause2>, <integration n>, <pause n>, ... ] float dynamic Returns the multi integration mode cycles as a list of floats pairs with up to 64 integration/duration pairs. The odd value specifies the integration duration (ms), the even value specifies the pause duration (ms).
'mim_integration' <range> float dynamic Returns the multi integration mode integration time range.
'mim_pause' <range> float dynamic Returns the multi integration mode pause time range.
'mim_trigger_cycle' <cylce duration> float dynamic Returns the multi integration mode trigger cycle duration.
'mim_trigger_duration' <trigger duration> float dynamic Returns the multi integration mode trigger duration.
'multi_roi_axes' [<row1>, <col1>, <row2>, <col2>, <row3>, <col3>, <row4>, <col4>] integer dynamic Changes the multi ROI and sets the multi ROI axes for the four ROIs. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'multi_roi_mode' 'disable' string dynamic Configures the multi ROI (Note: For enabling see parameter 'multi_roi_axes'). Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'multi_roi_row_axes' [<row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7, row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13, row14, row15, row16>] integer dynamic Multi ROI mode supported by UI-336x/UI-337x/UI-536x/UI-537x models with up to 8 ROIs (16 y-axis).
'multi_roi_row_mode' 'disable' string dynamic Configures the multi row ROI (Note: For enabling see parameter 'multi_roi_row_axes'). Only supported by UI-336x/UI-337x/UI-536x/UI-537x models.
'name' 'uEye' string pre-defined Name of the HALCON interface.
'num_buffers' 3 ... 429496729 3 integer pre-defined Number of buffers used for the image acquisition.
'packet_interval' 0 ... 2147483647 integer dynamic Sets the packet interval for the image transfer in microseconds.
'persistent_memory' string dynamic Accesses the cameras internal user memory. When reading or writing memory the parameters 'persistent_memory_config_type', 'persistent_memory_config_offset', 'persistent_memory_config_termination' and 'persistent_memory_config_size' specify how the memory is being written/read from.
'persistent_memory_config_offset' [0, <max>, <increment>] 0 integer dynamic Specifies the offset from where to read/write the memory block. When the sum of the given offset and size specified by 'persistent_memory_config_size' exceeds the memory size given by the camera, the size will be set to maxSize - offset. A change to the size is only made if the size setting is not in automatic mode.
'persistent_memory_config_size' [0, <max>, <increment>] 0 integer dynamic Specifies the amount of memory to read. The maximum amount is defined by the current memory size minus the specified offset of the parameter 'persistent_memory_config_offset'.
'persistent_memory_config_termination' 'enable', 'disable' 'enable' string dynamic Returns if null termination writing is enabled.
'persistent_memory_config_type' 'user', 'extended' 'user' string dynamic Returns the selected memory section to access. Different memory sections depend on the camera model. A list of supported memory sections can be found in the uEye documentation.
'photometry_shutter' 'center_average', 'center_spot', 'center_weighted' string dynamic Returns the photometry mode for auto shutter for the camera model UI-3013XC.
'pixel_clock' <MHz> integer dynamic Pixel clock of the camera (MHz passed as an integer). Note that the value range depends on the embedded sensor and can be queried by get_framegrabber_param(...,'pixel_clock_range',...). Some uEye cameras only support discrete pixel clocks. Use the 'pixel_clock_list' parameter to query all supported pixel clocks of the camera.
'pixel_clock_list' [<pixel_clock_list>] integer dynamic Returns possible pixel clocks supported by the camera.
'port' <default> 0 integer pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'power_delivery_profile' '5V_low_power', '5V_high_power', '9V', '12V', '14V8', '15V' '5V_low_power' string dynamic Returns the selected power delivery profile.
'revision' '<revision>' string pre-defined Revision number of the uEye interface.
'rgb_color_model' 'Adobe RGB 6500K', 'CIE-RGB Norm E', 'ECI-RGB 5000K', 'sRGB 5000K', 'sRGB 6500K' 'sRGB 5000K' string pre-defined Selects between different color spaces. A specific color temperature will result in slightly differing RGB values, depending on the selected color space.
Using color_temperature you can fix a setting (in Kelvin) for the color temperature of an image when you are using a color camera.
  • 'Adobe RGB 6500K': Adobe RGB color space with a white point of 6500 Kelvin (mid daylight). The Adobe RGB color space is larger than the sRGB color space, but not all devices can render it.
  • 'CIE-RGB Norm E': CIE-RGB color space with standard illumination E
  • 'ECI-RGB 5000K': ECI-RGB color space with a white point of 5000 Kelvin (warm light).
  • 'sRGB 5000K': sRGB (standard RGB) color space with a white point of 5000 Kelvin (warm light).
  • 'sRGB 6500K': sRGB (standard RGB) color space with a white point of 6500 Kelvin (mid daylight).
'roi' [<row1, col1, row2, col2>] integer dynamic See parameter 'image_part'.
'sensor_bit_depth' 10, 12, -1 integer dynamic Returns the bit depth of the sensor. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'sensor_capabilities' [<color_info>, <gain_master>, <gain_r>, <gain_g>, <gain_b>, <global_shutter>] integer dynamic Boolean information about the capabilities of the used sensor.
'sensor_info' [<sensor_name>, <max_width>, <max_height>, <master_gain>, <r_gain>, <g_gain>, <b_gain>, <global_shutter>, <pixel_size>, <upper_left_bayerpixel>] integer, string dynamic Sensor information about the used camera.
  • sensor_name: Camera model (e.g.: UI124xSE-C).
  • max_width: Maximum image width.
  • max_height: Maximum image height.
  • master_gain: Indicates whether the sensor provides analog master gain. Boolean values: 0 = no master gain, 1 = master gain.
  • r_gain: Indicates whether the sensor provides analog red channel gain. Boolean values: 0 = no red gain, 1 = red gain.
  • g_gain: Indicates whether the sensor provides analog green channel gain. Boolean values: 0 = no green gain, 1 = green gain.
  • b_gain: Indicates whether the sensor provides analog blue channel gain. Boolean values: 0 = no blue gain, 1 = blue gain.
  • global_shutter: Indicates whether the sensor has a global shutter. Boolean values: 0 = rolling shutter, 1 = global shutter.
  • pixel_size: Pixel size (e.g. 465 is equivalent to 4.65 micrometer).
  • upper_left_bayerpixel: Values: 0 = bayer pixel red, 1 = bayer pixel green, 2 = bayer pixel blue.
'sensor_scaler_factor' 1.0 ... <max> float dynamic Specifies the scaling factor. Internal image scaling is only supported by UI-149x/UI-549x, UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x series sensors. Note that the sensor scaler mode has to be enabled to apply a new sensor scaler factor. Please also note that disabling the sensor scaler mode, the sensor scaler factor is set back to the default value.
'sensor_scaler_mode' 'disable', 'enable', 'enable_antialiasing' string dynamic Configures internal image scaling for some sensors. This allows to reduce the image resolution by adjustable factors. Thus, the amount of data from high resolution sensors can be reduced. Internal image scaling is only supported by UI-149x/UI-549x, UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x series sensors.
'sensor_size' [<width_max>, <height_max>] integer dynamic Maximum image size of the used sensor.
'sensor_source_gain' -10 ... 4 0 integer dynamic Master source gain of the sensor. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'sensor_type' '<sensor type>' string dynamic Name of the used sensor type.
'sequence_roi_2' [<numberOfCycleRepetitions> (integer), <posX> (integer), <posY> (integer), <exposure> (float), <gain> (integer), <binning> (integer), <subsampling> (integer), <detachImageParameters> (integer), <scalerFactor> (float)] integer, float dynamic Specifies parameters of the sequence ROI 2.
'sequence_roi_3' [<numberOfCycleRepetitions> (integer), <posX> (integer), <posY> (integer), <exposure> (float), <gain> (integer),<binning> (integer), <subsampling> (integer), <detachImageParameters> (integer), <scalerFactor> (float)] integer, float dynamic Specifies parameters of the sequence ROI 3.
'sequence_roi_4' [<numberOfCycleRepetitions> (integer), <posX> (integer), <posY> (integer), <exposure> (float), <gain> (integer),<binning> (integer), <subsampling> (integer), <detachImageParameters> (integer), <scalerFactor> (float)] integer, float dynamic Specifies parameters of the sequence ROI 4.
'sequence_roi_mode' 'ROI 1', 'ROI 1|2', 'ROI 1|2|3', 'ROI 1|2|3|4' string dynamic Returns one of the four possible sequence ROI modes (Note: ROI 1 is the normal ROI). Only supported by UI-124x/UI-125x/UI-324x/UI-325x/UI-524x/UI-525x models. See uEye documentation for further details.
'sequence_roi_parameter' [<index> (integer), <parameter> (string), <value> (integer, float)] integer dynamic Returns the sequence ROI parameters for each ROI. Only supported by UI-124x/UI-125x/UI-324x/UI-325x/UI-524x/UI-525x models.
'sequencer_configuration_enabled' 'true', 'false' string pre-defined Returns if sequencer configuration mode is enabled.
'sequencer_feature_enabled' 'true', 'false' string pre-defined Returns if the selected sequencer feature is enabled. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled and a sequencer set must be selected.
'sequencer_feature_selected' 'exposure', 'gain', 'aoi_offset_x', 'aoi_offset_y', 'flash' string dynamic Returns the selected sequencer feature. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled first.
'sequencer_feature_supported' 'exposure', 'gain', 'aoi_offset_x', 'aoi_offset_y' string dynamic Returns the supported sequencer features.
'sequencer_feature_value' <exposure>, <aoi_offset_x>, <aoi_offset_y>, [gain_master, gain_red, gain_green, gain_blue], [flash_mode, flash_duration, flash_delay] string, integer, float dynamic Returns the value of the selected feature.
'sequencer_mode_enabled' 'true', 'false' string pre-defined Returns if the sequencer mode is enabled.
'sequencer_mode_supported' 'true', 'false' string pre-defined Returns whether the sequencer mode is supported.
'sequencer_set_path' [0..1, 0..31, <'trigger_source_off', 'trigger_source_frame_end', 'trigger_source_frame_start', 'trigger_source_exposure_end'>, ''] string, integer, float dynamic Returns the sequencer path of the selected set. The last parameter is currently unused.
'sequencer_set_selected' 0..31 integer dynamic Returns the selected sequencer set. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled first.
'sequencer_set_start' 0..31 integer dynamic Returns the first sequencer set in the sequence. The sequencer configuration mode must be enabled first.
'sequencer_trigger_source_supported' 'tigger_source_off', 'trigger_source_frame_end', 'trigger_source_frame_start', 'trigger_source_exposure_end' string pre-defined Returns which trigger sources are supported.
'show_internal_errors' 'false', 'true' string dynamic Returns if error messages are sent by uEye driver.
'shutter_mode' 'global_alternative_timing', 'global_shutter', 'global_start_shutter_disable', 'global_start_shutter_enable', 'linescan', 'rolling_global_start', 'rolling_shutter' string dynamic Returns the current shutter mode.
  • 'global_start_shutter_enable', 'global_start_shutter_disable': Only supported by UI-148x/UI-348x/UI-548x and UI-158x/UI-358x/UI-558x models.
  • 'linescan', 'global_alternative_timing', 'global_shutter', 'rolling_global_start', 'rolling_shutter': Only supported by UI-124x/UI-125x/UI-324x/UI-325x/UI-524x/UI-525x models. (See parameter 'linescan_row').
'standby' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string dynamic Standby parameter turns the camera into a power saving mode. This parameter can only be set with uEye driver version 3.10 or higher.
'start_async_after_grab_async' 'disable', 'enable' 'enable' string pre-defined Status of 'start_async_after_grab_async'.
'start_column' <column> 0 integer pre-defined Returns the current start column of the HALCON image.
'start_row' <row> 0 integer pre-defined Returns the current start row of the HALCON image.
'strobe_delay' <microseconds> 0 integer dynamic Delay in microseconds of the flash signal on the digital output. If set to 0 flash delay is deactivated.
'strobe_duration' <microseconds> 0 integer dynamic Duration in microseconds of the flash signal on the digital output. If set to 0 the flash signal is enabled as long as the sensor exposures.
'strobe_invert' 'false', 'true' 'false' string pre-defined If set to 'true', the strobe signal is inverted.
'strobe_io_port' <strobe_outs> integer dynamic Returns the digital I/O ports which are acting as strobe output.
'strobe_mode' 'disable', 'enable', 'enable_freerun', 'simulate_global_shutter' 'disable' string pre-defined Strobe mode:
  • 'enable_freerun' activates the strobe output during free-run mode.
  • 'enable' activates for triggered operations only.
  • 'simulate_global_shutter' sets the parameters 'strobe_delay' and 'strobe_duration' to hit the global exposure time slice on a rolling shutter camera, thus changing any of them may cause the active strobe signal to miss the global exposure window. Note that trigger must be activated.
Note that a return value of 'disable(output)' indicates that flash port is or was used as digital output port (see parameter 'digital_output').
'subsampling_method' 'binning', 'prefer_binning', 'prefer_skipping', 'skipping' 'prefer_skipping' string pre-defined Returns the mode used when horizontal and/or vertical resolution is set to a value greater than one.
'temperature' <Celsius> float dynamic Returns the actual temperature of the camera in Celsius.
Note that this parameter is currently only supported by the GigE and USB3 uEye camera series.
'temperature_control_status' 'critical', 'normal', 'warning' string dynamic Returns the temperature state for the USB 3 uEye CP Rev. 2 camera model. It is important to monitor the temperature status if you have activated the internal image memory of the camera.
'timestamp_edge' 'falling', 'rising' string dynamic The timestamp is set by rising or falling edge.
'timestamp_int' [value0, value1, value2, value3] integer dynamic Returns the uEye SDK's internal timestamp of the last grabbed image as a tuple with four long values containing the decimal number representation of the 16-bit parts of the timestamp (from highest to lowest part).
'timestamp_pin' 'gpio1', 'gpio2', 'ignore', 'trigger' string dynamic Pin for setting the timestamp.
'timestamp_str' '<timestamp>' string dynamic Returns the uEye SDK's internal timestamp of the last grabbed image as a tuple containing a hexadecimal string representation of the 64-bit unsigned value.
'transfer_image_destination' 'device_memory', 'user_memory' string dynamic Configures the memory mode for GigE uEye cameras. After the 'device_memory' is enabled, the continuous trigger mode has to be started via grab_image_start. The camera captures a new iteration cycle (single image if burst_size is 1) or an image sequence (burst size > 1) for every trigger signal, until the memory limit is reached. The oldest image is transferred from the camera with grab_image_async. After the image was transferred, it is discarded in the camera memory. The trigger modes ('falling', 'rising') and the burst size can also be specified. After setting the transfer_image_destination parameter again, the device memory is cleared and the image acquisition has to be restarted. Note that a call to grab_image_start also clears the device memory. Please note that a call to grab_image will leave memory mode. Please also note that the GigE memory mode will only work in hardware trigger mode.
'transfer_info' [<iterations>, <max_iterations>, <image_buffers>, <max_image_buffers>] integer dynamic Returns a list of transfer information. Please note that max_iterations, image_buffers and max_image_buffers counters are only available after the first image is transferred.
  • iterations: The current number of iteration cycles.
  • max_iterations: The maximum number of possible iteration cycles. This value depends on the image size, camera memory and burst size.
  • image_buffers: The current available images that are saved in GigE memory and could be transferred via grab_image_async.
  • max_image_buffers: The maximum available image buffers in GigE memory. For smaller resolutions, the number of camera internal buffers is increased.
'trigger_debouncing_delay' <microseconds> integer dynamic Suppresses disturbances at the digital input if you are running a GigE uEye camera in trigger mode. The signal at the digital input is only recognized as a trigger if the signal level remains constant at the target level for a user-selectable delay time. The signal edge can be set using parameter 'trigger_debouncing_mode'.
Note that this function is currently only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
'trigger_debouncing_mode' 'automatic', 'both edges', 'disable', 'falling edge', 'rising edge' 'disable' string pre-defined The signal edge used for the trigger debounce function. The delay can be set using 'trigger_debouncing_delay'. It is recommended to use automatic signal edge selection.
Note that this function is currently only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details.
  • 'automatic': debounces the digital input with automatic edge selection. The edge is selected based on the set trigger edge (see parameter 'trigger_signal').
  • 'both edges': debounces the digital input for rising or falling edge signals.
  • 'disable': disables debouncing the digital input.
  • 'falling edge': debounces the digital input for falling edge signals.
  • 'rising edge': debounces the digital input for rising edge signals.
'trigger_delay' <microseconds> 0 integer dynamic Adjustable time in microseconds to wait after the trigger edge before the acquisition begins. If set to 0 trigger delay is deactivated.
'trigger_missed_count' <number> integer dynamic Number of missed trigger signals. Note that this value is set back to 0 after each call and that that using a GigE camera the value is only set if an image was captured or a timeout occurred.
'trigger_signal' 'falling', 'rising', 'software', 'sync_falling', 'sync_rising' string dynamic Type of the trigger signal. Models which support trigger synchronisation enable you to synchronize several cameras in free-run mode.
Note that setting a trigger signal enables trigger mode (see parameter 'external_trigger' = true). Note that for using the snapshot mode (UI-3013XC) the software trigger has to be enabled. Please also note that 'falling' and 'rising' are only usable for GigE memory mode.
'vertical_resolution' <resolution> 1 integer pre-defined Current value of vertical resolution.
'vertical_roi_merge_height' <min> ... <max> 0 integer dynamic Sets the height of each vertical ROI in the vertical ROI merge mode. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details. Note that this parameter is only available if 'vertical_roi_merge_mode' is not disabled.
'vertical_roi_merge_mode' 'disable', 'freerun', 'triggered_software', 'triggered_hardware_falling_GPIO1', 'triggered_hardware_rising_GPIO1', 'triggered_hardware_falling_GPIO2', 'triggered_hardware_rising_GPIO2' 'disable' integer dynamic The vertical ROI merge mode is a special mode which imitates the behavior of a line scan camera. Only supported by some uEye models, see uEye documentation for more details. The vertical ROI merge mode combines the lines of an ROI to a new image. For example a monochrome sensor is operated with an ROI height of 1 and an image height 1000 pixels. So 1000 ROI are merged to an image with a height of 1000 pixels. Note that the set image height must be a multiple of the ROI height. For color sensors the ROI height must be 2 at least for transmitting the color information. Note that 'continuous_grabbing' has to be enabled to use the vertical ROI merge mode. Also the images should be acquired using 'grab_image_async'. After the vertical ROI merge mode was set, the image height should be adjusted. The maximum image height is 8000 for color models and 4000 for monochrome models. Note also if using the extended vertical ROI merge mode (vertical_roi_merge_position_2): The height of each single ROI is half of the height in normal ROI merge mode. Therefore, only even ROI heights are possible. The setting range of the additional position depends on the total ROI height and the first position. The setting range of the second position changes when the first position is changed.
  • 'disable': Disables ROI merge mode.
  • 'freerun': Enables the ROI merge mode in free run mode. (The single ROIs are acquired in free run mode with maximum speed.)
  • 'triggered_software': Enables the ROI merge mode. The single ROIs are triggered via software.
  • 'triggered_hardware_falling_GPIO1': Triggered line scan mode with frame and line trigger. The single ROI is triggered on GPIO 1 (falling edge).
  • 'triggered_hardware_rising_GPIO1': Triggered line scan mode with frame and line trigger. The single ROI is triggered on GPIO 1 (rising edge).
  • 'triggered_hardware_falling_GPIO2': Triggered line scan mode with frame and line trigger. The single ROI is triggered on GPIO 2 (falling edge).
  • 'triggered_hardware_rising_GPIO2': Triggered line scan mode with frame and line trigger. The single ROI is triggered on GPIO 2 (rising edge).
'vertical_roi_merge_position' 0 ... <max> 0 integer dynamic Returns the line position for the ROI of the ROI merge mode.
'vertical_roi_merge_position_2' <min> ... <max> 0 integer dynamic Returns the line position for the second ROI for the extended ROI merge mode.
'volatile' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Grayscale only. In the volatile mode the image acquisition interface buffers are used directly to store HALCON images. This is the fastest mode avoiding to copy raw images in memory. However, be aware that older images are overwritten again and again as a side-effect. Thus, you can only process one image while you grab another image. Older images are invalid!
Note that due to different line pitch and alignment, the volatile mode is only possible with full resolution for this session (the one specified in open_framegrabber.
Please also note that this parameter cannot be set if the Generic parameter 'num_buffers' is used with a value different from the default value.
'wdr_mode' 'disable', 'enable' string dynamic Using this special mode, you can capture images with a higher dynamic range for UI-3013XC camera model.
'white_balance' 'auto', 'auto_once', 'disable', 'user' string dynamic White balance mode:
  • 'auto': Automatic white balance using the RGB gain if the camera has one
  • 'auto_once': Use automatic white balance only once.
  • 'disable': Disable white balancing.
  • 'user': Enable manual white balancing, see set_framegrabber_param(...,'white_balance_X',...).
'zoom' <min> ... <max> 1.0 float pre-defined Controls the zoom function of the lens or sensor (digital zoom) if supported by the camera. This function is currently only supported by the camera models XS and UI-3013XC. The function always zooms in on the image center. Please note that the XS camera model supports the '_range' parameter extension and the UI-3013XC supports the '_values' parameter extension.

Deprecated Parameters in set_framegrabber_param

Parameters or parameter values in this section will be removed in future releases. Consider this using these parameters.
Parameter Values Default Type Description
'add_user_mem' 0, <mem_ptr> integer By default the image acquisition uses a ring buffer with three image buffers. With the (repeatedly) call of 'add_user_mem' the user can specify separate image pointers which build a FIFO queue with up to 16 user-allocated buffers. If this FIFO queue is not empty the subsequent calls of grab_image(_async) use these user-allocated buffers, and get_framegrabber_param returns the pointer of the last image buffer. If the FIFO queue is empty the image acquisition uses the internal ring buffer and get_framegrabber_param returns NULL. The FIFO queue is deleted if 'add_user_mem' is called with a NULL pointer as argument.
'black_level_compensation' 0 ... 255 integer Black level offset value of the image sensor. Use parameter 'offset' instead.
'brightness' 0 ... 255 integer Brightness value of the image. Use parameter 'exposure' or 'gain_master' instead.
'camera_led' 'on', 'off', 'toggle' string Switches the led at the cameras back to the specified state. Note that only the USB uEye SE/RE and ME series supports led switching.
'contrast' 0 ... 511 215 integer Contrast value of the image between 0% and 200%. Use parameter 'gain_master' instead.
'eeprom_content' <content> string User accessible 64 bytes of camera eeprom.
'memory_module' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string If the memory module mode is enabled, the grabbed images will first be stored in the memory of the camera. Note that this mode cannot be used together with the continuous grabbing mode.
'white_balance' 'auto_next_frame', 'cool_white', 'daylight', 'illuminant_a', 'horizon', 'u30' string White balance mode:
  • 'auto_next_frame': Automatic white balance on next frame.
  • 'cool_white': 4150 K, industry standard CWF (Cool White Fluorescent).
  • 'daylight': 6500 K, industry standard Daylight 65.
  • 'horizon': 2300 K, industry standard Horizon.
  • 'illumimant_a': 2856 K, industry standard Illuminant A.
  • 'u30': 3000 K, industry standard Ultralume 30.
'white_balance_b' 0.0 ... 5.0 float White balance multiplier for the blue channel. Note that this setting only works when the white balance mode is set to 'user'! Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras. Use parameter 'gain_b' instead.
'white_balance_g' 0.0 ... 5.0 float White balance multiplier for the green channel. Note that this setting only works when the white balance mode is set to 'user'! Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras. Use parameter 'gain_g' instead.
'white_balance_r' 0.0 ... 5.0 float White balance multiplier for the red channel. Note that this setting only works when the white balance mode is set to 'user'! Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras. Use parameter 'gain_r' instead.

Deprecated Parameters in get_framegrabber_param

Parameters or parameter values in this section will be removed in future releases. Consider this using these parameters.
Parameter Values Default Type Kind Description
'add_user_mem' <mem_ptr> integer dynamic Pointer of the last image buffer in case of user-allocated buffers. If the FIFO queue is empty the image acquisition uses the internal ring buffer and the value 0 (NULL pointer) is returned.
'black_level_compensation' 0 ... 255 integer dynamic Black level offset value of the image sensor. Use parameter 'offset' instead.
'brightness' 0 ... 255 integer dynamic Brightness value of the image. Use parameter 'exposure' or 'gain_master' instead.
'camera_led' 'on', 'off', 'toggle' string dynamic Switches the led at the cameras back to the specified state. Note that only the USB uEye SE/RE and ME series supports led switching.
'contrast' 0 ... 511 215 integer dynamic Contrast value of the image between 0% and 200%. Use parameter 'gain_master' instead.
'eeprom_content' <content> string dynamic User accessible 64 bytes of camera eeprom.
'memory_module' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined If the memory module mode is enabled, the grabbed images will first be stored in the memory of the camera. Note that this mode cannot be used together with the continuous grabbing mode.
'white_balance' 'auto_next_frame', 'cool_white', 'daylight', 'illuminant_a', 'horizon', 'u30' string dynamic White balance mode:
  • 'auto_next_frame': Automatic white balance on next frame.
  • 'cool_white': 4150 K, industry standard CWF (Cool White Fluorescent).
  • 'daylight': 6500 K, industry standard Daylight 65.
  • 'horizon': 2300 K, industry standard Horizon.
  • 'illumimant_a': 2856 K, industry standard Illuminant A.
  • 'u30': 3000 K, industry standard Ultralume 30.
'white_balance_b' 0.0 ... 5.0 float dynamic White balance multiplier for the blue channel. Note that this setting only works when the white balance mode is set to 'user'! Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras. Use parameter 'gain_b' instead.
'white_balance_g' 0.0 ... 5.0 float dynamic White balance multiplier for the green channel. Note that this setting only works when the white balance mode is set to 'user'! Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras. Use parameter 'gain_g' instead.
'white_balance_r' 0.0 ... 5.0 float dynamic White balance multiplier for the red channel. Note that this setting only works when the white balance mode is set to 'user'! Note that this parameter is only available for color cameras. Use parameter 'gain_r' instead.

Operator set_framegrabber_lut

Lookup tables can be set using the operator set_framegrabber_lut or can be chosen from a preset with a call to set_framegrabber_param(..,'lut',<preset>). Note that support of lookup tables is only available for GigE uEye cameras and can only be enabled when the hardware color processing is active. The number of values to pass depends on the current color space. The camera itself works with finite sections with linear slope instead of a full table. Therefore a queried lookup table might vary from the one set.

Operator get_framegrabber_lut

Get current lookup table.

Operator set_framegrabber_callback

All actually supported callback types of a specific image acquisition device can be queried by calling get_framegrabber_param with the parameter 'available_callback_types'. Once the callback is registered, on every occurrence of the underlying event (e.g., the notification that the exposure has finished) the specified callback function will be called. If the callback function is set to NULL, the corresponding callback will be unregistered.

The signature of the callback function is Herror (__stdcall *HAcqCallback) (void *AcqHandle, void *Context, void *UserContext) and uses the following parameters:
  • AcqHandle Acquisition handle of the corresponding image acquisition instance.
  • Context Context data of the specific callback. This parameter is not used, i.e., Context is set to NULL.
  • UserContext User context as set via set_framegrabber_callback.

    Using user-callback functions
    Note that the execution time of a user-specific callback function should always be as short as possible since during the execution of a callback function the handling of further internal callbacks might be blocked. This can be achieved by removing the current processing from the user-specific callback function to a separate thread that is controlled via signals or events.

    Note: Since HDevelop is a single-threaded application, it is currently not possible to use the callback functionality within HDevelop. Thus, the callback functionality is only available via the HALCON language interfaces.

    Note on using callbacks under Windows OS: 'device_removed' and 'device_reconnected' callbacks require a Windows message loop. The message loop has to be executed by the thread that opens the framegrabber. This applies to the following uEye events:
Type Description
'frame_ready' A new image is available.
'first_packet_received' First packet that the computer received.
'query_capture_status' There is information about image capturing available. Note that this event replaces the former transfer failed event from previous versions.
'ready_for_trigger' An image which was captured following the arrival of a trigger has been transferred completely. This is the earliest possible moment for a new capturing process. The image must then be post-processed by the driver and will be available after the frame processing event.
'device_removed' The physical device has lost connection.
'device_reconnected' The connection of the physical device was restored.
'camera_memory' A image was captured in the cameras internal memory.
'temperature_status' The cameras temperature status has changed.

Operator get_framegrabber_callback

This interface supports device-specific events via the operators set_framegrabber_callback and get_framegrabber_callback. For more information see set_framegrabber_callback.

Operator grab_image_start

Starts a new asynchronous grab. See also grab_image_start.

Operator grab_image

In general case, the HALCON grab_image call starts a new synchronous grab. The HALCON uEye Image Acquisiton Interface returns the most recently exposed image instead. Note that the interface converts the image from the device to the desired image format specified by the parameters 'image_width', 'image_height', 'start_row', 'start_column', 'bits_per_channel', and 'color_space'.

Operator grab_image_async

grab_image_async returns an image and starts the next asynchronous grab. See also grab_image_async. Note that the interface converts the image from the device to the desired image format specified by the parameters 'image_width', 'image_height', 'start_row', 'start_column', 'bits_per_channel', and 'color_space'.

Operator grab_data

Not supported by this interface.

Operator grab_data_async

Not supported by this interface.

Operator close_framegrabber

This operator closes the device. See also close_framegrabber.

HDevelop Examples

For this interface there are the following examples available:
  • ueye.hdev - Benchmark
  • ueye_2cameras.hdev - Example for concurrent grabbing from two connected cameras.
  • ueye_adaptive_hotpixel_correction.hdev - Example for using adaptive hot pixel correction.
  • ueye_crop.hdev - Shows grabbing images with image cropping.
  • ueye_memory_mode.hdev - Example for enabling/disabling memory mode. Administrative privileges required.
  • ueye_parameters.hdev - Lists all parameters of a device.
  • ueye_persistent_memory.hdev - Example for accessing internal camera memory.
  • ueye_sequencer_mode.hdev - Example for using the sequencer.
  • ueye_simple.hdev - A simple example to show the usage of the interface.
  • ueye_timestamp.hdev - Example for using timestamp in images from a IDS uEye camera.
  • ueye_trigger.hdev - Example for grabbing images with external triggering.
  • ueye_vertical_roi_merge_mode.hdev - Example for using the vertical roi merge mode or linescan mode.

Release Notes

  • Revision 13.0.3 (Aug 23, 2017):
    • Added new parameters 'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_do_reset', 'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_do_reset_cluster', 'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_enabled', 'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_mode', 'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_num_detected', 'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_num_detected_cluster', 'adaptive_hotpixel_correction_sensitivity', 'flash_mode', 'flash_duration', 'flash_delay', 'fpn_correction_dataloading_mode', 'power_delivery_profile' and 'sequencer_trigger_source_supported'.
    • Added HDevelop example for adaptive hot pixel correction.
    • Fixed bug when setting parameters without a value.
    • Fixed bug when opening framegrabber with ROI.
    • Updated 'temperature' parameter to support GigE RE PoE cameras.
    • Updated sequencer HDevelop example.
    • Updated HDevelop example ueye_parameters.hdev to use 'pixel_clock_list' instead of 'pixel_clock_range'.
    • Updated sequencer to support flash feature.
    • Updated sequencer to support 'frame_start' and 'exposure_start' as trigger source.
    • Updated minimum required API version to 4.00.
    • Updated minimum required Linux Kernel version to 3.4.
    • Reimplemented parameters 'start_column', 'start_row', 'image_width', 'image_height'. If wrong parameters were given, the ROI might have been different from the users requested ROI. This behaviour is now fixed.
  • Revision 13.0.2 (Dec 22, 2016):
    • Added new parameters 'pixel_clock_list', 'configuration_openmp', 'sequencer_mode_enabled', 'sequencer_configuration_enabled', 'sequencer_mode_supported', 'sequencer_do_reset', 'sequencer_configuration_load', 'sequencer_configuration_save', 'sequencer_set_do_save', 'sequencer_set_start', 'sequencer_set_selected', 'sequencer_set_path', 'sequencer_feature_selected', 'sequencer_feature_enabled', 'sequencer_feature_supported', 'sequencer_feature_value', 'test_image', 'image_memory_compatibility_mode', 'led', 'persistent_memory', 'persistent_memory_config_type', 'persistent_memory_config_offset', 'persistent_memory_config_size', 'persistent_memory_config_do_reset', 'persistent_memory_config_termination', 'black_level_mode', 'black_level_offset'
    • Added example ueye_memory_mode
    • Added example ueye_persistent_memory
    • Added example ueye_sequencer_mode
    • Added example ueye_vertical_roi_merge_mode
    • Updated documentation of parameter 'brightness'.
    • Updated documentation of parameter 'flip_vertical'.
    • Updated documentation of parameter 'memory_mode'.
    • Updated documentation of parameter 'do_abort_grab'.
    • Updated documentation of section Image Timestamp.
    • Updated 'memory_mode' to change mode after closing the camera.
    • Updated 'focus' to support one time autofocus.
    • Fixed 'capture_status_do_reset' not showing up as action parameter.
    • Fixed callbacks returning process id instead of acquisition handle.
    • Fixed 'grab_image(_async)' not throwing exception after 'do_abort_grab'.
    • Fixed open_framegrabber not throwing exception when invalid configuration file specified.
    • Marked parameter 'black_level_compensation' and 'offset' as deprecated. Use 'black_level_mode' and 'black_level_offset' instead.
    • Marked parameter 'camera_led' as deprecated. Use 'led' instead.
    • Marked parameter 'eeprom_content' as deprecated. Use 'persistent_memory' instead.
  • Revision 13.0.1 (Oct 28, 2016):
    • HALCON 13 version of the interface.
  • Revision 6.1 (Nov 13, 2015):
    • Improved support of XS uEye cameras.
    • Added new parameters 'anti_flicker_mode', 'auto_contrast_correction', 'backlight_compensation', 'camera_id', 'capture_status', 'capture_status_do_reset', 'digital_io_pwm_duty_cycle', 'digital_io_pwm_frequency', 'digital_io_pwm_mode', 'exposure_longterm', 'face_detection', 'face_detection_get_face', 'face_detection_get_face_list', 'face_detection_line_width', 'face_detection_max_num_overlays', 'face_detection_num_detected_faces', 'face_detection_search_angle', 'face_detection_search_angle_mode', 'focus_zone_aoi_preset', 'frame_number', 'gpio_configuration', 'level_controlled_trigger', 'memory_mode', 'mim', 'mim_cycle', 'mim_cycles', 'mim_integration', 'mim_pause', 'mim_trigger_cycle', 'mim_trigger_duration', 'photometry_shutter', 'sensor_scaler_factor', 'sensor_scaler_mode', 'temperature_control_status', 'timestamp_do_reset', 'timestamp_edge', 'timestamp_pin', 'transfer_image_destination', 'transfer_info' and 'wdr_mode'.
    • Removed restriction for parameters 'HorizontalResolution' and 'VerticalResolution' in open_framegrabber.
    • If the parameters 'HorizontalResolution' or 'VerticalResolution' in open_framegrabber were used with wrong values no error was returned. This problem has been fixed.
    • If the parameters 'horizontal_resolution' and 'vertical_resolution' in set_framegrabber_param were used with wrong values no error was returned. This problem has been fixed.
    • The parameter 'image_format' was not readable. This problem has been fixed.
    • In combination wiht an XS uEye camera the ini file was ignored or invalid values were set. This problem has been fixed.
    • If the automatic white balance was used with XS uEye cameras it was not possible to disable the white balance feature. This problem has been fixed.
    • If no uEye API is installed, a wrong error was returned. This problem has been fixed.
  • Revision 6.0 (Jan 1, 2014):
    • HALCON 12 version of the interface (included in HALCON 12 DVD).
    • Implemented callback types 'device_removed', 'device_reconnected',
    • Removed restriction of 'num_buffer'
    • Added new color format RGB36
    • Added new parameter 'burst_size'
    • Added USB3 temperature values in 'temperature' parameter.
    • Fixed 'focus' parameter values inside the documentation. The values 'enable' and 'disable' does not exist for this parameter.
    • Added value 'rgb555' for ColorSpace parameter in open_framegrabber to support RGB15 with 5 bits per channel.
    • New parameters 'image_format' and 'extended_pixelclock'.
    • New device feature functions via parameter 'vertical_roi_merge_position_2'.
    • Additional values for parameter 'vertical_roi_merge_mode'.
    • Simplified the FALCON/EAGLE compatibility mode.
    • Improved documentation by adding the default values to the parameters 'allow_raw_with_lut', 'log_mode', 'sensor_source_gain', and 'standby'.
    • Fixed bug in grab_image_start. In case of several fast successive calls of grab_imag_start a dead-lock situation occurred. The problem could also happen after fast successive calls of grab_image_start and grab_image_async.
    • Added missing note about the new parameters 'multi_roi_row_mode' and 'multi_roi_row_axes' to release notes for revision 5.2/4.10.
    • Changed loading of uEye API to dynamical.
    • Improved performance of parameter 'temperature'.
    • Fixed bug in open_framegrabber in case of 'Generic' parameter with empty string values.
    • Added support of user-specific callback function.
    • Added planar rgb 8bit image format. It will be used if the color space 'rgb' is selected and supported.
    • Added support for new color formats 'Bgr10 unpacked', 'Mono10', 'Rgb10 unpacked', and 'Raw10'.
    • New parameter 'available_callback_types' to query available callback types.
    • Implemented callback types 'frame_ready', 'ready_for_trigger', 'first_packet_received', and 'query_capture_status' to support get_framegrabber_callback and set_framegrabber_callback..
    • New parameter 'sensor_info'.
    • New parameters 'focus', 'image_effect' and 'zoom', for XS camera.
    • New parameters 'hdr_kneepoints_info', 'hdr_kneepoints_mode', and 'hdr_kneepoints'.
    • New parameters 'log_mode', 'log_mode_value', and 'log_mode_gain'.
    • New parameter 'image_delay'.
    • New parameter 'packet_interval'.
    • New device feature functions 'allow_raw_with_lut', 'black_reference', 'fpn_correction_mode', 'sensor_bit_depth', 'sensor_source_gain', 'vertical_roi_merge_height', 'vertical_roi_merge_mode', and 'vertical_roi_merge_position'.
    • New parameters 'sequence_roi_mode', 'sequence_roi_parameter' to enable the sequence roi 2 - 4 and set the sequence roi parameters.
    • New parameters 'sequence_roi_2', 'sequence_roi_3', 'sequence_roi_4' to query the sequence roi parameters.
    • New parameters 'multi_roi_row_mode' and 'multi_roi_row_axes'.
    • New parameters 'multi_roi_axes', 'multi_roi_mode' for multiple roi in one image capture.
    • New parameter 'image_part_origin' to change the roi position very quickly.
    • New parameter 'linescan_row' to set the scan line number of the line scan mode.
    • New parameter 'shutter_mode'.
    • Adapted HDevelop example 'ueye_trigger.hdev'.
    • Linux adjustments.
    • Correction in the description of the parameters 'api_timeout' and 'grab_timeout'.
  • Revision 5.1 (Nov 13, 2012):
    • Removed all dependencies on HALCONROOT environment variable.
    • Fixed bug in open_framegrabber in case of using CameraType='default' and a camera parameter set containing an AOI (set default with IDS Camera Manager).
  • Revision 5.0 (May 15, 2012):
  • Revision 4.7 (Nov 15, 2011):
    • Fixed problem in grab_image_async: 'continuous_grabbing' was set to 'disable' if do_abort_grab was called. grab_image_async now re-enables continuous mode if grabbing was stopped and parameter 'continuous_grabbing' is still enabled.
    • New parameters 'trigger_event_count', 'trigger_missed_count' to retrieve information about occurred and missed trigger events.
    • New parameter 'api_timeout' to set internal uEye API's timeout.
    • New Generic parameter 'num_buffers' to set the number of internal used buffers in open_framegrabber.
    • New parameters 'timestamp_int' and 'timestamp_str' to get uEye API's internal timestamp of the last grabbed image.
    • Changed documentation of parameters 'continuous_grabbing', 'do_abort_grab', 'image_available', 'trigger_debouncing_mode', and 'trigger_debouncing_delay'.
    • Day-of-the-Year field is now set in uEye timestamp information.
  • Revision 4.6 (Apr 15, 2011):
    • Adapted to uEye driver 3.70.0000.
    • Added possibility to open a device via its serial number.
    • Added uEye timestamp information directly to captured images objects, i.e., the operator get_image_time no more returns the creation time of the HALCON image object, but the creation time of the camera image (see is_GetImageInfo() in the uEye manual).
    • New parameters trigger_debouncing_mode and trigger_debouncing_delay to suppress disturbances at the digital input running a GigE uEye camera in trigger mode.
    • New parameter auto_blacklevel_comp to control the camera's auto blacklevel compensation feature.
    • New parameters rgb_color_model and color_temperature to have additional features on the camera's white balancing.
    • New parameter convert_to_gray to optionally convert colored images to gray scale images if using camera LUT (GigE HE only).
    • New parameter temperature> to query the camera's temperature value (GigE only).
    • New parameter last_error to query last error returned by uEye API function call.
    • Added support of HDR sensor's auto features.
    • Changing vertical or horizontal resolution, image width or image height is now possible in continuous and asynchronous mode.
    • Fixed behavior in open_framegrabber when ColorSpace was set to 'default' and BitsPerChannel to 16.
    • Fixed bug under Linux, where the function FGInit was not found.
    • Added driver version, serial number and error information to result of querying boards using info_framegrabber(...,'info_boards',...).
    • Added paragraphs in HTML documentation regarding timestamp, sleepstates tool and multiple threads.
  • Revision 4.5 (Aug 27, 2010):
    • Adapted to uEye driver 3.50.0000.
    • Added support for Linux x64 architecture (with gcc-4.x).
    • Parameter 'show_internal_errors' now only controls the uEye SDK-specific error reporting. To enable and disable the HALCON low-level error messages please use use set_system('do_low_error', ...) instead.
    • HALCON 10 version of the interface (included in HALCON 10 DVD).
  • Revision 4.4 (Feb 12, 2010):
    • Added support for Windows x64.
    • User-defined white balance parameters 'white_balance_b', 'white_balance_g' and 'white_balance_r' work correctly now.
    • New parameter 'do_load_parameter' to load a camera parameter ini-file with set_framegrabber_param.
    • New parameters 'gain_factor_b', 'gain_factor_g', 'gain_factor_master', 'gain_factor_r' to set hardware gains by a given linear factor.
    • New convenience parameter 'offset' as an alias for 'black_level_compensation'.
    • Added new parameter values 'hq' and 'bg40' for parameter 'color_correction'.
    • Added missing parameter values for parameter 'trigger_signal' in HTML documentation.
    • Added section 'Deprecated Parameters'.
  • Revision 4.3 (Sep 9, 2009):
    • Adaptation to uEye driver 3.40.0000.
    • Fixed 'trigger_signal' incompatibility when using uEye driver 3.40.0000.
    • Fixed behavior of grab_image, which did not abort all pending grabs.
    • Distorted images in monochrome roi modes have been fixed.
    • 'out of buffer' situation when grabbing continuous will no longer be caught in an error loop.
    • The combination of 10 or 5 BitsPerChannel and roi doesn't lead to crashes anymore.
    • Setting an unsupported resolution will no longer resize the image to full session size.
    • Parameter 'Device' in open_framegrabber could have been ignored in some cases.
    • New parameter 'subsampling_method' to choose whether binning or decimation is used.
  • Revision 4.2 (July 28, 2009):
    • Adaptation to uEye driver 3.32.0000 (Windows) or 3.25.0007 (Linux), respectively.
    • Fixed crash when calling set_framegrabber_param with an empty tuple.
    • Added support of lookup tables for some camera models.
    • New parameter 'lut' to enable or disable the usage of lookup table on supported models, or to pick a pre-selection.
    • New parameter 'do_abort_grab' to cancel a pending asynchronous grab.
    • New parameter 'global_shutter' to enable global start shutter mode of some camera models.
    • New parameter 'camera_led' enables the user to toggle the led on some cameras back.
    • New parameter 'start_async_after_grab_async' to disable new asynchronous grab at the end of grab_image_async.
    • New parameter 'image_part' replaces the parameter 'roi'. The old parameter name and values still work for backwards compatibility.
    • New values 'sync_falling' and 'sync_rising' for parameter 'trigger_signal' to enable free-run synchronisation on some models.
    • New value 'hw' for parameter 'color_conversion', which enables the onboard color conversion of some camera models.
    • Triggered capture now also works when grabbing continuously (if driver version supports this.)
    • Image resolution is now changeable within an open instance and not only at open_framegrabber.
    • Redone the grab_image_async routine to avoid busy waiting, which reduces CPU load.
  • Revision 4.1 (Mar 05, 2009):
    • Bug fix in open_framegrabber, which ignored the parameter 'Device' when 'CameraType' was set to 'default'. Also corrected the use of the parameters 'horizontal_resolution' and 'vertical_resolution'.
    • Bug fix in parameter 'strobe_invert' which deactivated 'strobe_mode' when called a second time.
    • Bug fix in querying the parameter 'roi' which returned swapped coordinates for row and column.
    • Bug fix in grab_image_async where the image size was occasionally miscalculated.
    • Fixed return value of parameter 'color_conversion' which had incomplete type information.
    • Added support of browsing camera files with the HDevelop Image Acquisition Assistant.
    • Changed alignment of parameter 'roi' from simple cut to nearest possible position.
  • Revision 4.0 (Dec 1, 2008):
    • HALCON 9.0 version of the interface (included in HALCON 9.0 DVD).
    • Support of new color formats and pixel depths (12 and 16 bit 'gray' and 'bayer' as well as 10bit 'rgb' and 8 bit 'rgby').
    • New parameter 'image_available' to query the presence of an beforehand asynchronously grabbed image.
    • New parameter 'color_conversion', which replaces the parameter 'bayer_conversion'. The old parameter name and values still work for backwards compatibility.
    • New value 'raw' in parameter 'ColorSpace', which replaces the value 'bayer'. The old value still works for backwards compatibility.
    • Additional Subsampling/Binning by factor 6, 8 and 16 available (if supported by camera).
    • Bug fix in 'auto_*_roi' which caused the x and y coordinates to be swapped.
    • Bug fix setting 'roi' to original size, if start row and start column were set to zero beforehand.
    • Bug fix in 'flip_vertical' and 'flip_horizontal'. Results were swapped.
    • Bug fix in 'digital_output' which returns with error, if 'strobe_mode' was not explicitly disabled right before.
    • Bug fix trying to load an ini file had no effect when its name starts with some special keywords (e.g 'ueye').
    • Bug fix in 'do_save_parameter' with the HDevelop Image Acquisition Assistant.
  • Revision 3.3 (Apr 22, 2008):
    • Added read-only parameters with postfix '_description', '_range', and '_values' to enable the easy parameterization via a generic graphical user interface.
  • Revision 3.2 (Oct 30, 2007):
    • New parameter 'standby' to enter a power-saving mode.
    • New parameters 'digital_io_capabilities', 'digital_io_direction', 'digital_io_port', to achieve further i/o control for supporting models.
    • Additional Subsampling/Binning factors 3 and 5 available (if supported by the camera).
    • Added ability to save/restore parameters from/to the cameras EEPROM.
    • New value 'enable_freerun' for parameter 'strobe_mode', which enables flash output functionality in free-run mode.
    • Introduced '*_range' and '*_values' functions for most parameters, to achieve a smarter behavior when using the Image Acquisition Assistant of HALCON 8.0.
    • Bug fix in 'trigger_signal' ('rising' was not available for uEye Gigabit Ethernet cameras).
  • Revision 3.1 (Jul 27, 2007):
    • Support of additional uEye camera models.
    • Adaptation to uEye driver 2.40.0000 (USB 2.0) or 3.00.0000 (Gigabit Ethernet), respectively.
    • Updated vertical flipping capabilities to newer driver version.
    • New parameters 'auto_brightness_max_exp', 'auto_brightness_max_gain', and 'auto_brightness_speed' to allow further control over the automatic brightness control unit.
    • New parameters 'auto_whitebalance_gain_min', 'auto_whitebalance_gain_max', 'auto_whitebalance_offset_b', 'auto_whitebalance_offset_r', and 'auto_whitebalance_speed' to allow further control over the automatic whitebalance control unit.
    • Additional value 'auto_once' for parameter 'white_balance', which performs an automatic whitebalance till we are in a steady state.
    • New parameter 'bayer_conversion' to select the conversion matrix.
    • New parameter 'gain_boost' to control the additional gain amplification.
    • New parameter 'eeprom_content' to allow to access the camera eeprom.
    • Bug fix in grab_image (after an asynchronous grab the first call of grab_image returned an old image).
  • Revision 3.0 (May 15, 2007):
    • HALCON 8.0 version of the interface (included in HALCON 8.0 DVD).
  • Revision 2.8 (Dec 14, 2006):
    • Bug fix in auto white balance. The white balance mode was never set to newer hardware white balance, although it was available.
  • Revision 2.7 (Oct 11, 2006):
    • Support of the Linux driver for uEye cameras.
    • Bug fix in auto exposure, auto framerate, and auto gain handling. The auto parameters now return 'auto' while in auto mode and their value otherwise.
    • Added support of individual step sizes in ROI parameter (row and column values are no longer fixed on 4 or 16 increments).
  • Revision 2.6 (Jun 23, 2006):
    • Support of additional uEye camera models.
    • In open_framegrabber the parameters 'HorizontalResolution' and 'VerticalResolution' can now be set to activate enhanced subsampling or binning modes by factor 4 for some cameras.
    • In open_framegrabber the parameter 'CameraType' can be used to specify an ini file from which the previous stored parameters are restored.
    • New parameter 'do_save_parameters' to store an ini file which holds the current parameter set.
    • New parameters 'agc', 'auto_brightness_roi', 'auto_brightness_reference' and 'auto_whitebalance_roi' for controlling the cameras auto feature parameters. The parameters 'exposure', 'frame_rate', 'gain_master', and 'white_balance' accept the value 'auto' which activates the auto exposure, auto framerate, auto gain, or auto whitebalance, respectively.
    • Adaptation to uEye driver 2.20.0000.
  • Revision 2.5 (Dec 21, 2005):
    • In open_framegrabber the parameters 'HorizontalResolution' and 'VerticalResolution' can now be set to activate subsampling or binning, depending on what the camera supports.
    • New parameters 'strobe_delay' and 'strobe_duration' for further controlling of the strobe output. The parameter 'strobe_mode' can now be called with the value 'simulate_global_shutter' which influences delay and duration. Removed parameter 'strobe_line'.
    • New parameters 'digital_input' and 'digital_output' for controlling the I/O ports on the uEye camera directly.
    • New parameter 'do_force_trigger' to release a trigger by a software call while waiting for a hardware trigger. The parameter 'trigger_signal' can now also be set to 'rising' to trigger on both edges.
    • New parameters 'flip_horizontal' and 'flip_vertical' to set the image orientation.
    • New parameter 'driver_version' to query the uEye driver used. If you are trying to open a camera with open_framegrabber, the minimum recommended driver version is checked.
    • Bug fix: 'strobe_invert' caused the strobe signal to be static high.
    • Bug fix: 'camera_info' crashed when connected to an unprogrammed camera.
    • Bug fix: The image looked scattered when using a region of interest.
    • Adaptation to uEye driver 1.14.0010. This driver version is compatible with driver 2.0x.xx.
  • Revision 2.4 (Oct 18, 2005):
    • Support of additional uEye camera models.
    • Changed the capture routine concerning memory board usage.
    • Bug fix in set_framegrabber_param when called with a NULL pointer.
    • Bug fix grab_image_start to ensure aborting any pending grabs.
    • Parameter 'strobe_line' has been made obsolete.
  • Revision 2.3 (Jul 1, 2005):
    • HALCON 7.1 version of the interface (included in HALCON 7.1 CD).
    • New parameters 'strobe_invert', 'strobe_mode', and 'strobe_line' for controlling the strobe output.
    • Speed-up for acquisition of RGB images (avoiding cache alignment failures when converting the interleaved image data into HALCON image objects).
  • Revision 2.2 (Apr 4, 2005):
    • Support of additional uEye camera models.
  • Revision 2.1 (Dec 13, 2004):
    • Allow grabbing of the raw Bayer image in case of color cameras.
    • New parameter 'continuous_grabbing'.
    • New parameter 'add_user_mem' to allow the use of user-allocated buffers.
    • New parameter 'roi' to specify a region of interest.
    • The query types 'bits_per_channel', 'camera_type', 'color_space', 'device', 'external_trigger', 'field', and 'port' for info_framegrabber provide now specific value lists for the corresponding parameters in open_framegrabber.
    • Adaptation to uEye driver 1.12.
  • Revision 2.0 (Jul 23, 2004):
    • First official release.