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invert_matrixinvert_matrixInvertMatrixinvert_matrixInvertMatrixInvertMatrix (Operator)


invert_matrixinvert_matrixInvertMatrixinvert_matrixInvertMatrixInvertMatrix — Invert a matrix.


invert_matrix( : : MatrixID, MatrixType, Epsilon : MatrixInvID)

Herror invert_matrix(const Hlong MatrixID, const char* MatrixType, double Epsilon, Hlong* MatrixInvID)

Herror T_invert_matrix(const Htuple MatrixID, const Htuple MatrixType, const Htuple Epsilon, Htuple* MatrixInvID)

Herror invert_matrix(const HTuple& MatrixID, const HTuple& MatrixType, const HTuple& Epsilon, Hlong* MatrixInvID)

HMatrix HMatrix::InvertMatrix(const HTuple& MatrixType, const HTuple& Epsilon) const

void InvertMatrix(const HTuple& MatrixID, const HTuple& MatrixType, const HTuple& Epsilon, HTuple* MatrixInvID)

HMatrix HMatrix::InvertMatrix(const HString& MatrixType, double Epsilon) const

HMatrix HMatrix::InvertMatrix(const char* MatrixType, double Epsilon) const

void HOperatorSetX.InvertMatrix(
[in] VARIANT MatrixID, [in] VARIANT MatrixType, [in] VARIANT Epsilon, [out] VARIANT* MatrixInvID)

IHMatrixX* HMatrixX.InvertMatrix(
[in] BSTR MatrixType, [in] double Epsilon)

static void HOperatorSet.InvertMatrix(HTuple matrixID, HTuple matrixType, HTuple epsilon, out HTuple matrixInvID)

HMatrix HMatrix.InvertMatrix(string matrixType, double epsilon)


The operator invert_matrixinvert_matrixInvertMatrixinvert_matrixInvertMatrixInvertMatrix computes the inverse of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix defined by the matrix handle MatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDmatrixID. A new matrix MatrixInvMatrixInvMatrixInvMatrixInvMatrixInvmatrixInv is generated with the result and the matrix handle MatrixInvIDMatrixInvIDMatrixInvIDMatrixInvIDMatrixInvIDmatrixInvID of this matrix is returned. Access to the elements of the matrix is possible e.g. with the operator get_full_matrixget_full_matrixGetFullMatrixget_full_matrixGetFullMatrixGetFullMatrix.

For EpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonepsilon = 0, the inverse is computed. The type of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix can be selected via MatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypematrixType. The following values are supported: 'general'"general""general""general""general""general" for general, 'symmetric'"symmetric""symmetric""symmetric""symmetric""symmetric" for symmetric, 'positive_definite'"positive_definite""positive_definite""positive_definite""positive_definite""positive_definite" for symmetric positive definite, 'tridiagonal'"tridiagonal""tridiagonal""tridiagonal""tridiagonal""tridiagonal" for tridiagonal, 'upper_triangular'"upper_triangular""upper_triangular""upper_triangular""upper_triangular""upper_triangular" for upper triangular, 'permuted_upper_triangular'"permuted_upper_triangular""permuted_upper_triangular""permuted_upper_triangular""permuted_upper_triangular""permuted_upper_triangular" for permuted upper triangular, 'lower_triangular'"lower_triangular""lower_triangular""lower_triangular""lower_triangular""lower_triangular" for lower triangular, and 'permuted_lower_triangular'"permuted_lower_triangular""permuted_lower_triangular""permuted_lower_triangular""permuted_lower_triangular""permuted_lower_triangular" for permuted lower triangular matrices.

Example 1:

           /  1.0   3.0   3.0  \
  Matrix = |  4.0   5.0   6.0  |
           \  5.0   5.0   7.0  /

  MatrixType = 'general'    Epsilon = 0

                    /  -1.25    1.50   -0.75  \
  ->    MatrixInv = |  -0.50    2.00   -1.50  |
                    \   1.25   -2.50    1.75  /

Example 2:

           /  1.0   3.0   3.0  \
  Matrix = |   0    2.0   6.0  |
           \   0     0   10.0  /

  MatrixType = 'upper_triangular'    Epsilon = 0

                    /   1.00   -1.50    0.60  \
  ->    MatrixInv = |    0      0.50   -0.30  |
                    \    0       0      0.10  /

Example 3:

           /  1.0   3.0   3.0  \
  Matrix = |   0     0   10.0  |
           \   0    2.0   6.0  /

  MatrixType = 'permuted_upper_triangular'    Epsilon = 0

                    /   1.00   -1.50    0.60  \
  ->    MatrixInv = |    0      0.50   -0.30  |
                    \    0       0      0.10  /

For EpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonepsilon > 0, the pseudo inverse is computed using a singular value decomposition (SVD). During the computation, all singular values less than the value EpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonepsilon * the largest singular value are set to 0. For these values no internal division is done to prevent a division by zero. If a square matrix is computed with the SVD algorithm the computation takes more time. The type of the matrix must be set to MatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypematrixType = 'general'"general""general""general""general""general".


           /  3.0   1.0  -2.0   5.0  \
  Matrix = | -5.0   7.0   2.0  -6.0  |
           \ -9.0  -4.0   1.0   4.0  /

  MatrixType = 'general'    Epsilon = 2.2204e-16

                    /  -0.0021   -0.0482   -0.0813  \
                    |   0.1435    0.1137   -0.0137  |
  ->    MatrixInv = |  -0.0519   -0.0015    0.0028  |
                    \   0.1518    0.0056    0.0526  /

Note: The relative accuracy of the floating point representation of the used data type (double) is EpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonepsilon = 2.2204e-16.

It should be also noted that in the examples there are differences in the meaning of the numbers of the output matrices: The results of the elements are per definition a certain value if the number of this value is shown as an integer number, e.g., 0 or 1. If the number is shown as a floating point number, e.g., 0.0 or 1.0, the value is computed.


For MatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypematrixType = 'symmetric'"symmetric""symmetric""symmetric""symmetric""symmetric", 'positive_definite'"positive_definite""positive_definite""positive_definite""positive_definite""positive_definite", or 'upper_triangular'"upper_triangular""upper_triangular""upper_triangular""upper_triangular""upper_triangular" the upper triangular part of the input MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix must contain the relevant information of the matrix. The strictly lower triangular part of the matrix is not referenced. For MatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypematrixType = 'lower_triangular'"lower_triangular""lower_triangular""lower_triangular""lower_triangular""lower_triangular" the lower triangular part of the input MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix must contain the relevant information of the matrix. The strictly upper triangular part of the matrix is not referenced. For MatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypematrixType = 'tridiagonal'"tridiagonal""tridiagonal""tridiagonal""tridiagonal""tridiagonal", only the main diagonal, the superdiagonal, and the subdiagonal of the input MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix are used. The other parts of the matrix are not referenced. If the referenced part of the input MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrix is not of the specified type, an exception is raised.



MatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDMatrixIDmatrixID (input_control)  matrix HMatrix, HTupleHTupleHMatrix, HTupleHMatrixX, VARIANTHtuple (integer) (IntPtr) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Matrix handle of the input matrix.

MatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypeMatrixTypematrixType (input_control)  string HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*) (BSTR) (char*)

The type of the input matrix.

Default value: 'general' "general" "general" "general" "general" "general"

List of values: 'general'"general""general""general""general""general", 'lower_triangular'"lower_triangular""lower_triangular""lower_triangular""lower_triangular""lower_triangular", 'permuted_lower_triangular'"permuted_lower_triangular""permuted_lower_triangular""permuted_lower_triangular""permuted_lower_triangular""permuted_lower_triangular", 'permuted_upper_triangular'"permuted_upper_triangular""permuted_upper_triangular""permuted_upper_triangular""permuted_upper_triangular""permuted_upper_triangular", 'positive_definite'"positive_definite""positive_definite""positive_definite""positive_definite""positive_definite", 'symmetric'"symmetric""symmetric""symmetric""symmetric""symmetric", 'tridiagonal'"tridiagonal""tridiagonal""tridiagonal""tridiagonal""tridiagonal", 'upper_triangular'"upper_triangular""upper_triangular""upper_triangular""upper_triangular""upper_triangular"

EpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonEpsilonepsilon (input_control)  real HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double) (double) (double)

Type of inversion.

Default value: 0.0

Suggested values: 0.0, 2.2204e-16

MatrixInvIDMatrixInvIDMatrixInvIDMatrixInvIDMatrixInvIDmatrixInvID (output_control)  matrix HMatrix, HTupleHTupleHMatrix, HTupleHMatrixX, VARIANTHtuple (integer) (IntPtr) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Matrix handle with the inverse matrix.


If the parameters are valid, the operator invert_matrixinvert_matrixInvertMatrixinvert_matrixInvertMatrixInvertMatrix returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If necessary, an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors


Possible Successors

get_full_matrixget_full_matrixGetFullMatrixget_full_matrixGetFullMatrixGetFullMatrix, get_value_matrixget_value_matrixGetValueMatrixget_value_matrixGetValueMatrixGetValueMatrix



See also

transpose_matrixtranspose_matrixTransposeMatrixtranspose_matrixTransposeMatrixTransposeMatrix, transpose_matrix_modtranspose_matrix_modTransposeMatrixModtranspose_matrix_modTransposeMatrixModTransposeMatrixMod


David Poole: “Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction”; Thomson; Belmont; 2006.
Gene H. Golub, Charles F. van Loan: “Matrix Computations”; The Johns Hopkins University Press; Baltimore and London; 1996.



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