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mult_matrixmult_matrixMultMatrixmult_matrixMultMatrixMultMatrix (Operator)


mult_matrixmult_matrixMultMatrixmult_matrixMultMatrixMultMatrix — Multiply two matrices.


mult_matrix( : : MatrixAID, MatrixBID, MultType : MatrixMultID)

Herror mult_matrix(const Hlong MatrixAID, const Hlong MatrixBID, const char* MultType, Hlong* MatrixMultID)

Herror T_mult_matrix(const Htuple MatrixAID, const Htuple MatrixBID, const Htuple MultType, Htuple* MatrixMultID)

Herror mult_matrix(const HTuple& MatrixAID, const HTuple& MatrixBID, const HTuple& MultType, Hlong* MatrixMultID)

HMatrix HMatrix::MultMatrix(const HMatrix& MatrixBID, const HTuple& MultType) const

void MultMatrix(const HTuple& MatrixAID, const HTuple& MatrixBID, const HTuple& MultType, HTuple* MatrixMultID)

HMatrix HMatrix::MultMatrix(const HMatrix& MatrixBID, const HString& MultType) const

HMatrix HMatrix::MultMatrix(const HMatrix& MatrixBID, const char* MultType) const

void HOperatorSetX.MultMatrix(
[in] VARIANT MatrixAID, [in] VARIANT MatrixBID, [in] VARIANT MultType, [out] VARIANT* MatrixMultID)

IHMatrixX* HMatrixX.MultMatrix(
[in] IHMatrixX* MatrixBID, [in] BSTR MultType)

static void HOperatorSet.MultMatrix(HTuple matrixAID, HTuple matrixBID, HTuple multType, out HTuple matrixMultID)

HMatrix HMatrix.MultMatrix(HMatrix matrixBID, string multType)


The operator mult_matrixmult_matrixMultMatrixmult_matrixMultMatrixMultMatrix computes the product of the input matrices MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA and MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB defined by the matrix handles MatrixAIDMatrixAIDMatrixAIDMatrixAIDMatrixAIDmatrixAID and MatrixBIDMatrixBIDMatrixBIDMatrixBIDMatrixBIDmatrixBID. A new matrix MatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultmatrixMult is generated with the result. The operator returns the matrix handle MatrixMultIDMatrixMultIDMatrixMultIDMatrixMultIDMatrixMultIDmatrixMultID of the matrix MatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultmatrixMult. Access to the elements of the matrix is possible e.g. with the operator get_full_matrixget_full_matrixGetFullMatrixget_full_matrixGetFullMatrixGetFullMatrix. If desired, one or both input matrices will be transposed for the multiplication.

The type of multiplication can be selected via MultTypeMultTypeMultTypeMultTypeMultTypemultType:


The matrices MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA and MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB will not be transposed. Therefore, the formula for the calculation of the result is:

    MatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultmatrixMult = MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA * MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB.

The number of columns of the matrix MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA must be identical to the number of rows of the matrix MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB.


              /   3.0  -3.0  \                /   3.0  -3.0   1.0   1.0  \
    MatrixA = |   2.0  -5.0  |      MatrixB = \   2.0  -1.0  -2.0  -1.0  /
              \  -3.0   2.0  /

                       /   3.0  -6.0   9.0   6.0  \
    ->    MatrixMult = |  -4.0  -1.0  12.0   7.0  |
                       \  -5.0   7.0  -7.0  -5.0  /


The matrix MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA will be transposed. The matrix MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB will not be transposed. Therefore, the formula for the calculation of the result is:

    MatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultmatrixMult = MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA^T * MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB.

The number of rows of the matrix MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA must be identical to the number of rows of the matrix MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB.


              /   3.0   2.0  -3.0  \             /   3.0  -3.0   1.0   1.0  \
    MatrixA = \  -3.0  -5.0   2.0  /   MatrixB = \   2.0  -1.0  -2.0  -1.0  /

                       /   3.0  -6.0   9.0   6.0  \
    ->    MatrixMult = |  -4.0  -1.0  12.0   7.0  |
                       \  -5.0   7.0  -7.0  -5.0  /


The matrix MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA will not be transposed. The matrix MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB will be transposed. Therefore, the formula for the calculation of the result is:

    MatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultmatrixMult = MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA * MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB^T.

The number of columns of the matrix MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA must be identical to the number of columns of the matrix MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB.


                                              /   3.0   2.0  \
              /   3.0  -3.0  \                |  -3.0  -1.0  |
    MatrixA = |   2.0  -5.0  |      MatrixB = |   1.0  -2.0  |
              \  -3.0   2.0  /                \   1.0  -1.0  /

                       /   3.0  -6.0   9.0   6.0  \
    ->    MatrixMult = |  -4.0  -1.0  12.0   7.0  |
                       \  -5.0   7.0  -7.0  -5.0  /


The matrix MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA and the matrix MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB will be transposed. Therefore, the formula for the calculation of the result is:

    MatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultMatrixMultmatrixMult = MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA^T * MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB^T.

The number of rows of the matrix MatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAMatrixAmatrixA must be identical to the number of columns of the matrix MatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBMatrixBmatrixB.


                                                    /   3.0   2.0  \
              /   3.0   2.0  -3.0  \                |  -3.0  -1.0  |
    MatrixA = \  -3.0  -5.0   2.0  /      MatrixB = |   1.0  -2.0  |
                                                    \   1.0  -1.0  /

                       /   3.0  -6.0   9.0   6.0  \
    ->    MatrixMult = |  -4.0  -1.0  12.0   7.0  |
                       \  -5.0   7.0  -7.0  -5.0  /



MatrixAIDMatrixAIDMatrixAIDMatrixAIDMatrixAIDmatrixAID (input_control)  matrix HMatrix, HTupleHTupleHMatrix, HTupleHMatrixX, VARIANTHtuple (integer) (IntPtr) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Matrix handle of the input matrix A.

MatrixBIDMatrixBIDMatrixBIDMatrixBIDMatrixBIDmatrixBID (input_control)  matrix HMatrix, HTupleHTupleHMatrix, HTupleHMatrixX, VARIANTHtuple (integer) (IntPtr) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Matrix handle of the input matrix B.

MultTypeMultTypeMultTypeMultTypeMultTypemultType (input_control)  string HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*) (BSTR) (char*)

Type of the input matrices.

Default value: 'AB' "AB" "AB" "AB" "AB" "AB"


MatrixMultIDMatrixMultIDMatrixMultIDMatrixMultIDMatrixMultIDmatrixMultID (output_control)  matrix HMatrix, HTupleHTupleHMatrix, HTupleHMatrixX, VARIANTHtuple (integer) (IntPtr) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Matrix handle of the multiplied matrices.


If the parameters are valid, the operator mult_matrixmult_matrixMultMatrixmult_matrixMultMatrixMultMatrix returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If necessary, an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors


Possible Successors

get_full_matrixget_full_matrixGetFullMatrixget_full_matrixGetFullMatrixGetFullMatrix, get_value_matrixget_value_matrixGetValueMatrixget_value_matrixGetValueMatrixGetValueMatrix



See also

mult_element_matrixmult_element_matrixMultElementMatrixmult_element_matrixMultElementMatrixMultElementMatrix, mult_element_matrix_modmult_element_matrix_modMultElementMatrixModmult_element_matrix_modMultElementMatrixModMultElementMatrixMod, div_element_matrixdiv_element_matrixDivElementMatrixdiv_element_matrixDivElementMatrixDivElementMatrix, div_element_matrix_moddiv_element_matrix_modDivElementMatrixModdiv_element_matrix_modDivElementMatrixModDivElementMatrixMod, transpose_matrixtranspose_matrixTransposeMatrixtranspose_matrixTransposeMatrixTransposeMatrix, transpose_matrix_modtranspose_matrix_modTransposeMatrixModtranspose_matrix_modTransposeMatrixModTransposeMatrixMod


David Poole: “Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction”; Thomson; Belmont; 2006.
Gene H. Golub, Charles F. van Loan: “Matrix Computations”; The Johns Hopkins University Press; Baltimore and London; 1996.



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