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tuple_fmodtuple_fmodTupleFmodtuple_fmodTupleFmodTupleFmod (Operator)


tuple_fmodtuple_fmodTupleFmodtuple_fmodTupleFmodTupleFmod — Calculate the remainder of the floating point division of two tuples.


tuple_fmod( : : T1, T2 : Fmod)

Herror tuple_fmod(double T1, double T2, double* Fmod)

Herror T_tuple_fmod(const Htuple T1, const Htuple T2, Htuple* Fmod)

Herror tuple_fmod(const HTuple& T1, const HTuple& T2, double* Fmod)

Herror tuple_fmod(const HTuple& T1, const HTuple& T2, HTuple* Fmod)

void TupleFmod(const HTuple& T1, const HTuple& T2, HTuple* Fmod)

HTuple HTuple::TupleFmod(const HTuple& T2) const

void HOperatorSetX.TupleFmod(
[in] VARIANT T1, [in] VARIANT T2, [out] VARIANT* Fmod)

VARIANT HTupleX.TupleFmod(
[in] VARIANT T1, [in] VARIANT T2)

static void HOperatorSet.TupleFmod(HTuple t1, HTuple t2, out HTuple fmod)

HTuple HTuple.TupleFmod(HTuple t2)


tuple_fmodtuple_fmodTupleFmodtuple_fmodTupleFmodTupleFmod computes the remainder of the floating point division of the input tuples T1T1T1T1T1t1/T2T2T2T2T2t2. If both tuples have the same length the division is performed for the corresponding elements of both tuples. Otherwise, either T1T1T1T1T1t1 or T2T2T2T2T2t2 must have length 1. In this case, the division is performed for each element of the longer tuple with the single element of the other tuple. The result is always a floating point number. The division of strings is not allowed.



T1T1T1T1T1t1 (input_control)  number(-array) HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Input tuple 1.

T2T2T2T2T2t2 (input_control)  number(-array) HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Input tuple 2.

Restriction: T2 != 0.0

FmodFmodFmodFmodFmodfmod (output_control)  number(-array) HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double) (double) (double)

Remainder of the division of the input tuples.



See also

tuple_floortuple_floorTupleFloortuple_floorTupleFloorTupleFloor, tuple_ceiltuple_ceilTupleCeiltuple_ceilTupleCeilTupleCeil



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