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Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

dev_set_paintT_dev_set_paintDevSetPaintdev_set_paintDevSetPaintDevSetPaint (Operator)


dev_set_paintT_dev_set_paintDevSetPaintdev_set_paintDevSetPaintDevSetPaint — Define the grayvalue output mode.


dev_set_paint( : : Mode : )

Herror T_dev_set_paint(const Htuple Mode)

Herror dev_set_paint(const HTuple& Mode)

void HWindow::DevSetPaint(const HTuple& Mode) const

void DevSetPaint(const HTuple& Mode)

static void HWindow::DevSetPaint(const HTuple& Mode)

void HOperatorSetX.DevSetPaint([in] VARIANT Mode)

void HWindowX.DevSetPaint([in] VARIANT Mode)

static void HOperatorSet.DevSetPaint(HTuple mode)

static void HWindow.DevSetPaint(HTuple mode)


dev_set_paintdev_set_paintDevSetPaintdev_set_paintDevSetPaintDevSetPaint defines the output mode that is used for displaying image objects in the graphics window.

For a detailed description of all possible options see set_paintset_paintSetPaintset_paintSetPaintSetPaint. However, in contrast to that operator the display mode is also used for all new graphics windows that are opened afterwards.


Using the code export feature of HDevelop, the code that is generated for this operator may have a different behavior than the related HALCON operator. For a detailed description of the code export of HDevelop graphics operators into the different programming languages see in the “HDevelop User's Guide” the chapter Code Export -> General Aspects of Code Generation -> Graphics Windows.


ModeModeModeModeModemode (input_control)  string-array HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string / integer) (string / int / long) (HString / Hlong) (char* / Hlong) (BSTR / Hlong) (char* / Hlong)

Grayvalue output name. Additional parameters possible.

Default value: 'default' "default" "default" "default" "default" "default"

Suggested values: 'default'"default""default""default""default""default", '3d_plot'"3d_plot""3d_plot""3d_plot""3d_plot""3d_plot"

Example (HDevelop)



If the values of the specified parameters are correct, dev_set_paintdev_set_paintDevSetPaintdev_set_paintDevSetPaintDevSetPaint returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Otherwise an exception is raised and an error code returned.

Possible Predecessors


Possible Successors

dev_set_colordev_set_colorDevSetColordev_set_colorDevSetColorDevSetColor, dev_displaydev_displayDevDisplaydev_displayDevDisplayDevDisplay

See also




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