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get_channel_infoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoGetChannelInfo (Operator)


get_channel_infoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoGetChannelInfo — Informations about the components of an image object.


get_channel_info(Object : : Request, Channel : Information)

Herror get_channel_info(const Hobject Object, const char* Request, const Hlong Channel, char* Information)

Herror T_get_channel_info(const Hobject Object, const Htuple Request, const Htuple Channel, Htuple* Information)

Herror get_channel_info(Hobject Object, const HTuple& Request, const HTuple& Channel, char* Information)

Herror get_channel_info(Hobject Object, const HTuple& Request, const HTuple& Channel, HTuple* Information)

void GetChannelInfo(const HObject& Object, const HTuple& Request, const HTuple& Channel, HTuple* Information)

HTuple HObject::GetChannelInfo(const HString& Request, const HTuple& Channel) const

HString HObject::GetChannelInfo(const HString& Request, Hlong Channel) const

HString HObject::GetChannelInfo(const char* Request, Hlong Channel) const

void HOperatorSetX.GetChannelInfo(
[in] IHUntypedObjectX* Object, [in] VARIANT Request, [in] VARIANT Channel, [out] VARIANT* Information)

VARIANT HImageX.GetChannelInfo(
[in] BSTR Request, [in] VARIANT Channel)

VARIANT HRegionX.GetChannelInfo(
[in] BSTR Request, [in] VARIANT Channel)

VARIANT HUntypedObjectX.GetChannelInfo(
[in] BSTR Request, [in] VARIANT Channel)

VARIANT HXLDContX.GetChannelInfo(
[in] BSTR Request, [in] VARIANT Channel)

VARIANT HXLDPolyX.GetChannelInfo(
[in] BSTR Request, [in] VARIANT Channel)

VARIANT HXLDParaX.GetChannelInfo(
[in] BSTR Request, [in] VARIANT Channel)

VARIANT HXLDModParaX.GetChannelInfo(
[in] BSTR Request, [in] VARIANT Channel)

VARIANT HXLDExtParaX.GetChannelInfo(
[in] BSTR Request, [in] VARIANT Channel)

static void HOperatorSet.GetChannelInfo(HObject objectVal, HTuple request, HTuple channel, out HTuple information)

HTuple HObject.GetChannelInfo(string request, HTuple channel)

string HObject.GetChannelInfo(string request, int channel)


The operator get_channel_infoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoGetChannelInfo gives information about the components of an image object. The following requests (RequestRequestRequestRequestRequestrequest) are currently possible:


Output of the names of the procedures which initially created the image components (not the object).


Output of the type of image component ('byte', 'int1', 'int2', 'uint2' 'int4', 'real', 'direction', 'cyclic', 'complex', 'vector_field'). The component 0 is of type 'region' or 'xld'.

In the tuple ChannelChannelChannelChannelChannelchannel the numbers of the components about which information is required are stated. After carrying out get_channel_infoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoGetChannelInfo, InformationInformationInformationInformationInformationinformation contains a tuple of strings (one string per entry in ChannelChannelChannelChannelChannelchannel) with the required information.

For a short description of the iconic objects that are available in HALCON see the introduction of chapter Object.



ObjectObjectObjectObjectObjectobjectVal (input_object)  object objectHObjectHObjectHObjectHObjectXHobject

Image object to be examined.

RequestRequestRequestRequestRequestrequest (input_control)  string HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*) (BSTR) (char*)

Required information about object components.

Default value: 'creator' "creator" "creator" "creator" "creator" "creator"

List of values: 'creator'"creator""creator""creator""creator""creator", 'type'"type""type""type""type""type"

ChannelChannelChannelChannelChannelchannel (input_control)  channel(-array) HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Components to be examined (0 for region/XLD).

Default value: 0

Suggested values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

InformationInformationInformationInformationInformationinformation (output_control)  string(-array) HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*) (BSTR) (char*)

Requested information.


If the parameters are correct the operator get_channel_infoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoget_channel_infoGetChannelInfoGetChannelInfo returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Otherwise an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors


See also




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