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write_objectwrite_objectWriteObjectWriteObject (Operator)


write_objectwrite_objectWriteObjectWriteObject — Write an iconic object.


write_object(Object : : FileName : )

Herror write_object(const Hobject Object, const char* FileName)

Herror T_write_object(const Hobject Object, const Htuple FileName)

void WriteObject(const HObject& Object, const HTuple& FileName)

void HObject::WriteObject(const HString& FileName) const

void HObject::WriteObject(const char* FileName) const

static void HOperatorSet.WriteObject(HObject objectVal, HTuple fileName)

void HObject.WriteObject(string fileName)


write_objectwrite_objectWriteObjectWriteObjectWriteObject writes the iconic ObjectObjectObjectObjectobjectVal to the file FileNameFileNameFileNameFileNamefileName. The iconic object is a (possibly mixed) tuple of images, regions, or XLDs. If no extension is specified in FileNameFileNameFileNameFileNamefileName, the extension '.hobj'".hobj"".hobj"".hobj"".hobj" will be appended. The iconic data is written in the HALCON Iconic Object format described below.

HALCON Iconic Object (HOBJ) (HALCON 12.0 or higher):

HOBJ is a binary file format, which provides the functionality to write and read all kinds of iconic HALCON objects (images, regions, and XLDs). Since data is written with neither compression nor conversion, writing this file format is faster than other supported file formats in most circumstances. Hence, if an application needs to read and write all kinds of iconic HALCON objects as fast as possible and no compression is required, this format should be used. The default file extension for this file format is '.hobj'".hobj"".hobj"".hobj"".hobj". For images, all HALCON pixel types can be written. Multi-channel images are supported. The channels can have mixed pixel types but must have the same width and height. The domain of an image and it's creation date are stored in the file as well. An object tuple is written into a single file.

Execution Information


ObjectObjectObjectObjectobjectVal (input_object)  object(-array) objectHObjectHObjectHobject

Iconic object.

FileNameFileNameFileNameFileNamefileName (input_control)  filename HTupleHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Name of file.

File extension: .hobj


If the parameters are valid, the operator write_objectwrite_objectWriteObjectWriteObjectWriteObject returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If necessary, an exception is raised.

Possible Successors

read_objectread_objectReadObjectReadObjectReadObject, read_imageread_imageReadImageReadImageReadImage

See also

read_objectread_objectReadObjectReadObjectReadObject, write_imagewrite_imageWriteImageWriteImageWriteImage, read_imageread_imageReadImageReadImageReadImage, write_regionwrite_regionWriteRegionWriteRegionWriteRegion, read_regionread_regionReadRegionReadRegionReadRegion



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