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HBgEsti (Class)


HBgEsti — Represents an instance of a background estimator.


CreateBgEsti    Generate and initialize a data set for the background estimation.


CloseBgEsti    Delete the background estimation data set.
CreateBgEsti    Generate and initialize a data set for the background estimation.
GetBgEstiParams    Return the parameters of the data set.
GiveBgEsti    Return the estimated background image.
RunBgEsti    Estimate the background and return the foreground region.
SetBgEstiParams    Change the parameters of the data set.
UpdateBgEsti    Change the estimated background image.

HBgEsti (Class)


HBgEsti — Represents an instance of a background estimator.


CreateBgEsti    Generate and initialize a data set for the background estimation.


CloseBgEsti    Delete the background estimation data set.
CreateBgEsti    Generate and initialize a data set for the background estimation.
GetBgEstiParams    Return the parameters of the data set.
GiveBgEsti    Return the estimated background image.
RunBgEsti    Estimate the background and return the foreground region.
SetBgEstiParams    Change the parameters of the data set.
UpdateBgEsti    Change the estimated background image.

ClassesClasses | | Operators