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control_io_interfaceT_control_io_interfaceControlIoInterfaceControlIoInterface (Operator)


control_io_interfaceT_control_io_interfaceControlIoInterfaceControlIoInterface — Perform an action on the I/O interface.


control_io_interface( : : IOInterfaceName, Action, Argument : Result)

Herror T_control_io_interface(const Htuple IOInterfaceName, const Htuple Action, const Htuple Argument, Htuple* Result)

void ControlIoInterface(const HTuple& IOInterfaceName, const HTuple& Action, const HTuple& Argument, HTuple* Result)

static HTuple HIODevice::ControlIoInterface(const HString& IOInterfaceName, const HString& Action, const HTuple& Argument)

static HTuple HIODevice::ControlIoInterface(const HString& IOInterfaceName, const HString& Action, const HString& Argument)

static HTuple HIODevice::ControlIoInterface(const char* IOInterfaceName, const char* Action, const char* Argument)

static void HOperatorSet.ControlIoInterface(HTuple IOInterfaceName, HTuple action, HTuple argument, out HTuple result)

static HTuple HIODevice.ControlIoInterface(string IOInterfaceName, string action, HTuple argument)

static HTuple HIODevice.ControlIoInterface(string IOInterfaceName, string action, string argument)


control_io_interfacecontrol_io_interfaceControlIoInterfaceControlIoInterfaceControlIoInterface performs an action on the I/O interface. The supported parameters are interface-specific and listed in the corresponding documentation of the used I/O interface that can be found in the directory 'doc/html/reference/io'"doc/html/reference/io""doc/html/reference/io""doc/html/reference/io""doc/html/reference/io".

The special value 'keep_open'"keep_open""keep_open""keep_open""keep_open" for ActionActionActionActionaction is used to control when the interface should be unloaded. If ArgumentArgumentArgumentArgumentargument is set to 'true'"true""true""true""true", the interface will remain loaded until the HALCON process is terminated. If it is set to 'false'"false""false""false""false", the interface will be unloaded as soon as all its device instances are closed. This is the default behavior.


On Windows Systems, error dialog boxes from the operating system can occur when dependency modules of the interface are not found, e.g., the according SDK was not installed. The occurrence of the error boxes can be controlled by setting Windows' Error Mode. Please refer to the description of SetErrorMode within the Windows MSDN documentation.

Execution Information


IOInterfaceNameIOInterfaceNameIOInterfaceNameIOInterfaceNameIOInterfaceName (input_control)  string HTupleHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

HALCON I/O interface name.

Default value: []

Suggested values: 'ADLINK-DAQPilot'"ADLINK-DAQPilot""ADLINK-DAQPilot""ADLINK-DAQPilot""ADLINK-DAQPilot", 'ADLINK-EOS'"ADLINK-EOS""ADLINK-EOS""ADLINK-EOS""ADLINK-EOS", 'Advantech'"Advantech""Advantech""Advantech""Advantech", 'Contec'"Contec""Contec""Contec""Contec", 'Interface'"Interface""Interface""Interface""Interface", 'NIDAQmx'"NIDAQmx""NIDAQmx""NIDAQmx""NIDAQmx", 'OPC_Classic'"OPC_Classic""OPC_Classic""OPC_Classic""OPC_Classic", 'OPC_UA'"OPC_UA""OPC_UA""OPC_UA""OPC_UA"

ActionActionActionActionaction (input_control)  string HTupleHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Name of the action to perform.

ArgumentArgumentArgumentArgumentargument (input_control)  string(-array) HTupleHTupleHtuple (string / integer / real) (string / int / long / double) (HString / Hlong / double) (char* / Hlong / double)

List of arguments for the action.

Default value: []

ResultResultResultResultresult (output_control)  string-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (string / integer / real) (string / int / long / double) (HString / Hlong / double) (char* / Hlong / double)

List of results returned by the action.


If the parameters are valid, the operator control_io_interfacecontrol_io_interfaceControlIoInterfaceControlIoInterfaceControlIoInterface returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If necessary an exception is raised. In this case an extended error information may be set and can be queried with the operator get_extended_error_infoget_extended_error_infoGetExtendedErrorInfoGetExtendedErrorInfoGetExtendedErrorInfo.

See also




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