
List of Operators ↓

This chapter explains the general concept of the deep learning (DL) model in HALCON and the data handling.

By concept, a deep learning model in HALCON is a deep neural network. Each deep neural network has an architecture defining its function, i.e., the tasks it can be used for. There can be several possible network architectures for one functionality. Currently, networks for the following functionalities, also referred to as methods or types, are implemented in HALCON as model:

For the implemented methods you can find further information about the specific workflow, data requirements, and validation measures in the corresponding chapters. Information to deep learning in general are given in the chapter Deep Learning.

In this chapter you find the information, which data a DL model needs and returns as well as how this data is transferred.


Independent of the deep learning method used, the data has to be provided to the model following certain conventions. As basic concept, the model handles data over dictionaries. More precisely, the model receives for every input image a dictionary DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample. Such a dictionary contains the image and, in case of training and evaluation, information like e.g., the ground truth annotations. As output the model returns a dictionary DLResultDLResultDLResultDLResultDLResult with the results. An illustration is given in the figure below.

image/svg+xml i k j 'val_1' = [...] 'val_1' = [...] image/svg+xml 'image' ... 'val_2' = [...] 'val_3' = [...] 'val_1' = [...]
(1) (2)
Schematic illustration of the dictionaries serving as model input: (1) Training and evaluation: DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample includes the image as well as information about the image and its content. For visibility purpose BatchSizeBatchSizeBatchSizeBatchSizebatchSize is set to three and only few entries are registered. (2) Inference: DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample contains only the bare image. These dictionaries can be passed one at a time or within a tuple.

During training and evaluation, an additional dictionary DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset serves as a database and collects all the individual image information dictionaries (stored in the key samplessamplessamplessamplessamples). Out of this database the model input dictionaries, DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample, are created, see the illustration below and the section “Training and evaluation input data”.

image/svg+xml ... 'image_dir' = '...' 'class_ids' = [...] ... = [ ] ... ... 'image_file_name' = '...' 'image_id' = ... ... 'image_file_name' = '...' 'image_id' = ... ... 'image_file_name' = '...' 'image_id' = ... ... 'image_file_name' = '...' 'image_id' = ... ... 'image_file_name' = '...' 'image_id' = ... i k 0 n-1 j i j k 'image_id' = ... ... 'image' k i j
Schematic illustration of the different dataset dictionaries used for training and evaluation. For visibility purpose only few entries are registered and BatchSizeBatchSizeBatchSizeBatchSizebatchSize is set to three. In this example we have samples. Thereof a tuple DLSampleBatchDLSampleBatchDLSampleBatchDLSampleBatchDLSampleBatch is created containing the DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample of the three randomly chosen samples.

Although not necessary for the model itself, the dictionary DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset is used from the training and evaluation procedures. Therefore we highly recommend to create a dictionary DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset out of your data. Its necessary entries are described below. This dictionary is directly created when labeling your data using the MVTec Deep Learning Tool. Alternatively it is created when reading in your data using one of the following procedures:

Please see the respective procedure documentation for the requirements on the data in order to use these procedures. In case you create DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset in an other way, it has to contain at least the entries not marked with a number in the description below. During the preprocessing of your dataset the respective procedures include the further entries of the dictionary DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset.

In the following, we explain the different data and the involved dictionaries. Thereby, the following abbreviations mark for which methods the entry applies:

The entries only applicable for certain methods are described more extensively in the corresponding chapter reference.

Training and evaluation input data

The dataset consists of images and corresponding information. They have to be provided in a way the model can process them. Concerning the image requirements, find more information in the section “Images” below.

The information about the images and the dataset is represented in a dictionary DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset, which serves as a database. More precisely, it stores the general information about the dataset and the dictionaries of the individual samples collected under samplessamplessamplessamplessamples. When the actual image data is needed, a dictionary DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample is created (or read if it already exists) for each image required. The relation of these dictionaries is illustrated in the figure above. In the following we will explain these dictionaries with their key/value pairs in more details.


The dictionary DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset stores general information about the dataset and collects the dictionaries of the individual samples. Thereby iconic data is not included in DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset but the paths to the respective images. Depending on the model type, this dictionary can have the following entries:

image_dirimage_dirimage_dirimage_dirimageDir: Any

Common base path to all images.

format: string

dlsample_dirdlsample_dirdlsample_dirdlsample_dirdlsampleDir: Any [1]

Common base path of all sample files (if present).

format: string

class_namesclass_namesclass_namesclass_namesclassNames: Any

Names of all classes that are to be distinguished.

format: tuple of strings

class_idsclass_idsclass_idsclass_idsclassIds: Any

IDs of all classes that are to be distinguished (range: 0-65534).

format: tuple of integers

preprocess_parampreprocess_parampreprocess_parampreprocess_parampreprocessParam: Any [1]

All parameter values used during preprocessing.

format: dictionary

samplessamplessamplessamplessamples: Any

Collection of sample descriptions.

format: tuple of dictionaries

class_weightsclass_weightsclass_weightsclass_weightsclassWeights: SE [1]

Weights of the different classes.

format: tuple of reals

anomaly_diranomaly_diranomaly_diranomaly_diranomalyDir: AD

Common base path of all anomaly regions (regions indicating anomalies in the image).

format: string

segmentation_dirsegmentation_dirsegmentation_dirsegmentation_dirsegmentationDir: SE

Common base path of all segmentation images.

format: string

This dictionary is directly created when labeling your data using the MVTec Deep Learning Tool. It is also created by the procedures mentioned above for reading in your data. The entries marked with [1] are added by the preprocessing procedures.


The DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset key samplessamplessamplessamplessamples gets a tuple of dictionaries as value, one for each sample in the dataset. These dictionaries contain the information concerning an individual sample of the dataset. Depending on the model type, this dictionary can have the following entries:

image_file_nameimage_file_nameimage_file_nameimage_file_nameimageFileName: Any

File name of the image and its path relative to image_dirimage_dirimage_dirimage_dirimageDir.

format: string

image_idimage_idimage_idimage_idimageId: Any

Unique image ID (encoding format: UINT8).

format: integer

splitsplitsplitsplitsplit: Any [2]

Specifies the assigned split subset ('train'"train""train""train""train",'validation'"validation""validation""validation""validation",'test'"test""test""test""test").

format: string

dlsample_file_namedlsample_file_namedlsample_file_namedlsample_file_namedlsampleFileName: Any [3]

File name of the corresponding dictionary DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample and its path relative to dlsample_dirdlsample_dirdlsample_dirdlsample_dirdlsampleDir.

format: string

anomaly_file_nameanomaly_file_nameanomaly_file_nameanomaly_file_nameanomalyFileName: AD

Optional. Path to region files with ground truth annotations (relative to anomaly_diranomaly_diranomaly_diranomaly_diranomalyDir).

format: string

anomaly_labelanomaly_labelanomaly_labelanomaly_labelanomalyLabel: AD

Ground truth anomaly label on image level (in the form of class_namesclass_namesclass_namesclass_namesclassNames).

format: string

image_label_idimage_label_idimage_label_idimage_label_idimageLabelId: CL

Ground truth label for the image (in the form of class_idsclass_idsclass_idsclass_idsclassIds).

format: tuple of integers

bbox_label_idbbox_label_idbbox_label_idbbox_label_idbboxLabelId: OD

Ground truth labels for the bounding boxes (in the form of class_idsclass_idsclass_idsclass_idsclassIds).

format: tuple of integers

bbox_row1bbox_row1bbox_row1bbox_row1bboxRow1: OD:r1 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: upper left corner, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_col1bbox_col1bbox_col1bbox_col1bboxCol1: OD:r1 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: upper left corner, column coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_row2bbox_row2bbox_row2bbox_row2bboxRow2: OD:r1 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: lower right corner, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_col2bbox_col2bbox_col2bbox_col2bboxCol2: OD:r1 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: lower right corner, column coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

coco_raw_annotationscoco_raw_annotationscoco_raw_annotationscoco_raw_annotationscocoRawAnnotations: OD:r1

Optional. It contains for every bbox_label_idbbox_label_idbbox_label_idbbox_label_idbboxLabelId within this image a dictionary with all raw COCO annotation information.

format: tuple of dictionaries

bbox_rowbbox_rowbbox_rowbbox_rowbboxRow: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: center point, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_colbbox_colbbox_colbbox_colbboxCol: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: center point, column coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_phibbox_phibbox_phibbox_phibboxPhi: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: angle phi.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_length1bbox_length1bbox_length1bbox_length1bboxLength1: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: half length of edge 1.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_length2bbox_length2bbox_length2bbox_length2bboxLength2: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: half length of edge 2.

format: tuple of reals

segmentation_file_namesegmentation_file_namesegmentation_file_namesegmentation_file_namesegmentationFileName: SE

File name of the ground truth segmentation image and its path relative to segmentation_dirsegmentation_dirsegmentation_dirsegmentation_dirsegmentationDir.

format: string

These dictionaries are part of DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset and thus they are created concurrently. An exception are the entries with a mark in the table, [2]: the procedure split_dl_dataset adds splitsplitsplitsplitsplit, [3]: the procedure preprocess_dl_samples adds dlsample_file_namedlsample_file_namedlsample_file_namedlsample_file_namedlsampleFileName. [4]: Pixel centered, subpixel accurate coordinates are used.


The dictionary DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample serves as input for the model. For a batch, they are handed over as the entries of the tuple DLSampleBatchDLSampleBatchDLSampleBatchDLSampleBatchDLSampleBatch.

A dictionary DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample is created out of DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset for every image sample by the procedure gen_dl_samples. It contains all ground truth annotations of an image. If preprocessing is done using the standard procedure preprocess_dl_samples, they are created automatically therein. Note, preprocessing steps may lead to an update of the corresponding DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample dictionary.

Depending on the model type, DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample can have the following entries:

imageimageimageimageimage: Any

Input image.

format: image

image_idimage_idimage_idimage_idimageId: Any

Unique image ID (as in DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset).

format: integer

anomaly_ground_truthanomaly_ground_truthanomaly_ground_truthanomaly_ground_truthanomalyGroundTruth: AD

Anomaly image or region, read from anomaly_file_nameanomaly_file_nameanomaly_file_nameanomaly_file_nameanomalyFileName.

format: image or region

anomaly_labelanomaly_labelanomaly_labelanomaly_labelanomalyLabel: AD

Ground truth anomaly label on image level (in the form of class_namesclass_namesclass_namesclass_namesclassNames).

format: string

anomaly_label_idanomaly_label_idanomaly_label_idanomaly_label_idanomalyLabelId: AD

Ground truth anomaly label ID on image level (in the form of class_idsclass_idsclass_idsclass_idsclassIds).

format: integer

image_label_idimage_label_idimage_label_idimage_label_idimageLabelId: CL

Ground truth label for the image (in the form of class_idsclass_idsclass_idsclass_idsclassIds).

format: tuple of integers

bbox_label_idbbox_label_idbbox_label_idbbox_label_idbboxLabelId: OD

Ground truth labels for the image part within the bounding box (in the form of class_idsclass_idsclass_idsclass_idsclassIds).

format: tuple of integers

bbox_row1bbox_row1bbox_row1bbox_row1bboxRow1: OD:r1 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: upper left corner, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_col1bbox_col1bbox_col1bbox_col1bboxCol1: OD:r1 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: upper left corner, column coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_row2bbox_row2bbox_row2bbox_row2bboxRow2: OD:r1 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: lower right corner, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_col2bbox_col2bbox_col2bbox_col2bboxCol2: OD:r1 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: lower right corner, column coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_rowbbox_rowbbox_rowbbox_rowbboxRow: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: center point, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_colbbox_colbbox_colbbox_colbboxCol: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: center point, column coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_phibbox_phibbox_phibbox_phibboxPhi: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: angle phi.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_length1bbox_length1bbox_length1bbox_length1bboxLength1: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: half length of edge 1.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_length2bbox_length2bbox_length2bbox_length2bboxLength2: OD:r2 [4]

Ground truth bounding boxes: half length of edge 2.

format: tuple of reals

segmentation_imagesegmentation_imagesegmentation_imagesegmentation_imagesegmentationImage: SE

Image with the ground truth segmentations, read from segmentation_file_namesegmentation_file_namesegmentation_file_namesegmentation_file_namesegmentationFileName.

format: image

weight_imageweight_imageweight_imageweight_imageweightImage: SE [5]

Image with the pixel weights.

format: image

These dictionaries are created by the procedure gen_dl_samples. An exception is the entry marked in the table above, [5]: created by the procedure gen_dl_segmentation_weights. [4]: Pixel centered, subpixel accurate coordinates are used.

Note, in case these DLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSampleDLSample should be stored, use the procedure write_dl_samples. You can read them with the procedure read_dl_samples.

Inference input data

The inference input data consists of bare images. They have to be provided in a way the model can process them. Concerning the image requirements, find more information in the subsection “Images” below.

The model is set up to hand over all data through a dictionary DLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDatasetDLDataset. For the inference, such a dictionary containing only the image can be created using the procedure gen_dl_samples_from_images. These dictionaries can be passed one at a time or within a tuple DLSampleBatchDLSampleBatchDLSampleBatchDLSampleBatchDLSampleBatch.

Training output data

The training output data is given in the dictionary DLTrainResultDLTrainResultDLTrainResultDLTrainResultDLTrainResult. Its entries depend on the model and thus on the operator used (for further information see the documentation of the corresponding operator):


The operator train_dl_model_batchtrain_dl_model_batchTrainDlModelBatchTrainDlModelBatchTrainDlModelBatch returns

  • total_losstotal_losstotal_losstotal_losstotalLoss

  • possible further losses included in your model


The operator train_dl_model_anomaly_datasettrain_dl_model_anomaly_datasetTrainDlModelAnomalyDatasetTrainDlModelAnomalyDatasetTrainDlModelAnomalyDataset returns

  • final_errorfinal_errorfinal_errorfinal_errorfinalError

  • final_epochfinal_epochfinal_epochfinal_epochfinalEpoch

Inference and evaluation output data

As output from the operator apply_dl_modelapply_dl_modelApplyDlModelApplyDlModelApplyDlModel, the model will return a dictionary DLResultDLResultDLResultDLResultDLResult for each sample. Depending on the model type, this dictionary can have the following entries:

anomaly_imageanomaly_imageanomaly_imageanomaly_imageanomalyImage: AD

Single channel image whose gray values are scores, indicating how likely the corresponding pixel in the input image belongs to an anomaly.

format: image

anomaly_scoreanomaly_scoreanomaly_scoreanomaly_scoreanomalyScore: AD

Anomaly score calculated from anomaly_imageanomaly_imageanomaly_imageanomaly_imageanomalyImage.

format: real

classification_class_idsclassification_class_idsclassification_class_idsclassification_class_idsclassificationClassIds: CL

Inferred class ids for the image sorted by confidence values.

format: tuple of integers

classification_class_namesclassification_class_namesclassification_class_namesclassification_class_namesclassificationClassNames: CL

Inferred class names for the image sorted by confidence values.

format: tuple of strings

classification_confidencesclassification_confidencesclassification_confidencesclassification_confidencesclassificationConfidences: CL

Confidence values of the image inference for each class.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_class_idbbox_class_idbbox_class_idbbox_class_idbboxClassId: OD

Inferred class for the bounding box (in the form of class_idsclass_idsclass_idsclass_idsclassIds).

format: tuple of integers

bbox_confidencebbox_confidencebbox_confidencebbox_confidencebboxConfidence: OD

Confidence value of the inference for the bounding box.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_row1bbox_row1bbox_row1bbox_row1bboxRow1: OD:r1 [6]

Inferred bounding boxes: upper left corner, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_col1bbox_col1bbox_col1bbox_col1bboxCol1: OD:r1 [6]

Inferred bounding boxes: upper left corner, column coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_row2bbox_row2bbox_row2bbox_row2bboxRow2: OD:r1 [6]

Inferred bounding boxes: lower right corner, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_col2bbox_col2bbox_col2bbox_col2bboxCol2: OD:r1 [6]

Inferred bounding boxes: lower right corner, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_rowbbox_rowbbox_rowbbox_rowbboxRow: OD:r2 [6]

Inferred bounding boxes: center point, row coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_colbbox_colbbox_colbbox_colbboxCol: OD:r2 [6]

Inferred bounding boxes: center point, column coordinate.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_phibbox_phibbox_phibbox_phibboxPhi: OD:r2 [6]

Inferred bounding boxes: angle phi.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_length1bbox_length1bbox_length1bbox_length1bboxLength1: OD:r2 [6]

Inferred bounding boxes: half length of edge 1.

format: tuple of reals

bbox_length2bbox_length2bbox_length2bbox_length2bboxLength2: OD:r2 [6]

Inferred bounding boxes: half length of edge 2.

format: tuple of reals

segmentation_imagesegmentation_imagesegmentation_imagesegmentation_imagesegmentationImage: SE

Image with the segmentation result.

format: image

segmentation_confidencesegmentation_confidencesegmentation_confidencesegmentation_confidencesegmentationConfidence: SE

Image with the confidence values of the segmentation result.

format: image

[6]: Pixel centered, subpixel accurate coordinates are used.

For a further explanation to the output values we refer to the chapters of the respective method, e.g., Deep Learning / Semantic Segmentation.


Regardless of the application, the network poses requirements on the images. The specific values depend on the network itself and can be queried using get_dl_model_paramget_dl_model_paramGetDlModelParamGetDlModelParamGetDlModelParam. In order to fulfill these requirements, you may have to preprocess your images. Standard preprocessing of the entire dataset and therewith also the images is implemented in preprocess_dl_samples. In case of custom preprocessing this procedure offers guidance on the implementation.

List of Operators

Apply a deep-learning-based network on a set of images for inference.
Clear a deep learning model.
Deserialize a deep learning model.
Infer the sample and generate a heatmap.
Return the parameters of a deep learning model.
Read a deep learning model from a file.
Serialize a deep learning model.
Set the parameters of a deep learning model.
Train a deep learning model.
Write a deep learning model in a file.