gen_region_pointsgen_region_pointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPointsgen_region_points (Operator)


gen_region_pointsgen_region_pointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPointsgen_region_points — Store individual pixels as image region.


gen_region_points( : Region : Rows, Columns : )

Herror gen_region_points(Hobject* Region, const Hlong Rows, const Hlong Columns)

Herror T_gen_region_points(Hobject* Region, const Htuple Rows, const Htuple Columns)

void GenRegionPoints(HObject* Region, const HTuple& Rows, const HTuple& Columns)

void HRegion::GenRegionPoints(const HTuple& Rows, const HTuple& Columns)

void HRegion::GenRegionPoints(Hlong Rows, Hlong Columns)

static void HOperatorSet.GenRegionPoints(out HObject region, HTuple rows, HTuple columns)

void HRegion.GenRegionPoints(HTuple rows, HTuple columns)

void HRegion.GenRegionPoints(int rows, int columns)

def gen_region_points(rows: MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]], columns: MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]]) -> HObject


The operator gen_region_pointsgen_region_pointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPointsgen_region_points creates a region described by a number of pixels. The pixels do not have to be stored in a fixed order, but the best runtime behavior is obtained when the pixels are stored in ascending order. The order is as follows:

The indicated coordinates stand for two consecutive pixels in the tuple.

Execution Information


RegionRegionRegionRegionregionregion (output_object)  region objectHRegionHObjectHRegionHobject *

Created region.

RowsRowsRowsRowsrowsrows (input_control)  coordinates.y(-array) HTupleMaybeSequence[Union[int, float]]HTupleHtuple (integer / real) (int / long / double) (Hlong / double) (Hlong / double)

Lines of the pixels in the region.

Default value: 100

Suggested values: 0, 10, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500

Typical range of values: Rows Rows Rows Rows rows rows (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1

ColumnsColumnsColumnsColumnscolumnscolumns (input_control)  coordinates.x(-array) HTupleMaybeSequence[Union[int, float]]HTupleHtuple (integer / real) (int / long / double) (Hlong / double) (Hlong / double)

Columns of the pixels in the region.

Number of elements: Columns == Rows

Default value: 100

Suggested values: 0, 10, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500

Typical range of values: Columns Columns Columns Columns columns columns (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1


F shall be the number of pixels. If the pixels are sorted in ascending order the runtime complexity is: O(F), otherwise O(log(F)*F).


The operator gen_region_pointsgen_region_pointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPointsGenRegionPointsgen_region_points returns the value TRUE if the pixels are located within the image format. Otherwise an exception is raised. The clipping according to the current image format is set via the operator set_system('clip_region',<'2 (H_MSG_TRUE)'/'3 (H_MSG_FALSE)'>)set_system("clip_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">)SetSystem("clip_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">)SetSystem("clip_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">)SetSystem("clip_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">)set_system("clip_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">). If an empty region is created (by the clipping or by an empty input) the operator set_system('store_empty_region',<'2 (H_MSG_TRUE)'/'3 (H_MSG_FALSE)'>)set_system("store_empty_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">)SetSystem("store_empty_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">)SetSystem("store_empty_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">)SetSystem("store_empty_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">)set_system("store_empty_region",<"2 (H_MSG_TRUE)"/"3 (H_MSG_FALSE)">) determines whether the region is returned or an empty object tuple.

Possible Predecessors


Possible Successors

paint_regionpaint_regionPaintRegionPaintRegionPaintRegionpaint_region, reduce_domainreduce_domainReduceDomainReduceDomainReduceDomainreduce_domain


gen_region_polygongen_region_polygonGenRegionPolygonGenRegionPolygonGenRegionPolygongen_region_polygon, gen_region_runsgen_region_runsGenRegionRunsGenRegionRunsGenRegionRunsgen_region_runs, gen_region_linegen_region_lineGenRegionLineGenRegionLineGenRegionLinegen_region_line

See also


