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HXLD (Class)


HXLD — Represents an instance of an XLD object-(array).

Base Class

HObject — Represents an instance of an iconic object(-array). Base class for images, regions and XLDs


This operator is not available as a class member but will be called automatically when the resources of the object instances are to be released. This occurs in the finalization stage of garbage collection, or upon an explicit call of the Dispose() method.

ClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the database.


AreaCenterPointsXld    Area and center of gravity (centroid) of contours and polygons treated as point clouds.
AreaCenterXld    Area and center of gravity (centroid) of contours and polygons.
CircularityXld    Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of contours or polygons.
CompactnessXld    Shape factor for the compactness of contours or polygons.
CompareObj    Compare iconic objects regarding equality.
ConcatObj    Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
ConvexityXld    Shape factor for the convexity of contours or polygons.
CopyObj    Copy an iconic object in the database.
DeserializeXld    Deserialize a serialized XLD object.
DiameterXld    Maximum distance between two contour or polygon points.
DispXld    Display an XLD object.
EccentricityPointsXld    Anisometry of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
EccentricityXld    Shape features derived from the ellipse parameters of contours or polygons.
EllipticAxisPointsXld    Parameters of the equivalent ellipse of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
EllipticAxisXld    Parameters of the equivalent ellipse of contours or polygons.
GenGridRectificationMap    Compute the mapping between the distorted image and the rectified image based upon the points of a regular grid.
GetCirclePose    Determine the 3D pose of a circle from its perspective 2D projection.
GetParallelsXld    Return an XLD parallel's data (as lines).
GetRectanglePose    Determine the 3D pose of a rectangle from its perspective 2D projection
HeightWidthRatioXld    Compute the width, height, and aspect ratio of the enclosing rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes of contours or polygons.
InsertObj    Insert objects into an iconic object tuple.
LengthXld    Length of contours or polygons.
MomentsAnyPointsXld    Arbitrary geometric moments of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
MomentsAnyXld    Arbitrary geometric moments of contours or polygons.
MomentsPointsXld    Geometric moments M20$M_{20}$, M02$M_{02}$, and M11$M_{11}$ of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
MomentsXld    Geometric moments M20$M_{20}$, M02$M_{02}$, and M11$M_{11}$ of contours or polygons.
ObjDiff    Calculate the difference of two object tuples.
OrientationPointsXld    Orientation of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
OrientationXld    Orientation of contours or polygons.
PaintXld    Paint XLD objects into an image.
ReceiveXld    Receive an XLD object over a socket connection.
RectangularityXld    Shape factor for the rectangularity of contours or polygons.
RemoveObj    Remove objects from an iconic object tuple.
ReplaceObj    Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
SelectObj    Select objects from an object tuple.
SelectShapeXld    Select contours or polygons using shape features.
SelectXldPoint    Choose all contours or polygons containing a given point.
SendXld    Send an XLD object over a socket connection.
SerializeXld    Serialize an XLD object.
ShapeTransXld    Transform the shape of contours or polygons.
SmallestCircleXld    Smallest enclosing circle of contours or polygons.
SmallestRectangle1Xld    Enclosing rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes of contours or polygons.
SmallestRectangle2Xld    Smallest enclosing rectangle with arbitrary orientation of contours or polygons.
TestClosedXld    Test whether contours or polygons are closed.
TestEqualObj    Compare image objects regarding equality.
TestSelfIntersectionXld    Test XLD contours or polygons for self intersection.
TestXldPoint    Test whether one or more contours or polygons enclose the given point(s).

HXLD (Class)


HXLD — Represents an instance of an XLD object-(array).

Base Class

HObject — Represents an instance of an iconic object(-array). Base class for images, regions and XLDs


This operator is not available as a class member but will be called automatically by the destructor. This occurs when a local variable goes out of scope or an instance on the heap is deleted.

ClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the database.


AreaCenterPointsXld    Area and center of gravity (centroid) of contours and polygons treated as point clouds.
AreaCenterXld    Area and center of gravity (centroid) of contours and polygons.
CircularityXld    Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of contours or polygons.
CompactnessXld    Shape factor for the compactness of contours or polygons.
CompareObj    Compare iconic objects regarding equality.
ConcatObj    Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
ConvexityXld    Shape factor for the convexity of contours or polygons.
CopyObj    Copy an iconic object in the database.
DeserializeXld    Deserialize a serialized XLD object.
DiameterXld    Maximum distance between two contour or polygon points.
DispXld    Display an XLD object.
EccentricityPointsXld    Anisometry of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
EccentricityXld    Shape features derived from the ellipse parameters of contours or polygons.
EllipticAxisPointsXld    Parameters of the equivalent ellipse of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
EllipticAxisXld    Parameters of the equivalent ellipse of contours or polygons.
GenGridRectificationMap    Compute the mapping between the distorted image and the rectified image based upon the points of a regular grid.
GetCirclePose    Determine the 3D pose of a circle from its perspective 2D projection.
GetParallelsXld    Return an XLD parallel's data (as lines).
GetRectanglePose    Determine the 3D pose of a rectangle from its perspective 2D projection
HeightWidthRatioXld    Compute the width, height, and aspect ratio of the enclosing rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes of contours or polygons.
InsertObj    Insert objects into an iconic object tuple.
LengthXld    Length of contours or polygons.
MomentsAnyPointsXld    Arbitrary geometric moments of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
MomentsAnyXld    Arbitrary geometric moments of contours or polygons.
MomentsPointsXld    Geometric moments M20$M_{20}$, M02$M_{02}$, and M11$M_{11}$ of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
MomentsXld    Geometric moments M20$M_{20}$, M02$M_{02}$, and M11$M_{11}$ of contours or polygons.
ObjDiff    Calculate the difference of two object tuples.
OrientationPointsXld    Orientation of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
OrientationXld    Orientation of contours or polygons.
PaintXld    Paint XLD objects into an image.
ReceiveXld    Receive an XLD object over a socket connection.
RectangularityXld    Shape factor for the rectangularity of contours or polygons.
RemoveObj    Remove objects from an iconic object tuple.
ReplaceObj    Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
SelectObj    Select objects from an object tuple.
SelectShapeXld    Select contours or polygons using shape features.
SelectXldPoint    Choose all contours or polygons containing a given point.
SendXld    Send an XLD object over a socket connection.
SerializeXld    Serialize an XLD object.
ShapeTransXld    Transform the shape of contours or polygons.
SmallestCircleXld    Smallest enclosing circle of contours or polygons.
SmallestRectangle1Xld    Enclosing rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes of contours or polygons.
SmallestRectangle2Xld    Smallest enclosing rectangle with arbitrary orientation of contours or polygons.
TestClosedXld    Test whether contours or polygons are closed.
TestEqualObj    Compare image objects regarding equality.
TestSelfIntersectionXld    Test XLD contours or polygons for self intersection.
TestXldPoint    Test whether one or more contours or polygons enclose the given point(s).

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