Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.
Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.
— Represents an instance of a HALCON window.
OpenWindow |
Open a graphics window. |
AttachBackgroundToWindow |
Attach a background image to a window. | |
AttachDrawingObjectToWindow |
Attach an existing drawing object to a window. | |
ClearRectangle |
Delete a rectangle on the output window. | |
ClearWindow |
Delete the contents of an output window. | |
CloseWindow |
Close an output window. | |
ConvertCoordinatesImageToWindow |
Convert image coordinates to window coordinates | |
ConvertCoordinatesWindowToImage |
Convert window coordinates to image coordinates | |
CopyRectangle |
Copy all pixels within rectangles between output windows. | |
DetachBackgroundFromWindow |
Detach the background image from a window. | |
DetachDrawingObjectFromWindow |
Detach an existing drawing object from a window. | |
DevClearWindow |
Clear the contents of the active graphics window. | |
DevCloseWindow |
Close the active floating graphics window. | |
DevDispText |
Display text in the current graphics window. | |
DevDisplay |
Displays image objects in the current graphics window. | |
DevGetWindow |
Return the handle of the active graphics window. | |
DevOpenWindow |
Open a new graphics window. | |
DevSetColor |
Set one or more output colors. | |
DevSetColored |
Set multiple output colors. | |
DevSetContourStyle |
Define the contour display fill style. | |
DevSetDraw |
Define the region fill mode. | |
DevSetLineWidth |
Define the line width for region contour output. | |
DevSetLut |
Set “look-up-table” (lut). | |
DevSetPaint |
Define the gray value output mode. | |
DevSetPart |
Modify the displayed image part. | |
DevSetShape |
Define the region output shape. | |
DevSetWindow |
Activate a graphics window. | |
DevSetWindowExtents |
Change position and size of the active floating graphics window. | |
DevUpdateWindow |
Switches the automatic output of iconic output objects into the graphics window during program execution on or off. | |
DispArc |
Displays circular arcs in a window. | |
DispArrow |
Displays arrows in a window. | |
DispCaltab |
Project and visualize the 3D model of the calibration plate in the image. | |
DispChannel |
Displays images with several channels. | |
DispCircle |
Displays circles in a window. | |
DispColor |
Displays a color (RGB) image | |
DispCross |
Displays crosses in a window. | |
DispDistribution |
Displays a noise distribution. | |
DispEllipse |
Displays ellipses. | |
DispImage |
Displays gray value images. | |
DispLine |
Draws lines in a window. | |
DispLut |
Graphical view of the look-up-table (lut). | |
DispObj |
Displays image objects (image, region, XLD). | |
DispPolygon |
Displays a polyline. | |
DispRectangle1 |
Display of rectangles aligned to the coordinate axes. | |
DispRectangle2 |
Displays arbitrarily oriented rectangles. | |
DispRegion |
Displays regions in a window. | |
DispText |
Display text in a window. | |
DispXld |
Display an XLD object. | |
DragRegion1 |
Interactive moving of a region. | |
DragRegion2 |
Interactive movement of a region with fixpoint specification. | |
DragRegion3 |
Interactive movement of a region with restriction of positions. | |
DrawCircle |
Interactive drawing of a circle. | |
DrawCircleMod |
Interactive drawing of a circle. | |
DrawEllipse |
Interactive drawing of an ellipse. | |
DrawEllipseMod |
Interactive drawing of an ellipse. | |
DrawLine |
Draw a line. | |
DrawLineMod |
Draw a line. | |
DrawNurbs |
Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve. | |
DrawNurbsInterp |
Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve using interpolation. | |
DrawNurbsInterpMod |
Interactive modification of a NURBS curve using interpolation. | |
DrawNurbsMod |
Interactive modification of a NURBS curve. | |
DrawPoint |
Draw a point. | |
DrawPointMod |
Draw a point. | |
DrawPolygon |
Interactive drawing of a polygon row. | |
DrawRectangle1 |
Draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis. | |
DrawRectangle1Mod |
Draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis. | |
DrawRectangle2 |
Interactive drawing of any orientated rectangle. | |
DrawRectangle2Mod |
Interactive drawing of any orientated rectangle. | |
DrawRegion |
Interactive drawing of a closed region. | |
DrawXld |
Interactive drawing of a contour. | |
DrawXldMod |
Interactive modification of a contour. | |
DumpWindow |
Write the window content to a file. | |
DumpWindowImage |
Write the window content in an image object. | |
Endif |
End of if command. | |
Endswitch |
Ends a multiway branch block. | |
FlushBuffer |
Flush the contents of a window. | |
GetContourStyle |
Get the current contour display fill style. | |
GetDraw |
Get the current region fill mode. | |
GetFix |
Get mode of fixing of current look-up-table (lut). | |
GetFixedLut |
Get fixing of “look-up-table” (lut) for “real color images” | |
GetFont |
Get the current font. | |
GetFontExtents |
Get the maximum size of all characters of a font. | |
GetHsi |
Get the HSI coding of the current color. | |
GetIcon |
Query the icon for region output | |
GetInsert |
Get the current display mode. | |
GetLineApprox |
Get the current approximation error for contour display. | |
GetLineStyle |
Get the current graphic mode for contours. | |
GetLineWidth |
Get the current line width for contour display. | |
GetLut |
Get current look-up-table (lut). | |
GetLutStyle |
Get modification parameters of look-up-table (lut). | |
GetMbutton |
Wait until a mouse button is pressed. | |
GetMbuttonSubPix |
Wait until a mouse button is pressed and get the subpixel mouse position. | |
GetMposition |
Query the mouse position. | |
GetMpositionSubPix |
Query the subpixel mouse position. | |
GetMshape |
Query the current mouse pointer shape. | |
GetOsWindowHandle |
Get the operating system window handle. | |
GetPaint |
Get the current display mode for gray values. | |
GetPart |
Get the image part. | |
GetPartStyle |
Get the current interpolation mode for gray value display. | |
GetPixel |
Get the current color lookup table index. | |
GetRgb |
Get the current color in RGB-coding. | |
GetRgba |
Get the current color in RGBA-coding. | |
GetShape |
Get the current region output shape. | |
GetStringExtents |
Get the spatial size of a string. | |
GetTposition |
Get cursor position. | |
GetTshape |
Get the shape of the text cursor. | |
GetWindowBackgroundImage |
Gets a copy of the background image of the window. | |
GetWindowExtents |
Information about a window's size and position. | |
GetWindowParam |
Get window parameters. | |
GetWindowPointer3 |
Access to a window's pixel data. | |
GetWindowType |
Get the window type. | |
MoveRectangle |
Copy inside an output window. | |
NewExternWindow |
Create a virtual graphics window under Windows. | |
NewLine |
Set the position of the text cursor to the beginning of the next line. | |
OpenTextwindow |
Open a textual window. | |
OpenWindow |
Open a graphics window. | |
QueryAllColors |
Query all color names. | |
QueryColor |
Query all color names displayable in the window. | |
QueryFont |
Query the available fonts. | |
QueryGray |
Query the displayable gray values. | |
QueryInsert |
Query the possible graphic modes. | |
QueryLut |
Query all available look-up-tables (lut). | |
QueryMshape |
Query all available mouse pointer shapes. | |
QueryPaint |
Query the gray value display modes. | |
QueryTshape |
Query all shapes available for text cursors. | |
ReadChar |
Read a character from a window. | |
ReadString |
Read a string in a text window. | |
SendMouseDoubleClickEvent |
Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse double click event. | |
SendMouseDownEvent |
Send an event to a window buffer signaling a mouse down event. | |
SendMouseDragEvent |
Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse drag event. | |
SendMouseUpEvent |
Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse up event. | |
SetColor |
Set output color. | |
SetColored |
Set multiple output colors. | |
SetComprise |
Define the image matrix output clipping. | |
SetContentUpdateCallback |
Sets the callback for content updates in buffer window. | |
SetContourStyle |
Define the contour display fill style. | |
SetDraw |
Define the region fill mode. | |
SetFix |
Set fixing of “look-up-table” (lut) | |
SetFixedLut |
Fix “look-up-table” (lut) for “real color images”. | |
SetFont |
Set the font used for text output. | |
SetGray |
Define gray values for region output. | |
SetHsi |
Define output colors (HSI-coded). | |
SetIcon |
Icon definition for region output. | |
SetInsert |
Define the pixel output function. | |
SetLineApprox |
Define the approximation error for contour display. | |
SetLineStyle |
Define a contour output pattern. | |
SetLineWidth |
Define the line width for region contour output. | |
SetLut |
Set “look-up-table” (lut). | |
SetLutStyle |
Changing the look-up-table (lut). | |
SetMshape |
Set the current mouse pointer shape. | |
SetPaint |
Define the gray value output mode. | |
SetPart |
Modify the displayed image part. | |
SetPartStyle |
Define an interpolation method for gray value output. | |
SetPixel |
Define a color lookup table index. | |
SetRgb |
Set the color definition via RGB values. | |
SetRgba |
Set the color definition via RGBA values. | |
SetShape |
Define the region output shape. | |
SetTposition |
Set the position of the text cursor. | |
SetTshape |
Set the shape of the text cursor. | |
SetWindowDc |
Set the device context of a virtual graphics window (Windows NT). | |
SetWindowExtents |
Modify position and size of a window. | |
SetWindowParam |
Set window parameters. | |
SlideImage |
Interactive output from two window buffers. | |
Stop |
Stop program execution. | |
UnprojectCoordinates |
Calculates image coordinates for a point in a 3D plot window. | |
UpdateWindowPose |
Modify the pose of a 3D plot. | |
WriteLut |
Write look-up-table (lut) as file. | |
WriteString |
Print text in a window. |
— Represents an instance of a HALCON window.
OpenWindow |
Open a graphics window. |
AttachBackgroundToWindow |
Attach a background image to a window. | |
AttachDrawingObjectToWindow |
Attach an existing drawing object to a window. | |
ClearRectangle |
Delete a rectangle on the output window. | |
ClearWindow |
Delete the contents of an output window. | |
CloseWindow |
Close an output window. | |
ConvertCoordinatesImageToWindow |
Convert image coordinates to window coordinates | |
ConvertCoordinatesWindowToImage |
Convert window coordinates to image coordinates | |
CopyRectangle |
Copy all pixels within rectangles between output windows. | |
DetachBackgroundFromWindow |
Detach the background image from a window. | |
DetachDrawingObjectFromWindow |
Detach an existing drawing object from a window. | |
DevClearWindow |
Clear the contents of the active graphics window. | |
DevCloseWindow |
Close the active floating graphics window. | |
DevDispText |
Display text in the current graphics window. | |
DevDisplay |
Displays image objects in the current graphics window. | |
DevGetWindow |
Return the handle of the active graphics window. | |
DevOpenWindow |
Open a new graphics window. | |
DevSetColor |
Set one or more output colors. | |
DevSetColored |
Set multiple output colors. | |
DevSetContourStyle |
Define the contour display fill style. | |
DevSetDraw |
Define the region fill mode. | |
DevSetLineWidth |
Define the line width for region contour output. | |
DevSetLut |
Set “look-up-table” (lut). | |
DevSetPaint |
Define the gray value output mode. | |
DevSetPart |
Modify the displayed image part. | |
DevSetShape |
Define the region output shape. | |
DevSetWindow |
Activate a graphics window. | |
DevSetWindowExtents |
Change position and size of the active floating graphics window. | |
DevUpdateWindow |
Switches the automatic output of iconic output objects into the graphics window during program execution on or off. | |
DispArc |
Displays circular arcs in a window. | |
DispArrow |
Displays arrows in a window. | |
DispCaltab |
Project and visualize the 3D model of the calibration plate in the image. | |
DispChannel |
Displays images with several channels. | |
DispCircle |
Displays circles in a window. | |
DispColor |
Displays a color (RGB) image | |
DispCross |
Displays crosses in a window. | |
DispDistribution |
Displays a noise distribution. | |
DispEllipse |
Displays ellipses. | |
DispImage |
Displays gray value images. | |
DispLine |
Draws lines in a window. | |
DispLut |
Graphical view of the look-up-table (lut). | |
DispObj |
Displays image objects (image, region, XLD). | |
DispPolygon |
Displays a polyline. | |
DispRectangle1 |
Display of rectangles aligned to the coordinate axes. | |
DispRectangle2 |
Displays arbitrarily oriented rectangles. | |
DispRegion |
Displays regions in a window. | |
DispText |
Display text in a window. | |
DispXld |
Display an XLD object. | |
DragRegion1 |
Interactive moving of a region. | |
DragRegion2 |
Interactive movement of a region with fixpoint specification. | |
DragRegion3 |
Interactive movement of a region with restriction of positions. | |
DrawCircle |
Interactive drawing of a circle. | |
DrawCircleMod |
Interactive drawing of a circle. | |
DrawEllipse |
Interactive drawing of an ellipse. | |
DrawEllipseMod |
Interactive drawing of an ellipse. | |
DrawLine |
Draw a line. | |
DrawLineMod |
Draw a line. | |
DrawNurbs |
Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve. | |
DrawNurbsInterp |
Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve using interpolation. | |
DrawNurbsInterpMod |
Interactive modification of a NURBS curve using interpolation. | |
DrawNurbsMod |
Interactive modification of a NURBS curve. | |
DrawPoint |
Draw a point. | |
DrawPointMod |
Draw a point. | |
DrawPolygon |
Interactive drawing of a polygon row. | |
DrawRectangle1 |
Draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis. | |
DrawRectangle1Mod |
Draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis. | |
DrawRectangle2 |
Interactive drawing of any orientated rectangle. | |
DrawRectangle2Mod |
Interactive drawing of any orientated rectangle. | |
DrawRegion |
Interactive drawing of a closed region. | |
DrawXld |
Interactive drawing of a contour. | |
DrawXldMod |
Interactive modification of a contour. | |
DumpWindow |
Write the window content to a file. | |
DumpWindowImage |
Write the window content in an image object. | |
Endif |
End of if command. | |
Endswitch |
Ends a multiway branch block. | |
FlushBuffer |
Flush the contents of a window. | |
GetContourStyle |
Get the current contour display fill style. | |
GetDraw |
Get the current region fill mode. | |
GetFix |
Get mode of fixing of current look-up-table (lut). | |
GetFixedLut |
Get fixing of “look-up-table” (lut) for “real color images” | |
GetFont |
Get the current font. | |
GetFontExtents |
Get the maximum size of all characters of a font. | |
GetHsi |
Get the HSI coding of the current color. | |
GetIcon |
Query the icon for region output | |
GetInsert |
Get the current display mode. | |
GetLineApprox |
Get the current approximation error for contour display. | |
GetLineStyle |
Get the current graphic mode for contours. | |
GetLineWidth |
Get the current line width for contour display. | |
GetLut |
Get current look-up-table (lut). | |
GetLutStyle |
Get modification parameters of look-up-table (lut). | |
GetMbutton |
Wait until a mouse button is pressed. | |
GetMbuttonSubPix |
Wait until a mouse button is pressed and get the subpixel mouse position. | |
GetMposition |
Query the mouse position. | |
GetMpositionSubPix |
Query the subpixel mouse position. | |
GetMshape |
Query the current mouse pointer shape. | |
GetOsWindowHandle |
Get the operating system window handle. | |
GetPaint |
Get the current display mode for gray values. | |
GetPart |
Get the image part. | |
GetPartStyle |
Get the current interpolation mode for gray value display. | |
GetPixel |
Get the current color lookup table index. | |
GetRgb |
Get the current color in RGB-coding. | |
GetRgba |
Get the current color in RGBA-coding. | |
GetShape |
Get the current region output shape. | |
GetStringExtents |
Get the spatial size of a string. | |
GetTposition |
Get cursor position. | |
GetTshape |
Get the shape of the text cursor. | |
GetWindowBackgroundImage |
Gets a copy of the background image of the window. | |
GetWindowExtents |
Information about a window's size and position. | |
GetWindowParam |
Get window parameters. | |
GetWindowPointer3 |
Access to a window's pixel data. | |
GetWindowType |
Get the window type. | |
MoveRectangle |
Copy inside an output window. | |
NewExternWindow |
Create a virtual graphics window under Windows. | |
NewLine |
Set the position of the text cursor to the beginning of the next line. | |
OpenTextwindow |
Open a textual window. | |
OpenWindow |
Open a graphics window. | |
QueryAllColors |
Query all color names. | |
QueryColor |
Query all color names displayable in the window. | |
QueryFont |
Query the available fonts. | |
QueryGray |
Query the displayable gray values. | |
QueryInsert |
Query the possible graphic modes. | |
QueryLut |
Query all available look-up-tables (lut). | |
QueryMshape |
Query all available mouse pointer shapes. | |
QueryPaint |
Query the gray value display modes. | |
QueryTshape |
Query all shapes available for text cursors. | |
ReadChar |
Read a character from a window. | |
ReadString |
Read a string in a text window. | |
SendMouseDoubleClickEvent |
Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse double click event. | |
SendMouseDownEvent |
Send an event to a window buffer signaling a mouse down event. | |
SendMouseDragEvent |
Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse drag event. | |
SendMouseUpEvent |
Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse up event. | |
SetColor |
Set output color. | |
SetColored |
Set multiple output colors. | |
SetComprise |
Define the image matrix output clipping. | |
SetContentUpdateCallback |
Sets the callback for content updates in buffer window. | |
SetContourStyle |
Define the contour display fill style. | |
SetDraw |
Define the region fill mode. | |
SetFix |
Set fixing of “look-up-table” (lut) | |
SetFixedLut |
Fix “look-up-table” (lut) for “real color images”. | |
SetFont |
Set the font used for text output. | |
SetGray |
Define gray values for region output. | |
SetHsi |
Define output colors (HSI-coded). | |
SetIcon |
Icon definition for region output. | |
SetInsert |
Define the pixel output function. | |
SetLineApprox |
Define the approximation error for contour display. | |
SetLineStyle |
Define a contour output pattern. | |
SetLineWidth |
Define the line width for region contour output. | |
SetLut |
Set “look-up-table” (lut). | |
SetLutStyle |
Changing the look-up-table (lut). | |
SetMshape |
Set the current mouse pointer shape. | |
SetPaint |
Define the gray value output mode. | |
SetPart |
Modify the displayed image part. | |
SetPartStyle |
Define an interpolation method for gray value output. | |
SetPixel |
Define a color lookup table index. | |
SetRgb |
Set the color definition via RGB values. | |
SetRgba |
Set the color definition via RGBA values. | |
SetShape |
Define the region output shape. | |
SetTposition |
Set the position of the text cursor. | |
SetTshape |
Set the shape of the text cursor. | |
SetWindowDc |
Set the device context of a virtual graphics window (Windows NT). | |
SetWindowExtents |
Modify position and size of a window. | |
SetWindowParam |
Set window parameters. | |
SlideImage |
Interactive output from two window buffers. | |
Stop |
Stop program execution. | |
UnprojectCoordinates |
Calculates image coordinates for a point in a 3D plot window. | |
UpdateWindowPose |
Modify the pose of a 3D plot. | |
WriteLut |
Write look-up-table (lut) as file. | |
WriteString |
Print text in a window. |
Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.