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HFunction1D (Class)


HFunction1D — Represents an instance of a 1d function.


CreateFunct1dArray    Create a function from a sequence of y values.
CreateFunct1dPairs    Create a function from a set of (x,y) pairs.


AbsFunct1d    Absolute value of the y values.
ComposeFunct1d    Compose two functions.
CreateFunct1dArray    Create a function from a sequence of y values.
CreateFunct1dPairs    Create a function from a set of (x,y) pairs.
DerivateFunct1d    Calculate the derivatives of a function.
DistanceFunct1d    Compute the distance of two functions.
Funct1dToPairs    Access to the x/y values of a function.
GetPairFunct1d    Access a function value using the index of the control points.
GetYValueFunct1d    Return the value of a function at an arbitrary position.
IntegrateFunct1d    Compute the positive and negative areas of a function.
InvertFunct1d    Calculate the inverse of a function.
LocalMinMaxFunct1d    Calculate the local minimum and maximum points of a function.
MatchFunct1dTrans    Calculate transformation parameters between two functions.
NegateFunct1d    Negation of the y values.
NumPointsFunct1d    Number of control points of the function.
ReadFunct1d    Read a function from a file.
SampleFunct1d    Sample a function equidistantly in an interval.
ScaleYFunct1d    Multiplication and addition of the y values.
SmoothFunct1dGauss    Smooth an equidistant 1D function with a Gaussian function.
SmoothFunct1dMean    Smooth an equidistant 1D function by averaging its values.
TransformFunct1d    Transform a function using given transformation parameters.
WriteFunct1d    Write a function to a file.
XRangeFunct1d    Smallest and largest x value of the function.
YRangeFunct1d    Smallest and largest y value of the function.
ZeroCrossingsFunct1d    Calculate the zero crossings of a function.

HFunction1D (Class)


HFunction1D — Represents an instance of a 1d function.


CreateFunct1dArray    Create a function from a sequence of y values.
CreateFunct1dPairs    Create a function from a set of (x,y) pairs.


AbsFunct1d    Absolute value of the y values.
ComposeFunct1d    Compose two functions.
CreateFunct1dArray    Create a function from a sequence of y values.
CreateFunct1dPairs    Create a function from a set of (x,y) pairs.
DerivateFunct1d    Calculate the derivatives of a function.
DistanceFunct1d    Compute the distance of two functions.
Funct1dToPairs    Access to the x/y values of a function.
GetPairFunct1d    Access a function value using the index of the control points.
GetYValueFunct1d    Return the value of a function at an arbitrary position.
IntegrateFunct1d    Compute the positive and negative areas of a function.
InvertFunct1d    Calculate the inverse of a function.
LocalMinMaxFunct1d    Calculate the local minimum and maximum points of a function.
MatchFunct1dTrans    Calculate transformation parameters between two functions.
NegateFunct1d    Negation of the y values.
NumPointsFunct1d    Number of control points of the function.
ReadFunct1d    Read a function from a file.
SampleFunct1d    Sample a function equidistantly in an interval.
ScaleYFunct1d    Multiplication and addition of the y values.
SmoothFunct1dGauss    Smooth an equidistant 1D function with a Gaussian function.
SmoothFunct1dMean    Smooth an equidistant 1D function by averaging its values.
TransformFunct1d    Transform a function using given transformation parameters.
WriteFunct1d    Write a function to a file.
XRangeFunct1d    Smallest and largest x value of the function.
YRangeFunct1d    Smallest and largest y value of the function.
ZeroCrossingsFunct1d    Calculate the zero crossings of a function.

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