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HObjectModel3D (Class)


HObjectModel3D — Represents an instance of a 3D object model.


GenEmptyObjectModel3d    Create an empty 3D object model.
GenObjectModel3dFromPoints    Create a 3D object model that represents a point cloud from a set of 3D points.
XyzToObjectModel3d    Transform 3D points from images to a 3D object model.
ReadObjectModel3d    Read a 3D object model from a file.


AddDeformableSurfaceModelSample    Add a sample deformation to a deformable surface model
AffineTransObjectModel3d    Apply an arbitrary affine 3D transformation to 3D object models.
AreaObjectModel3d    Calculate the area of all faces of a 3D object model.
ClearObjectModel3d    Free the memory of a 3D object model.
ConnectionObjectModel3d    Determine the connected components of the 3D object model.
ConvexHullObjectModel3d    Calculate the convex hull of a 3D object model.
CopyObjectModel3d    Copy a 3D object model.
CreateDeformableSurfaceModel    Create the data structure needed to perform deformable surface-based matching.
CreateSurfaceModel    Create the data structure needed to perform surface-based matching.
DeserializeObjectModel3d    Deserialize a serialized 3D object model.
DispObjectModel3d    Display 3D object models.
DistanceObjectModel3d    Compute the distances of the points of one 3D object model to another 3D object model.
EdgesObjectModel3d    Find edges in a 3D object model.
FindBox3d    Find boxes in 3D data.
FindDeformableSurfaceModel    Find the best match of a deformable surface model in a 3D scene.
FindSurfaceModel    Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene.
FindSurfaceModelImage    Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene and images.
FitPrimitivesObjectModel3d    Fit 3D primitives into a set of 3D points.
FuseObjectModel3d    Fuse 3D object models into a surface.
GenBoxObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a box.
GenCylinderObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a cylinder.
GenEmptyObjectModel3d    Create an empty 3D object model.
GenObjectModel3dFromPoints    Create a 3D object model that represents a point cloud from a set of 3D points.
GenPlaneObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a plane.
GenSphereObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a sphere.
GenSphereObjectModel3dCenter    Create a 3D object model that represents a sphere from x,y,z coordinates.
GetDispObjectModel3dInfo    Get the depth or the index of a displayed 3D object model.
GetObjectModel3dParams    Return attributes of 3D object models.
GetSheetOfLightResultObjectModel3d    Get the result of a calibrated measurement performed with the sheet-of-light technique as a 3D object model.
IntersectPlaneObjectModel3d    Intersect a 3D object model with a plane.
MaxDiameterObjectModel3d    Calculate the maximal diameter of a 3D object model.
MomentsObjectModel3d    Calculates the mean or the central moment of second order for a 3D object model.
ObjectModel3dToXyz    Transform 3D points from a 3D object model to images.
PrepareObjectModel3d    Prepare a 3D object model for a certain operation.
ProjectObjectModel3d    Project a 3D object model into image coordinates.
ProjectiveTransObjectModel3d    Apply an arbitrary projective 3D transformation to 3D object models.
ReadObjectModel3d    Read a 3D object model from a file.
ReconstructSurfaceStereo    Reconstruct surface from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
ReconstructSurfaceStructuredLight    Reconstruct a surface from a decoded structured light setup.
ReduceObjectModel3dByView    Remove points from a 3D object model by projecting it to a virtual view and removing all points outside of a given region.
RefineDeformableSurfaceModel    Refine the position and deformation of a deformable surface model in a 3D scene.
RefineSurfaceModelPose    Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene.
RefineSurfaceModelPoseImage    Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene and in images.
RegisterObjectModel3dGlobal    Improve the relative transformations between 3D object models based on their overlaps.
RegisterObjectModel3dPair    Search for a transformation between two 3D object models.
RemoveObjectModel3dAttrib    Remove attributes of a 3D object model.
RemoveObjectModel3dAttribMod    Remove attributes of a 3D object model.
RenderObjectModel3d    Render 3D object models to get an image.
RigidTransObjectModel3d    Apply a rigid 3D transformation to 3D object models.
SampleObjectModel3d    Sample a 3D object model.
SceneFlowCalib    Compute the calibrated scene flow between two stereo image pairs.
SegmentObjectModel3d    Segment a set of 3D points into sub-sets with similar characteristics.
SelectObjectModel3d    Select 3D object models from an array of 3D object models according to global features.
SelectPointsObjectModel3d    Apply a threshold to an attribute of 3D object models.
SerializeObjectModel3d    Serialize a 3D object model.
SetObjectModel3dAttrib    Set attributes of a 3D object model.
SetObjectModel3dAttribMod    Set attributes of a 3D object model.
SimplifyObjectModel3d    Simplify a triangulated 3D object model.
SmallestBoundingBoxObjectModel3d    Calculate the smallest bounding box around the points of a 3D object model.
SmallestSphereObjectModel3d    Calculate the smallest sphere around the points of a 3D object model.
SmoothObjectModel3d    Smooth the 3D points of a 3D object model.
SurfaceNormalsObjectModel3d    Calculate the 3D surface normals of a 3D object model.
TriangulateObjectModel3d    Create a surface triangulation for a 3D object model.
UnionObjectModel3d    Combine several 3D object models to a new 3D object model.
VolumeObjectModel3dRelativeToPlane    Calculate the volume of a 3D object model.
WriteObjectModel3d    Writes a 3D object model to a file.
XyzToObjectModel3d    Transform 3D points from images to a 3D object model.

HObjectModel3D (Class)


HObjectModel3D — Represents an instance of a 3D object model.


GenEmptyObjectModel3d    Create an empty 3D object model.
GenObjectModel3dFromPoints    Create a 3D object model that represents a point cloud from a set of 3D points.
XyzToObjectModel3d    Transform 3D points from images to a 3D object model.
ReadObjectModel3d    Read a 3D object model from a file.


AddDeformableSurfaceModelSample    Add a sample deformation to a deformable surface model
AffineTransObjectModel3d    Apply an arbitrary affine 3D transformation to 3D object models.
AreaObjectModel3d    Calculate the area of all faces of a 3D object model.
ClearObjectModel3d    Free the memory of a 3D object model.
ConnectionObjectModel3d    Determine the connected components of the 3D object model.
ConvexHullObjectModel3d    Calculate the convex hull of a 3D object model.
CopyObjectModel3d    Copy a 3D object model.
CreateDeformableSurfaceModel    Create the data structure needed to perform deformable surface-based matching.
CreateSurfaceModel    Create the data structure needed to perform surface-based matching.
DeserializeObjectModel3d    Deserialize a serialized 3D object model.
DispObjectModel3d    Display 3D object models.
DistanceObjectModel3d    Compute the distances of the points of one 3D object model to another 3D object model.
EdgesObjectModel3d    Find edges in a 3D object model.
FindBox3d    Find boxes in 3D data.
FindDeformableSurfaceModel    Find the best match of a deformable surface model in a 3D scene.
FindSurfaceModel    Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene.
FindSurfaceModelImage    Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene and images.
FitPrimitivesObjectModel3d    Fit 3D primitives into a set of 3D points.
FuseObjectModel3d    Fuse 3D object models into a surface.
GenBoxObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a box.
GenCylinderObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a cylinder.
GenEmptyObjectModel3d    Create an empty 3D object model.
GenObjectModel3dFromPoints    Create a 3D object model that represents a point cloud from a set of 3D points.
GenPlaneObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a plane.
GenSphereObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a sphere.
GenSphereObjectModel3dCenter    Create a 3D object model that represents a sphere from x,y,z coordinates.
GetDispObjectModel3dInfo    Get the depth or the index of a displayed 3D object model.
GetObjectModel3dParams    Return attributes of 3D object models.
GetSheetOfLightResultObjectModel3d    Get the result of a calibrated measurement performed with the sheet-of-light technique as a 3D object model.
IntersectPlaneObjectModel3d    Intersect a 3D object model with a plane.
MaxDiameterObjectModel3d    Calculate the maximal diameter of a 3D object model.
MomentsObjectModel3d    Calculates the mean or the central moment of second order for a 3D object model.
ObjectModel3dToXyz    Transform 3D points from a 3D object model to images.
PrepareObjectModel3d    Prepare a 3D object model for a certain operation.
ProjectObjectModel3d    Project a 3D object model into image coordinates.
ProjectiveTransObjectModel3d    Apply an arbitrary projective 3D transformation to 3D object models.
ReadObjectModel3d    Read a 3D object model from a file.
ReconstructSurfaceStereo    Reconstruct surface from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
ReconstructSurfaceStructuredLight    Reconstruct a surface from a decoded structured light setup.
ReduceObjectModel3dByView    Remove points from a 3D object model by projecting it to a virtual view and removing all points outside of a given region.
RefineDeformableSurfaceModel    Refine the position and deformation of a deformable surface model in a 3D scene.
RefineSurfaceModelPose    Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene.
RefineSurfaceModelPoseImage    Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene and in images.
RegisterObjectModel3dGlobal    Improve the relative transformations between 3D object models based on their overlaps.
RegisterObjectModel3dPair    Search for a transformation between two 3D object models.
RemoveObjectModel3dAttrib    Remove attributes of a 3D object model.
RemoveObjectModel3dAttribMod    Remove attributes of a 3D object model.
RenderObjectModel3d    Render 3D object models to get an image.
RigidTransObjectModel3d    Apply a rigid 3D transformation to 3D object models.
SampleObjectModel3d    Sample a 3D object model.
SceneFlowCalib    Compute the calibrated scene flow between two stereo image pairs.
SegmentObjectModel3d    Segment a set of 3D points into sub-sets with similar characteristics.
SelectObjectModel3d    Select 3D object models from an array of 3D object models according to global features.
SelectPointsObjectModel3d    Apply a threshold to an attribute of 3D object models.
SerializeObjectModel3d    Serialize a 3D object model.
SetObjectModel3dAttrib    Set attributes of a 3D object model.
SetObjectModel3dAttribMod    Set attributes of a 3D object model.
SimplifyObjectModel3d    Simplify a triangulated 3D object model.
SmallestBoundingBoxObjectModel3d    Calculate the smallest bounding box around the points of a 3D object model.
SmallestSphereObjectModel3d    Calculate the smallest sphere around the points of a 3D object model.
SmoothObjectModel3d    Smooth the 3D points of a 3D object model.
SurfaceNormalsObjectModel3d    Calculate the 3D surface normals of a 3D object model.
TriangulateObjectModel3d    Create a surface triangulation for a 3D object model.
UnionObjectModel3d    Combine several 3D object models to a new 3D object model.
VolumeObjectModel3dRelativeToPlane    Calculate the volume of a 3D object model.
WriteObjectModel3d    Writes a 3D object model to a file.
XyzToObjectModel3d    Transform 3D points from images to a 3D object model.

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