| Tutorial, Deep Learning Tool

Train and evaluate a Global Context Anomaly Detection Model with the Deep Learning Tool

After watching this tutorial, you will know how to use the MVTec Deep Learning Tool to train and evaluate a model for Global Context Anomaly Detection.

You will be able to train your own Global Context Anomaly Detection Model and export it in order to use it within either HALCON or MERLIC.


  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 0:29 Global Context Anomaly Detection Workflow
  • 0:56 Goal of the Example Application
  • 1:09 Create a new Project
  • 1:40 Import and label your Images
  • 3:06 Data Splitting
  • 3:38 Training
  • 4:51 Evaluation
  • 5:45 Configure Postprocessing
  • 7:08 Export the trained Model and the Evaluation Report
  • 7:30 Conclusion
video thumbnail of the tutorial "Train and evaluate your own Global Context Anomaly Detection Model"

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