Developers' Corner

MVTec experts regularly contribute tips and tricks for solving different vision tasks with MVTec HALCON and MERLIC. Feel free to ask questions or suggest an interesting topic yourself.

Developers' Corner

Introduction to XYZ-Mappings (Part 2)

This month’s technical article continues our introduction to XYZ-mappings. In the last article, we answered the question "What are XYZ-mappings?" and gave a short preview towards "Why is using…
Developers' Corner

Introduction to XYZ-Mappings (Part 1)

In the context of 3D applications in HALCON, you have surely already heard the terms “3D mappings”, “XYZ-mappings” or “XYZ-images”. Many 3D sensors provide these XYZ-mappings along with the point…

Deep learning data labeling
Developers' Corner

Deep learning: Why is the dataset key for a success result?

You want your new deep learning application to be successful? Then you should be careful with your data handling. In every machine vision application it is important to work with “high-quality” image…

Developers' Corner

How to prepare 3D height images for further processing with MERLIC’s standard tools

Most of the easyTouch tools available in MVTec MERLIC are optimized for processing byte images and generally do not work as expected for other pixel types, such as int1', 'int2', 'int4', 'int8',…

Developers' Corner

Inspection of specular surfaces with deflectometry in HALCON

With the help of deflectometry you can easily inspect flat but also curved specular surfaces. Defects like scratches, bumps, cracks, and dents can be detected robustly and fast. Deflectometry is used…

Developers' Corner

Training a deep learning classifier with HALCON on the embedded board Jetson TX2

Deep learning technologies allow a wide range of applications for machine vision. Based on these technologies, MVTec offers various operators and tools within HALCON and MERLIC – often in combination…

Screenshot: HSmartWindowControlWPF
Developers' Corner

Add Touch Input to the HSmartWindowControlWPF

In the digital age of smartphones and tablets, the control of devices via a touch screen became second nature to us. Little by little, this revolutionary new technology is adapted by industry as well.…

FPGA set-up
Developers' Corner

Increasing Speed in Deflectometry Set-Ups

Deflectometry is useful for inspecting reflective (specular) surfaces. These surfaces are tricky to inspect with other methods, due to a mirror image appearing on the surface. Chapter 8 in the HALCON…

Developers' Corner

Speeding Up Shape-Based Matching with "Greediness"

The parameter "Greediness" defines a tradeoff between speed and completeness. On the one hand, the search speed can be increased by discarding candidates earlier based on a less strict criterion,…