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create_caltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabCreateCaltab (Operator)


create_caltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabCreateCaltab — Generate a calibration plate description file and a corresponding PostScript file. (obsolete)


create_caltab( : : Width, CalTabDescrFile, CalTabFile : )

Herror create_caltab(double Width, const char* CalTabDescrFile, const char* CalTabFile)

Herror T_create_caltab(const Htuple Width, const Htuple CalTabDescrFile, const Htuple CalTabFile)

Herror create_caltab(const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& CalTabDescrFile, const HTuple& CalTabFile)

void CreateCaltab(const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& CalTabDescrFile, const HTuple& CalTabFile)

static void HMisc::CreateCaltab(double Width, const HString& CalTabDescrFile, const HString& CalTabFile)

static void HMisc::CreateCaltab(double Width, const char* CalTabDescrFile, const char* CalTabFile)

void HOperatorSetX.CreateCaltab(
[in] VARIANT Width, [in] VARIANT CalTabDescrFile, [in] VARIANT CalTabFile)

void HMiscX.CreateCaltab(
[in] double Width, [in] BSTR CalTabDescrFile, [in] BSTR CalTabFile)

static void HOperatorSet.CreateCaltab(HTuple width, HTuple calTabDescrFile, HTuple calTabFile)

static void HMisc.CreateCaltab(double width, string calTabDescrFile, string calTabFile)


create_caltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabCreateCaltab has been replaced with the operator gen_caltabgen_caltabGenCaltabgen_caltabGenCaltabGenCaltab. The operator is contained and described for compatibility reasons only.

create_caltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabCreateCaltab generates the description of a standard calibration plate for HALCON. This calibration plate consists of 49 black circular marks on a white plane which are surrounded by a black frame. The parameter WidthWidthWidthWidthWidthwidth sets the width (equal to the height) of the whole calibration plate in meters. Using a width of 0.8 m, the distance between two neighboring marks becomes 10 cm, and the mark radius and the frame width are set to 2.5 cm. The calibration plate coordinate system is located in the middle of the surface of the calibration plate, its z-axis points into the calibration plate, its x-axis to the right, and it y-axis downwards.

The file CalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFilecalTabDescrFile contains the calibration plate description, e.g., the number of rows and columns of the calibration plate, the geometry of the surrounding frame (see find_caltabfind_caltabFindCaltabfind_caltabFindCaltabFindCaltab), and the coordinates and the radius of all calibration plate marks given in the calibration plate coordinate system. A file generated by create_caltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabCreateCaltab looks like the following (comments are marked by a '#' at the beginning of a line):

  # Description of the standard calibration plate
  # used for the camera calibration in HALCON

  # 7 rows x 7 columns
  # Distance between mark centers [meter]: 0.1

  # Number of marks per row
  r 7

  # Number of marks per column
  c 7

  # Quadratic frame (with outer and inner border) around calibration plate
  w 0.025
  o -0.41 0.41 0.41 -0.41
  i -0.4 0.4 0.4 -0.4

  # calibration marks:  x y radius [Meter]

  # calibration marks at y = -0.3 m
  -0.3 -0.3 0.025
  -0.2 -0.3 0.025
  -0.1 -0.3 0.025
  0 -0.3 0.025
  0.1 -0.3 0.025
  0.2 -0.3 0.025
  0.3 -0.3 0.025

  # calibration marks at y = -0.2 m
  -0.3 -0.2 0.025
  -0.2 -0.2 0.025
  -0.1 -0.2 0.025
  0 -0.2 0.025
  0.1 -0.2 0.025
  0.2 -0.2 0.025
  0.3 -0.2 0.025

  # calibration marks at y = -0.1 m
  -0.3 -0.1 0.025
  -0.2 -0.1 0.025
  -0.1 -0.1 0.025
  0 -0.1 0.025
  0.1 -0.1 0.025
  0.2 -0.1 0.025
  0.3 -0.1 0.025

  # calibration marks at y = 0 m
  -0.3 0 0.025
  -0.2 0 0.025
  -0.1 0 0.025
  0 0 0.025
  0.1 0 0.025
  0.2 0 0.025
  0.3 0 0.025

  # calibration marks at y = 0.1 m
  -0.3 0.1 0.025
  -0.2 0.1 0.025
  -0.1 0.1 0.025
  0 0.1 0.025
  0.1 0.1 0.025
  0.2 0.1 0.025
  0.3 0.1 0.025

  # calibration marks at y = 0.2 m
  -0.3 0.2 0.025
  -0.2 0.2 0.025
  -0.1 0.2 0.025
  0 0.2 0.025
  0.1 0.2 0.025
  0.2 0.2 0.025
  0.3 0.2 0.025

  # calibration marks at y = 0.3 m
  -0.3 0.3 0.025
  -0.2 0.3 0.025
  -0.1 0.3 0.025
  0 0.3 0.025
  0.1 0.3 0.025
  0.2 0.3 0.025
  0.3 0.3 0.025

The file CalTabFileCalTabFileCalTabFileCalTabFileCalTabFilecalTabFile contains the corresponding PostScript description of the calibration plate.


Depending on the accuracy of the used output device (e.g., laser printer), the printed calibration plate may not match the values in the calibration plate description file CalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFilecalTabDescrFile exactly. Thus, the coordinates of the calibration marks in the calibration plate description file may have to be corrected!



WidthWidthWidthWidthWidthwidth (input_control)  real HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double) (double) (double)

Width of the calibration plate in meters.

Default value: 0.8

Suggested values: 1.2, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1

Recommended increment: 0.1

Restriction: 0.0 < Width

CalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFileCalTabDescrFilecalTabDescrFile (input_control)  filename.write HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*) (BSTR) (char*)

File name of the calibration plate description.

Default value: 'caltab.descr' "caltab.descr" "caltab.descr" "caltab.descr" "caltab.descr" "caltab.descr"

List of values: 'caltab.descr'"caltab.descr""caltab.descr""caltab.descr""caltab.descr""caltab.descr", 'caltab_100mm.descr'"caltab_100mm.descr""caltab_100mm.descr""caltab_100mm.descr""caltab_100mm.descr""caltab_100mm.descr", 'caltab_10mm.descr'"caltab_10mm.descr""caltab_10mm.descr""caltab_10mm.descr""caltab_10mm.descr""caltab_10mm.descr", 'caltab_200mm.descr'"caltab_200mm.descr""caltab_200mm.descr""caltab_200mm.descr""caltab_200mm.descr""caltab_200mm.descr", 'caltab_30mm.descr'"caltab_30mm.descr""caltab_30mm.descr""caltab_30mm.descr""caltab_30mm.descr""caltab_30mm.descr"

File extension: .descr

CalTabFileCalTabFileCalTabFileCalTabFileCalTabFilecalTabFile (input_control)  filename.write HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*) (BSTR) (char*)

File name of the PostScript file.

Default value: '' "" "" "" "" ""

File extension: .ps

Example (HDevelop)

*  create calibration plate with width = 80 cm
create_caltab(0.8, 'caltab.descr', '')

Example (HDevelop)

*  create calibration plate with width = 80 cm
create_caltab(0.8, 'caltab.descr', '')

Example (HDevelop)

*  create calibration plate with width = 80 cm
create_caltab(0.8, 'caltab.descr', '')

Example (C++ (HALCON 5.0-10.0))

// create calibration plate with width = 80 cm
create_caltab(0.8, "caltab.descr", "");

Example (HDevelop)

*  create calibration plate with width = 80 cm
create_caltab(0.8, 'caltab.descr', '')

Example (HDevelop)

*  create calibration plate with width = 80 cm
create_caltab(0.8, 'caltab.descr', '')


create_caltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabcreate_caltabCreateCaltabCreateCaltab returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all parameter values are correct and both files have been written successfully. If necessary, an exception is raised.

Possible Successors

read_cam_parread_cam_parReadCamParread_cam_parReadCamParReadCamPar, caltab_pointscaltab_pointsCaltabPointscaltab_pointsCaltabPointsCaltabPoints

See also

gen_caltabgen_caltabGenCaltabgen_caltabGenCaltabGenCaltab, find_caltabfind_caltabFindCaltabfind_caltabFindCaltabFindCaltab, find_marks_and_posefind_marks_and_poseFindMarksAndPosefind_marks_and_poseFindMarksAndPoseFindMarksAndPose, camera_calibrationcamera_calibrationCameraCalibrationcamera_calibrationCameraCalibrationCameraCalibration, disp_caltabdisp_caltabDispCaltabdisp_caltabDispCaltabDispCaltab, sim_caltabsim_caltabSimCaltabsim_caltabSimCaltabSimCaltab



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