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compose5compose5Compose5compose5Compose5Compose5 (Operator)


compose5compose5Compose5compose5Compose5Compose5 — Convert 5 images into a five-channel image.


compose5(Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Image5 : MultiChannelImage : : )

Herror compose5(const Hobject Image1, const Hobject Image2, const Hobject Image3, const Hobject Image4, const Hobject Image5, Hobject* MultiChannelImage)

Herror T_compose5(const Hobject Image1, const Hobject Image2, const Hobject Image3, const Hobject Image4, const Hobject Image5, Hobject* MultiChannelImage)

Herror compose5(Hobject Image1, Hobject Image2, Hobject Image3, Hobject Image4, Hobject Image5, Hobject* MultiChannelImage)

HImage HImage::Compose5(const HImage& Image2, const HImage& Image3, const HImage& Image4, const HImage& Image5) const

HImageArray HImageArray::Compose5(const HImageArray& Image2, const HImageArray& Image3, const HImageArray& Image4, const HImageArray& Image5) const

void Compose5(const HObject& Image1, const HObject& Image2, const HObject& Image3, const HObject& Image4, const HObject& Image5, HObject* MultiChannelImage)

HImage HImage::Compose5(const HImage& Image2, const HImage& Image3, const HImage& Image4, const HImage& Image5) const

void HOperatorSetX.Compose5(
[in] IHUntypedObjectX* Image1, [in] IHUntypedObjectX* Image2, [in] IHUntypedObjectX* Image3, [in] IHUntypedObjectX* Image4, [in] IHUntypedObjectX* Image5, [out] IHUntypedObjectX*MultiChannelImage)

IHImageX* HImageX.Compose5(
[in] IHImageX* Image2, [in] IHImageX* Image3, [in] IHImageX* Image4, [in] IHImageX* Image5)

static void HOperatorSet.Compose5(HObject image1, HObject image2, HObject image3, HObject image4, HObject image5, out HObject multiChannelImage)

HImage HImage.Compose5(HImage image2, HImage image3, HImage image4, HImage image5)


The operator compose5compose5Compose5compose5Compose5Compose5 converts 5 one-channel images into a 5-channel image. The definition domain is calculated as the intersection of the definition domains of the input images. No new storage is allocated for the multi-channel image. Instead, the created multi-channel image contains references to the existing input images.



Image1Image1Image1Image1Image1image1 (input_object)  singlechannelimage(-array) objectHImageHImageHImageHImageXHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Input image 1.

Image2Image2Image2Image2Image2image2 (input_object)  singlechannelimage(-array) objectHImageHImageHImageHImageXHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Input image 2.

Image3Image3Image3Image3Image3image3 (input_object)  singlechannelimage(-array) objectHImageHImageHImageHImageXHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Input image 3.

Image4Image4Image4Image4Image4image4 (input_object)  singlechannelimage(-array) objectHImageHImageHImageHImageXHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Input image 4.

Image5Image5Image5Image5Image5image5 (input_object)  singlechannelimage(-array) objectHImageHImageHImageHImageXHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Input image 5.

MultiChannelImageMultiChannelImageMultiChannelImageMultiChannelImageMultiChannelImagemultiChannelImage (output_object)  multichannel-image(-array) objectHImageHImageHImageHImageXHobject * (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Multi-channel image.

Possible Successors




See also




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