hom_mat3d_scale T_hom_mat3d_scale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale hom_mat3d_scale (Operator)
hom_mat3d_scale T_hom_mat3d_scale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale hom_mat3d_scale
— Add a scaling to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
Herror T_hom_mat3d_scale (const Htuple HomMat3D , const Htuple Sx , const Htuple Sy , const Htuple Sz , const Htuple Px , const Htuple Py , const Htuple Pz , Htuple* HomMat3DScale )
void HomMat3dScale (const HTuple& HomMat3D , const HTuple& Sx , const HTuple& Sy , const HTuple& Sz , const HTuple& Px , const HTuple& Py , const HTuple& Pz , HTuple* HomMat3DScale )
HHomMat3D HHomMat3D ::HomMat3dScale (const HTuple& Sx , const HTuple& Sy , const HTuple& Sz , const HTuple& Px , const HTuple& Py , const HTuple& Pz ) const
HHomMat3D HHomMat3D ::HomMat3dScale (double Sx , double Sy , double Sz , double Px , double Py , double Pz ) const
static void HOperatorSet .HomMat3dScale (HTuple homMat3D , HTuple sx , HTuple sy , HTuple sz , HTuple px , HTuple py , HTuple pz , out HTuple homMat3DScale )
HHomMat3D HHomMat3D .HomMat3dScale (HTuple sx , HTuple sy , HTuple sz , HTuple px , HTuple py , HTuple pz )
HHomMat3D HHomMat3D .HomMat3dScale (double sx , double sy , double sz , double px , double py , double pz )
def hom_mat3d_scale (hom_mat_3d : Sequence[float], sx : Union[float, int], sy : Union[float, int], sz : Union[float, int], px : Union[float, int], py : Union[float, int], pz : Union[float, int]) -> Sequence[float]
hom_mat3d_scale hom_mat3d_scale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale hom_mat3d_scale
adds a scaling by the scale factors Sx Sx Sx Sx sx sx
Sy Sy Sy Sy sy sy
, and Sz Sz Sz Sz sz sz
to the homogeneous 3D transformation matrix
HomMat3D HomMat3D HomMat3D HomMat3D homMat3D hom_mat_3d
and returns the resulting matrix in HomMat3DScale HomMat3DScale HomMat3DScale HomMat3DScale homMat3DScale hom_mat_3dscale
The scaling is described by a 3×3 scaling matrix
S. It is performed relative to the global (i.e.,
fixed) coordinate system; this corresponds to the following chain of
transformation matrices:
The point (Px Px Px Px px px
,Py Py Py Py py py
,Pz Pz Pz Pz pz pz
) is the fixed point of the
transformation, i.e., this point remains unchanged when transformed using
HomMat3DScale HomMat3DScale HomMat3DScale HomMat3DScale homMat3DScale hom_mat_3dscale
. To obtain this behavior, first a translation is added
to the input transformation matrix that moves the fixed point onto the origin
of the global coordinate system. Then, the scaling is added, and finally a
translation that moves the fixed point back to its original position. This
corresponds to the following chain of transformations:
To perform the transformation in the local coordinate system, i.e.,
the one described by HomMat3D HomMat3D HomMat3D HomMat3D homMat3D hom_mat_3d
, use
hom_mat3d_scale_local hom_mat3d_scale_local HomMat3dScaleLocal HomMat3dScaleLocal HomMat3dScaleLocal hom_mat3d_scale_local
Note that homogeneous matrices are stored row-by-row as a tuple;
the last row is usually not stored because it is identical for all
homogeneous matrices that describe an affine transformation. For example,
the homogeneous matrix
is stored as the tuple [ra, rb, rc, td, re, rf, rg, th, ri, rj, rk, tl].
However, it is also possible to process full 4×4 matrices,
which represent a projective 4D transformation.
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
Processed without parallelization.
HomMat3D HomMat3D HomMat3D HomMat3D homMat3D hom_mat_3d
(input_control) hom_mat3d →
HHomMat3D , HTuple Sequence[float] HTuple Htuple (real) (double ) (double ) (double )
Input transformation matrix.
Sx Sx Sx Sx sx sx
(input_control) number →
HTuple Union[float, int] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Scale factor along the x-axis.
Default value: 2
Suggested values: 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 112
Restriction: Sx != 0
Sy Sy Sy Sy sy sy
(input_control) number →
HTuple Union[float, int] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Scale factor along the y-axis.
Default value: 2
Suggested values: 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 112
Restriction: Sy != 0
Sz Sz Sz Sz sz sz
(input_control) number →
HTuple Union[float, int] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Scale factor along the z-axis.
Default value: 2
Suggested values: 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 112
Restriction: Sz != 0
Px Px Px Px px px
(input_control) point3d.x →
HTuple Union[float, int] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Fixed point of the transformation (x coordinate).
Default value: 0
Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Py Py Py Py py py
(input_control) point3d.y →
HTuple Union[float, int] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Fixed point of the transformation (y coordinate).
Default value: 0
Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Pz Pz Pz Pz pz pz
(input_control) point3d.z →
HTuple Union[float, int] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Fixed point of the transformation (z coordinate).
Default value: 0
Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
HomMat3DScale HomMat3DScale HomMat3DScale HomMat3DScale homMat3DScale hom_mat_3dscale
(output_control) hom_mat3d →
HHomMat3D , HTuple Sequence[float] HTuple Htuple (real) (double ) (double ) (double )
Output transformation matrix.
hom_mat3d_scale hom_mat3d_scale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale hom_mat3d_scale
returns TRUE if all three scale factors are not
0. If necessary, an exception is raised.
Possible Predecessors
hom_mat3d_identity hom_mat3d_identity HomMat3dIdentity HomMat3dIdentity HomMat3dIdentity hom_mat3d_identity
hom_mat3d_translate hom_mat3d_translate HomMat3dTranslate HomMat3dTranslate HomMat3dTranslate hom_mat3d_translate
hom_mat3d_scale hom_mat3d_scale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale hom_mat3d_scale
hom_mat3d_rotate hom_mat3d_rotate HomMat3dRotate HomMat3dRotate HomMat3dRotate hom_mat3d_rotate
Possible Successors
hom_mat3d_translate hom_mat3d_translate HomMat3dTranslate HomMat3dTranslate HomMat3dTranslate hom_mat3d_translate
hom_mat3d_scale hom_mat3d_scale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale HomMat3dScale hom_mat3d_scale
hom_mat3d_rotate hom_mat3d_rotate HomMat3dRotate HomMat3dRotate HomMat3dRotate hom_mat3d_rotate
See also
hom_mat3d_invert hom_mat3d_invert HomMat3dInvert HomMat3dInvert HomMat3dInvert hom_mat3d_invert
hom_mat3d_identity hom_mat3d_identity HomMat3dIdentity HomMat3dIdentity HomMat3dIdentity hom_mat3d_identity
hom_mat3d_scale_local hom_mat3d_scale_local HomMat3dScaleLocal HomMat3dScaleLocal HomMat3dScaleLocal hom_mat3d_scale_local
pose_to_hom_mat3d pose_to_hom_mat3d PoseToHomMat3d PoseToHomMat3d PoseToHomMat3d pose_to_hom_mat3d
hom_mat3d_to_pose hom_mat3d_to_pose HomMat3dToPose HomMat3dToPose HomMat3dToPose hom_mat3d_to_pose
hom_mat3d_compose hom_mat3d_compose HomMat3dCompose HomMat3dCompose HomMat3dCompose hom_mat3d_compose