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Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

HRegion (Class)


HRegion — Represents an instance of a region object(-array).

Base Class

HObject — Represents an instance of an iconic object(-array). Base class for images, regions and XLDs


GenRectangle1    Create a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
GenEllipseSector    Create an ellipse sector.
GenCircleSector    Create a circle sector.
GenCircle    Create a circle.


This operator is not available as a class member but will be called automatically when the resources of the object instances are to be released. This occurs in the finalization stage of garbage collection, or upon an explicit call of the Dispose() method.

ClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the database.


AddChannels    Add gray values to regions.
AffineTransRegion    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to regions.
AppendOcrTrainf    Add characters to a training file.
AreaCenter    Area and center of regions.
AreaCenterGray    Compute the area and center of gravity of a region in a gray value image.
AreaHoles    Compute the area of holes of regions.
BackgroundSeg    Determine the connected components of the background of given regions.
BottomHat    Compute the bottom hat of regions.
Boundary    Reduce a region to its boundary.
Circularity    Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of a region.
ClipRegion    Clip a region to a rectangle.
ClipRegionRel    Clip a region relative to its smallest surrounding rectangle.
CloseEdges    Close edge gaps using the edge amplitude image.
CloseEdgesLength    Close edge gaps using the edge amplitude image.
ClosestPointTransform    Compute the closest-point transformation of a region.
Closing    Close a region.
ClosingCircle    Close a region with a circular structuring element.
ClosingGolay    Close a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
ClosingRectangle1    Close a region with a rectangular structuring element.
Compactness    Shape factor for the compactness of a region.
CompareObj    Compare iconic objects regarding equality.
Complement    Return the complement of a region.
ConcatObj    Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
ConnectAndHoles    Number of connection components and holes
Connection    Compute connected components of a region.
Contlength    Contour length of a region.
Convexity    Shape factor for the convexity of a region.
CoocFeatureImage    Calculate a co-occurrence matrix and derive gray value features thereof.
CopyObj    Copy an iconic object in the database.
CreateSheetOfLightModel    Create a model to perform 3D-measurements using the sheet-of-light technique.
DeserializeRegion    Deserialize a serialized region.
DiameterRegion    Maximal distance between two boundary points of a region.
Difference    Calculate the difference of two regions.
Dilation1    Dilate a region.
Dilation2    Dilate a region (using a reference point).
DilationCircle    Dilate a region with a circular structuring element.
DilationGolay    Dilate a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
DilationRectangle1    Dilate a region with a rectangular structuring element.
DilationSeq    Dilate a region sequentially.
DispRegion    Displays regions in a window.
DistanceLr    Calculate the distance between a line and a region.
DistancePr    Calculate the distance between a point and a region.
DistanceRrMin    Minimum distance between the contour pixels of two regions each.
DistanceRrMinDil    Minimum distance between two regions with the help of dilation.
DistanceSr    Calculate the distance between a line segment and one region.
DistanceTransform    Compute the distance transformation of a region.
DoOcrMulti    Classify characters.
DoOcrMultiClassCnn    Classify multiple characters with an CNN-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrMultiClassKnn    Classify multiple characters with an k-NN classifier.
DoOcrMultiClassMlp    Classify multiple characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrMultiClassSvm    Classify multiple characters with an SVM-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingle    Classify one character.
DoOcrSingleClassCnn    Classify a single character with an CNN-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingleClassKnn    Classify a single character with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingleClassMlp    Classify a single character with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingleClassSvm    Classify a single character with an SVM-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordCnn    Classify a related group of characters with an CNN-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordKnn    Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordMlp    Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordSvm    Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier.
DragRegion1    Interactive moving of a region.
DragRegion2    Interactive movement of a region with fixpoint specification.
DragRegion3    Interactive movement of a region with restriction of positions.
DrawPolygon    Interactive drawing of a polygon row.
DrawRegion    Interactive drawing of a closed region.
Eccentricity    Shape features derived from the ellipse parameters.
EliminateRuns    Eliminate runs of a given length.
EllipticAxis    Calculate the parameters of the equivalent ellipse.
EllipticAxisGray    Compute the orientation and major axes of a region in a gray value image.
EntropyGray    Determine the entropy and anisotropy of images.
Erosion1    Erode a region.
Erosion2    Erode a region (using a reference point).
ErosionCircle    Erode a region with a circular structuring element.
ErosionGolay    Erode a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
ErosionRectangle1    Erode a region with a rectangular structuring element.
ErosionSeq    Erode a region sequentially.
EulerNumber    Calculate the Euler number.
ExpandGray    Fill gaps between regions (depending on gray value or color) or split overlapping regions.
ExpandGrayRef    Fill gaps between regions (depending on gray value or color) or split overlapping regions.
ExpandRegion    Fill gaps between regions or split overlapping regions.
FillUp    Fill up holes in regions.
FillUpShape    Fill up holes in regions having given shape features.
FindNeighbors    Search direct neighbors.
FitSurfaceFirstOrder    Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a first order surface (plane).
FitSurfaceSecondOrder    Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a second order surface.
Fitting    Perform a closing after an opening with multiple structuring elements.
FuzzyEntropy    Determine the fuzzy entropy of regions.
FuzzyPerimeter    Calculate the fuzzy perimeter of a region.
GenCheckerRegion    Create a checkered region.
GenCircle    Create a circle.
GenCircleSector    Create a circle sector.
GenContourRegionXld    Generate XLD contours from regions.
GenContoursSkeletonXld    Convert a skeleton into XLD contours.
GenCoocMatrix    Calculate the co-occurrence matrix of a region in an image.
GenEllipse    Create an ellipse.
GenEllipseSector    Create an ellipse sector.
GenEmptyRegion    Create an empty region.
GenGridRegion    Create a region from lines or pixels.
GenRandomRegion    Create a random region.
GenRandomRegions    Create random regions like circles, rectangles and ellipses.
GenRectangle1    Create a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
GenRectangle2    Create a rectangle of any orientation.
GenRegionHisto    Convert a histogram into a region.
GenRegionHline    Store input lines described in Hesse normal form as regions.
GenRegionLine    Store input lines as regions.
GenRegionPoints    Store individual pixels as image region.
GenRegionPolygon    Store a polygon as a region.
GenRegionPolygonFilled    Store a polygon as a “filled” region.
GenRegionRuns    Create a region from a runlength coding.
GenStructElements    Generate standard structuring elements.
GetIcon    Query the icon for region output
GetRegionChain    Contour of an object as chain code.
GetRegionContour    Access the contour of an object.
GetRegionConvex    Access convex hull as contour.
GetRegionIndex    Index of all regions containing a given pixel.
GetRegionPoints    Access the pixels of a region.
GetRegionPolygon    Polygon approximation of a region.
GetRegionRuns    Access the runlength coding of a region.
GetRegionThickness    Access the thickness of a region along the main axis.
GolayElements    Generate the structuring elements of the Golay alphabet.
GrabData    Synchronous grab of images and preprocessed image data from the specified image acquisition device.
GrabDataAsync    Asynchronous grab of images and preprocessed image data from the specified image acquisition device.
GrayFeatures    Calculates gray value features for a set of regions.
GrayHisto    Calculate the gray value distribution.
GrayHistoAbs    Calculate the gray value distribution.
GrayHistoRange    Calculate the gray value distribution of a single channel image within a certain gray value range.
GrayProjections    Calculate horizontal and vertical gray-value projections.
HammingChangeRegion    Generate a region having a given Hamming distance.
HammingDistance    Hamming distance between two regions.
HammingDistanceNorm    Hamming distance between two regions using normalization.
HeightWidthRatio    Compute the width, height, and aspect ratio of the surrounding rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
Histo2dim    Calculate the histogram of two-channel gray value images.
HitOrMiss    Hit-or-miss operation for regions.
HitOrMissGolay    Hit-or-miss operation for regions using the Golay alphabet.
HitOrMissSeq    Hit-or-miss operation for regions using the Golay alphabet (sequential).
HoughCircleTrans    Return the Hough-Transform for circles with a given radius.
HoughCircles    Detect centers of circles for a specific radius using the Hough transform.
HoughLineTrans    Produce the Hough transform for lines within regions.
HoughLines    Detect lines in edge images with the help of the Hough transform and returns it in HNF.
InnerCircle    Largest inner circle of a region.
InnerRectangle1    Largest inner rectangle of a region.
InsertObj    Insert objects into an iconic object tuple.
Intensity    Calculate the mean and deviation of gray values.
Interjacent    Partition the image plane using given regions.
Intersection    Calculate the intersection of two regions.
JunctionsSkeleton    Find junctions and end points in a skeleton.
LearnNdimBox    Train a classificator using a multi-channel image.
LearnNdimNorm    Construct classes for class_ndim_normclass_ndim_normClassNdimNormClassNdimNormclass_ndim_norm.
MergeRegionsLineScan    Merge regions from line scan images.
MinMaxGray    Determine the minimum and maximum gray values within regions.
MinkowskiAdd1    Perform a Minkowski addition on a region.
MinkowskiAdd2    Dilate a region (using a reference point).
MinkowskiSub1    Erode a region.
MinkowskiSub2    Erode a region (using a reference point).
MirrorRegion    Reflect a region about an axis.
MomentsGrayPlane    Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a plane.
MomentsRegion2nd    Calculate the geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion2ndInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion2ndRelInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion3rd    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion3rdInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegionCentral    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegionCentralInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MorphHat    Compute the union of bottom_hatbottom_hatBottomHatBottomHatbottom_hat and top_hattop_hatTopHatTopHattop_hat.
MorphSkeleton    Compute the morphological skeleton of a region.
MorphSkiz    Thinning of a region.
MoveRegion    Translate a region.
NoiseDistributionMean    Determine the noise distribution of an image.
ObjDiff    Calculate the difference of two object tuples.
Opening    Open a region.
OpeningCircle    Open a region with a circular structuring element.
OpeningGolay    Open a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
OpeningRectangle1    Open a region with a rectangular structuring element.
OpeningSeg    Separate overlapping regions.
OrientationRegion    Orientation of a region.
OverpaintRegion    Overpaint regions in an image.
PaintRegion    Paint regions into an image.
PartitionDynamic    Partition a region horizontally at positions of small vertical extent.
PartitionRectangle    Partition a region into rectangles of approximately equal size.
PlaneDeviation    Calculate the deviation of the gray values from the approximating image plane.
PolarTransRegion    Transform a region within an annular arc to polar coordinates.
PolarTransRegionInv    Transform a region in polar coordinates back to Cartesian coordinates.
ProjectiveTransRegion    Apply a projective transformation to a region.
ProtectOcrTrainf    Protection of training data.
Pruning    Prune the branches of a region.
RankRegion    Rank operator for regions.
ReadRegion    Read binary images or regions.
ReceiveRegion    Receive regions over a socket connection.
Rectangularity    Shape factor for the rectangularity of a region.
RegionFeatures    Calculate shape features of regions.
RegionToBin    Convert a region into a binary byte-image.
RegionToLabel    Convert regions to a label image.
RegionToMean    Paint regions with their average gray value.
RemoveNoiseRegion    Remove noise from a region.
RemoveObj    Remove objects from an iconic object tuple.
ReplaceObj    Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
Roundness    Shape factors from contour.
RunlengthDistribution    Distribution of runs needed for runlength encoding of a region.
RunlengthFeatures    Characteristic values for runlength coding of regions.
SegmentCharacters    Segments characters in a given region of an image.
SelectCharacters    Selects characters from a given region.
SelectGray    Select regions based on gray value features.
SelectMatchingLines    Select those lines from a set of lines (in HNF) which fit best into a region.
SelectObj    Select objects from an object tuple.
SelectRegionPoint    Choose all regions containing a given pixel.
SelectRegionSpatial    Pose relation of regions.
SelectShape    Choose regions with the aid of shape features.
SelectShapeProto    Choose regions having a certain relation to each other.
SelectShapeStd    Select regions of a given shape.
SendRegion    Send regions over a socket connection.
SerializeRegion    Serialize a region.
SetIcon    Icon definition for region output.
ShapeHistoAll    Determine a histogram of features along all threshold values.
ShapeHistoPoint    Determine a histogram of features along all threshold values.
ShapeTrans    Transform the shape of a region.
Skeleton    Compute the skeleton of a region.
SmallestCircle    Smallest surrounding circle of a region.
SmallestRectangle1    Surrounding rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
SmallestRectangle2    Smallest surrounding rectangle with any orientation.
SortRegion    Sorting of regions with respect to their relative position.
SpatialRelation    Pose relation of regions with regard to the coordinate axes.
SplitSkeletonLines    Split lines represented by one pixel wide, non-branching lines.
SplitSkeletonRegion    Split lines represented by one pixel wide, non-branching regions.
SymmDifference    Calculate the symmetric difference of two regions.
TestEqualObj    Compare image objects regarding equality.
TestEqualRegion    Test whether the regions of two objects are identical.
TestRegionPoint    Test if the region contains a given point.
TestSubsetRegion    Test whether a region is contained in another region.
TestdOcrClassBox    Test an OCR classifier.
TextLineOrientation    Determines the orientation of a text line or paragraph.
TextLineSlant    Determines the slant of characters of a text line or paragraph.
Thickening    Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region.
ThickeningGolay    Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region (using a Golay structuring element).
ThickeningSeq    Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region (sequential).
Thinning    Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region.
ThinningGolay    Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region (using a Golay structuring element).
ThinningSeq    Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region (sequential).
TopHat    Compute the top hat of regions.
TraindOcrClassBox    Train an OCR classifier by the input of regions.
TransposeRegion    Reflect a region about a point.
Union1    Return the union of all input regions.
Union2    Return the union of two regions.
WriteOcrTrainf    Storing of training characters into a file.
WriteRegion    Write regions to a file.
ZoomRegion    Zoom a region.

HRegion (Class)


HRegion — Represents an instance of a region object(-array).

Base Class

HObject — Represents an instance of an iconic object(-array). Base class for images, regions and XLDs


GenRectangle1    Create a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
GenEllipseSector    Create an ellipse sector.
GenCircleSector    Create a circle sector.
GenCircle    Create a circle.


This operator is not available as a class member but will be called automatically by the destructor. This occurs when a local variable goes out of scope or an instance on the heap is deleted.

ClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the database.


AddChannels    Add gray values to regions.
AffineTransRegion    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to regions.
AppendOcrTrainf    Add characters to a training file.
AreaCenter    Area and center of regions.
AreaCenterGray    Compute the area and center of gravity of a region in a gray value image.
AreaHoles    Compute the area of holes of regions.
BackgroundSeg    Determine the connected components of the background of given regions.
BottomHat    Compute the bottom hat of regions.
Boundary    Reduce a region to its boundary.
Circularity    Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of a region.
ClipRegion    Clip a region to a rectangle.
ClipRegionRel    Clip a region relative to its smallest surrounding rectangle.
CloseEdges    Close edge gaps using the edge amplitude image.
CloseEdgesLength    Close edge gaps using the edge amplitude image.
ClosestPointTransform    Compute the closest-point transformation of a region.
Closing    Close a region.
ClosingCircle    Close a region with a circular structuring element.
ClosingGolay    Close a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
ClosingRectangle1    Close a region with a rectangular structuring element.
Compactness    Shape factor for the compactness of a region.
CompareObj    Compare iconic objects regarding equality.
Complement    Return the complement of a region.
ConcatObj    Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
ConnectAndHoles    Number of connection components and holes
Connection    Compute connected components of a region.
Contlength    Contour length of a region.
Convexity    Shape factor for the convexity of a region.
CoocFeatureImage    Calculate a co-occurrence matrix and derive gray value features thereof.
CopyObj    Copy an iconic object in the database.
CreateSheetOfLightModel    Create a model to perform 3D-measurements using the sheet-of-light technique.
DeserializeRegion    Deserialize a serialized region.
DiameterRegion    Maximal distance between two boundary points of a region.
Difference    Calculate the difference of two regions.
Dilation1    Dilate a region.
Dilation2    Dilate a region (using a reference point).
DilationCircle    Dilate a region with a circular structuring element.
DilationGolay    Dilate a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
DilationRectangle1    Dilate a region with a rectangular structuring element.
DilationSeq    Dilate a region sequentially.
DispRegion    Displays regions in a window.
DistanceLr    Calculate the distance between a line and a region.
DistancePr    Calculate the distance between a point and a region.
DistanceRrMin    Minimum distance between the contour pixels of two regions each.
DistanceRrMinDil    Minimum distance between two regions with the help of dilation.
DistanceSr    Calculate the distance between a line segment and one region.
DistanceTransform    Compute the distance transformation of a region.
DoOcrMulti    Classify characters.
DoOcrMultiClassCnn    Classify multiple characters with an CNN-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrMultiClassKnn    Classify multiple characters with an k-NN classifier.
DoOcrMultiClassMlp    Classify multiple characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrMultiClassSvm    Classify multiple characters with an SVM-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingle    Classify one character.
DoOcrSingleClassCnn    Classify a single character with an CNN-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingleClassKnn    Classify a single character with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingleClassMlp    Classify a single character with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingleClassSvm    Classify a single character with an SVM-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordCnn    Classify a related group of characters with an CNN-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordKnn    Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordMlp    Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordSvm    Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier.
DragRegion1    Interactive moving of a region.
DragRegion2    Interactive movement of a region with fixpoint specification.
DragRegion3    Interactive movement of a region with restriction of positions.
DrawPolygon    Interactive drawing of a polygon row.
DrawRegion    Interactive drawing of a closed region.
Eccentricity    Shape features derived from the ellipse parameters.
EliminateRuns    Eliminate runs of a given length.
EllipticAxis    Calculate the parameters of the equivalent ellipse.
EllipticAxisGray    Compute the orientation and major axes of a region in a gray value image.
EntropyGray    Determine the entropy and anisotropy of images.
Erosion1    Erode a region.
Erosion2    Erode a region (using a reference point).
ErosionCircle    Erode a region with a circular structuring element.
ErosionGolay    Erode a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
ErosionRectangle1    Erode a region with a rectangular structuring element.
ErosionSeq    Erode a region sequentially.
EulerNumber    Calculate the Euler number.
ExpandGray    Fill gaps between regions (depending on gray value or color) or split overlapping regions.
ExpandGrayRef    Fill gaps between regions (depending on gray value or color) or split overlapping regions.
ExpandRegion    Fill gaps between regions or split overlapping regions.
FillUp    Fill up holes in regions.
FillUpShape    Fill up holes in regions having given shape features.
FindNeighbors    Search direct neighbors.
FitSurfaceFirstOrder    Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a first order surface (plane).
FitSurfaceSecondOrder    Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a second order surface.
Fitting    Perform a closing after an opening with multiple structuring elements.
FuzzyEntropy    Determine the fuzzy entropy of regions.
FuzzyPerimeter    Calculate the fuzzy perimeter of a region.
GenCheckerRegion    Create a checkered region.
GenCircle    Create a circle.
GenCircleSector    Create a circle sector.
GenContourRegionXld    Generate XLD contours from regions.
GenContoursSkeletonXld    Convert a skeleton into XLD contours.
GenCoocMatrix    Calculate the co-occurrence matrix of a region in an image.
GenEllipse    Create an ellipse.
GenEllipseSector    Create an ellipse sector.
GenEmptyRegion    Create an empty region.
GenGridRegion    Create a region from lines or pixels.
GenRandomRegion    Create a random region.
GenRandomRegions    Create random regions like circles, rectangles and ellipses.
GenRectangle1    Create a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
GenRectangle2    Create a rectangle of any orientation.
GenRegionHisto    Convert a histogram into a region.
GenRegionHline    Store input lines described in Hesse normal form as regions.
GenRegionLine    Store input lines as regions.
GenRegionPoints    Store individual pixels as image region.
GenRegionPolygon    Store a polygon as a region.
GenRegionPolygonFilled    Store a polygon as a “filled” region.
GenRegionRuns    Create a region from a runlength coding.
GenStructElements    Generate standard structuring elements.
GetIcon    Query the icon for region output
GetRegionChain    Contour of an object as chain code.
GetRegionContour    Access the contour of an object.
GetRegionConvex    Access convex hull as contour.
GetRegionIndex    Index of all regions containing a given pixel.
GetRegionPoints    Access the pixels of a region.
GetRegionPolygon    Polygon approximation of a region.
GetRegionRuns    Access the runlength coding of a region.
GetRegionThickness    Access the thickness of a region along the main axis.
GolayElements    Generate the structuring elements of the Golay alphabet.
GrabData    Synchronous grab of images and preprocessed image data from the specified image acquisition device.
GrabDataAsync    Asynchronous grab of images and preprocessed image data from the specified image acquisition device.
GrayFeatures    Calculates gray value features for a set of regions.
GrayHisto    Calculate the gray value distribution.
GrayHistoAbs    Calculate the gray value distribution.
GrayHistoRange    Calculate the gray value distribution of a single channel image within a certain gray value range.
GrayProjections    Calculate horizontal and vertical gray-value projections.
HammingChangeRegion    Generate a region having a given Hamming distance.
HammingDistance    Hamming distance between two regions.
HammingDistanceNorm    Hamming distance between two regions using normalization.
HeightWidthRatio    Compute the width, height, and aspect ratio of the surrounding rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
Histo2dim    Calculate the histogram of two-channel gray value images.
HitOrMiss    Hit-or-miss operation for regions.
HitOrMissGolay    Hit-or-miss operation for regions using the Golay alphabet.
HitOrMissSeq    Hit-or-miss operation for regions using the Golay alphabet (sequential).
HoughCircleTrans    Return the Hough-Transform for circles with a given radius.
HoughCircles    Detect centers of circles for a specific radius using the Hough transform.
HoughLineTrans    Produce the Hough transform for lines within regions.
HoughLines    Detect lines in edge images with the help of the Hough transform and returns it in HNF.
InnerCircle    Largest inner circle of a region.
InnerRectangle1    Largest inner rectangle of a region.
InsertObj    Insert objects into an iconic object tuple.
Intensity    Calculate the mean and deviation of gray values.
Interjacent    Partition the image plane using given regions.
Intersection    Calculate the intersection of two regions.
JunctionsSkeleton    Find junctions and end points in a skeleton.
LearnNdimBox    Train a classificator using a multi-channel image.
LearnNdimNorm    Construct classes for class_ndim_normclass_ndim_normClassNdimNormClassNdimNormclass_ndim_norm.
MergeRegionsLineScan    Merge regions from line scan images.
MinMaxGray    Determine the minimum and maximum gray values within regions.
MinkowskiAdd1    Perform a Minkowski addition on a region.
MinkowskiAdd2    Dilate a region (using a reference point).
MinkowskiSub1    Erode a region.
MinkowskiSub2    Erode a region (using a reference point).
MirrorRegion    Reflect a region about an axis.
MomentsGrayPlane    Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a plane.
MomentsRegion2nd    Calculate the geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion2ndInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion2ndRelInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion3rd    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion3rdInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegionCentral    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegionCentralInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MorphHat    Compute the union of bottom_hatbottom_hatBottomHatBottomHatbottom_hat and top_hattop_hatTopHatTopHattop_hat.
MorphSkeleton    Compute the morphological skeleton of a region.
MorphSkiz    Thinning of a region.
MoveRegion    Translate a region.
NoiseDistributionMean    Determine the noise distribution of an image.
ObjDiff    Calculate the difference of two object tuples.
Opening    Open a region.
OpeningCircle    Open a region with a circular structuring element.
OpeningGolay    Open a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
OpeningRectangle1    Open a region with a rectangular structuring element.
OpeningSeg    Separate overlapping regions.
OrientationRegion    Orientation of a region.
OverpaintRegion    Overpaint regions in an image.
PaintRegion    Paint regions into an image.
PartitionDynamic    Partition a region horizontally at positions of small vertical extent.
PartitionRectangle    Partition a region into rectangles of approximately equal size.
PlaneDeviation    Calculate the deviation of the gray values from the approximating image plane.
PolarTransRegion    Transform a region within an annular arc to polar coordinates.
PolarTransRegionInv    Transform a region in polar coordinates back to Cartesian coordinates.
ProjectiveTransRegion    Apply a projective transformation to a region.
ProtectOcrTrainf    Protection of training data.
Pruning    Prune the branches of a region.
RankRegion    Rank operator for regions.
ReadRegion    Read binary images or regions.
ReceiveRegion    Receive regions over a socket connection.
Rectangularity    Shape factor for the rectangularity of a region.
RegionFeatures    Calculate shape features of regions.
RegionToBin    Convert a region into a binary byte-image.
RegionToLabel    Convert regions to a label image.
RegionToMean    Paint regions with their average gray value.
RemoveNoiseRegion    Remove noise from a region.
RemoveObj    Remove objects from an iconic object tuple.
ReplaceObj    Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
Roundness    Shape factors from contour.
RunlengthDistribution    Distribution of runs needed for runlength encoding of a region.
RunlengthFeatures    Characteristic values for runlength coding of regions.
SegmentCharacters    Segments characters in a given region of an image.
SelectCharacters    Selects characters from a given region.
SelectGray    Select regions based on gray value features.
SelectMatchingLines    Select those lines from a set of lines (in HNF) which fit best into a region.
SelectObj    Select objects from an object tuple.
SelectRegionPoint    Choose all regions containing a given pixel.
SelectRegionSpatial    Pose relation of regions.
SelectShape    Choose regions with the aid of shape features.
SelectShapeProto    Choose regions having a certain relation to each other.
SelectShapeStd    Select regions of a given shape.
SendRegion    Send regions over a socket connection.
SerializeRegion    Serialize a region.
SetIcon    Icon definition for region output.
ShapeHistoAll    Determine a histogram of features along all threshold values.
ShapeHistoPoint    Determine a histogram of features along all threshold values.
ShapeTrans    Transform the shape of a region.
Skeleton    Compute the skeleton of a region.
SmallestCircle    Smallest surrounding circle of a region.
SmallestRectangle1    Surrounding rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
SmallestRectangle2    Smallest surrounding rectangle with any orientation.
SortRegion    Sorting of regions with respect to their relative position.
SpatialRelation    Pose relation of regions with regard to the coordinate axes.
SplitSkeletonLines    Split lines represented by one pixel wide, non-branching lines.
SplitSkeletonRegion    Split lines represented by one pixel wide, non-branching regions.
SymmDifference    Calculate the symmetric difference of two regions.
TestEqualObj    Compare image objects regarding equality.
TestEqualRegion    Test whether the regions of two objects are identical.
TestRegionPoint    Test if the region contains a given point.
TestSubsetRegion    Test whether a region is contained in another region.
TestdOcrClassBox    Test an OCR classifier.
TextLineOrientation    Determines the orientation of a text line or paragraph.
TextLineSlant    Determines the slant of characters of a text line or paragraph.
Thickening    Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region.
ThickeningGolay    Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region (using a Golay structuring element).
ThickeningSeq    Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region (sequential).
Thinning    Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region.
ThinningGolay    Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region (using a Golay structuring element).
ThinningSeq    Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region (sequential).
TopHat    Compute the top hat of regions.
TraindOcrClassBox    Train an OCR classifier by the input of regions.
TransposeRegion    Reflect a region about a point.
Union1    Return the union of all input regions.
Union2    Return the union of two regions.
WriteOcrTrainf    Storing of training characters into a file.
WriteRegion    Write regions to a file.
ZoomRegion    Zoom a region.

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