polar_trans_image_invpolar_trans_image_invPolarTransImageInvPolarTransImageInvpolar_trans_image_inv (Operator)


polar_trans_image_invpolar_trans_image_invPolarTransImageInvPolarTransImageInvpolar_trans_image_inv — Transform an image in polar coordinates back to Cartesian coordinates


polar_trans_image_inv(PolarImage : XYTransImage : Row, Column, AngleStart, AngleEnd, RadiusStart, RadiusEnd, Width, Height, Interpolation : )

Herror polar_trans_image_inv(const Hobject PolarImage, Hobject* XYTransImage, double Row, double Column, double AngleStart, double AngleEnd, double RadiusStart, double RadiusEnd, const Hlong Width, const Hlong Height, const char* Interpolation)

Herror T_polar_trans_image_inv(const Hobject PolarImage, Hobject* XYTransImage, const Htuple Row, const Htuple Column, const Htuple AngleStart, const Htuple AngleEnd, const Htuple RadiusStart, const Htuple RadiusEnd, const Htuple Width, const Htuple Height, const Htuple Interpolation)

void PolarTransImageInv(const HObject& PolarImage, HObject* XYTransImage, const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& AngleStart, const HTuple& AngleEnd, const HTuple& RadiusStart, const HTuple& RadiusEnd, const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& Height, const HTuple& Interpolation)

HImage HImage::PolarTransImageInv(const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, double AngleStart, double AngleEnd, const HTuple& RadiusStart, const HTuple& RadiusEnd, Hlong Width, Hlong Height, const HString& Interpolation) const

HImage HImage::PolarTransImageInv(double Row, double Column, double AngleStart, double AngleEnd, double RadiusStart, double RadiusEnd, Hlong Width, Hlong Height, const HString& Interpolation) const

HImage HImage::PolarTransImageInv(double Row, double Column, double AngleStart, double AngleEnd, double RadiusStart, double RadiusEnd, Hlong Width, Hlong Height, const char* Interpolation) const

HImage HImage::PolarTransImageInv(double Row, double Column, double AngleStart, double AngleEnd, double RadiusStart, double RadiusEnd, Hlong Width, Hlong Height, const wchar_t* Interpolation) const   ( Windows only)

static void HOperatorSet.PolarTransImageInv(HObject polarImage, out HObject XYTransImage, HTuple row, HTuple column, HTuple angleStart, HTuple angleEnd, HTuple radiusStart, HTuple radiusEnd, HTuple width, HTuple height, HTuple interpolation)

HImage HImage.PolarTransImageInv(HTuple row, HTuple column, double angleStart, double angleEnd, HTuple radiusStart, HTuple radiusEnd, int width, int height, string interpolation)

HImage HImage.PolarTransImageInv(double row, double column, double angleStart, double angleEnd, double radiusStart, double radiusEnd, int width, int height, string interpolation)

def polar_trans_image_inv(polar_image: HObject, row: Union[int, float], column: Union[int, float], angle_start: float, angle_end: float, radius_start: Union[int, float], radius_end: Union[int, float], width: int, height: int, interpolation: str) -> HObject


polar_trans_image_invpolar_trans_image_invPolarTransImageInvPolarTransImageInvpolar_trans_image_inv transforms the polar coordinate representation of an image, stored in PolarImagePolarImagePolarImagepolarImagepolar_image, back onto an annular arc in Cartesian coordinates, described by the radii RadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartradiusStartradius_start and RadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndradiusEndradius_end and the angles AngleStartAngleStartAngleStartangleStartangle_start and AngleEndAngleEndAngleEndangleEndangle_end with the center point located at (RowRowRowrowrow, ColumnColumnColumncolumncolumn). All of these values can be chosen as real numbers. The overall size of the target image will be WidthWidthWidthwidthwidth x HeightHeightHeightheightheight pixels.

The parameter InterpolationInterpolationInterpolationinterpolationinterpolation is used to select the interpolation method 'bilinear'"bilinear""bilinear""bilinear""bilinear" or 'nearest_neighbor'"nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor". With 'nearest_neighbor'"nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor", the gray value of a pixel in the output image is determined by the gray value of the closest pixel in the input image. With 'bilinear'"bilinear""bilinear""bilinear""bilinear", the gray value of a pixel in the output image is determined by bilinear interpolation of the gray values of the four closest pixels in the input image. The mode 'bilinear'"bilinear""bilinear""bilinear""bilinear" results in images of better quality, but is slower than the mode 'nearest_neighbor'"nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor".

The angles and radii are inclusive, which means that the first row of the input image will be mapped onto a circle with a distance of RadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartradiusStartradius_start pixels from the specified center and the last row will be mapped onto a circle of radius RadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndradiusEndradius_end.

polar_trans_image_invpolar_trans_image_invPolarTransImageInvPolarTransImageInvpolar_trans_image_inv is the inverse function of polar_trans_image_extpolar_trans_image_extPolarTransImageExtPolarTransImageExtpolar_trans_image_ext.

The call sequence:
polar_trans_image_ext(Image, PolarImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)polar_trans_image_ext(Image, PolarImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)PolarTransImageExt(Image, PolarImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)PolarTransImageExt(Image, PolarImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)polar_trans_image_ext(Image, PolarImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)
polar_trans_image_inv(PolarImage, XYTransImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)polar_trans_image_inv(PolarImage, XYTransImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)PolarTransImageInv(PolarImage, XYTransImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)PolarTransImageInv(PolarImage, XYTransImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)polar_trans_image_inv(PolarImage, XYTransImage, Row, Column, rad(360), 0, 0, Radius, Width, Height, Interpolation)

returns the image ImageImageImageimageimage, restricted to the circle around (RowRowRowrowrow, ColumnColumnColumncolumncolumn) with radius Radius, as its output image XYTransImageXYTransImageXYTransImageXYTransImagexytrans_image.

polar_trans_image_invpolar_trans_image_invPolarTransImageInvPolarTransImageInvpolar_trans_image_inv can be executed on an OpenCL device. There can be slight differences in the output compared to the execution on the CPU.

Additionally, for images of type 'byte'"byte""byte""byte""byte", 'int2'"int2""int2""int2""int2" or 'uint2'"uint2""uint2""uint2""uint2" the system parameter 'int_zooming'"int_zooming""int_zooming""int_zooming""int_zooming" selects between fast calculation in fixed point arithmetics ('int_zooming'"int_zooming""int_zooming""int_zooming""int_zooming" = 'true'"true""true""true""true") and highly accurate calculation in floating point arithmetics ('int_zooming'"int_zooming""int_zooming""int_zooming""int_zooming" = 'false'"false""false""false""false"). Fixed point calculation can lead to minor gray value deviations. In this case, the domain of resulting images can differ as well.

Further Information

For an explanation of the different 2D coordinate systems used in HALCON, see the introduction of chapter Transformations / 2D Transformations.

Execution Information


PolarImagePolarImagePolarImagepolarImagepolar_image (input_object)  (multichannel-)image(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject (byte* / int2* / uint2* / real*) *allowed for compute devices

Input image.

XYTransImageXYTransImageXYTransImageXYTransImagexytrans_image (output_object)  (multichannel-)image(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject * (byte / int2 / uint2 / real)

Output image.

RowRowRowrowrow (input_control)  number HTupleUnion[int, float]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Row coordinate of the center of the arc.

Default: 256

Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 240, 256, 480, 512

Value range: 0 ≤ Row Row Row row row ≤ 32767

ColumnColumnColumncolumncolumn (input_control)  number HTupleUnion[int, float]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Column coordinate of the center of the arc.

Default: 256

Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 320, 512, 640

Value range: 0 ≤ Column Column Column column column ≤ 32767

AngleStartAngleStartAngleStartangleStartangle_start (input_control)  angle.rad HTuplefloatHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Angle of the ray to map the first column of the input image to.

Default: 0.0

Suggested values: 0.0, 0.78539816, 1.57079632, 3.141592654, 6.2831853

AngleEndAngleEndAngleEndangleEndangle_end (input_control)  angle.rad HTuplefloatHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Angle of the ray to map the last column of the input image to.

Default: 6.2831853

Suggested values: 0.0, 0.78539816, 1.57079632, 3.141592654, 6.2831853

RadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartradiusStartradius_start (input_control)  number HTupleUnion[int, float]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Radius of the circle to map the first row of the input image to.

Default: 0

Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 100, 128, 256, 512

Value range: 0 ≤ RadiusStart RadiusStart RadiusStart radiusStart radius_start

RadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndradiusEndradius_end (input_control)  number HTupleUnion[int, float]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Radius of the circle to map the last row of the input image to.

Default: 100

Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 100, 128, 256, 512

Value range: 0 ≤ RadiusEnd RadiusEnd RadiusEnd radiusEnd radius_end

WidthWidthWidthwidthwidth (input_control)  extent.x HTupleintHTupleHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Width of the output image.

Default: 512

Suggested values: 256, 320, 512, 640, 800, 1024

Value range: 0 ≤ Width Width Width width width ≤ 32767

HeightHeightHeightheightheight (input_control)  extent.y HTupleintHTupleHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Height of the output image.

Default: 512

Suggested values: 240, 256, 480, 512, 600, 1024

Value range: 0 ≤ Height Height Height height height ≤ 32767

InterpolationInterpolationInterpolationinterpolationinterpolation (input_control)  string HTuplestrHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Interpolation method for the transformation.

Default: 'nearest_neighbor' "nearest_neighbor" "nearest_neighbor" "nearest_neighbor" "nearest_neighbor"

List of values: 'bilinear'"bilinear""bilinear""bilinear""bilinear", 'nearest_neighbor'"nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor""nearest_neighbor"

See also

polar_trans_image_extpolar_trans_image_extPolarTransImageExtPolarTransImageExtpolar_trans_image_ext, polar_trans_regionpolar_trans_regionPolarTransRegionPolarTransRegionpolar_trans_region, polar_trans_region_invpolar_trans_region_invPolarTransRegionInvPolarTransRegionInvpolar_trans_region_inv, polar_trans_contour_xldpolar_trans_contour_xldPolarTransContourXldPolarTransContourXldpolar_trans_contour_xld, polar_trans_contour_xld_invpolar_trans_contour_xld_invPolarTransContourXldInvPolarTransContourXldInvpolar_trans_contour_xld_inv

