Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

HOperatorSet (Class)


HOperatorSet — Class grouping all HALCON operators.


AbsDiffImage    Calculate the absolute difference of two images.
AbsFunct1d    Absolute value of the y values.
AbsImage    Calculate the absolute value (modulus) of an image.
AbsMatrix    Compute the absolute values of the elements of a matrix.
AbsMatrixMod    Compute the absolute values of the elements of a matrix.
AccessChannel    Access a channel of a multi-channel image.
AcosImage    Calculate the arccosine of an image.
ActivateComputeDevice    Activate a compute device.
AdaptShapeModelHighNoise    Adapt a shape model's parameters for high noise images.
AdaptTemplate    Adapting a template to the size of an image.
AddChannels    Add gray values to regions.
AddClassTrainDataGmm    Add training data to a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM).
AddClassTrainDataKnn    Add training data to a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier.
AddClassTrainDataMlp    Add training data to a multilayer perceptron (MLP).
AddClassTrainDataSvm    Add training data to a support vector machine (SVM).
AddDeformableSurfaceModelReferencePoint    Add a reference point to a deformable surface model.
AddDeformableSurfaceModelSample    Add a sample deformation to a deformable surface model
AddDlPruningBatch    Calculate scores to prune a deep learning model.
AddImage    Add two images.
AddImageBorder    Add a border to an image.
AddMatrix    Add two matrices.
AddMatrixMod    Add two matrices.
AddMetrologyObjectCircleMeasure    Add a circle or a circular arc to a metrology model.
AddMetrologyObjectEllipseMeasure    Add an ellipse or an elliptic arc to a metrology model.
AddMetrologyObjectGeneric    Add a metrology object to a metrology model.
AddMetrologyObjectLineMeasure    Add a line to a metrology model.
AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure    Add a rectangle to a metrology model.
AddNoiseDistribution    Add noise to an image.
AddNoiseWhite    Add noise to an image.
AddNoiseWhiteContourXld    Add noise to XLD contours.
AddSampleClassGmm    Add a training sample to the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model.
AddSampleClassKnn    Add a sample to a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier.
AddSampleClassMlp    Add a training sample to the training data of a multilayer perceptron.
AddSampleClassSvm    Add a training sample to the training data of a support vector machine.
AddSampleClassTrainData    Add a training sample to training data.
AddSampleIdentifierPreparationData    Add preparation data to an existing sample identifier.
AddSampleIdentifierTrainingData    Add training data to an existing sample identifier.
AddSamplesImageClassGmm    Add training samples from an image to the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model.
AddSamplesImageClassKnn    Add training samples from an image to the training data of a k-Nearest-Neighbor classifier.
AddSamplesImageClassMlp    Add training samples from an image to the training data of a multilayer perceptron.
AddSamplesImageClassSvm    Add training samples from an image to the training data of a support vector machine.
AddScene3dCamera    Add a camera to a 3D scene.
AddScene3dInstance    Add an instance of a 3D object model to a 3D scene.
AddScene3dLabel    Add a text label to a 3D scene.
AddScene3dLight    Add a light source to a 3D scene.
AddTextureInspectionModelImage    Add training images to the texture inspection model.
AdjustMosaicImages    Apply an automatic color correction to panorama images.
AffineTransContourXld    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to XLD contours.
AffineTransImage    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to images.
AffineTransImageSize    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to an image and specify the output image size.
AffineTransObjectModel3d    Apply an arbitrary affine 3D transformation to 3D object models.
AffineTransPixel    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to pixel coordinates.
AffineTransPoint2d    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to points.
AffineTransPoint3d    Apply an arbitrary affine 3D transformation to points.
AffineTransPolygonXld    Apply an arbitrary affine transformation to XLD polygons.
AffineTransRegion    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to regions.
AlignMetrologyModel    Alignment of a metrology model.
AngleLl    Calculate the angle between two lines.
AngleLx    Calculate the angle between one line and the horizontal axis.
AnisotropicDiffusion    Perform an anisotropic diffusion of an image.
AppendChannel    Append additional matrices (channels) to the image.
AppendOcrTrainf    Add characters to a training file.
ApplyBeadInspectionModel    Inspect beads in an image, as defined by the bead inspection model.
ApplyColorTransLut    Color space transformation using pre-generated look-up-table.
ApplyDeepCountingModel    Apply a Deep Counting model on a set of images for inference.
ApplyDeepOcr    Apply a Deep OCR model on a set of images for inference.
ApplyDistanceTransformXld    Determine the pointwise distance of two contours using an XLD distance transform.
ApplyDlClassifier    Infer the class affiliations for a set of images using a deep-learning-based classifier.
ApplyDlModel    Apply a deep-learning-based network on a set of images for inference.
ApplyMetrologyModel    Measure and fit the geometric shapes of all metrology objects of a metrology model.
ApplySampleIdentifier    Identify objects with a sample identifier.
ApplySheetOfLightCalibration    Apply the calibration transformations to the input disparity image.
ApplyTextureInspectionModel    Inspection of the texture within an image.
ApproxChain    Approximate a contour by arcs and lines.
ApproxChainSimple    Approximate a contour by arcs and lines.
AreaCenter    Area and center of regions.
AreaCenterGray    Compute the area and center of gravity of a region in a gray value image.
AreaCenterPointsXld    Area and center of gravity (centroid) of contours and polygons treated as point clouds.
AreaCenterXld    Area and center of gravity (centroid) of contours and polygons.
AreaHoles    Compute the area of holes of regions.
AreaIntersectionRectangle2    Calculate the intersection area of oriented rectangles.
AreaObjectModel3d    Calculate the area of all faces of a 3D object model.
AsinImage    Calculate the arcsine of an image.
Assign    Assign a new value to a variable.
AssignAt    Assignment of one or several values to one or several tuple elements.
Atan2Image    Calculate the arctangent of two images.
AtanImage    Calculate the arctangent of an image.
AttachBackgroundToWindow    Attach a background image to a window.
AttachDrawingObjectToWindow    Attach an existing drawing object to a window.
AutoThreshold    Segment an image using thresholds determined from its histogram.
AxisAngleToQuat    Create a rotation quaternion.
BackgroundSeg    Determine the connected components of the background of given regions.
BandpassImage    Edge extraction using bandpass filters.
BestMatch    Searching the best matching of a template and an image.
BestMatchMg    Searching the best gray value matches in a pyramid.
BestMatchPreMg    Searching the best gray value matches in a pre generated pyramid.
BestMatchRot    Searching the best matching of a template and an image with rotation.
BestMatchRotMg    Searching the best matching of a template and a pyramid with rotation.
BilateralFilter    bilateral filtering of an image.
BinThreshold    Segment an image using an automatically determined threshold.
BinaryThreshold    Segment an image using binary thresholding.
BinocularCalibration    Determine all camera parameters of a binocular stereo system.
BinocularDisparity    Compute the disparities of a rectified image pair using correlation techniques.
BinocularDisparityMg    Compute the disparities of a rectified stereo image pair using multigrid methods.
BinocularDisparityMs    Compute the disparities of a rectified stereo image pair using multi-scanline optimization.
BinocularDistance    Compute the distance values for a rectified stereo image pair using correlation techniques.
BinocularDistanceMg    Compute the distance values for a rectified stereo image pair using multigrid methods.
BinocularDistanceMs    Compute the distance values for a rectified stereo image pair using multi-scanline optimization.
BinomialFilter    Smooth an image using the binomial filter.
BitAnd    Bit-by-bit AND of all pixels of the input images.
BitLshift    Left shift of all pixels of the image.
BitMask    Logical “AND” of each pixel using a bit mask.
BitNot    Complement all bits of the pixels.
BitOr    Bit-by-bit OR of all pixels of the input images.
BitRshift    Right shift of all pixels of the image.
BitSlice    Extract a bit from the pixels.
BitXor    Bit-by-bit XOR of all pixels of the input images.
BottomHat    Compute the bottom hat of regions.
Boundary    Reduce a region to its boundary.
Break    Terminate loop execution or leave a switchswitchSwitchSwitchswitch block.
BroadcastCondition    Signal a condition synchronization object.
BundleAdjustMosaic    Perform a bundle adjustment of an image mosaic.
CalibrateCameras    Determine all camera parameters by a simultaneous minimization process.
CalibrateHandEye    Perform a hand-eye calibration.
CalibrateSheetOfLight    Calibrate a sheet-of-light setup with a 3D calibration object.
CaltabPoints    Read the mark center points from the calibration plate description file.
CamMatToCamPar    Compute the internal camera parameters from a camera matrix.
CamParPoseToHomMat3d    Convert internal camera parameters and a 3D pose into a 3×4 projection matrix.
CamParToCamMat    Compute a camera matrix from internal camera parameters.
CameraCalibration    Determine all camera parameters by a simultaneous minimization process.
Case    Jump label that starts a branch within a switchswitchSwitchSwitchswitch block.
Catch    Catches exceptions that were thrown in the preceding trytryTryTrytry block.
CfaToRgb    Convert a single-channel color filter array image into an RGB image.
ChangeDomain    Change definition domain of an image.
ChangeFormat    Change image size.
ChangeRadialDistortionCamPar    Determine new camera parameters in accordance to the specified radial distortion.
ChangeRadialDistortionContoursXld    Change the radial distortion of contours.
ChangeRadialDistortionImage    Change the radial distortion of an image.
ChangeRadialDistortionPoints    Change the radial distortion of pixel coordinates.
ChannelsToImage    Convert one-channel images into a multi-channel image
CharThreshold    Perform a threshold segmentation for extracting characters.
CheckDifference    Compare two images pixel by pixel.
Circularity    Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of a region.
CircularityXld    Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of contours or polygons.
Class2dimSup    Segment an image using two-dimensional pixel classification.
Class2dimUnsup    Segment two images by clustering.
ClassNdimBox    Classify pixels using hyper-cuboids.
ClassNdimNorm    Classify pixels using hyper-spheres or hyper-cubes.
ClassifyClassGmm    Calculate the class of a feature vector by a Gaussian Mixture Model.
ClassifyClassKnn    Search for the next neighbors for a given feature vector.
ClassifyClassMlp    Calculate the class of a feature vector by a multilayer perceptron.
ClassifyClassSvm    Classify a feature vector by a support vector machine.
ClassifyImageClassGmm    Classify an image with a Gaussian Mixture Model.
ClassifyImageClassKnn    Classify an image with a k-Nearest-Neighbor classifier.
ClassifyImageClassLut    Classify a byte image using a look-up table.
ClassifyImageClassMlp    Classify an image with a multilayer perceptron.
ClassifyImageClassSvm    Classify an image with a support vector machine.
ClearAllBarCodeModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all bar code models and free the allocated memory
ClearAllBarriers    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all barrier synchronization objects.
ClearAllCalibData    Free the memory of all calibration data models.
ClearAllCameraSetupModels    Free the memory of all camera setup models.
ClearAllClassGmm    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all Gaussian Mixture Models.
ClearAllClassKnn    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all k-NN classifiers.
ClearAllClassLut    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all look-up table classifiers.
ClearAllClassMlp    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all multilayer perceptrons.
ClearAllClassSvm    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all support vector machines.
ClearAllClassTrainData    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all training data for classifiers.
ClearAllColorTransLuts    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all look-up-tables of the color space transformation.
ClearAllComponentModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all component models.
ClearAllConditions    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all condition synchronization objects.
ClearAllDataCode2dModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all 2D data code models and free the allocated memory.
ClearAllDeformableModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all deformable models.
ClearAllDescriptorModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all descriptor models in RAM.
ClearAllEvents    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all event synchronization objects.
ClearAllLexica    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all lexica.
ClearAllMatrices    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all matrices from memory.
ClearAllMetrologyModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all metrology models and free the allocated memory.
ClearAllMutexes    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all mutex synchronization objects.
ClearAllNccModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all NCC models.
ClearAllObjectModel3d    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all 3D object models.
ClearAllOcrClassKnn    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all OCR classifiers.
ClearAllOcrClassMlp    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all OCR classifiers.
ClearAllOcrClassSvm    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all SVM based OCR classifiers.
ClearAllSampleIdentifiers    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all sample identifiers.
ClearAllScatteredDataInterpolators    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all scattered data interpolators.
ClearAllSerializedItems    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all current existing serialized items.
ClearAllShapeModel3d    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all 3D shape models.
ClearAllShapeModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all shape models.
ClearAllSheetOfLightModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all sheet-of-light models and free the allocated memory.
ClearAllStereoModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all stereo models.
ClearAllSurfaceMatchingResults    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all surface matching results.
ClearAllSurfaceModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all surface models.
ClearAllTemplates    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Deallocation of the memory of all templates.
ClearAllTextModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all text models.
ClearAllTextResults    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all text results.
ClearAllTrainingComponents    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all component training results.
ClearAllVariationModels    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all variation models.
ClearBarCodeModel    Delete a bar code model and free the allocated memory
ClearBarrier    Destroy a barrier synchronization object.
ClearBeadInspectionModel    Delete the bead inspection model and free the allocated memory.
ClearCalibData    Free the memory of a calibration data model.
ClearCameraSetupModel    Free the memory of a calibration setup model.
ClearClassGmm    Clear a Gaussian Mixture Model.
ClearClassKnn    Clear a k-NN classifier.
ClearClassLut    Clear a look-up table classifier.
ClearClassMlp    Clear a multilayer perceptron.
ClearClassSvm    Clear a support vector machine.
ClearClassTrainData    Clears training data for classifiers.
ClearColorTransLut    Release the look-up-table needed for color space transformation.
ClearComponentModel    Free the memory of a component model.
ClearCondition    Destroy a condition synchronization object.
ClearDataCode2dModel    Delete a 2D data code model and free the allocated memory.
ClearDeformableModel    Free the memory of a deformable model.
ClearDeformableSurfaceMatchingResult    Free the memory of a deformable surface matching result.
ClearDeformableSurfaceModel    Free the memory of a deformable surface model.
ClearDescriptorModel    Free the memory of a descriptor model.
ClearDistanceTransformXld    Clear a XLD distance transform.
ClearDlClassifier    Clear a deep-learning-based classifier.
ClearDlClassifierResult    Clear a handle containing the results of the deep-learning-based classification.
ClearDlClassifierTrainResult    Clear the handle of a deep-learning-based classifier training result.
ClearDlModel    Clear a deep learning model.
ClearDrawingObject    Delete drawing object.
ClearEvent    Clear the event synchronization object.
ClearHandle    Clear the content of a handle.
ClearLexicon    Clear a lexicon.
ClearMatrix    Free the memory of a matrix.
ClearMessage    Close a message handle and release all associated resources.
ClearMessageQueue    Close a message queue handle and release all associated resources.
ClearMetrologyModel    Delete a metrology model and free the allocated memory.
ClearMetrologyObject    Delete metrology objects and free the allocated memory.
ClearMutex    Clear the mutex synchronization object.
ClearNccModel    Free the memory of an NCC model.
ClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the database.
ClearObjectModel3d    Free the memory of a 3D object model.
ClearOcrClassCnn    Clear an CNN-based OCR classifier.
ClearOcrClassKnn    Clear an OCR classifier.
ClearOcrClassMlp    Clear an OCR classifier.
ClearOcrClassSvm    Clear an SVM-based OCR classifier.
ClearRectangle    Delete a rectangle on the output window.
ClearSampleIdentifier    Free the memory of a sample identifier.
ClearSamplesClassGmm    Clear the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model.
ClearSamplesClassMlp    Clear the training data of a multilayer perceptron.
ClearSamplesClassSvm    Clear the training data of a support vector machine.
ClearSampset    Free memory of a data set.
ClearScatteredDataInterpolator    Clear a scattered data interpolator.
ClearScene3d    Delete a 3D scene and free all allocated memory.
ClearSerial    Clear the buffer of a serial connection.
ClearSerializedItem    Delete a serialized item.
ClearShapeModel    Free the memory of a shape model.
ClearShapeModel3d    Free the memory of a 3D shape model.
ClearSheetOfLightModel    Delete a sheet-of-light model and free the allocated memory.
ClearStereoModel    Free the memory of a stereo model.
ClearStructuredLightModel    Clear a structured light model and free the allocated memory.
ClearSurfaceMatchingResult    Free the memory of a surface matching result.
ClearSurfaceModel    Free the memory of a surface model.
ClearTemplate    Deallocation of the memory of a template.
ClearTextModel    Clear a text model.
ClearTextResult    Clear a text result.
ClearTextureInspectionModel    Clear a texture inspection model and free the allocated memory.
ClearTextureInspectionResult    Clear a texture inspection result handle and free the allocated memory.
ClearTrainDataVariationModel    Free the memory of the training data of a variation model.
ClearTrainingComponents    Free the memory of a component training result.
ClearVariationModel    Free the memory of a variation model.
ClearWindow    Delete the contents of an output window.
ClipContoursXld    Clip an XLD contour.
ClipEndPointsContoursXld    Clip the end points of an XLD contour.
ClipRegion    Clip a region to a rectangle.
ClipRegionRel    Clip a region relative to its smallest surrounding rectangle.
CloseAllBgEsti    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all background estimation data sets.
CloseAllClassBox    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all classifiers.
CloseAllFiles    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Close all open files.
CloseAllFramegrabbers    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Close all image acquisition devices.
CloseAllMeasures    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all measure objects.
CloseAllOcrs    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all OCR classifiers.
CloseAllOcvs    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all OCV tools.
CloseAllSerials    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Close all serial devices.
CloseAllSockets    This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Close all opened sockets.
CloseBgEsti    Delete the background estimation data set.
CloseClassBox    Destroy the classifier.
CloseContoursXld    Close an XLD contour.
CloseEdges    Close edge gaps using the edge amplitude image.
CloseEdgesLength    Close edge gaps using the edge amplitude image.
CloseFile    Closing a text file.
CloseFramegrabber    Close specified image acquisition device.
CloseIoChannel    Close I/O channels.
CloseIoDevice    Close the specified I/O device.
CloseMeasure    Delete a measure object.
CloseOcr    Deallocation of the memory of an OCR classifier.
CloseOcv    Clear an OCV tool.
CloseSerial    Close a serial device.
CloseSocket    Close a socket.
CloseWindow    Close an output window.
ClosestPointTransform    Compute the closest-point transformation of a region.
Closing    Close a region.
ClosingCircle    Close a region with a circular structuring element.
ClosingGolay    Close a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
ClosingRectangle1    Close a region with a rectangular structuring element.
ClusterModelComponents    Adopt new parameters that are used to create the model components into the training result.
CoherenceEnhancingDiff    Perform a coherence enhancing diffusion of an image.
CombineRoadsXld    Combine road hypotheses from two resolution levels.
Comment    Add a comment of one line to the program.
Compactness    Shape factor for the compactness of a region.
CompactnessXld    Shape factor for the compactness of contours or polygons.
CompareExtVariationModel    Compare an image to a variation model.
CompareMemoryBlock    Compare contents of memory blocks regarding equality.
CompareObj    Compare iconic objects regarding equality.
CompareVariationModel    Compare an image to a variation model.
Complement    Return the complement of a region.
ComplexToReal    Convert a complex image into two real images.
Compose2    Convert two images into a two-channel image.
Compose3    Convert 3 images into a three-channel image.
Compose4    Convert 4 images into a four-channel image.
Compose5    Convert 5 images into a five-channel image.
Compose6    Convert 6 images into a six-channel image.
Compose7    Convert 7 images into a seven-channel image.
ComposeFunct1d    Compose two functions.
ConcatObj    Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
ConcatOcrTrainf    Concat training files.
ConnectAndHoles    Number of connection components and holes
ConnectGridPoints    Establish connections between the grid points of the rectification grid.
Connection    Compute connected components of a region.
ConnectionObjectModel3d    Determine the connected components of the 3D object model.
Continue    Skip the current loop execution.
Contlength    Contour length of a region.
ContourPointNumXld    Return the number of points in an XLD contour.
ContourToWorldPlaneXld    Transform an XLD contour into the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system.
ControlIoChannel    Perform an action on I/O channels.
ControlIoDevice    Perform an action on the I/O device.
ControlIoInterface    Perform an action on the I/O interface.
ConvertCoordinatesImageToWindow    Convert image coordinates to window coordinates
ConvertCoordinatesWindowToImage    Convert window coordinates to image coordinates
ConvertImageType    Convert the type of an image.
ConvertMapType    Convert image maps into other map types.
ConvertPoint3dCartToSpher    Convert Cartesian coordinates of a 3D point to spherical coordinates.
ConvertPoint3dSpherToCart    Convert spherical coordinates of a 3D point to Cartesian coordinates.
ConvertPoseType    Change the representation type of a 3D pose.
ConvertTupleToVector1d    Distribute the elements of a tuple to a vector.
ConvertVectorToTuple    Concatenate the elements of a vector to a single tuple.
ConvexHullObjectModel3d    Calculate the convex hull of a 3D object model.
Convexity    Shape factor for the convexity of a region.
ConvexityXld    Shape factor for the convexity of contours or polygons.
ConvolFft    Multiply an image with a filter image in the frequency domain.
ConvolGabor    Convolve an image with a Gabor filter in the frequency domain.
ConvolImage    Calculate the correlation between an image and an arbitrary filter mask
CoocFeatureImage    Calculate a co-occurrence matrix and derive gray value features thereof.
CoocFeatureMatrix    Calculate gray value features from a co-occurrence matrix.
CopyDict    Copy a dictionary.
CopyFile    Copy a file to a new location.
CopyImage    Copy an image and allocate new memory for it.
CopyMatrix    Copy a matrix.
CopyMetrologyModel    Copy a metrology model.
CopyMetrologyObject    Copy metrology metrology objects of a metrology model.
CopyObj    Copy an iconic object in the database.
CopyObjectModel3d    Copy a 3D object model.
CopyRectangle    Copy all pixels within rectangles between output windows.
CornerResponse    Searching corners in images.
CorrelationFft    Multiply one image with the complex conjugate of another image in the frequency domain.
CosImage    Calculate the cosine of an image.
CountChannels    Count channels of image.
CountObj    Number of objects in a tuple.
CountRelation    Number of entries in the database.
CountSeconds    Passed Time.
CreateAnisoShapeModel    Prepare an anisotropically scaled shape model for matching.
CreateAnisoShapeModelXld    Prepare an anisotropically scaled shape model for matching from XLD contours.
CreateBarCodeModel    Create a model of a bar code reader.
CreateBarrier    Create a barrier synchronization object.
CreateBeadInspectionModel    Create a model to inspect beads or adhesive in images.
CreateBgEsti    Generate and initialize a data set for the background estimation.
CreateCalibData    Create a calibration data model.
CreateCalibDescriptorModel    Create a descriptor model for calibrated perspective matching.
CreateCaltab    Generate a calibration plate description file and a corresponding PostScript file for a calibration plate with hexagonally arranged marks.
CreateCamPoseLookAtPoint    Create a 3D camera pose from camera center and viewing direction.
CreateCameraSetupModel    Create a model for a setup of calibrated cameras.
CreateClassBox    Create a new classifier.
CreateClassGmm    Create a Gaussian Mixture Model for classification
CreateClassKnn    Create a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier.
CreateClassLutGmm    Create a look-up table using a gaussian mixture model to classify byte images.
CreateClassLutKnn    Create a look-up table using a k-nearest neighbors classifier (k-NN) to classify byte images.
CreateClassLutMlp    Create a look-up table using a multi-layer perceptron to classify byte images.
CreateClassLutSvm    Create a look-up table using a Support-Vector-Machine to classify byte images.
CreateClassMlp    Create a multilayer perceptron for classification or regression.
CreateClassSvm    Create a support vector machine for pattern classification.
CreateClassTrainData    Create a handle for training data for classifiers.
CreateColorTransLut    Creates the look-up-table for transformation of an image from the RGB color space to an arbitrary color space.
CreateComponentModel    Prepare a component model for matching based on explicitly specified components and relations.
CreateCondition    Create a condition variable synchronization object.
CreateDataCode2dModel    Create a model of a 2D data code class.
CreateDeepCountingModel    Create a Deep Counting model for counting objects.
CreateDeepOcr    Create a Deep OCR model.
CreateDeformableSurfaceModel    Create the data structure needed to perform deformable surface-based matching.
CreateDict    Create a new empty dictionary.
CreateDistanceTransformXld    Create the XLD distance transform.
CreateDlLayerActivation    Create an activation layer.
CreateDlLayerBatchNormalization    Create a batch normalization layer.
CreateDlLayerClassIdConversion    Create a class ID conversion layer.
CreateDlLayerConcat    Create a concatenation layer.
CreateDlLayerConvolution    Create a convolutional layer.
CreateDlLayerDense    Create a dense layer.
CreateDlLayerDepthMax    Create a depth max layer.
CreateDlLayerDepthToSpace    Create a depth to space layer.
CreateDlLayerDropout    Create a DropOut layer.
CreateDlLayerElementwise    Create an elementwise layer.
CreateDlLayerIdentity    Create an identity layer.
CreateDlLayerInput    Create an input layer.
CreateDlLayerLossCrossEntropy    Create a cross entropy loss layer.
CreateDlLayerLossCtc    Create a CTC loss layer.
CreateDlLayerLossDistance    Create a distance loss layer.
CreateDlLayerLossFocal    Create a focal loss layer.
CreateDlLayerLossHuber    Create a Huber loss layer.
CreateDlLayerLrn    Create a LRN layer.
CreateDlLayerMatmul    Create a MatMul layer.
CreateDlLayerPermutation    Create a permutation layer.
CreateDlLayerPooling    Create a pooling layer.
CreateDlLayerReduce    Create a reduce layer.
CreateDlLayerReshape    Create a reshape layer.
CreateDlLayerSoftmax    Create a softmax layer.
CreateDlLayerTransposedConvolution    Create a transposed convolution layer.
CreateDlLayerZoomFactor    Create a zoom layer using size factors.
CreateDlLayerZoomSize    Create a zoom layer using an absolute output size.
CreateDlLayerZoomToLayerSize    Create a zoom layer using the output size of a reference layer.
CreateDlModel    Create a deep learning model.
CreateDlModelDetection    Create a deep learning network for object detection or instance segmentation.
CreateDlPruning    Create a pruning data handle.
CreateDrawingObjectCircle    Create a circle which can be modified interactively.
CreateDrawingObjectCircleSector    Create a circle sector which can be modified interactively.
CreateDrawingObjectEllipse    Create an ellipse which can be modified interactively.
CreateDrawingObjectEllipseSector    Create an elliptic sector which can be modified interactively.
CreateDrawingObjectLine    Create a line which can be modified interactively.
CreateDrawingObjectRectangle1    Create a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis which can be modified interactively.
CreateDrawingObjectRectangle2    Create a rectangle of any orientation which can be modified interactively.
CreateDrawingObjectText    Create a text object which can be moved interactively.
CreateDrawingObjectXld    Create a XLD contour which can be modified interactively.
CreateEvent    Create an event synchronization object.
CreateFunct1dArray    Create a function from a sequence of y values.
CreateFunct1dPairs    Create a function from a set of (x,y) pairs.
CreateGenericShapeModel    Create a shape model.
CreateLexicon    Create a lexicon from a tuple of words.
CreateLocalDeformableModel    Creates a deformable model for local, deformable matching.
CreateLocalDeformableModelXld    Prepare a deformable model for local deformable matching from XLD contours.
CreateMatrix    Create a matrix.
CreateMemoryBlockExtern    Create a memory block from an external pointer.
CreateMemoryBlockExternCopy    Create a memory block from an external pointer by copying.
CreateMessage    Create a new empty message.
CreateMessageQueue    Create a new empty message queue.
CreateMetrologyModel    Create the data structure that is needed to measure geometric shapes.
CreateMutex    Create a mutual exclusion synchronization object.
CreateNccModel    Prepare an NCC model for matching.
CreateOcrClassBox    Create a new OCR-classifier.
CreateOcrClassKnn    Create an OCR classifier using a k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) classifier.
CreateOcrClassMlp    Create an OCR classifier using a multilayer perceptron.
CreateOcrClassSvm    Create an OCR classifier using a support vector machine.
CreateOcvProj    Create a new OCV tool based on gray value projections.
CreatePlanarCalibDeformableModel    Create a deformable model for calibrated perspective matching.
CreatePlanarCalibDeformableModelXld    Prepare a deformable model for planar calibrated matching from XLD contours.
CreatePlanarUncalibDeformableModel    Creates a deformable model for uncalibrated, perspective matching.
CreatePlanarUncalibDeformableModelXld    Prepare a deformable model for planar uncalibrated matching from XLD contours.
CreatePose    Create a 3D pose.
CreateRectificationGrid    Generate a PostScript file, which describes the rectification grid.
CreateSampleIdentifier    Create a new sample identifier.
CreateScaledShapeModel    Prepare an isotropically scaled shape model for matching.
CreateScaledShapeModelXld    Prepare an isotropically scaled shape model for matching from XLD contours.
CreateScatteredDataInterpolator    Creates an interpolator for the interpolation of scattered data.
CreateScene3d    Create the data structure that is needed to visualize collections of 3D objects.
CreateSerializedItemPtr    Create a serialized item.
CreateShapeModel    Prepare a shape model for matching.
CreateShapeModel3d    Prepare a 3D object model for matching.
CreateShapeModelXld    Prepare a shape model for matching from XLD contours.
CreateSheetOfLightCalibObject    Create a calibration object for sheet-of-light calibration.
CreateSheetOfLightModel    Create a model to perform 3D-measurements using the sheet-of-light technique.
CreateStereoModel    Create a stereo model.
CreateStructuredLightModel    Create a structured light model.
CreateSurfaceModel    Create the data structure needed to perform surface-based matching.
CreateTemplate    Preparing a pattern for template matching.
CreateTemplateRot    Preparing a pattern for template matching with rotation.
CreateTextModel    Create a text model.
CreateTextModelReader    Create a text model.
CreateTextureInspectionModel    Create a texture inspection model.
CreateTrainedComponentModel    Prepare a component model for matching based on trained components.
CreateUncalibDescriptorModel    Prepare a descriptor model for interest point matching.
CreateVariationModel    Create a variation model for image comparison.
CriticalPointsSubPix    Subpixel precise detection of critical points in an image.
CropContoursXld    Crop an XLD contour.
CropDomain    Cut out of defined gray values.
CropDomainRel    Cut out an image area relative to the domain.
CropPart    Cut out one or more rectangular image areas.
CropRectangle1    Cut out one or more rectangular image areas.
CropRectangle2    Cut out one or more arbitrarily oriented rectangular image areas.
DeactivateAllComputeDevices    Deactivate all compute devices.
DeactivateComputeDevice    Deactivate a compute device.
DecodeBarCodeRectangle2    Decode bar code symbols within a rectangle.
DecodeStructuredLightPattern    Decode the camera images acquired with a structured light setup.
Decompose2    Convert a two-channel image into two images.
Decompose3    Convert a three-channel image into three images.
Decompose4    Convert a four-channel image into four images.
Decompose5    Convert a five-channel image into five images.
Decompose6    Convert a six-channel image into six images.
Decompose7    Convert a seven-channel image into seven images.
DecomposeMatrix    Decompose a matrix.
DecryptSerializedItem    Decrypt an encrypted item.
Default    Alternative branch in a switchswitchSwitchSwitchswitch block.
DeleteFile    Delete a file.
DepthFromFocus    Extract depth using multiple focus levels.
DequeueMessage    Receive one or more messages from the message queue.
DerivateFunct1d    Calculate the derivatives of a function.
DerivateGauss    Convolve an image with derivatives of the Gaussian.
DerivateVectorField    Convolve a vector field with derivatives of the Gaussian.
DescriptClassBox    Describe the classes of a box classifier.
DeserializeBarCodeModel    Deserialize a bar code model.
DeserializeCalibData    Deserialize a serialized calibration data model.
DeserializeCamPar    Deserialize the serialized internal camera parameters.
DeserializeCameraSetupModel    Deserialize a serialized camera setup model.
DeserializeClassBox    Deserialize a serialized classifier.
DeserializeClassGmm    Deserialize a serialized Gaussian Mixture Model.
DeserializeClassKnn    Deserialize a serialized k-NN classifier.
DeserializeClassMlp    Deserialize a serialized multilayer perceptron.
DeserializeClassSvm    Deserialize a serialized support vector machine (SVM).
DeserializeClassTrainData    Deserialize serialized training data for classifiers.
DeserializeComponentModel    Deserialize a serialized component model.
DeserializeDataCode2dModel    Deserialize a serialized 2D data code model.
DeserializeDeformableModel    Deserialize a deformable model.
DeserializeDeformableSurfaceModel    Deserialize a deformable surface model.
DeserializeDescriptorModel    Deserialize a descriptor model.
DeserializeDistanceTransformXld    Deserialize an XLD distance transform.
DeserializeDlClassifier    Deserialize a deep-learning-based classifier.
DeserializeDlModel    Deserialize a deep learning model.
DeserializeDualQuat    Deserialize a serialized dual quaternion.
DeserializeFftOptimizationData    Deserialize FFT speed optimization data.
DeserializeHandle    Deserialize a serialized item.
DeserializeHomMat2d    Deserialize a serialized homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
DeserializeHomMat3d    Deserialize a serialized homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
DeserializeImage    Deserialize a serialized image object.
DeserializeMatrix    Deserialize a serialized matrix.
DeserializeMeasure    Deserialize a serialized measure object.
DeserializeMetrologyModel    Deserialize a serialized metrology model.
DeserializeNccModel    Deserialize an NCC model.
DeserializeObject    Deserialize a serialized iconic object.
DeserializeObjectModel3d    Deserialize a serialized 3D object model.
DeserializeOcr    Deserialize a serialized OCR classifier.
DeserializeOcrClassCnn    Deserialize a serialized CNN-based OCR classifier.
DeserializeOcrClassKnn    Deserialize a serialized k-NN-based OCR classifier.
DeserializeOcrClassMlp    Deserialize a serialized MLP-based OCR classifier.
DeserializeOcrClassSvm    Deserialize a serialized SVM-based OCR classifier.
DeserializeOcv    Deserialize a serialized OCV tool.
DeserializePose    Deserialize a serialized pose.
DeserializeQuat    Deserialize a serialized quaternion.
DeserializeRegion    Deserialize a serialized region.
DeserializeSampleIdentifier    Deserialize a serialized sample identifier.
DeserializeShapeModel    Deserialize a serialized shape model.
DeserializeShapeModel3d    Deserialize a serialized 3D shape model.
DeserializeSheetOfLightModel    Deserialize a sheet-of-light model.
DeserializeStructuredLightModel    Deserialize a structured light model.
DeserializeSurfaceModel    Deserialize a surface model.
DeserializeTemplate    Deserialize a serialized template.
DeserializeTextureInspectionModel    Deserialize a serialized texture inspection model.
DeserializeTrainingComponents    Deserialize a component training result.
DeserializeTuple    Deserialize a serialized tuple.
DeserializeVariationModel    Deserialize a variation model.
DeserializeXld    Deserialize a serialized XLD object.
DetachBackgroundFromWindow    Detach the background image from a window.
DetachDrawingObjectFromWindow    Detach an existing drawing object from a window.
DetectEdgeSegments    Detect straight edge segments.
DeterminantMatrix    Compute the determinant of a matrix.
DetermineDeformableModelParams    Determine the parameters of a deformable model.
DetermineNccModelParams    Determine the parameters of an NCC model.
DetermineShapeModelParams    Determine the parameters of a shape model.
DevClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the database.
DevClearWindow    Clear the contents of the active graphics window.
DevCloseInspectCtrl    Close inspect window(s) of one or more control variables.
DevCloseTool    Close the specified floating tool window.
DevCloseWindow    Close the active floating graphics window.
DevDispText    Display text in the current graphics window.
DevDisplay    Displays image objects in the current graphics window.
DevErrorVar    Define or undefine an error variable.
DevGetExceptionData    Access the elements of an exception tuple.
DevGetPreferences    Query HDevelop preferences within a program.
DevGetSystem    Query the HDevelop system within a program.
DevGetWindow    Return the handle of the active graphics window.
DevInspectCtrl    Open a window to inspect one or more control variables.
DevMapPar    Open the dialog to specify the visualization parameters.
DevMapProg    Make the main window of HDevelop visible.
DevMapVar    Open the variable window of HDevelop.
DevOpenDialog    Open a modal HDevelop dialog.
DevOpenFileDialog    Opens a file selection dialog.
DevOpenTool    Open a HDevelop tool, a non-modal dialog, or assistant.
DevOpenWindow    Open a new graphics window.
DevSetCheck    Specify the error handling in HDevelop.
DevSetColor    Set one or more output colors.
DevSetColored    Set multiple output colors.
DevSetContourStyle    Define the contour display fill style.
DevSetDraw    Define the region fill mode.
DevSetLineWidth    Define the line width for region contour output.
DevSetLut    Set “look-up-table” (lut).
DevSetPaint    Define the gray value output mode.
DevSetPart    Modify the displayed image part.
DevSetPreferences    Set HDevelop preferences within a program.
DevSetShape    Define the region output shape.
DevSetSystem    Change HDevelop system parameter within a program.
DevSetToolGeometry    Sets the position and size of the specified tool.
DevSetWindow    Activate a graphics window.
DevSetWindowExtents    Change position and size of the active floating graphics window.
DevShowTool    Shows the specified tool.
DevUnmapPar    Closes the dialog to specify the visualization parameters.
DevUnmapProg    Hide the main window.
DevUnmapVar    Hides the variable window.
DevUpdatePc    Switches the update of the PC during program execution on or off.
DevUpdateTime    Switch time measurement for operators on or off.
DevUpdateVar    Switches the update of the variable window during program execution on or off.
DevUpdateWindow    Switches the automatic output of iconic output objects into the graphics window during program execution on or off.
DeviationImage    Calculate the standard deviation of gray values within rectangular windows.
DeviationN    Calculate standard deviation over several channels.
DiameterRegion    Maximal distance between two boundary points of a region.
DiameterXld    Maximum distance between two contour or polygon points.
DictToJson    Transform a dictionary into a JSON string.
DiffOfGauss    Approximate the LoG operator (Laplace of Gaussian).
Difference    Calculate the difference of two regions.
DifferenceClosedContoursXld    Compute the difference of closed contours.
DifferenceClosedPolygonsXld    Compute the difference of closed polygons.
Dilation1    Dilate a region.
Dilation2    Dilate a region (using a reference point).
DilationCircle    Dilate a region with a circular structuring element.
DilationGolay    Dilate a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
DilationRectangle1    Dilate a region with a rectangular structuring element.
DilationSeq    Dilate a region sequentially.
DispArc    Displays circular arcs in a window.
DispArrow    Displays arrows in a window.
DispCaltab    Project and visualize the 3D model of the calibration plate in the image.
DispChannel    Displays images with several channels.
DispCircle    Displays circles in a window.
DispColor    Displays a color (RGB) image
DispCross    Displays crosses in a window.
DispDistribution    Displays a noise distribution.
DispEllipse    Displays ellipses.
DispImage    Displays gray value images.
DispLine    Draws lines in a window.
DispLut    Graphical view of the look-up-table (lut).
DispObj    Displays image objects (image, region, XLD).
DispObjectModel3d    Display 3D object models.
DispPolygon    Displays a polyline.
DispRectangle1    Display of rectangles aligned to the coordinate axes.
DispRectangle2    Displays arbitrarily oriented rectangles.
DispRegion    Displays regions in a window.
DispText    Display text in a window.
DispXld    Display an XLD object.
DisparityImageToXyz    Transform a disparity image into 3D points in a rectified stereo system.
DisparityToDistance    Transform a disparity value into a distance value in a rectified binocular stereo system.
DisparityToPoint3d    Transform an image point and its disparity into a 3D point in a rectified stereo system.
DisplayScene3d    Display a 3D scene.
DistEllipseContourPointsXld    Compute the distances of all contour points to an ellipse.
DistEllipseContourXld    Compute the distance of contours to an ellipse.
DistRectangle2ContourPointsXld    Compute the distances of all contour points to a rectangle.
DistanceCc    Calculate the distance between two contours.
DistanceCcMin    Calculate the minimum distance between two contours.
DistanceCcMinPoints    Calculate the minimum distance between two contours and the points used for the calculation.
DistanceContoursXld    Calculate the pointwise distance from one contour to another.
DistanceFunct1d    Compute the distance of two functions.
DistanceLc    Calculate the distance between a line and one contour.
DistanceLr    Calculate the distance between a line and a region.
DistanceObjectModel3d    Compute the distances of the points of one 3D object model to another 3D object model.
DistancePc    Calculate the distance between a point and one contour.
DistancePl    Calculate the distance between one point and one line.
DistancePointLine    Calculate the distance between a 3D point and a 3D line given by two points on the line.
DistancePointPlueckerLine    Calculate the distance between a 3D point and a 3D line given by Plücker coordinates.
DistancePp    Calculate the distance between two points.
DistancePr    Calculate the distance between a point and a region.
DistancePs    Calculate the distances between a point and a line segment.
DistanceRrMin    Minimum distance between the contour pixels of two regions each.
DistanceRrMinDil    Minimum distance between two regions with the help of dilation.
DistanceSc    Calculate the distance between a line segment and one contour.
DistanceSl    Calculate the distances between a line segment and a line.
DistanceSr    Calculate the distance between a line segment and one region.
DistanceSs    Calculate the distances between two line segments.
DistanceToDisparity    Transform a distance value into a disparity in a rectified stereo system.
DistanceTransform    Compute the distance transformation of a region.
DivElementMatrix    Divide matrices element-by-element.
DivElementMatrixMod    Divide matrices element-by-element.
DivImage    Divide two images.
DoOcrMulti    Classify characters.
DoOcrMultiClassCnn    Classify multiple characters with an CNN-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrMultiClassKnn    Classify multiple characters with an k-NN classifier.
DoOcrMultiClassMlp    Classify multiple characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrMultiClassSvm    Classify multiple characters with an SVM-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingle    Classify one character.
DoOcrSingleClassCnn    Classify a single character with an CNN-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingleClassKnn    Classify a single character with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingleClassMlp    Classify a single character with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrSingleClassSvm    Classify a single character with an SVM-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordCnn    Classify a related group of characters with an CNN-based OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordKnn    Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordMlp    Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcrWordSvm    Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier.
DoOcvSimple    Verification of a pattern using an OCV tool.
DotsImage    Enhance circular dots in an image.
DragRegion1    Interactive moving of a region.
DragRegion2    Interactive movement of a region with fixpoint specification.
DragRegion3    Interactive movement of a region with restriction of positions.
DrawCircle    Interactive drawing of a circle.
DrawCircleMod    Interactive drawing of a circle.
DrawEllipse    Interactive drawing of an ellipse.
DrawEllipseMod    Interactive drawing of an ellipse.
DrawLine    Draw a line.
DrawLineMod    Draw a line.
DrawNurbs    Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve.
DrawNurbsInterp    Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve using interpolation.
DrawNurbsInterpMod    Interactive modification of a NURBS curve using interpolation.
DrawNurbsMod    Interactive modification of a NURBS curve.
DrawPoint    Draw a point.
DrawPointMod    Draw a point.
DrawPolygon    Interactive drawing of a polygon row.
DrawRectangle1    Draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis.
DrawRectangle1Mod    Draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis.
DrawRectangle2    Interactive drawing of any orientated rectangle.
DrawRectangle2Mod    Interactive drawing of any orientated rectangle.
DrawRegion    Interactive drawing of a closed region.
DrawXld    Interactive drawing of a contour.
DrawXldMod    Interactive modification of a contour.
DualQuatCompose    Multiply two dual quaternions.
DualQuatConjugate    Conjugate a dual quaternion.
DualQuatInterpolate    Interpolate two dual quaternions.
DualQuatNormalize    Normalize a dual quaternion.
DualQuatToHomMat3d    Convert a unit dual quaternion into a homogeneous transformation matrix.
DualQuatToPose    Convert a dual quaternion to a 3D pose.
DualQuatToScrew    Convert a unit dual quaternion into a screw.
DualQuatTransLine3d    Transform a 3D line with a unit dual quaternion.
DualQuatTransPoint3d    Transform a 3D point with a unit dual quaternion.
DualRank    Opening, Median and Closing with circle or rectangle mask.
DualThreshold    Threshold operator for signed images.
DumpWindow    Write the window content to a file.
DumpWindowImage    Write the window content in an image object.
DynThreshold    Segment an image using a local threshold.
Eccentricity    Shape features derived from the ellipse parameters.
EccentricityPointsXld    Anisometry of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
EccentricityXld    Shape features derived from the ellipse parameters of contours or polygons.
EdgesColor    Extract color edges using Canny, Deriche, or Shen filters.
EdgesColorSubPix    Extract subpixel precise color edges using Deriche, Shen, or Canny filters.
EdgesImage    Extract edges using Deriche, Lanser, Shen, or Canny filters.
EdgesObjectModel3d    Find edges in a 3D object model.
EdgesSubPix    Extract sub-pixel precise edges using Deriche, Lanser, Shen, or Canny filters.
EigenvaluesGeneralMatrix    Compute the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a general matrix.
EigenvaluesSymmetricMatrix    Compute the eigenvalues and optionally eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
EliminateMinMax    Smooth an image in the spatial domain to suppress noise.
EliminateRuns    Eliminate runs of a given length.
EliminateSp    Replace values outside of thresholds with average value.
EllipticAxis    Calculate the parameters of the equivalent ellipse.
EllipticAxisGray    Compute the orientation and major axes of a region in a gray value image.
EllipticAxisPointsXld    Parameters of the equivalent ellipse of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
EllipticAxisXld    Parameters of the equivalent ellipse of contours or polygons.
Else    Alternative of conditional statement.
Elseif    Conditional statement with alternative.
Emphasize    Enhance contrast of the image.
EncryptSerializedItem    Encrypt a serialized item.
Endfor    End statement of a for loop.
Endif    End of if command.
Endswitch    Ends a multiway branch block.
Endtry    Ends a block where exceptions are handled.
Endwhile    End statement of a while loop.
EnergyGabor    Calculate the energy of a two-channel image.
EnqueueMessage    Enqueue one or more messages to the message queue.
EnquireClassBox    Classify a tuple of attributes.
EnquireRejectClassBox    Classify a tuple of attributes with rejection class.
EntropyGray    Determine the entropy and anisotropy of images.
EntropyImage    Calculate the entropy of gray values within a rectangular window.
EquHistoImage    Histogram linearization of images
EquHistoImageRect    Histogram linearization within a rectangluar mask.
Erosion1    Erode a region.
Erosion2    Erode a region (using a reference point).
ErosionCircle    Erode a region with a circular structuring element.
ErosionGolay    Erode a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
ErosionRectangle1    Erode a region with a rectangular structuring element.
ErosionSeq    Erode a region sequentially.
EssentialToFundamentalMatrix    Compute the fundamental matrix from an essential matrix.
EstimateAlAm    Estimate the albedo of a surface and the amount of ambient light.
EstimateNoise    Estimate the image noise from a single image.
EstimateSlAlLr    Estimate the slant of a light source and the albedo of a surface.
EstimateSlAlZc    Estimate the slant of a light source and the albedo of a surface.
EstimateTiltLr    Estimate the tilt of a light source.
EstimateTiltZc    Estimate the tilt of a light source.
EulerNumber    Calculate the Euler number.
EvaluateClassGmm    Evaluate a feature vector by a Gaussian Mixture Model.
EvaluateClassMlp    Calculate the evaluation of a feature vector by a multilayer perceptron.
EvaluateClassSvm    Evaluate a feature vector by a support vector machine.
ExecutableExpression    Execute a stand-alone operation.
ExhaustiveMatch    Matching of a template and an image.
ExhaustiveMatchMg    Matching a template and an image in a resolution pyramid.
Exit    Terminate HDevelop.
ExpImage    Calculate the exponentiation of an image.
ExpandDomainGray    Expand the domain of an image and set the gray values in the expanded domain.
ExpandGray    Fill gaps between regions (depending on gray value or color) or split overlapping regions.
ExpandGrayRef    Fill gaps between regions (depending on gray value or color) or split overlapping regions.
ExpandLine    Expand a region starting at a given line.
ExpandRegion    Fill gaps between regions or split overlapping regions.
ExportDef    Insert arbitrary text into the export code of a procedure.
FastMatch    Searching all good matches of a template and an image.
FastMatchMg    Searching all good gray value matches in a pyramid.
FastThreshold    Fast thresholding of images using global thresholds.
FftGeneric    Compute the fast Fourier transform of an image.
FftImage    Compute the fast Fourier transform of an image.
FftImageInv    Compute the inverse fast Fourier transform of an image.
FileExists    Check whether file exists.
FillInterlace    Interpolate 2 video half images.
FillUp    Fill up holes in regions.
FillUpShape    Fill up holes in regions having given shape features.
FilterKalman    Estimate the current state of a system with the help of the Kalman filtering.
FindAnisoShapeModel    Find the best matches of an anisotropically scaled shape model in an image.
FindAnisoShapeModels    Find the best matches of multiple anisotropically scaled shape models.
FindBarCode    Detect and read bar code symbols in an image.
FindBox3d    Find boxes in 3D data.
FindCalibDescriptorModel    Find the best matches of a calibrated descriptor model in an image and return their 3D pose.
FindCalibObject    Find the calibration plate and set the extracted points and contours in a calibration data model.
FindCaltab    Segment the region of a standard calibration plate with rectangularly arranged marks in the image.
FindComponentModel    Find the best matches of a component model in an image.
FindDataCode2d    Detect and read 2D data code symbols in an image or train the 2D data code model.
FindDeformableSurfaceModel    Find the best match of a deformable surface model in a 3D scene.
FindGenericShapeModel    Find the best matches of one or multiple shape models in an image.
FindLocalDeformableModel    Find the best matches of a local deformable model in an image.
FindMarksAndPose    Extract rectangularly arranged 2D calibration marks from the image and calculate initial values for the external camera parameters.
FindNccModel    Find the best matches of an NCC model in an image.
FindNccModels    Find the best matches of multiple NCC models.
FindNeighbors    Search direct neighbors.
FindPlanarCalibDeformableModel    Find the best matches of a calibrated deformable model in an image and return their 3D pose.
FindPlanarUncalibDeformableModel    Find the best matches of a planar projective invariant deformable model in an image.
FindRectificationGrid    Segment the rectification grid region in the image.
FindScaledShapeModel    Find the best matches of an isotropically scaled shape model in an image.
FindScaledShapeModels    Find the best matches of multiple isotropically scaled shape models.
FindShapeModel    Find the best matches of a shape model in an image.
FindShapeModel3d    Find the best matches of a 3D shape model in an image.
FindShapeModels    Find the best matches of multiple shape models.
FindSurfaceModel    Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene.
FindSurfaceModelImage    Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene and images.
FindText    Find text in an image.
FindUncalibDescriptorModel    Find the best matches of a descriptor model in an image.
FitCircleContourXld    Approximate XLD contours by circles.
FitEllipseContourXld    Approximate XLD contours by ellipses or elliptic arcs.
FitLineContourXld    Approximate XLD contours by line segments.
FitPrimitivesObjectModel3d    Fit 3D primitives into a set of 3D points.
FitRectangle2ContourXld    Fit rectangles to XLD contours.
FitSurfaceFirstOrder    Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a first order surface (plane).
FitSurfaceSecondOrder    Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a second order surface.
Fitting    Perform a closing after an opening with multiple structuring elements.
FlushBuffer    Flush the contents of a window.
FnewLine    Write a line break and clear the output buffer.
For    Starts a loop block that is usually executed for a fixed number of iterations.
FreadBytes    Read bytes from a binary file.
FreadChar    Read one character from a text file.
FreadLine    Read a character line from a text file.
FreadSerializedItem    Read a serialized item from a file.
FreadString    Read a string from a text file.
FreiAmp    Detect edges (amplitude) using the Frei-Chen operator.
FreiDir    Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Frei-Chen operator.
FullDomain    Expand the domain of an image to maximum.
Funct1dToPairs    Access to the x/y values of a function.
FuseObjectModel3d    Fuse 3D object models into a surface.
FuzzyEntropy    Determine the fuzzy entropy of regions.
FuzzyMeasurePairing    Extract straight edge pairs perpendicular to a rectangle or an annular arc.
FuzzyMeasurePairs    Extract straight edge pairs perpendicular to a rectangle or an annular arc.
FuzzyMeasurePos    Extract straight edges perpendicular to a rectangle or an annular arc.
FuzzyPerimeter    Calculate the fuzzy perimeter of a region.
FwriteBytes    Write bytes to a binary file.
FwriteSerializedItem    Write a serialized item to a file.
FwriteString    Write strings and numbers into a text file.
GammaImage    Perform a gamma encoding or decoding of an image.
GaussDistribution    Generate a Gaussian noise distribution.
GaussFilter    Smooth using discrete Gauss functions.
GaussImage    Smooth an image using discrete Gaussian functions.
GenArbitraryDistortionMap    Generate a projection map that describes the mapping between an arbitrarily distorted image and the rectified image.
GenBandfilter    Generate an ideal band filter.
GenBandpass    Generate an ideal bandpass filter.
GenBinocularProjRectification    Compute the projective rectification of weakly calibrated binocular stereo images.
GenBinocularRectificationMap    Generate transformation maps that describe the mapping of the images of a binocular camera pair to a common rectified image plane.
GenBoxObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a box.
GenBundleAdjustedMosaic    Combine multiple images into a mosaic image.
GenCaltab    Generate a calibration plate description file and a corresponding PostScript file for a calibration plate with rectangularly arranged marks.
GenCheckerRegion    Create a checkered region.
GenCircle    Create a circle.
GenCircleContourXld    Create XLD contours corresponding to circles or circular arcs.
GenCircleSector    Create a circle sector.
GenContourNurbsXld    Transform a NURBS curve into an XLD contour.
GenContourPolygonRoundedXld    Generate an XLD contour with rounded corners from a polygon (given as tuples).
GenContourPolygonXld    Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples).
GenContourRegionXld    Generate XLD contours from regions.
GenContoursSkeletonXld    Convert a skeleton into XLD contours.
GenCoocMatrix    Calculate the co-occurrence matrix of a region in an image.
GenCrossContourXld    Generate one XLD contour in the shape of a cross for each input point.
GenCubeMapMosaic    Create 6 cube map images of a spherical mosaic.
GenCylinderObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a cylinder.
GenDerivativeFilter    Generate a derivative filter in the frequency domain.
GenDiscSe    Generate ellipsoidal structuring elements for gray morphology.
GenDlModelHeatmap    Infer the sample and generate a heatmap.
GenDlPrunedModel    Prune a deep learning model.
GenEllipse    Create an ellipse.
GenEllipseContourXld    Create an XLD contour that corresponds to an elliptic arc.
GenEllipseSector    Create an ellipse sector.
GenEmptyObj    Create an empty object tuple.
GenEmptyObjectModel3d    Create an empty 3D object model.
GenEmptyRegion    Create an empty region.
GenFilterMask    Store a filter mask in the spatial domain as a real-image.
GenGabor    Generate a Gabor filter.
GenGaussFilter    Generate a Gaussian filter in the frequency domain.
GenGaussPyramid    Calculating a Gauss pyramid.
GenGridRectificationMap    Compute the mapping between the distorted image and the rectified image based upon the points of a regular grid.
GenGridRegion    Create a region from lines or pixels.
GenHighpass    Generate an ideal highpass filter.
GenImage1    Create an image from a pointer to the pixels.
GenImage1Extern    Create an image from a pointer on the pixels with storage management.
GenImage1Rect    Create an image with a rectangular domain from a pointer on the pixels (with storage management).
GenImage3    Create an image from three pointers to the pixels (red/green/blue).
GenImage3Extern    Create a three-channel image from three pointers on the pixels with storage management.
GenImageConst    Create an image with constant gray value.
GenImageGrayRamp    Create a gray value ramp.
GenImageInterleaved    Create a three-channel image from a pointer to the interleaved pixels.
GenImageProto    Create an image with a specified constant gray value.
GenImageSurfaceFirstOrder    Create a tilted gray surface with first order polynomial.
GenImageSurfaceSecondOrder    Create a curved gray surface with second order polynomial.
GenImageToWorldPlaneMap    Generate a projection map that describes the mapping between the image plane and the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system.
GenInitialComponents    Extract the initial components of a component model.
GenLowpass    Generate an ideal lowpass filter.
GenMeanFilter    Generate a mean filter in the frequency domain.
GenMeasureArc    Prepare the extraction of straight edges perpendicular to an annular arc.
GenMeasureRectangle2    Prepare the extraction of straight edges perpendicular to a rectangle.
GenNurbsInterp    Create control data of a NURBS curve that interpolates given points.
GenObjectModel3dFromPoints    Create a 3D object model that represents a point cloud from a set of 3D points.
GenParallelContourXld    Compute the parallel contour of an XLD contour.
GenParallelsXld    Extract parallel XLD polygons.
GenPlaneObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a plane.
GenPolygonsXld    Approximate XLD contours by polygons.
GenPrincipalCompTrans    Compute the transformation matrix of the principal component analysis of multichannel images.
GenProjectiveMosaic    Combine multiple images into a mosaic image.
GenPsfDefocus    Generate an impulse response of an uniform out-of-focus blurring.
GenPsfMotion    Generate an impulse response of a (linearly) motion blurring.
GenRadialDistortionMap    Generate a projection map that describes the mapping of images corresponding to a changing radial distortion.
GenRandomRegion    Create a random region.
GenRandomRegions    Create random regions like circles, rectangles and ellipses.
GenRectangle1    Create a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
GenRectangle2    Create a rectangle of any orientation.
GenRectangle2ContourXld    Create an XLD contour in the shape of a rectangle.
GenRegionContourXld    Create a region from an XLD contour.
GenRegionHisto    Convert a histogram into a region.
GenRegionHline    Store input lines described in Hesse normal form as regions.
GenRegionLine    Store input lines as regions.
GenRegionPoints    Store individual pixels as image region.
GenRegionPolygon    Store a polygon as a region.
GenRegionPolygonFilled    Store a polygon as a “filled” region.
GenRegionPolygonXld    Create a region from an XLD polygon.
GenRegionRuns    Create a region from a runlength coding.
GenSinBandpass    Generate a bandpass filter with sinusoidal shape.
GenSphereObjectModel3d    Create a 3D object model that represents a sphere.
GenSphereObjectModel3dCenter    Create a 3D object model that represents a sphere from x,y,z coordinates.
GenSphericalMosaic    Create a spherical mosaic image.
GenStdBandpass    Generate a bandpass filter with Gaussian or sinusoidal shape.
GenStructElements    Generate standard structuring elements.
GenStructuredLightPattern    Generate the pattern images to be displayed in a structured light setup.
GeneralizedEigenvaluesGeneralMatrix    Compute the generalized eigenvalues and optionally the generalized eigenvectors of general matrices.
GeneralizedEigenvaluesSymmetricMatrix    Compute the generalized eigenvalues and optionally generalized eigenvectors of symmetric input matrices.
GetAopInfo    Return AOP information for operators.
GetBarCodeObject    Access iconic objects that were created during the search or decoding of bar code symbols.
GetBarCodeParam    Get one or several parameters that describe the bar code model.
GetBarCodeParamSpecific    Get parameters that are used by the bar code reader when processing a specific bar code type.
GetBarCodeResult    Get the alphanumerical results that were accumulated during the decoding of bar code symbols.
GetBeadInspectionParam    Get the value of a parameter in a specific bead inspection model.
GetBgEstiParams    Return the parameters of the data set.
GetCalibData    Query data stored or computed in a calibration data model.
GetCalibDataObservContours    Get contour-based observation data from a calibration data model.
GetCalibDataObservPoints    Get point-based observation data from a calibration data model.
GetCalibDataObservPose    Get observed calibration object poses from a calibration data model.
GetCameraSetupParam    Get generic camera setup model parameters.
GetChannelInfo    Information about the components of an image object.
GetChapterInfo    Get information concerning the chapters on operators.
GetCheck    State of the control modes.
GetCirclePose    Determine the 3D pose of a circle from its perspective 2D projection.
GetClassBoxParam    Get information about the current parameter.
GetClassTrainDataGmm    Get the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM).
GetClassTrainDataKnn    Get the training data of a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier.
GetClassTrainDataMlp    Get the training data of a multilayer perceptron (MLP).
GetClassTrainDataSvm    Get the training data of a support vector machine (SVM).
GetComponentModelParams    Return the parameters of a component model.
GetComponentModelTree    Return the search tree of a component model.
GetComponentRelations    Return the relations between the model components that are contained in a training result.
GetComprise    Get the output treatment of an image matrix.
GetComputeDeviceInfo    Get information on a compute device.
GetComputeDeviceParam    Query compute device parameters.
GetContourAngleXld    Calculate the direction of an XLD contour for each contour point.
GetContourAttribXld    Return point attribute values of an XLD contour.
GetContourGlobalAttribXld    Return global attributes values of an XLD contour.
GetContourStyle    Get the current contour display fill style.
GetContourXld    Return the coordinates of an XLD contour.
GetCurrentDir    Get the current working directory.
GetCurrentHthreadId    Return the thread ID of the current thread.
GetDataCode2dObjects    Access iconic objects that were created during the search for 2D data code symbols.
GetDataCode2dParam    Get one or several parameters that describe the 2D data code model.
GetDataCode2dResults    Get the alphanumerical results that were accumulated during the search for 2D data code symbols.
GetDeepCountingModelParam    Return the parameters of a Deep Counting model.
GetDeepOcrParam    Return the parameters of a Deep OCR model.
GetDeformableModelContours    Return the contour representation of a deformable model.
GetDeformableModelOrigin    Return the origin (reference point) of a deformable model.
GetDeformableModelParams    Return the parameters of a deformable model.
GetDeformableSurfaceMatchingResult    Get details of a result from deformable surface based matching.
GetDeformableSurfaceModelParam    Return the parameters and properties of a deformable surface model.
GetDescriptorModelOrigin    Return the origin of a descriptor model.
GetDescriptorModelParams    Return the parameters of a descriptor model.
GetDescriptorModelPoints    Query the interest points of the descriptor model or the last processed search image.
GetDescriptorModelResults    Query alphanumerical results that were accumulated during descriptor-based matching.
GetDiagonalMatrix    Get the diagonal elements of a matrix.
GetDictObject    Retrieve an object associated with the key from the dictionary.
GetDictParam    Query dictionary parameters or information about a dictionary.
GetDictTuple    Retrieve a tuple associated with the key from the dictionary.
GetDispObjectModel3dInfo    Get the depth or the index of a displayed 3D object model.
GetDisplayScene3dInfo    Get the depth or the index of instances in a displayed 3D scene.
GetDistanceTransformXldContour    Get the reference contour used to build the XLD distance transform.
GetDistanceTransformXldParam    Get the parameters used to build an XLD distance transform.
GetDlClassifierParam    Return the parameters of a deep-learning-based classifier.
GetDlClassifierResult    Retrieve classification results inferred by a deep-learning-based classifier.
GetDlClassifierTrainResult    Return the results for the single training step of a deep-learning-based classifier.
GetDlDeviceParam    Return the parameters of a deep-learning-capable hardware device.
GetDlLayerParam    Return the parameters of a deep learning layer.
GetDlModelLayer    Create a deep copy of the layers and all of their graph ancestors in a given deep learning model.
GetDlModelLayerActivations    Get the activations of a Deep Learning model layer.
GetDlModelLayerGradients    Get the gradients of a Deep Learning model layer.
GetDlModelLayerParam    Retrieve parameter values for a given layer.
GetDlModelLayerWeights    Get the weights (or values) of a Deep Learning model layer.
GetDlModelParam    Return the parameters of a deep learning model.
GetDlPruningParam    Get information from a pruning data handle.
GetDomain    Get the domain of an image.
GetDraw    Get the current region fill mode.
GetDrawingObjectIconic    Return the iconic object of a drawing object.
GetDrawingObjectParams    Get the parameters of a drawing object.
GetErrorText    Inquiry after the error text of a error number.
GetExtendedErrorInfo    Returns the extended error information for the calling thread's last error.
GetFeaturesOcrClassKnn    Compute the features of a character.
GetFeaturesOcrClassMlp    Compute the features of a character.
GetFeaturesOcrClassSvm    Compute the features of a character.
GetFix    Get mode of fixing of current look-up-table (lut).
GetFixedLut    Get fixing of “look-up-table” (lut) for “real color images”
GetFont    Get the current font.
GetFontExtents    Get the maximum size of all characters of a font.
GetFoundComponentModel    Return the components of a found instance of a component model.
GetFramegrabberCallback    Query callback function of an image acquisition device.
GetFramegrabberLut    Query look-up table of the image acquisition device.
GetFramegrabberParam    Query specific parameters of an image acquisition device.
GetFullMatrix    Return all values of a matrix.
GetGenericShapeModelObject    Get iconic objects of the shape model.
GetGenericShapeModelParam    Return the parameters of a shape model.
GetGenericShapeModelResult    Get alphanumerical values from a shape matching result.
GetGenericShapeModelResultObject    Get objects from a shape matching result.
GetGrayval    Access the gray values of an image object.
GetGrayvalContourXld    Return gray values of an image at the positions of an XLD contour.
GetGrayvalInterpolated    Return gray values of an image at the positions given by tuples of rows and columns.
GetHandleObject    Retrieve an object associated with a key from a handle.
GetHandleParam    Return information about a handle.
GetHandleTuple    Retrieve a tuple associated with a key from a handle.
GetHsi    Get the HSI coding of the current color.
GetIcon    Query the icon for region output
GetImagePointer1    Access the pointer of a channel.
GetImagePointer1Rect    Access to the image data pointer and the image data inside the smallest rectangle of the domain of the input image.
GetImagePointer3    Access the pointers of a colored image.
GetImageSize    Return the size of an image.
GetImageTime    Request time at which the image was created.
GetImageType    Return the type of an image.
GetInsert    Get the current display mode.
GetIoChannelParam    Query specific parameters of I/O channels.
GetIoDeviceParam    Query settings of an I/O device instance.
GetKeywords    Get keywords which are assigned to operators.
GetLineApprox    Get the current approximation error for contour display.
GetLineOfSight    Compute the line of sight corresponding to a point in the image.
GetLineStyle    Get the current graphic mode for contours.
GetLineWidth    Get the current line width for contour display.
GetLinesXld    Return an XLD polygon's data (as lines).
GetLut    Get current look-up-table (lut).
GetLutStyle    Get modification parameters of look-up-table (lut).
GetMbutton    Wait until a mouse button is pressed.
GetMbuttonSubPix    Wait until a mouse button is pressed and get the subpixel mouse position.
GetMeasureParam    Return the parameters and properties of a measure object.
GetMemoryBlockPtr    Return the data pointer and size of a memory block.
GetMessageObj    Retrieve an object associated with the key from the message.
GetMessageParam    Query message parameters or information about the message.
GetMessageQueueParam    Query message queue parameters or information about the queue.
GetMessageTuple    Retrieve a tuple associated with the key from the message.
GetMetrologyModelParam    Get parameters that are valid for the entire metrology model.
GetMetrologyObjectFuzzyParam    Get a fuzzy parameter of a metroloy model.
GetMetrologyObjectIndices    Get the indices of the metrology objects of a metrology model.
GetMetrologyObjectMeasures    Get the measure regions and the results of the edge location for the metrology objects of a metrology model.
GetMetrologyObjectModelContour    Query the model contour of a metrology object in image coordinates.
GetMetrologyObjectNumInstances    Get the number of instances of the metrology objects of a metrology model.
GetMetrologyObjectParam    Get one or several parameters of a metrology model.
GetMetrologyObjectResult    Get the results of the measurement of a metrology model.
GetMetrologyObjectResultContour    Query the result contour of a metrology object.
GetModules    Query of used modules and the module key.
GetMposition    Query the mouse position.
GetMpositionSubPix    Query the subpixel mouse position.
GetMshape    Query the current mouse pointer shape.
GetNccModelOrigin    Return the origin (reference point) of an NCC model.
GetNccModelParams    Return the parameters of an NCC model.
GetNccModelRegion    Return the region used to create an NCC model.
GetNextSocketDataType    Determine the data type of the next socket data.
GetObjClass    Name of the class of an image object.
GetObjectModel3dParams    Return attributes of 3D object models.
GetOperatorInfo    Get information concerning a -operator.
GetOperatorName    Get operators with the given string as a substring of their name.
GetOsWindowHandle    Get the operating system window handle.
GetPaint    Get the current display mode for gray values.
GetPairFunct1d    Access a function value using the index of the control points.
GetParallelsXld    Return an XLD parallel's data (as lines).
GetParamInfo    Get information concerning the operator parameters.
GetParamNames    Get the names of the parameters of a -operator.
GetParamNum    Get number of the different parameter classes of a -operator.
GetParamTypes    Get default data type for the control parameters of a -operator.
GetParamsClassGmm    Return the parameters of a Gaussian Mixture Model.
GetParamsClassKnn    Get parameters of a k-NN classification.
GetParamsClassMlp    Return the parameters of a multilayer perceptron.
GetParamsClassSvm    Return the parameters of a support vector machine.
GetParamsOcrClassCnn    Return the parameters of a CNN-based OCR classifier.
GetParamsOcrClassKnn    Return the parameters of an OCR classifier.
GetParamsOcrClassMlp    Return the parameters of an OCR classifier.
GetParamsOcrClassSvm    Return the parameters of an OCR classifier.
GetPart    Get the image part.
GetPartStyle    Get the current interpolation mode for gray value display.
GetPixel    Get the current color lookup table index.
GetPointsEllipse    Calculate points on the perimeter of an ellipse.
GetPolygonXld    Return an XLD polygon's data.
GetPoseType    Get the representation type of a 3D pose.
GetPrepInfoClassGmm    Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of a GMM.
GetPrepInfoClassMlp    Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of a multilayer perceptron.
GetPrepInfoClassSvm    Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of a support vector machine
GetPrepInfoOcrClassMlp    Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of an OCR classifier.
GetPrepInfoOcrClassSvm    Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of an SVM-based OCR classifier.
GetRectanglePose    Determine the 3D pose of a rectangle from its perspective 2D projection
GetRegionChain    Contour of an object as chain code.
GetRegionContour    Access the contour of an object.
GetRegionConvex    Access convex hull as contour.
GetRegionIndex    Index of all regions containing a given pixel.
GetRegionPoints    Access the pixels of a region.
GetRegionPolygon    Polygon approximation of a region.
GetRegionRuns    Access the runlength coding of a region.
GetRegionThickness    Access the thickness of a region along the main axis.
GetRegressParamsXld    Return XLD contour parameters.
GetRegularizationParamsClassMlp    Return the regularization parameters of a multilayer perceptron.
GetRegularizationParamsOcrClassMlp    Return the regularization parameters of an OCR classifier.
GetRejectionParamsClassMlp    Get the parameters of a rejection class.
GetRejectionParamsOcrClassMlp    Return the rejection class parameters of an OCR classifier.
GetRgb    Get the current color in RGB-coding.
GetRgba    Get the current color in RGBA-coding.
GetSampleClassGmm    Return a training sample from the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM).
GetSampleClassKnn    Return a training sample from the training data of a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier.
GetSampleClassMlp    Return a training sample from the training data of a multilayer perceptron.
GetSampleClassSvm    Return a training sample from the training data of a support vector machine.
GetSampleClassTrainData    Return a training sample from training data.
GetSampleIdentifierObjectInfo    Retrieve information about an object of a sample identifier.
GetSampleIdentifierParam    Get selected parameters of a sample identifier.
GetSampleNumClassGmm    Return the number of training samples stored in the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM).
GetSampleNumClassKnn    Return the number of training samples stored in the training data of a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier.
GetSampleNumClassMlp    Return the number of training samples stored in the training data of a multilayer perceptron.
GetSampleNumClassSvm    Return the number of training samples stored in the training data of a support vector machine.
GetSampleNumClassTrainData    Return the number of training samples stored in the training data.
GetSerialParam    Get the parameters of a serial device.
GetSerializedItemPtr    Access the data pointer of a serialized item.
GetShape    Get the current region output shape.
GetShapeModel3dContours    Return the contour representation of a 3D shape model view.
GetShapeModel3dParams    Return the parameters of a 3D shape model.
GetShapeModelClutter    Get the clutter parameters of a shape model.
GetShapeModelContours    Return the contour representation of a shape model.
GetShapeModelOrigin    Return the origin (reference point) of a shape model.
GetShapeModelParams    Return the parameters of a shape model.
GetSheetOfLightParam    Get the value of a parameter, which has been set in a sheet-of-light model.
GetSheetOfLightResult    Get the iconic results of a measurement performed with the sheet-of light technique.
GetSheetOfLightResultObjectModel3d    Get the result of a calibrated measurement performed with the sheet-of-light technique as a 3D object model.
GetSizeMatrix    Get the size of a matrix.
GetSocketDescriptor    Get the socket descriptor of a socket used by the operating system.
GetSocketParam    Get the value of a socket parameter.
GetSpy    Current configuration of the debugging-tool.
GetStereoModelImagePairs    Return the list of image pairs set in a stereo model.
GetStereoModelObject    Get intermediate iconic results of a stereo reconstruction.
GetStereoModelObjectModel3d    Get intermediate 3D object model of a stereo reconstruction
GetStereoModelParam    Get stereo model parameters.
GetStringExtents    Get the spatial size of a string.
GetStructuredLightModelParam    Query parameters of a structured light model.
GetStructuredLightObject    Get (intermediate) iconic results of a structured light model.
GetSubMatrix    Get a sub-matrix of a matrix.
GetSupportVectorClassSvm    Return the index of a support vector from a trained support vector machine.
GetSupportVectorNumClassSvm    Return the number of support vectors of a support vector machine.
GetSupportVectorNumOcrClassSvm    Return the number of support vectors of an OCR classifier.
GetSupportVectorOcrClassSvm    Return the index of a support vector from a trained OCR classifier that is based on support vector machines.
GetSurfaceMatchingResult    Get details of a result from surface based matching.
GetSurfaceModelParam    Return the parameters and properties of a surface model.
GetSystem    Get current value of system parameters.
GetSystemInfo    Get current value of system information without requiring a license.
GetSystemTime    Read out the system time.
GetTextModelParam    Query parameters of a text model.
GetTextObject    Query an iconic value of a text segmentation result.
GetTextResult    Query a control value of a text segmentation result.
GetTextureInspectionModelImage    Get the training images contained in a texture inspection model.
GetTextureInspectionModelParam    Query parameters of a texture inspection model.
GetTextureInspectionResultObject    Query iconic results of a texture inspection.
GetThreadingAttrib    Query the attributes of a threading / synchronization object.
GetThreshImagesVariationModel    Return the threshold images used for image comparison by a variation model.
GetTposition    Get cursor position.
GetTrainingComponents    Return the initial or model components in a certain image.
GetTshape    Get the shape of the text cursor.
GetValueMatrix    Return one ore more elements of a matrix.
GetVariationModel    Return the images used for image comparison by a variation model.
GetWindowAttr    Get window characteristics.
GetWindowBackgroundImage    Gets a copy of the background image of the window.
GetWindowExtents    Information about a window's size and position.
GetWindowParam    Get window parameters.
GetWindowPointer3    Access to a window's pixel data.
GetWindowType    Get the window type.
GetYValueFunct1d    Return the value of a function at an arbitrary position.
GiveBgEsti    Return the estimated background image.
Global    Declare a global variable.
GolayElements    Generate the structuring elements of the Golay alphabet.
GrabData    Synchronous grab of images and preprocessed image data from the specified image acquisition device.
GrabDataAsync    Asynchronous grab of images and preprocessed image data from the specified image acquisition device.
GrabImage    Synchronous grab of an image from the specified image acquisition device.
GrabImageAsync    Asynchronous grab of an image from the specified image acquisition device.
GrabImageStart    Start an asynchronous grab from the specified image acquisition device.
GrayBothat    Perform a gray value bottom hat transformation on an image.
GrayClosing    Perform a gray value closing on an image.
GrayClosingRect    Perform a gray value closing with a rectangular mask.
GrayClosingShape    Perform a gray value closing with a selected mask.
GrayDilation    Perform a gray value dilation on an image.
GrayDilationRect    Determine the maximum gray value within a rectangle.
GrayDilationShape    Determine the maximum gray value within a selected mask.
GrayErosion    Perform a gray value erosion on an image.
GrayErosionRect    Determine the minimum gray value within a rectangle.
GrayErosionShape    Determine the minimum gray value within a selected mask.
GrayFeatures    Calculates gray value features for a set of regions.
GrayHisto    Calculate the gray value distribution.
GrayHistoAbs    Calculate the gray value distribution.
GrayHistoRange    Calculate the gray value distribution of a single channel image within a certain gray value range.
GrayInside    Calculate the lowest possible gray value on an arbitrary path to the image border for each point in the image.
GrayOpening    Perform a gray value opening on an image.
GrayOpeningRect    Perform a gray value opening with a rectangular mask.
GrayOpeningShape    Perform a gray value opening with a selected mask.
GrayProjections    Calculate horizontal and vertical gray-value projections.
GrayRangeRect    Determine the gray value range within a rectangle.
GraySkeleton    Thinning of gray value images.
GrayTophat    Perform a gray value top hat transformation on an image.
GuidedFilter    Guided filtering of an image.
HammingChangeRegion    Generate a region having a given Hamming distance.
HammingDistance    Hamming distance between two regions.
HammingDistanceNorm    Hamming distance between two regions using normalization.
HandEyeCalibration    Perform a hand-eye calibration.
HandleToInteger    Convert a handle into an integer.
HarmonicInterpolation    Perform a harmonic interpolation on an image region.
HeightWidthRatio    Compute the width, height, and aspect ratio of the surrounding rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
HeightWidthRatioXld    Compute the width, height, and aspect ratio of the enclosing rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes of contours or polygons.
HighpassImage    Extract high frequency components from an image.
Histo2dim    Calculate the histogram of two-channel gray value images.
HistoToThresh    Determine gray value thresholds from a histogram.
HitOrMiss    Hit-or-miss operation for regions.
HitOrMissGolay    Hit-or-miss operation for regions using the Golay alphabet.
HitOrMissSeq    Hit-or-miss operation for regions using the Golay alphabet (sequential).
HomMat2dCompose    Multiply two homogeneous 2D transformation matrices.
HomMat2dDeterminant    Compute the determinant of a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dIdentity    Generate the homogeneous transformation matrix of the identical 2D transformation.
HomMat2dInvert    Invert a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dReflect    Add a reflection to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dReflectLocal    Add a reflection to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dRotate    Add a rotation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dRotateLocal    Add a rotation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dScale    Add a scaling to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dScaleLocal    Add a scaling to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dSlant    Add a slant to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dSlantLocal    Add a slant to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dToAffinePar    Compute the affine transformation parameters from a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dTranslate    Add a translation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dTranslateLocal    Add a translation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat2dTranspose    Transpose a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
HomMat3dCompose    Multiply two homogeneous 3D transformation matrices.
HomMat3dDeterminant    Compute the determinant of a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
HomMat3dIdentity    Generate the homogeneous transformation matrix of the identical 3D transformation.
HomMat3dInvert    Invert a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
HomMat3dProject    Project an affine 3D transformation matrix to a 2D projective transformation matrix.
HomMat3dRotate    Add a rotation to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
HomMat3dRotateLocal    Add a rotation to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
HomMat3dScale    Add a scaling to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
HomMat3dScaleLocal    Add a scaling to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
HomMat3dToPose    Convert a homogeneous transformation matrix into a 3D pose.
HomMat3dTranslate    Add a translation to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
HomMat3dTranslateLocal    Add a translation to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
HomMat3dTranspose    Transpose a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
HomVectorToProjHomMat2d    Compute a homogeneous transformation matrix using given point correspondences.
HoughCircleTrans    Return the Hough-Transform for circles with a given radius.
HoughCircles    Detect centers of circles for a specific radius using the Hough transform.
HoughLineTrans    Produce the Hough transform for lines within regions.
HoughLineTransDir    Compute the Hough transform for lines using local gradient direction.
HoughLines    Detect lines in edge images with the help of the Hough transform and returns it in HNF.
HoughLinesDir    Detect lines in edge images with the help of the Hough transform using local gradient direction and return them in normal form.
HysteresisThreshold    Perform a hysteresis threshold operation on an image.
If    Conditional statement.
Ifelse    Conditional statement with alternative.
Illuminate    Illuminate image.
ImagePointsToWorldPlane    Transform image points into the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system.
ImageToChannels    Convert a multi-channel image into One-channel images
ImageToMemoryBlock    Write an image to a memory block in various graphic formats.
ImageToWorldPlane    Rectify an image by transforming it into the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system.
Import    Import one or more external procedures.
ImportLexicon    Create a lexicon from a text file.
InfoEdges    Return the filter coefficients of a filter in edges_imageedges_imageEdgesImageEdgesImageedges_image.
InfoFramegrabber    Query information about the specified image acquisition interface.
InfoOcrClassBox    Get information about an OCR classifier.
InfoParallelsXld    Return information about the gray values of the area enclosed by XLD parallels.
InfoSmooth    Information on smoothing filter smooth_imagesmooth_imageSmoothImageSmoothImagesmooth_image.
InitComputeDevice    Initialize a compute device.
InnerCircle    Largest inner circle of a region.
InnerRectangle1    Largest inner rectangle of a region.
InpaintingAniso    Perform an inpainting by anisotropic diffusion.
InpaintingCed    Perform an inpainting by coherence enhancing diffusion.
InpaintingCt    Perform an inpainting by coherence transport.
InpaintingMcf    Perform an inpainting by smoothing of level lines.
InpaintingTexture    Perform an inpainting by texture propagation.
Insert    Assignment of a value to a tuple element.
InsertObj    Insert objects into an iconic object tuple.
InspectClusteredComponents    Inspect the rigid model components obtained from the training.
InspectLexicon    Query all words from a lexicon.
InspectShapeModel    Create the representation of a shape model.
IntegerToHandle    Convert an integer into a handle.
IntegerToObj    Convert an “integer number” into an iconic object.
IntegrateFunct1d    Compute the positive and negative areas of a function.
Intensity    Calculate the mean and deviation of gray values.
Interjacent    Partition the image plane using given regions.
InterleaveChannels    Create an interleaved image from a multichannel image.
InterpolateScatteredData    Interpolation of scattered data using a scattered data interpolator.
InterpolateScatteredDataImage    Interpolation of an image.
InterpolateScatteredDataPointsToImage    Creating an image from the interpolation of scattered data.
InterruptOperator    Attempt to interrupt an operator running in a different thread.
IntersectLinesOfSight    Get a 3D point from the intersection of two lines of sight within a binocular camera system.
IntersectPlaneObjectModel3d    Intersect a 3D object model with a plane.
Intersection    Calculate the intersection of two regions.
IntersectionCircleContourXld    Calculate the intersection points of a circle or circular arc and an XLD contour
IntersectionCircles    Calculate the intersection points of two circles or circular arcs
IntersectionClosedContoursXld    Intersect closed contours.
IntersectionClosedPolygonsXld    Intersect closed polygons.
IntersectionContoursXld    Calculate the intersection points of two XLD contours
IntersectionLineCircle    Calculate the intersection points of a line and a circle or circular arc
IntersectionLineContourXld    Calculate the intersection points of a line and an XLD contour
IntersectionLines    Calculate the intersection point of two lines
IntersectionLl    Calculate the intersection point of two lines.
IntersectionRegionContourXld    Intersect a contour with a region.
IntersectionSegmentCircle    Calculate the intersection points of a segment and a circle or circular arc
IntersectionSegmentContourXld    Calculate the intersection points of a segment and an XLD contour
IntersectionSegmentLine    Calculate the intersection point of a segment and a line
IntersectionSegments    Calculate the intersection point of two line segments
InvertFunct1d    Calculate the inverse of a function.
InvertImage    Invert an image.
InvertMatrix    Invert a matrix.
InvertMatrixMod    Invert a matrix.
IsotropicDiffusion    Perform an isotropic diffusion of an image.
JsonToDict    Transform a JSON string into a dictionary.
JunctionsSkeleton    Find junctions and end points in a skeleton.
KirschAmp    Detect edges (amplitude) using the Kirsch operator.
KirschDir    Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Kirsch operator.
LabelToRegion    Extract regions with equal gray values from an image.
Laplace    Calculate the Laplace operator by using finite differences.
LaplaceOfGauss    LoG-Operator (Laplace of Gaussian).
LearnClassBox    Train the classifier.
LearnNdimBox    Train a classificator using a multi-channel image.
LearnNdimNorm    Construct classes for class_ndim_normclass_ndim_normClassNdimNormClassNdimNormclass_ndim_norm.
LearnSampsetBox    Train the classifier with one data set.
LengthXld    Length of contours or polygons.
LineOrientation    Calculate the orientation of lines.
LinePosition    Calculate the center of gravity, length, and orientation of a line.
LinearTransColor    Compute an affine transformation of the color values of a multichannel image.
LinesColor    Detect color lines and their width.
LinesFacet    Detection of lines using the facet model.
LinesGauss    Detect lines and their width.
ListFiles    List all files in a directory.
LoadDlModelWeights    Load the weights of a source model into a target model.
LocalMax    Detect all local maxima in an image.
LocalMaxContoursXld    Select XLD contours with a local maximum of gray values.
LocalMaxSubPix    Subpixel precise detection of local maxima in an image.
LocalMin    Detect all local minima in an image.
LocalMinMaxFunct1d    Calculate the local minimum and maximum points of a function.
LocalMinSubPix    Subpixel precise detection of local minima in an image.
LocalThreshold    Segment an image using local thresholding.
LockMutex    Lock a mutex synchronization object.
LogImage    Calculate the logarithm of an image.
LookupLexicon    Check if a word is contained in a lexicon.
Lowlands    Detect all gray value lowlands.
LowlandsCenter    Detect the centers of all gray value lowlands.
LutTrans    Transform an image with a gray-value look-up-table
MakeDir    Make a directory.
MapImage    Apply a general transformation to an image.
MatchEssentialMatrixRansac    Compute the essential matrix for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
MatchFunct1dTrans    Calculate transformation parameters between two functions.
MatchFundamentalMatrixDistortionRansac    Compute the fundamental matrix and the radial distortion coefficient for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
MatchFundamentalMatrixRansac    Compute the fundamental matrix for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
MatchRelPoseRansac    Compute the relative orientation between two cameras by automatically finding correspondences between image points.
MaxDiameterObjectModel3d    Calculate the maximal diameter of a 3D object model.
MaxImage    Calculate the maximum of two images pixel by pixel.
MaxMatrix    Returns the elementwise maximum of a matrix.
MaxParallelsXld    Join modified XLD parallels lying on the same polygon.
MeanCurvatureFlow    Apply the mean curvature flow to an image.
MeanImage    Smooth by averaging.
MeanImageShape    Smooth image using a mean filter with arbitrary mask.
MeanMatrix    Returns the elementwise mean of a matrix.
MeanN    Average gray values over several channels.
MeanSp    Suppress salt and pepper noise.
MeasurePairs    Extract straight edge pairs perpendicular to a rectangle or annular arc.
MeasurePos    Extract straight edges perpendicular to a rectangle or annular arc.
MeasureProfileSheetOfLight    Process the profile image provided as input and store the resulting disparity to the sheet-of-light model.
MeasureProjection    Extract a gray value profile perpendicular to a rectangle or annular arc.
MeasureThresh    Extracting points with a particular gray value along a rectangle or an annular arc.
MedianImage    Compute a median filter with various masks.
MedianRect    Compute a median filter with rectangular masks.
MedianSeparate    Separated median filtering with rectangle masks.
MedianWeighted    Weighted median filtering with different rank masks.
MemoryBlockToImage    Read an image from a memory block with different file formats.
MergeContLineScanXld    Merge XLD contours from successive line scan images.
MergeRegionsLineScan    Merge regions from line scan images.
MidrangeImage    Calculate the average of maximum and minimum inside any mask.
MinImage    Calculate the minimum of two images pixel by pixel.
MinMatrix    Returns the elementwise minimum of a matrix.
MinMaxGray    Determine the minimum and maximum gray values within regions.
MinkowskiAdd1    Perform a Minkowski addition on a region.
MinkowskiAdd2    Dilate a region (using a reference point).
MinkowskiSub1    Erode a region.
MinkowskiSub2    Erode a region (using a reference point).
MirrorImage    Mirror an image.
MirrorRegion    Reflect a region about an axis.
ModParallelsXld    Extract parallel XLD polygons enclosing a homogeneous area.
ModifyComponentRelations    Modify the relations within a training result.
MomentsAnyPointsXld    Arbitrary geometric moments of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
MomentsAnyXld    Arbitrary geometric moments of contours or polygons.
MomentsGrayPlane    Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a plane.
MomentsObjectModel3d    Calculates the mean or the central moment of second order for a 3D object model.
MomentsPointsXld    Geometric moments M20$M_{20}$, M02$M_{02}$, and M11$M_{11}$ of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
MomentsRegion2nd    Calculate the geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion2ndInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion2ndRelInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion3rd    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegion3rdInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegionCentral    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsRegionCentralInvar    Geometric moments of regions.
MomentsXld    Geometric moments M20$M_{20}$, M02$M_{02}$, and M11$M_{11}$ of contours or polygons.
Monotony    Calculating the monotony operation.
MorphHat    Compute the union of bottom_hatbottom_hatBottomHatBottomHatbottom_hat and top_hattop_hatTopHatTopHattop_hat.
MorphSkeleton    Compute the morphological skeleton of a region.
MorphSkiz    Thinning of a region.
MoveRectangle    Copy inside an output window.
MoveRegion    Translate a region.
MultElementMatrix    Multiply matrices element-by-element.
MultElementMatrixMod    Multiply matrices element-by-element.
MultImage    Multiply two images.
MultMatrix    Multiply two matrices.
MultMatrixMod    Multiply two matrices.
NegateFunct1d    Negation of the y values.
NewExternWindow    Create a virtual graphics window under Windows.
NewLine    Set the position of the text cursor to the beginning of the next line.
NoiseDistributionMean    Determine the noise distribution of an image.
NonmaxSuppressionAmp    Suppress non-maximum points on an edge.
NonmaxSuppressionDir    Suppress non-maximum points on an edge using a direction image.
NormMatrix    Norm of a matrix.
NumPointsFunct1d    Number of control points of the function.
ObjDiff    Calculate the difference of two object tuples.
ObjToInteger    Convert an iconic object into an “integer number.”
ObjectModel3dToXyz    Transform 3D points from a 3D object model to images.
OcrChangeChar    Define a new conversion table for the characters.
OcrGetFeatures    Access the features which correspond to a character.
OpenComputeDevice    Open a compute device.
OpenFile    Open a file in text or binary format.
OpenFramegrabber    Open and configure an image acquisition device.
OpenIoChannel    Open and configure I/O channels.
OpenIoDevice    Open and configure an I/O device.
OpenSerial    Open a serial device.
OpenSocketAccept    Open a socket that accepts connection requests.
OpenSocketConnect    Open a socket and connect it to an accepting socket.
OpenTextwindow    Open a textual window.
OpenWindow    Open a graphics window.
Opening    Open a region.
OpeningCircle    Open a region with a circular structuring element.
OpeningGolay    Open a region with an element from the Golay alphabet.
OpeningRectangle1    Open a region with a rectangular structuring element.
OpeningSeg    Separate overlapping regions.
OpticalFlowMg    Compute the optical flow between two images.
OptimizeAop    Check hardware regarding its potential for automatic operator parallelization.
OptimizeDlModelForInference    Optimize a model for inference on a device via the -interface.
OptimizeFftSpeed    Optimize the runtime of the FFT.
OptimizeRftSpeed    Optimize the runtime of the real-valued FFT.
OrientationPointsXld    Calculate the orientation of contours or polygons treated as point clouds.
OrientationRegion    Orientation of a region.
OrientationXld    Calculate the orientation of contours or polygons.
OrthogonalDecomposeMatrix    Perform an orthogonal decomposition of a matrix.
OverpaintGray    Overpaint the gray values of an image.
OverpaintRegion    Overpaint regions in an image.
PaintGray    Paint the gray values of an image into another image.
PaintRegion    Paint regions into an image.
PaintXld    Paint XLD objects into an image.
ParJoin    Wait for subthreads that were started with the par_start qualifier.
PartitionDynamic    Partition a region horizontally at positions of small vertical extent.
PartitionLines    Partition lines according to various criteria.
PartitionRectangle    Partition a region into rectangles of approximately equal size.
PhaseCorrelationFft    Compute the phase correlation of two images in the frequency domain.
PhaseDeg    Return the phase of a complex image in degrees.
PhaseRad    Return the phase of a complex image in radians.
PhotometricStereo    Reconstruct a surface according to the photometric stereo technique.
PlaneDeviation    Calculate the deviation of the gray values from the approximating image plane.
Plateaus    Detect all gray value plateaus.
PlateausCenter    Detect the centers of all gray value plateaus.
PlueckerLineToPointDirection    Convert a 3D line given by Plücker coordinates to a 3D line given by a point and a direction.
PlueckerLineToPoints    Convert a 3D line given by Plücker coordinates to a 3D line given by two points.
PointDirectionToPlueckerLine    Convert a 3D line given by a point and a direction to Plücker coordinates.
PointLineToHomMat2d    Approximate an affine transformation from point-to-line correspondences.
PointPlueckerLineToHomMat3d    Approximate a 3D affine transformation from 3D point-to-line correspondences.
PointsFoerstner    Detect points of interest using the Förstner operator.
PointsHarris    Detect points of interest using the Harris operator.
PointsHarrisBinomial    Detect points of interest using the binomial approximation of the Harris operator.
PointsLepetit    Detect points of interest using the Lepetit operator.
PointsSojka    Find corners using the Sojka operator.
PointsToPlueckerLine    Convert a 3D line given by two points to Plücker coordinates.
PolarTransContourXld    Transform a contour in an annular arc to polar coordinates.
PolarTransContourXldInv    Transform a contour in polar coordinates back to Cartesian coordinates
PolarTransImage    Transform an image to polar coordinates
PolarTransImageExt    Transform an annular arc in an image to polar coordinates.
PolarTransImageInv    Transform an image in polar coordinates back to Cartesian coordinates
PolarTransRegion    Transform a region within an annular arc to polar coordinates.
PolarTransRegionInv    Transform a region in polar coordinates back to Cartesian coordinates.
PoseAverage    Compute the average of a set of poses.
PoseCompose    Combine 3D poses given in two tuples.
PoseInvert    Invert each pose in a tuple of 3D poses.
PoseToDualQuat    Convert a 3D pose to a unit dual quaternion.
PoseToHomMat3d    Convert a 3D pose into a homogeneous transformation matrix.
PoseToQuat    Convert the rotational part of a 3D pose to a quaternion.
Pouring    Segment an image by “pouring water” over it.
PowElementMatrix    Compute the power functions of the elements of a matrix.
PowElementMatrixMod    Compute the power functions of the elements of a matrix.
PowImage    Raise an image to a power.
PowMatrix    Compute the power functions of a matrix.
PowMatrixMod    Compute the power functions of a matrix.
PowScalarElementMatrix    Compute the power functions of the elements of a matrix.
PowScalarElementMatrixMod    Compute the power functions of the elements of a matrix.
PowerByte    Return the power spectrum of a complex image.
PowerLn    Return the power spectrum of a complex image.
PowerReal    Return the power spectrum of a complex image.
PrepareDeepCountingModel    Set templates of a Deep Counting model.
PrepareDirectVariationModel    Prepare a variation model for comparison with an image.
PrepareObjectModel3d    Prepare a 3D object model for a certain operation.
PrepareSampleIdentifier    Adapt the internal data structure of a sample identifier to the objects to be identified.
PrepareVariationModel    Prepare a variation model for comparison with an image.
PrewittAmp    Detect edges (amplitude) using the Prewitt operator.
PrewittDir    Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Prewitt operator.
PrincipalComp    Compute the principal components of multichannel images.
ProjHomMat2dToPose    Compute a pose out of a homography describing the relation between world and image coordinates.
ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansac    Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images and the radial distortion coefficient by automatically finding correspondences between points.
ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansacGuided    Compute a projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient between two images by finding correspondences between points based on known approximations of the projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient.
ProjMatchPointsRansac    Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images by finding correspondences between points.
ProjMatchPointsRansacGuided    Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images by finding correspondences between points based on a known approximation of the projective transformation matrix.
Project3dPoint    Project 3D points into (sub-)pixel image coordinates.
ProjectHomPointHomMat3d    Project a homogeneous 3D point using a 3×4 projection matrix.
ProjectObjectModel3d    Project a 3D object model into image coordinates.
ProjectPointHomMat3d    Project a 3D point using a 3×4 projection matrix.
ProjectShapeModel3d    Project the edges of a 3D shape model into image coordinates.
ProjectionPl    Calculate the projection of a point onto a line.
ProjectiveTransContourXld    Apply a projective transformation to an XLD contour.
ProjectiveTransHomPoint3d    Project a homogeneous 3D point using a projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransImage    Apply a projective transformation to an image.
ProjectiveTransImageSize    Apply a projective transformation to an image and specify the output image size.
ProjectiveTransObjectModel3d    Apply an arbitrary projective 3D transformation to 3D object models.
ProjectiveTransPixel    Project pixel coordinates using a homogeneous projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransPoint2d    Project a homogeneous 2D point using a projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransPoint3d    Project a 3D point using a projective transformation matrix.
ProjectiveTransRegion    Apply a projective transformation to a region.
ProtectOcrTrainf    Protection of training data.
Pruning    Prune the branches of a region.
QuatCompose    Multiply two quaternions.
QuatConjugate    Generate the conjugation of a quaternion.
QuatInterpolate    Interpolation of two quaternions.
QuatNormalize    Normalize a quaternion.
QuatRotatePoint3d    Perform a rotation by a unit quaternion.
QuatToHomMat3d    Convert a quaternion into the corresponding rotation matrix.
QuatToPose    Convert a quaternion into the corresponding 3D pose.
QueryAllColors    Query all color names.
QueryAopInfo    Query indexing structure of AOP information for operators.
QueryAvailableComputeDevices    Get the list of available compute devices.
QueryAvailableDlDevices    Get list of deep-learning-capable hardware devices.
QueryBarCodeParams    Get the names of the parameters that can be used in set_bar_code* and get_bar_code* operators for a given bar code model
QueryCalibDataObservIndices    Query information about the relations between cameras, calibration objects, and calibration object poses.
QueryColor    Query all color names displayable in the window.
QueryColored    Query the number of colors for color output.
QueryContourAttribsXld    Return the names of the defined attributes of an XLD contour.
QueryContourGlobalAttribsXld    Return the names of the defined global attributes of an XLD contour.
QueryDataCode2dParams    Get for a given 2D data code model the names of the generic parameters or objects that can be used in the other 2D data code operators.
QueryFont    Query the available fonts.
QueryGray    Query the displayable gray values.
QueryInsert    Query the possible graphic modes.
QueryIoDevice    Query information about channels of the specified I/O device.
QueryIoInterface    Query information about the specified I/O device interface.
QueryLineWidth    Query the possible line widths.
QueryLut    Query all available look-up-tables (lut).
QueryMshape    Query all available mouse pointer shapes.
QueryOperatorInfo    Query slots concerning information with relation to the operator get_operator_infoget_operator_infoGetOperatorInfoGetOperatorInfoget_operator_info.
QueryPaint    Query the gray value display modes.
QueryParamInfo    Query slots of the online-information concerning the operator get_param_infoget_param_infoGetParamInfoGetParamInfoget_param_info.
QueryParamsOcrClassCnn    Get the names of the parameters that can be used in get_params_ocr_class_cnnget_params_ocr_class_cnnGetParamsOcrClassCnnGetParamsOcrClassCnnget_params_ocr_class_cnn for a given CNN-based OCR classifier.
QueryShape    Query the region display modes.
QuerySheetOfLightParams    For a given sheet-of-light model get the names of the generic iconic or control parameters that can be used in the different sheet-of-light operators.
QuerySpy    Inquiring for possible settings of the debugging tool.
QueryTshape    Query all shapes available for text cursors.
QueryWindowType    Query all available window types.
RadialDistortionSelfCalibration    Calibrate the radial distortion.
RadiometricSelfCalibration    Perform a radiometric self-calibration of a camera.
RankImage    Compute a rank filter with arbitrary masks.
RankN    Return gray values with given rank from multiple channels.
RankRect    Compute a rank filter with rectangular masks.
RankRegion    Rank operator for regions.
ReadAopKnowledge    Load knowledge about hardware dependent behavior of automatic operator parallelization.
ReadBarCodeModel    Read a bar code model from a file and create a new model.
ReadCalibData    Restore a calibration data model from a file.
ReadCamPar    Read internal camera parameters from a file.
ReadCameraSetupModel    Restore a camera setup model from a file.
ReadChar    Read a character from a window.
ReadClassBox    Read a classifier from a file.
ReadClassGmm    Read a Gaussian Mixture Model from a file.
ReadClassKnn    Read the k-NN classifier from a file.
ReadClassMlp    Read a multilayer perceptron from a file.
ReadClassSvm    Read a support vector machine from a file.
ReadClassTrainData    Read the training data for classifiers from a file.
ReadComponentModel    Read a component model from a file.
ReadContourXldArcInfo    Read XLD contours to a file in ARC/INFO generate format.
ReadContourXldDxf    Read XLD contours from a DXF file.
ReadDataCode2dModel    Read a 2D data code model from a file and create a new model.
ReadDeepCountingModel    Read a Deep Counting model from a file.
ReadDeepOcr    Read a Deep OCR model from a file.
ReadDeformableModel    Read a deformable model from a file.
ReadDeformableSurfaceModel    Read a deformable surface model from a file.
ReadDescriptorModel    Read a descriptor model from a file.
ReadDict    Read a dictionary from a file.
ReadDistanceTransformXld    Read an XLD distance transform from a file.
ReadDlClassifier    Read a deep-learning-based classifier from a file.
ReadDlModel    Read a deep learning model from a file.
ReadEncryptedItem    Read an encrypted item from a file.
ReadFftOptimizationData    Load FFT speed optimization data from a file.
ReadFunct1d    Read a function from a file.
ReadGraySe    Load a structuring element for gray morphology.
ReadImage    Read an image with different file formats.
ReadImageMetadata    Read metadata from image files.
ReadIoChannel    Read a value from the specified I/O channels.
ReadKalman    Read the description file of a Kalman filter.
ReadMatrix    Read a matrix from a file.
ReadMeasure    Read a measure object from a file.
ReadMemoryBlock    Read a memory block from a file.
ReadMessage    Read a message from a file.
ReadMetrologyModel    Read a metrology model from a file.
ReadNccModel    Read an NCC model from a file.
ReadObject    Read an iconic object.
ReadObjectModel3d    Read a 3D object model from a file.
ReadOcr    Read an OCR classifier from a file.
ReadOcrClassCnn    Read an CNN-based OCR classifier from a file.
ReadOcrClassKnn    Read an OCR classifier from a file.
ReadOcrClassMlp    Read an OCR classifier from a file.
ReadOcrClassSvm    Read a SVM-based OCR classifier from a file.
ReadOcrTrainf    Read training characters from files and convert to images.
ReadOcrTrainfNames    Query which characters are stored in a training file.
ReadOcrTrainfNamesProtected    Query which characters are stored in a (protected) training file.
ReadOcrTrainfSelect    Read training specific characters from files and convert to images.
ReadOcv    Reading an OCV tool from file.
ReadPolygonXldArcInfo    Read XLD polygons from a file in ARC/INFO generate format.
ReadPolygonXldDxf    Read XLD polygons from a DXF file.
ReadPose    Read a 3D pose from a text file.
ReadRegion    Read binary images or regions.
ReadSampleIdentifier    Read a sample identifier from a file.
ReadSamplesClassGmm    Read the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model from a file.
ReadSamplesClassMlp    Read the training data of a multilayer perceptron from a file.
ReadSamplesClassSvm    Read the training data of a support vector machine from a file.
ReadSampset    Read a training data set from a file.
ReadSequence    Read images.
ReadSerial    Read from a serial device.
ReadShapeModel    Read a shape model from a file.
ReadShapeModel3d    Read a 3D shape model from a file.
ReadSheetOfLightModel    Read a sheet-of-light model from a file and create a new model.
ReadString    Read a string in a text window.
ReadStructuredLightModel    Read a structured light model from a file.
ReadSurfaceModel    Read a surface model from a file.
ReadTemplate    Reading a template from file.
ReadTextureInspectionModel    Read a texture inspection model from a file.
ReadTrainingComponents    Read a component training result from a file.
ReadTuple    Read a tuple from a file.
ReadVariationModel    Read a variation model from a file.
ReadWorldFile    Read the geo coding from an ARC/INFO world file.
RealToComplex    Convert two real images into a complex image.
RealToVectorField    Convert two real-valued images into a vector field image.
ReceiveData    Receive arbitrary data from external devices or applications using a generic socket connection.
ReceiveImage    Receive an image over a socket connection.
ReceiveRegion    Receive regions over a socket connection.
ReceiveSerializedItem    Receive a serialized item over a socket connection.
ReceiveTuple    Receive a tuple over a socket connection.
ReceiveXld    Receive an XLD object over a socket connection.
Reconst3dFromFundamentalMatrix    Compute the projective 3d reconstruction of points based on the fundamental matrix.
ReconstructHeightFieldFromGradient    Reconstruct a surface from surface gradients.
ReconstructPointsStereo    Reconstruct 3D points from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
ReconstructSurfaceStereo    Reconstruct surface from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
ReconstructSurfaceStructuredLight    Reconstruct a surface from a decoded structured light setup.
Rectangle1Domain    Reduce the domain of an image to a rectangle.
Rectangularity    Shape factor for the rectangularity of a region.
RectangularityXld    Shape factor for the rectangularity of contours or polygons.
ReduceClassSvm    Approximate a trained support vector machine by a reduced support vector machine for faster classification.
ReduceDomain    Reduce the domain of an image.
ReduceObjectModel3dByView    Remove points from a 3D object model by projecting it to a virtual view and removing all points outside of a given region.
ReduceOcrClassSvm    Approximate a trained SVM-based OCR classifier by a reduced SVM.
RefineDeformableSurfaceModel    Refine the position and deformation of a deformable surface model in a 3D scene.
RefineSurfaceModelPose    Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene.
RefineSurfaceModelPoseImage    Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene and in images.
RegionFeatures    Calculate shape features of regions.
RegionToBin    Convert a region into a binary byte-image.
RegionToLabel    Convert regions to a label image.
RegionToMean    Paint regions with their average gray value.
Regiongrowing    Segment an image using regiongrowing.
RegiongrowingMean    Perform a regiongrowing using mean gray values.
RegiongrowingN    Segment an image using regiongrowing for multi-channel images.
RegisterObjectModel3dGlobal    Improve the relative transformations between 3D object models based on their overlaps.
RegisterObjectModel3dPair    Search for a transformation between two 3D object models.
RegressContoursXld    Calculate the parameters of a regression line to an XLD contour.
RelPoseToFundamentalMatrix    Compute the fundamental matrix from the relative orientation of two cameras.
ReleaseAllComputeDevices    Close all compute devices.
ReleaseComputeDevice    Close a compute_device.
RemoveCalibData    Remove a data set from a calibration data model.
RemoveCalibDataObserv    Remove observation data from a calibration data model.
RemoveDictKey    Remove keys from a dictionary.
RemoveDir    Delete an empty directory.
RemoveNoiseRegion    Remove noise from a region.
RemoveObj    Remove objects from an iconic object tuple.
RemoveObjectModel3dAttrib    Remove attributes of a 3D object model.
RemoveObjectModel3dAttribMod    Remove attributes of a 3D object model.
RemoveSampleIdentifierPreparationData    Remove preparation data from a sample identifier.
RemoveSampleIdentifierTrainingData    Remove training data from a sample identifier.
RemoveScene3dCamera    Remove a camera from a 3D scene.
RemoveScene3dInstance    Remove an object instance from a 3D scene.
RemoveScene3dLabel    Remove a text label from a 3D scene.
RemoveScene3dLight    Remove a light from a 3D scene.
RemoveTextureInspectionModelImage    Clear all or a user-defined subset of the images of a texture inspection model.
RenderObjectModel3d    Render 3D object models to get an image.
RenderScene3d    Render an image of a 3D scene.
Repeat    Start statement of a repeat..until loop.
RepeatMatrix    Repeat a matrix.
ReplaceObj    Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
ResetFuzzyMeasure    Reset a fuzzy function.
ResetMetrologyObjectFuzzyParam    Reset all fuzzy parameters and fuzzy functions of a metrology model.
ResetMetrologyObjectParam    Reset all parameters of a metrology model.
ResetObjDb    Reset the system for iconic objects.
ResetSheetOfLightModel    Reset a sheet-of-light model.
Return    Terminate procedure call.
RftGeneric    Compute the real-valued fast Fourier transform of an image.
Rgb1ToGray    Transform an RGB image into a gray scale image.
Rgb3ToGray    Transform an RGB image to a gray scale image.
RigidTransObjectModel3d    Apply a rigid 3D transformation to 3D object models.
Roberts    Detect edges using the Roberts filter.
RobinsonAmp    Detect edges (amplitude) using the Robinson operator.
RobinsonDir    Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Robinson operator.
RotateImage    Rotate an image about its center.
Roundness    Shape factors from contour.
RunBgEsti    Estimate the background and return the foreground region.
RunlengthDistribution    Distribution of runs needed for runlength encoding of a region.
RunlengthFeatures    Characteristic values for runlength coding of regions.
SaddlePointsSubPix    Subpixel precise detection of saddle points in an image.
SampleFunct1d    Sample a function equidistantly in an interval.
SampleObjectModel3d    Sample a 3D object model.
ScaleImage    Scale the gray values of an image.
ScaleImageMax    Maximum gray value spreading in the value range 0 to 255.
ScaleMatrix    Scale a matrix.
ScaleMatrixMod    Scale a matrix.
ScaleYFunct1d    Multiplication and addition of the y values.
SceneFlowCalib    Compute the calibrated scene flow between two stereo image pairs.
SceneFlowUncalib    Compute the uncalibrated scene flow between two stereo image pairs.
ScrewToDualQuat    Convert a screw into a dual quaternion.
SearchOperator    Search names of all operators assigned to one keyword.
SegmentCharacters    Segments characters in a given region of an image.
SegmentContourAttribXld    Segment XLD contour parts whose local attributes fulfill given conditions.
SegmentContoursXld    Segment XLD contours into line segments and circular or elliptic arcs.
SegmentImageMser    Segment image using Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER).
SegmentObjectModel3d    Segment a set of 3D points into sub-sets with similar characteristics.
SelectCharacters    Selects characters from a given region.
SelectContoursXld    Select XLD contours according to several features.
SelectFeatureSetGmm    Selects an optimal combination from a set of features to classify the provided data.
SelectFeatureSetKnn    Selects an optimal subset from a set of features to solve a certain classification problem.
SelectFeatureSetMlp    Selects an optimal combination of features to classify the provided data.
SelectFeatureSetSvm    Selects an optimal combination of features to classify the provided data.
SelectFeatureSetTrainfKnn    Select an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data.
SelectFeatureSetTrainfMlp    Selects an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data.
SelectFeatureSetTrainfMlpProtected    Select an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data from a (protected) training file.
SelectFeatureSetTrainfSvm    Selects an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data.
SelectFeatureSetTrainfSvmProtected    Select an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data from a (protected) training file.
SelectGray    Select regions based on gray value features.
SelectGrayvaluesFromChannels    Selection of gray values of a multi-channel image using an index image.
SelectLines    Select lines according to various criteria.
SelectLinesLongest    Select the longest input lines.
SelectMatchingLines    Select those lines from a set of lines (in HNF) which fit best into a region.
SelectObj    Select objects from an object tuple.
SelectObjectModel3d    Select 3D object models from an array of 3D object models according to global features.
SelectPointsObjectModel3d    Apply a threshold to an attribute of 3D object models.
SelectRegionPoint    Choose all regions containing a given pixel.
SelectRegionSpatial    Pose relation of regions.
SelectShape    Choose regions with the aid of shape features.
SelectShapeProto    Choose regions having a certain relation to each other.
SelectShapeStd    Select regions of a given shape.
SelectShapeXld    Select contours or polygons using shape features.
SelectSubFeatureClassTrainData    Select certain features from training data to create training data containing less features.
SelectXldPoint    Choose all contours or polygons containing a given point.
SendData    Send arbitrary data to external devices or applications using a generic socket communication.
SendImage    Send an image over a socket connection.
SendMouseDoubleClickEvent    Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse double click event.
SendMouseDownEvent    Send an event to a window buffer signaling a mouse down event.
SendMouseDragEvent    Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse drag event.
SendMouseUpEvent    Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse up event.
SendRegion    Send regions over a socket connection.
SendSerializedItem    Send a serialized item over a socket connection.
SendTuple    Send a tuple over a socket connection.
SendXld    Send an XLD object over a socket connection.
SerializeBarCodeModel    Serialize a bar code model.
SerializeCalibData    Serialize a calibration data model.
SerializeCamPar    Serialize the internal camera parameters.
SerializeCameraSetupModel    Serialize a camera setup model.
SerializeClassBox    Serialize a classifier.
SerializeClassGmm    Serialize a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM).
SerializeClassKnn    Serialize a k-NN classifier.
SerializeClassMlp    Serialize a multilayer perceptron (MLP).
SerializeClassSvm    Serialize a support vector machine (SVM).
SerializeClassTrainData    Serialize training data for classifiers.
SerializeComponentModel    Serialize a component model.
SerializeDataCode2dModel    Serialize a 2D data code model.
SerializeDeformableModel    Serialize a deformable model.
SerializeDeformableSurfaceModel    Serialize a deformable surface_model.
SerializeDescriptorModel    Serialize a descriptor model.
SerializeDistanceTransformXld    Serialize an XLD distance transform.
SerializeDlClassifier    Serialize a deep-learning-based classifier.
SerializeDlModel    Serialize a deep learning model.
SerializeDualQuat    Serialize a dual quaternion.
SerializeFftOptimizationData    Serialize FFT speed optimization data.
SerializeHandle    Serialize the content of a handle.
SerializeHomMat2d    Serialize a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix.
SerializeHomMat3d    Serialize a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix.
SerializeImage    Serialize an image object.
SerializeMatrix    Serialize a matrix.
SerializeMeasure    Serialize a measure object.
SerializeMetrologyModel    Serialize a metrology model.
SerializeNccModel    Serialize an NCC model.
SerializeObject    Serialize an iconic object.
SerializeObjectModel3d    Serialize a 3D object model.
SerializeOcr    Serialize an OCR classifier.
SerializeOcrClassCnn    Serialize a CNN-based OCR classifier
SerializeOcrClassKnn    Serialize a k-NN-based OCR classifier.
SerializeOcrClassMlp    Serialize a MLP-based OCR classifier.
SerializeOcrClassSvm    Serialize a SVM-based OCR classifier
SerializeOcv    Serialize an OCV tool.
SerializePose    Serialize a pose.
SerializeQuat    Serialize a quaternion.
SerializeRegion    Serialize a region.
SerializeSampleIdentifier    Serialize a sample identifier.
SerializeShapeModel    Serialize a shape model.
SerializeShapeModel3d    Serialize a 3D shape model.
SerializeSheetOfLightModel    Serialize a sheet-of-light model.
SerializeStructuredLightModel    Serialize a structured light model.
SerializeSurfaceModel    Serialize a surface_model.
SerializeTemplate    Serialize a template.
SerializeTextureInspectionModel    Serialize a texture inspection model.
SerializeTrainingComponents    Serialize a component training result.
SerializeTuple    Serialize a tuple.
SerializeVariationModel    Serialize a variation model.
SerializeXld    Serialize an XLD object.
SetAopInfo    Set AOP information for operators.
SetBarCodeParam    Set selected parameters of the bar code model.
SetBarCodeParamSpecific    Set selected parameters of the bar code model for selected bar code types
SetBeadInspectionParam    Set parameters of the bead inspection model.
SetBgEstiParams    Change the parameters of the data set.
SetCalibData    Set data in a calibration data model.
SetCalibDataCalibObject    Define a calibration object in a calibration model.
SetCalibDataCamParam    Set type and initial parameters of a camera in a calibration data model.
SetCalibDataObservPoints    Set point-based observation data in a calibration data model.
SetCalibDataObservPose    Set observed calibration object poses in a calibration data model.
SetCameraSetupCamParam    Define type, parameters, and relative pose of a camera in a camera setup model.
SetCameraSetupParam    Set generic camera setup model parameters.
SetCheck    Activating and deactivating of control modes.
SetClassBoxParam    Set system parameters for classification.
SetColor    Set output color.
SetColored    Set multiple output colors.
SetComprise    Define the image matrix output clipping.
SetComputeDeviceParam    Set parameters of an compute device.
SetContentUpdateCallback    Sets the callback for content updates in buffer window.
SetContourStyle    Define the contour display fill style.
SetCurrentDir    Set the current working directory.
SetDataCode2dParam    Set selected parameters of the 2D data code model.
SetDeepCountingModelParam    Set selected parameters of the Deep Counting model.
SetDeepOcrParam    Set the parameters of a Deep OCR model.
SetDeformableModelOrigin    Set the origin (reference point) of a deformable model.
SetDeformableModelParam    Set selected parameters of the deformable model.
SetDescriptorModelOrigin    Sets the origin of a descriptor model.
SetDiagonalMatrix    Set the diagonal elements of a matrix.
SetDictObject    Add a key/object pair to the dictionary.
SetDictTuple    Add a key/tuple pair to the dictionary.
SetDictTupleAt    Assignment of one or several values to one or several tuple elements in a dictionary
SetDistanceTransformXldParam    Set new parameters for an XLD distance transform.
SetDlClassifierParam    Set the parameters of a deep-learning-based classifier.
SetDlDeviceParam    Set the parameters of a deep-learning-capable hardware device.
SetDlModelLayerParam    Set parameter values of a given layer.
SetDlModelLayerWeights    Set the weights (or values) of a Deep Learning model layer.
SetDlModelParam    Set the parameters of a deep learning model.
SetDlPruningParam    Set parameter in a pruning data handle.
SetDraw    Define the region fill mode.
SetDrawingObjectCallback    Add a callback function to a drawing object.
SetDrawingObjectParams    Set the parameters of a drawing object.
SetDrawingObjectXld    Set the contour of an interactive draw XLD.
SetFeatureLengthsClassTrainData    Define subfeatures in training data.
SetFix    Set fixing of “look-up-table” (lut)
SetFixedLut    Fix “look-up-table” (lut) for “real color images”.
SetFont    Set the font used for text output.
SetFramegrabberCallback    Register a callback function for an image acquisition device.
SetFramegrabberLut    Set look-up table of the image acquisition device.
SetFramegrabberParam    Set specific parameters of an image acquisition device.
SetFullMatrix    Set all values of a matrix.
SetFuzzyMeasure    Specify a fuzzy function.
SetFuzzyMeasureNormPair    Specify a normalized fuzzy function for edge pairs.
SetGenericShapeModelObject    Set iconic objects to the shape model.
SetGenericShapeModelParam    Set selected parameters of the shape model.
SetGray    Define gray values for region output.
SetGrayval    Set single gray values in an image.
SetHsi    Define output colors (HSI-coded).
SetIcon    Icon definition for region output.
SetInsert    Define the pixel output function.
SetIoChannelParam    Set specific parameters of I/O channels.
SetIoDeviceParam    Configure a specific I/O device instance.
SetLineApprox    Define the approximation error for contour display.
SetLineStyle    Define a contour output pattern.
SetLineWidth    Define the line width for region contour output.
SetLocalDeformableModelMetric    Set the metric of a local deformable model that was created from XLD contours.
SetLut    Set “look-up-table” (lut).
SetLutStyle    Changing the look-up-table (lut).
SetMessageObj    Add a key/object pair to the message.
SetMessageParam    Set message parameter or invoke commands on the message.
SetMessageQueueParam    Set message queue parameters or invoke commands on the queue.
SetMessageTuple    Add a key/tuple pair to the message.
SetMetrologyModelImageSize    Set the size of the image of metrology objects.
SetMetrologyModelParam    Set parameters that are valid for the entire metrology model.
SetMetrologyObjectFuzzyParam    Set fuzzy parameters or fuzzy functions for a metrology model.
SetMetrologyObjectParam    Set parameters for the metrology objects of a metrology model.
SetMshape    Set the current mouse pointer shape.
SetNccModelOrigin    Set the origin (reference point) of an NCC model.
SetNccModelParam    Set selected parameters of the NCC model.
SetObjectModel3dAttrib    Set attributes of a 3D object model.
SetObjectModel3dAttribMod    Set attributes of a 3D object model.
SetOffsetTemplate    Gray value offset for template.
SetOperatorTimeout    Set a timeout for an operator.
SetOriginPose    Translate the origin of a 3D pose.
SetPaint    Define the gray value output mode.
SetParamsClassKnn    Set parameters for k-NN classification.
SetPart    Modify the displayed image part.
SetPartStyle    Define an interpolation method for gray value output.
SetPixel    Define a color lookup table index.
SetPlanarCalibDeformableModelMetric    Set the metric of a planar calibrated deformable model that was created from XLD contours.
SetPlanarUncalibDeformableModelMetric    Set the metric of a planar uncalibrated deformable model that was created from XLD contours.
SetProfileSheetOfLight    Set sheet of light profiles by measured disparities.
SetReferenceTemplate    Define reference position for a matching template.
SetRegularizationParamsClassMlp    Set the regularization parameters of a multilayer perceptron.
SetRegularizationParamsOcrClassMlp    Set the regularization parameters of an OCR classifier.
SetRejectionParamsClassMlp    Set the parameters of a rejection class.
SetRejectionParamsOcrClassMlp    Set the rejection class parameters of an OCR classifier.
SetRgb    Set the color definition via RGB values.
SetRgba    Set the color definition via RGBA values.
SetSampleIdentifierObjectInfo    Define a name or a description for an object of a sample identifier.
SetSampleIdentifierParam    Set selected parameters of a sample identifier.
SetScene3dCameraPose    Set the pose of a camera in a 3D scene.
SetScene3dInstanceParam    Set parameters of an instance in a 3D scene.
SetScene3dInstancePose    Set the pose of an instance in a 3D scene.
SetScene3dLabelParam    Set parameters of a text label in a 3D scene.
SetScene3dLightParam    Set parameters of a light in a 3D scene.
SetScene3dParam    Set parameters of a 3D scene.
SetScene3dToWorldPose    Set the pose of a 3D scene.
SetSerialParam    Set the parameters of a serial device.
SetShape    Define the region output shape.
SetShapeModelClutter    Set the clutter parameters of a shape model.
SetShapeModelMetric    Set the metric of a shape model that was created from XLD contours.
SetShapeModelOrigin    Set the origin (reference point) of a shape model.
SetShapeModelParam    Set selected parameters of the shape model.
SetSheetOfLightParam    Set selected parameters of the sheet-of-light model.
SetSocketParam    Set a socket parameter.
SetSpy    Control of the Debugging Tools.
SetStereoModelImagePairs    Specify image pairs to be used for surface stereo reconstruction.
SetStereoModelParam    Set stereo model parameters.
SetStructuredLightModelParam    Set parameters of a structured light model.
SetSubMatrix    Set a sub-matrix of a matrix.
SetSurfaceModelParam    Set parameters and properties of a surface model.
SetSystem    Set system parameters.
SetTextModelParam    Set parameters of a text model.
SetTextureInspectionModelParam    Set parameters of a texture inspection model.
SetTposition    Set the position of the text cursor.
SetTshape    Set the shape of the text cursor.
SetValueMatrix    Set one or more elements of a matrix.
SetWindowAttr    Set window characteristics.
SetWindowDc    Set the device context of a virtual graphics window (Windows NT).
SetWindowExtents    Modify position and size of a window.
SetWindowParam    Set window parameters.
SetWindowType    Specify a window type.
SfsModLr    Reconstruct a surface from a gray value image.
SfsOrigLr    Reconstruct a surface from a gray value image.
SfsPentland    Reconstruct a surface from a gray value image.
ShadeHeightField    Shade a height field.
ShapeHistoAll    Determine a histogram of features along all threshold values.
ShapeHistoPoint    Determine a histogram of features along all threshold values.
ShapeTrans    Transform the shape of a region.
ShapeTransXld    Transform the shape of contours or polygons.
ShockFilter    Apply a shock filter to an image.
SigmaImage    Non-linear smoothing with the sigma filter.
SignalCondition    Signal a condition synchronization object.
SignalEvent    Unlock an event synchronization object.
SimCaltab    Simulate an image with calibration plate.
SimplifyObjectModel3d    Simplify a triangulated 3D object model.
SimulateDefocus    Simulate an uniform out-of-focus blurring of an image.
SimulateMotion    Simulation of (linearly) motion blur.
SinImage    Calculate the sine of an image.
Skeleton    Compute the skeleton of a region.
SlideImage    Interactive output from two window buffers.
SmallestBoundingBoxObjectModel3d    Calculate the smallest bounding box around the points of a 3D object model.
SmallestCircle    Smallest surrounding circle of a region.
SmallestCircleXld    Smallest enclosing circle of contours or polygons.
SmallestRectangle1    Surrounding rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes.
SmallestRectangle1Xld    Enclosing rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes of contours or polygons.
SmallestRectangle2    Smallest surrounding rectangle with any orientation.
SmallestRectangle2Xld    Smallest enclosing rectangle with arbitrary orientation of contours or polygons.
SmallestSphereObjectModel3d    Calculate the smallest sphere around the points of a 3D object model.
SmoothContoursXld    Smooth an XLD contour.
SmoothFunct1dGauss    Smooth an equidistant 1D function with a Gaussian function.
SmoothFunct1dMean    Smooth an equidistant 1D function by averaging its values.
SmoothImage    Smooth an image using various filters.
SmoothObjectModel3d    Smooth the 3D points of a 3D object model.
SobelAmp    Detect edges (amplitude) using the Sobel operator.
SobelDir    Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Sobel operator.
SocketAcceptConnect    Accept a connection request on a listening socket of the protocol type 'HALCON'"HALCON""HALCON""HALCON""HALCON" or 'TCP'"TCP""TCP""TCP""TCP"/'TCP4'"TCP4""TCP4""TCP4""TCP4"/'TCP6'"TCP6""TCP6""TCP6""TCP6".
SolveMatrix    Compute the solution of a system of equations.
SortContoursXld    Sort contours with respect to their relative position.
SortRegion    Sorting of regions with respect to their relative position.
SpDistribution    Generate a salt-and-pepper noise distribution.
SpatialRelation    Pose relation of regions with regard to the coordinate axes.
SplitContoursXld    Split XLD contours at dominant points.
SplitSkeletonLines    Split lines represented by one pixel wide, non-branching lines.
SplitSkeletonRegion    Split lines represented by one pixel wide, non-branching regions.
SqrtImage    Calculate the square root of an image.
SqrtMatrix    Compute the square root values of the elements of a matrix.
SqrtMatrixMod    Compute the square root values of the elements of a matrix.
StationaryCameraSelfCalibration    Perform a self-calibration of a stationary projective camera.
Stop    Stop program execution.
SubImage    Subtract two images.
SubMatrix    Subtract two matrices.
SubMatrixMod    Subtract two matrices.
SuggestLexicon    Find a similar word in a lexicon.
SumMatrix    Returns the elementwise sum of a matrix.
SurfaceNormalsObjectModel3d    Calculate the 3D surface normals of a 3D object model.
SvdMatrix    Compute the singular value decomposition of a matrix.
Switch    Starts a multiway branch block.
SymmDifference    Calculate the symmetric difference of two regions.
SymmDifferenceClosedContoursXld    Compute the symmetric difference of closed contours.
SymmDifferenceClosedPolygonsXld    Compute the symmetric difference of closed polygons.
Symmetry    Symmetry of gray values along a row.
SystemCall    Execute a system command.
TanImage    Calculate the tangent of an image.
TestClosedXld    Test whether contours or polygons are closed.
TestEqualObj    Compare image objects regarding equality.
TestEqualRegion    Test whether the regions of two objects are identical.
TestRegionPoint    Test if the region contains a given point.
TestSampsetBox    Classify a set of arrays.
TestSelfIntersectionXld    Test XLD contours or polygons for self intersection.
TestSubsetRegion    Test whether a region is contained in another region.
TestXldPoint    Test whether one or more contours or polygons enclose the given point(s).
TestdOcrClassBox    Test an OCR classifier.
TextLineOrientation    Determines the orientation of a text line or paragraph.
TextLineSlant    Determines the slant of characters of a text line or paragraph.
TextureLaws    Filter an image using a Laws texture filter.
Thickening    Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region.
ThickeningGolay    Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region (using a Golay structuring element).
ThickeningSeq    Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region (sequential).
Thinning    Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region.
ThinningGolay    Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region (using a Golay structuring element).
ThinningSeq    Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region (sequential).
Threshold    Segment an image using global threshold.
ThresholdSubPix    Extract level crossings from an image with subpixel accuracy.
Throw    Throws a user-defined exception or rethrows a caught exception.
TileChannels    Tile multiple images into a large image.
TileImages    Tile multiple image objects into a large image.
TileImagesOffset    Tile multiple image objects into a large image with explicit positioning information.
TimedWaitCondition    Bounded wait on the signal of a condition synchronization object.
TopHat    Compute the top hat of regions.
TopographicSketch    Compute the topographic primal sketch of an image.
TrainClassGmm    Train a Gaussian Mixture Model.
TrainClassKnn    Creates the search trees for a k-NN classifier.
TrainClassMlp    Train a multilayer perceptron.
TrainClassSvm    Train a support vector machine.
TrainDlClassifierBatch    Perform a training step of a deep-learning-based classifier on a batch of images.
TrainDlModelAnomalyDataset    Train a deep learning model for anomaly detection.
TrainDlModelBatch    Train a deep learning model.
TrainGenericShapeModel    Train a shape model for matching.
TrainModelComponents    Train components and relations for the component-based matching.
TrainSampleIdentifier    Train a sample identifier.
TrainTextureInspectionModel    Train a texture inspection model.
TrainVariationModel    Train a variation model.
TraindOcrClassBox    Train an OCR classifier by the input of regions.
TraindOcvProj    Training of an OCV tool.
TrainfOcrClassBox    Train an OCR classifier with the help of a training file.
TrainfOcrClassKnn    Trains an k-NN classifier for an OCR task.
TrainfOcrClassMlp    Train an OCR classifier.
TrainfOcrClassMlpProtected    Train an OCR classifier with data from a (protected) training file.
TrainfOcrClassSvm    Train an OCR classifier.
TrainfOcrClassSvmProtected    Train an OCR classifier with data from a (protected) training file.
TransFromRgb    Transform an image from the RGB color space to an arbitrary color space.
TransPoseShapeModel3d    Transform a pose that refers to the coordinate system of a 3D object model to a pose that refers to the reference coordinate system of a 3D shape model and vice versa.
TransToRgb    Transform an image from an arbitrary color space to the RGB color space.
TransformFunct1d    Transform a function using given transformation parameters.
TransformMetrologyObject    Transform metrology objects of a metrology model, e.g., for alignment.
TranslateMeasure    Translate a measure object.
TransposeMatrix    Transpose a matrix.
TransposeMatrixMod    Transpose a matrix.
TransposeRegion    Reflect a region about a point.
TriangulateObjectModel3d    Create a surface triangulation for a 3D object model.
TrimmedMean    Smooth an image with an arbitrary rank mask.
Try    Starts a program block where exceptions are detected and caught.
TryLockMutex    Lock a mutex synchronization object.
TryWaitEvent    Lock an event synchronization object only if it is unlocked.
TupleAbs    Compute the absolute value of a tuple.
TupleAcos    Compute the arccosine of a tuple.
TupleAcosh    Compute the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a tuple.
TupleAdd    Add two tuples.
TupleAnd    Compute the logical and of two tuples.
TupleAsin    Compute the arcsine of a tuple.
TupleAsinh    Compute the inverse hyperbolic sine of a tuple.
TupleAtan    Compute the arctangent of a tuple.
TupleAtan2    Compute the arctangent of a tuple for all four quadrants.
TupleAtanh    Compute the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a tuple.
TupleBand    Compute the bitwise and of two tuples.
TupleBnot    Compute the bitwise not of a tuple.
TupleBor    Compute the bitwise or of two tuples.
TupleBxor    Compute the bitwise exclusive or of two tuples.
TupleCbrt    Compute the cube root of a tuple.
TupleCeil    Compute the ceiling function of a tuple.
TupleChr    Convert a tuple of integer numbers into strings.
TupleChrt    Convert a tuple of integer numbers into strings.
TupleConcat    Concatenate two tuples to a new one.
TupleConstant    Generate a tuple with the value of a HDevelop language constant.
TupleCos    Compute the cosine of a tuple.
TupleCosh    Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a tuple.
TupleCumul    Calculate the cumulative sums of a tuple.
TupleDeg    Convert a tuple from radians to degrees.
TupleDeviation    Return the standard deviation of the elements of a tuple.
TupleDifference    Compute the difference set of two input tuples.
TupleDiv    Divide two tuples.
TupleEnvironment    Read one or more environment variables.
TupleEqual    Test whether two tuples are equal.
TupleEqualElem    Test, whether two tuples are elementwise equal.
TupleErf    Compute the error function of a tuple.
TupleErfc    Compute the complementary error function of a tuple.
TupleExp    Compute the exponential of a tuple.
TupleExp10    Compute the base 10 exponential of a tuple.
TupleExp2    Compute the base 2 exponential of a tuple.
TupleFabs    Compute the absolute value of a tuple (as floating point numbers).
TupleFind    Return the indices of all occurrences of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFindFirst    Return the index of the first occurrence of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFindLast    Return the index of the last occurrence of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFirstN    Select the first elements of a tuple up to the index “n”.
TupleFloor    Compute the floor function of a tuple.
TupleFmod    Calculate the remainder of the floating point division of two tuples.
TupleGenConst    Generate a tuple of a specific length and initialize its elements.
TupleGenSequence    Generate a tuple with a sequence of equidistant values.
TupleGreater    Test whether a tuple is greater than another tuple.
TupleGreaterElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater than another tuple.
TupleGreaterEqual    Test whether a tuple is greater or equal to another tuple.
TupleGreaterEqualElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater or equal to another tuple.
TupleHistoRange    Calculate the value distribution of a tuple within a certain value range.
TupleHypot    Calculate the hypotenuse of two tuples.
TupleInsert    Inserts one or more elements into a tuple at index.
TupleInt    Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers.
TupleIntersection    Compute the intersection set of two input tuples.
TupleInverse    Invert a tuple.
TupleIsHandle    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type handle.
TupleIsHandleElem    Test whether the elements of a tuple are of type handle.
TupleIsInt    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type integer.
TupleIsIntElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type integer.
TupleIsMixed    Test whether a tuple is of type mixed.
TupleIsNanElem    Check a tuple whether it represents NaNs (Not-a-number).
TupleIsNumber    Check a tuple (of strings) whether it represents numbers.
TupleIsReal    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type real.
TupleIsRealElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type real.
TupleIsSerializable    Test if a tuple is serializable.
TupleIsSerializableElem    Test if the elements of a tuple are serializable.
TupleIsString    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type string.
TupleIsStringElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type string.
TupleIsValidHandle    Check if a handle is valid.
TupleJoin    Join strings using separator symbol(s).
TupleLastN    Select all elements from index “n” to the end of a tuple.
TupleLdexp    Calculate the ldexp function of two tuples.
TupleLength    Return the number of elements of a tuple.
TupleLess    Test whether a tuple is less than another tuple.
TupleLessElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less than another tuple.
TupleLessEqual    Test whether a tuple is less or equal to another tuple.
TupleLessEqualElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less or equal to another tuple.
TupleLgamma    Compute the logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function of a tuple.
TupleLog    Compute the natural logarithm of a tuple.
TupleLog10    Compute the base 10 logarithm of a tuple.
TupleLog2    Compute the base 2 logarithm of a tuple.
TupleLsh    Shift a tuple bitwise to the left.
TupleMax    Return the maximal element of a tuple.
TupleMax2    Calculate the elementwise maximum of two tuples.
TupleMean    Return the mean value of a tuple of numbers.
TupleMedian    Return the median of the elements of a tuple.
TupleMin    Return the minimal element of a tuple.
TupleMin2    Calculate the elementwise minimum of two tuples.
TupleMod    Calculate the remainder of the integer division of two tuples.
TupleMult    Multiply two tuples.
TupleNeg    Negate a tuple.
TupleNot    Compute the logical not of a tuple.
TupleNotEqual    Test whether two tuples are not equal.
TupleNotEqualElem    Test, whether two tuples are elementwise not equal.
TupleNumber    Convert a tuple (of strings) into a tuple of numbers.
TupleOr    Compute the logical or of two tuples.
TupleOrd    Convert a tuple of strings of length 1 into a tuple of integer numbers.
TupleOrds    Convert a tuple of strings into a tuple of integer numbers.
TuplePow    Calculate the power function of two tuples.
TupleRad    Convert a tuple from degrees to radians.
TupleRand    Return a tuple of random numbers between 0 and 1.
TupleReal    Convert a tuple into a tuple of floating point numbers.
TupleRegexpMatch    Extract substrings using regular expressions.
TupleRegexpReplace    Replace a substring using regular expressions.
TupleRegexpSelect    Select tuple elements matching a regular expression.
TupleRegexpTest    Test if a string matches a regular expression.
TupleRemove    Remove elements from a tuple.
TupleRepeat    Repeat a tuple.
TupleRepeatElem    Repeat the elements of a tuple.
TupleReplace    Replaces one or more elements of a tuple.
TupleRound    Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers.
TupleRsh    Shift a tuple bitwise to the right.
TupleSelect    Select single elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectMask    Select in mask specified elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectRange    Select several elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectRank    Select the element of rank n of a tuple.
TupleSemType    Return the semantic type of a tuple.
TupleSemTypeElem    Return the semantic type of the elements of a tuple.
TupleSgn    Calculate the sign of a tuple.
TupleSin    Compute the sine of a tuple.
TupleSinh    Compute the hyperbolic sine of a tuple.
TupleSort    Sort the elements of a tuple in ascending order.
TupleSortIndex    Sort the elements of a tuple and return the indices of the sorted tuple.
TupleSplit    Split strings into substrings using predefined separator symbol(s).
TupleSqrt    Compute the square root of a tuple.
TupleStrBitSelect    Select single character or bit from a tuple.
TupleStrFirstN    Cut the first characters up to position “n” out of a string tuple.
TupleStrLastN    Cut all characters starting at position “n” out of a string tuple.
TupleStrReplace    Replace all occurrences of a substring within a string.
TupleStrchr    Forward search for characters within a string tuple.
TupleString    Convert a tuple into a tuple of strings.
TupleStrlen    Determine the length of every string within a tuple of strings.
TupleStrrchr    Backward search for characters within a string tuple.
TupleStrrstr    Backward search for strings within a string tuple.
TupleStrstr    Forward search for strings within a string tuple.
TupleSub    Subtract two tuples.
TupleSubstr    Cut characters from position “n1” through “n2” out of a string tuple.
TupleSum    Return the sum of all elements of a tuple.
TupleSymmdiff    Compute the symmetric difference set of two input tuples.
TupleTan    Compute the tangent of a tuple.
TupleTanh    Compute the hyperbolic tangent of a tuple.
TupleTgamma    Compute the gamma function of a tuple.
TupleType    Return the type of a tuple.
TupleTypeElem    Return the types of the elements of a tuple.
TupleUnion    Compute the union set of two input tuples.
TupleUniq    Discard all but one of successive identical elements of a tuple.
TupleXor    Compute the logical exclusive or of two tuples.
UncalibratedPhotometricStereo    Reconstruct a surface from several, differently illuminated images.
Union1    Return the union of all input regions.
Union2    Return the union of two regions.
Union2ClosedContoursXld    Compute the union of closed contours.
Union2ClosedPolygonsXld    Compute the union of closed polygons.
UnionAdjacentContoursXld    Compute the union of contours whose end points are close together.
UnionCocircularContoursXld    Compute the union of contours that belong to the same circle.
UnionCollinearContoursExtXld    Compute the union of collinear contours (operator with extended functionality).
UnionCollinearContoursXld    Unite approximately collinear contours.
UnionCotangentialContoursXld    Compute the union of cotangential contours.
UnionObjectModel3d    Combine several 3D object models to a new 3D object model.
UnionStraightContoursHistoXld    Compute the union of neighboring straight contours that have a similar distance from a given line.
UnionStraightContoursXld    Compute the union of neighboring straight contours that have a similar direction.
UnlockMutex    Unlock a mutex synchronization object.
UnprojectCoordinates    Calculates image coordinates for a point in a 3D plot window.
Until    Continue to execute the body as long as the condition is not true.
UnwarpImageVectorField    Unwarp an image using a vector field.
UpdateBgEsti    Change the estimated background image.
UpdateKalman    Read an update file of a Kalman filter.
UpdateWindowPose    Modify the pose of a 3D plot.
VarThreshold    Threshold an image by local mean and standard deviation analysis.
VectorAngleToRigid    Compute a rigid affine transformation from points and angles.
VectorFieldLength    Compute the length of the vectors of a vector field.
VectorFieldToHomMat2d    Approximate an affine map from a displacement vector field.
VectorFieldToReal    Convert a vector field image into two real-valued images.
VectorToAniso    Approximate an anisotropic similarity transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToEssentialMatrix    Compute the essential matrix given image point correspondences and known camera matrices and reconstruct 3D points.
VectorToFundamentalMatrix    Compute the fundamental matrix given a set of image point correspondences and reconstruct 3D points.
VectorToFundamentalMatrixDistortion    Compute the fundamental matrix and the radial distortion coefficient given a set of image point correspondences and reconstruct 3D points.
VectorToHomMat2d    Approximate an affine transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToHomMat3d    Approximate a 3D transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToPose    Compute an absolute pose out of point correspondences between world and image coordinates.
VectorToProjHomMat2d    Compute a projective transformation matrix using given point correspondences.
VectorToProjHomMat2dDistortion    Compute a projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient using given image point correspondences.
VectorToRelPose    Compute the relative orientation between two cameras given image point correspondences and known camera parameters and reconstruct 3D space points.
VectorToRigid    Approximate a rigid affine transformation from point correspondences.
VectorToSimilarity    Approximate an similarity transformation from point correspondences.
VolumeObjectModel3dRelativeToPlane    Calculate the volume of a 3D object model.
WaitBarrier    Wait on the release of a barrier synchronization object.
WaitCondition    wait on the signal of a condition synchronization object.
WaitEvent    Lock an event synchronization object.
WaitSeconds    Delaying the execution of the program.
Watersheds    Extract watersheds and basins from an image.
WatershedsMarker    Extract watersheds and combine basins based on markers.
WatershedsThreshold    Extract watershed basins from an image using a threshold.
While    Starts a loop block that is executed as long as the condition is true.
WienerFilter    Image restoration by Wiener filtering.
WienerFilterNi    Image restoration by Wiener filtering.
WriteAopKnowledge    Write knowledge about hardware dependent behavior of automatic operator parallelization to file.
WriteBarCodeModel    Write a bar code model to a file.
WriteCalibData    Store a calibration data model into a file.
WriteCamPar    Write internal camera parameters into a file.
WriteCameraSetupModel    Store a camera setup model into a file.
WriteClassBox    Save a classifier in a file.
WriteClassGmm    Write a Gaussian Mixture Model to a file.
WriteClassKnn    Save the k-NN classifier in a file.
WriteClassMlp    Write a multilayer perceptron to a file.
WriteClassSvm    Write a support vector machine to a file.
WriteClassTrainData    Save the training data for classifiers in a file.
WriteComponentModel    Write a component model to a file.
WriteContourXldArcInfo    Write XLD contours to a file in ARC/INFO generate format.
WriteContourXldDxf    Write XLD contours to a file in DXF format.
WriteDataCode2dModel    Writes a 2D data code model into a file.
WriteDeepCountingModel    Write a Deep Counting model in a file.
WriteDeepOcr    Write a Deep OCR model in a file.
WriteDeformableModel    Write a deformable model to a file.
WriteDeformableSurfaceModel    Write a deformable surface model to a file.
WriteDescriptorModel    Write a descriptor model to a file.
WriteDict    Write a dictionary to a file.
WriteDistanceTransformXld    Write an XLD distance transform into a file.
WriteDlClassifier    Write a deep-learning-based classifier in a file.
WriteDlModel    Write a deep learning model in a file.
WriteEncryptedItem    Write an encrypted item to a file.
WriteFftOptimizationData    Store FFT speed optimization data in a file.
WriteFunct1d    Write a function to a file.
WriteImage    Write images in graphic formats.
WriteImageMetadata    Write metadata of image files.
WriteIoChannel    Write a value to the specified I/O channels.
WriteLut    Write look-up-table (lut) as file.
WriteMatrix    Write a matrix to a file.
WriteMeasure    Write a measure object to a file.
WriteMemoryBlock    Write a memory block to a file.
WriteMessage    Write a message to a file.
WriteMetrologyModel    Write a metrology model to a file.
WriteNccModel    Write an NCC model to a file.
WriteObject    Write an iconic object.
WriteObjectModel3d    Writes a 3D object model to a file.
WriteOcr    Writing an OCR classifier into a file.
WriteOcrClassKnn    Write a k-NN classifier for an OCR task to a file.
WriteOcrClassMlp    Write an OCR classifier to a file.
WriteOcrClassSvm    Write an OCR classifier to a file.
WriteOcrTrainf    Storing of training characters into a file.
WriteOcrTrainfImage    Write characters into a training file.
WriteOcv    Saving an OCV tool to file.
WritePolygonXldArcInfo    Write XLD polygons to a file in ARC/INFO generate format.
WritePolygonXldDxf    Write XLD polygons to a file in DXF format.
WritePose    Write a 3D pose to a text file.
WriteRegion    Write regions to a file.
WriteSampleIdentifier    Write a sample identifier to a file.
WriteSamplesClassGmm    Write the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model to a file.
WriteSamplesClassMlp    Write the training data of a multilayer perceptron to a file.
WriteSamplesClassSvm    Write the training data of a support vector machine to a file.
WriteSerial    Write to a serial connection.
WriteShapeModel    Write a shape model to a file.
WriteShapeModel3d    Write a 3D shape model to a file.
WriteSheetOfLightModel    Write a sheet-of-light model to a file.
WriteString    Print text in a window.
WriteStructuredLightModel    Write a structured light model to a file.
WriteSurfaceModel    Write a surface model to a file.
WriteTemplate    Writing a template to file.
WriteTextureInspectionModel    Write a texture inspection model to a file.
WriteTrainingComponents    Write a component training result to a file.
WriteTuple    Write a tuple to a file.
WriteVariationModel    Write a variation model to a file.
XRangeFunct1d    Smallest and largest x value of the function.
XyzToObjectModel3d    Transform 3D points from images to a 3D object model.
YRangeFunct1d    Smallest and largest y value of the function.
ZeroCrossing    Extract zero crossings from an image.
ZeroCrossingSubPix    Extract zero crossings from an image with subpixel accuracy.
ZeroCrossingsFunct1d    Calculate the zero crossings of a function.
ZoomImageFactor    Zoom an image by a given factor.
ZoomImageSize    Zoom an image to a given size.
ZoomRegion    Zoom a region.

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