The operator runlength_featuresrunlength_featuresRunlengthFeaturesRunlengthFeaturesrunlength_features calculates for every input region
from RegionsRegionsRegionsregionsregions the number of runs necessary for storing
this region with the aid of runlength coding.
Furthermore the so-called “K-factor” is determined, which indicates
by how much the number of runs differs from the ideal of the square
in which this value is 1.0.
The K-factor (KFactorKFactorKFactorKFactorkfactor) is calculated according to the formula:
wherein Area indicates the area of the region.
It should be noted that the K-factor can be smaller than 1.0
(in case of long horizontal regions).
All features calculated by the operator runlength_featuresrunlength_featuresRunlengthFeaturesRunlengthFeaturesrunlength_features are not
rotation invariant because the runlength coding depends on the direction.
The operator runlength_featuresrunlength_featuresRunlengthFeaturesRunlengthFeaturesrunlength_features does not serve for calculating shape
features but for controlling and analyzing the efficiency of the
runlength coding.
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
The operator runlength_featuresrunlength_featuresRunlengthFeaturesRunlengthFeaturesrunlength_features returns the value 2 (
if the input is not empty.
If necessary an exception is raised.