shade_height_fieldshade_height_fieldShadeHeightFieldShadeHeightFieldshade_height_field (Operator)


shade_height_fieldshade_height_fieldShadeHeightFieldShadeHeightFieldshade_height_field — Shade a height field.


shade_height_field(ImageHeight : ImageShade : Slant, Tilt, Albedo, Ambient, Shadows : )

Herror shade_height_field(const Hobject ImageHeight, Hobject* ImageShade, double Slant, double Tilt, double Albedo, double Ambient, const char* Shadows)

Herror T_shade_height_field(const Hobject ImageHeight, Hobject* ImageShade, const Htuple Slant, const Htuple Tilt, const Htuple Albedo, const Htuple Ambient, const Htuple Shadows)

void ShadeHeightField(const HObject& ImageHeight, HObject* ImageShade, const HTuple& Slant, const HTuple& Tilt, const HTuple& Albedo, const HTuple& Ambient, const HTuple& Shadows)

HImage HImage::ShadeHeightField(const HTuple& Slant, const HTuple& Tilt, const HTuple& Albedo, const HTuple& Ambient, const HString& Shadows) const

HImage HImage::ShadeHeightField(double Slant, double Tilt, double Albedo, double Ambient, const HString& Shadows) const

HImage HImage::ShadeHeightField(double Slant, double Tilt, double Albedo, double Ambient, const char* Shadows) const

HImage HImage::ShadeHeightField(double Slant, double Tilt, double Albedo, double Ambient, const wchar_t* Shadows) const   ( Windows only)

static void HOperatorSet.ShadeHeightField(HObject imageHeight, out HObject imageShade, HTuple slant, HTuple tilt, HTuple albedo, HTuple ambient, HTuple shadows)

HImage HImage.ShadeHeightField(HTuple slant, HTuple tilt, HTuple albedo, HTuple ambient, string shadows)

HImage HImage.ShadeHeightField(double slant, double tilt, double albedo, double ambient, string shadows)

def shade_height_field(image_height: HObject, slant: Union[float, int], tilt: Union[float, int], albedo: Union[float, int], ambient: Union[float, int], shadows: str) -> HObject


shade_height_fieldshade_height_fieldShadeHeightFieldShadeHeightFieldshade_height_field computes a shaded image from the height field ImageHeightImageHeightImageHeightimageHeightimage_height as if the image were illuminated by an infinitely far away light source. It is assumed that the surface described by the height field has Lambertian reflection properties determined by AlbedoAlbedoAlbedoalbedoalbedo and AmbientAmbientAmbientambientambient. The parameter ShadowsShadowsShadowsshadowsshadows determines whether shadows are to be calculated.


shade_height_fieldshade_height_fieldShadeHeightFieldShadeHeightFieldshade_height_field assumes that the heights are given on a lattice with step width 1. If this is not the case, the heights must be divided by the step width before the call to shade_height_fieldshade_height_fieldShadeHeightFieldShadeHeightFieldshade_height_field. Otherwise, the derivatives used internally to compute the orientation of the surface will be estimated to steep or too flat. Example: The height field is given on 100*100 points on the square [0,1]*[0,1]. Then the heights must be divided by 1/100 first. A Cartesian coordinate system with the origin in the lower left corner of the image is used internally.

Execution Information


ImageHeightImageHeightImageHeightimageHeightimage_height (input_object)  singlechannelimage(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject (byte / int4 / real)

Height field to be shaded.

ImageShadeImageShadeImageShadeimageShadeimage_shade (output_object)  image(-array) objectHImageHObjectHObjectHobject * (byte)

Shaded image.

SlantSlantSlantslantslant (input_control)  angle.deg HTupleUnion[float, int]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Angle between the light source and the positive z-axis (in degrees).

Default: 0.0

Suggested values: 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 90.0

Value range: 0.0 ≤ Slant Slant Slant slant slant ≤ 180.0 (lin)

Minimum increment: 0.01

Recommended increment: 10.0

TiltTiltTilttilttilt (input_control)  angle.deg HTupleUnion[float, int]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Angle between the light source and the x-axis after projection into the xy-plane (in degrees).

Default: 0.0

Suggested values: 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 90.0

Value range: 0.0 ≤ Tilt Tilt Tilt tilt tilt ≤ 360.0 (lin)

Minimum increment: 0.01

Recommended increment: 10.0

AlbedoAlbedoAlbedoalbedoalbedo (input_control)  number HTupleUnion[float, int]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Amount of light reflected by the surface.

Default: 1.0

Suggested values: 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0

Value range: 0.0 ≤ Albedo Albedo Albedo albedo albedo ≤ 5.0 (lin)

Minimum increment: 0.01

Recommended increment: 0.1

Restriction: Albedo >= 0.0

AmbientAmbientAmbientambientambient (input_control)  number HTupleUnion[float, int]HTupleHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Amount of ambient light.

Default: 0.0

Suggested values: 0.1, 0.5, 1.0

Value range: 0.0 ≤ Ambient Ambient Ambient ambient ambient ≤ 1.0 (lin)

Minimum increment: 0.01

Recommended increment: 0.1

Restriction: Ambient >= 0.0

ShadowsShadowsShadowsshadowsshadows (input_control)  string HTuplestrHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Should shadows be calculated?

Default: 'false' "false" "false" "false" "false"

Suggested values: 'true'"true""true""true""true", 'false'"false""false""false""false"


If all parameters are correct shade_height_fieldshade_height_fieldShadeHeightFieldShadeHeightFieldshade_height_field returns the value 2 ( H_MSG_TRUE) . Otherwise, an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors

sfs_mod_lrsfs_mod_lrSfsModLrSfsModLrsfs_mod_lr, sfs_orig_lrsfs_orig_lrSfsOrigLrSfsOrigLrsfs_orig_lr, sfs_pentlandsfs_pentlandSfsPentlandSfsPentlandsfs_pentland, photometric_stereophotometric_stereoPhotometricStereoPhotometricStereophotometric_stereo

