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get_image_timeget_image_timeGetImageTimeget_image_timeGetImageTimeGetImageTime (Operator)


get_image_timeget_image_timeGetImageTimeget_image_timeGetImageTimeGetImageTime — Request time at which the image was created.


get_image_time(Image : : : MSecond, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, YDay, Month, Year)

Herror get_image_time(const Hobject Image, Hlong* MSecond, Hlong* Second, Hlong* Minute, Hlong* Hour, Hlong* Day, Hlong* YDay, Hlong* Month, Hlong* Year)

Herror T_get_image_time(const Hobject Image, Htuple* MSecond, Htuple* Second, Htuple* Minute, Htuple* Hour, Htuple* Day, Htuple* YDay, Htuple* Month, Htuple* Year)

Herror get_image_time(Hobject Image, Hlong* MSecond, Hlong* Second, Hlong* Minute, Hlong* Hour, Hlong* Day, Hlong* YDay, Hlong* Month, Hlong* Year)

Hlong HImage::GetImageTime(HTuple* Second, HTuple* Minute, HTuple* Hour, HTuple* Day, HTuple* YDay, HTuple* Month, HTuple* Year) const

void GetImageTime(const HObject& Image, HTuple* MSecond, HTuple* Second, HTuple* Minute, HTuple* Hour, HTuple* Day, HTuple* YDay, HTuple* Month, HTuple* Year)

Hlong HImage::GetImageTime(Hlong* Second, Hlong* Minute, Hlong* Hour, Hlong* Day, Hlong* YDay, Hlong* Month, Hlong* Year) const

void HOperatorSetX.GetImageTime(
[in] IHUntypedObjectX* Image, [out] VARIANT* MSecond, [out] VARIANT* Second, [out] VARIANT* Minute, [out] VARIANT* Hour, [out] VARIANT* Day, [out] VARIANT* YDay, [out] VARIANT* Month, [out] VARIANT* Year)

Hlong HImageX.GetImageTime(
[out] Hlong* Second, [out] Hlong* Minute, [out] Hlong* Hour, [out] Hlong* Day, [out] Hlong* YDay, [out] Hlong* Month, [out] Hlong* Year)

static void HOperatorSet.GetImageTime(HObject image, out HTuple MSecond, out HTuple second, out HTuple minute, out HTuple hour, out HTuple day, out HTuple YDay, out HTuple month, out HTuple year)

int HImage.GetImageTime(out int second, out int minute, out int hour, out int day, out int YDay, out int month, out int year)


The operator get_image_timeget_image_timeGetImageTimeget_image_timeGetImageTimeGetImageTime returns the time at which the image was created.



ImageImageImageImageImageimage (input_object)  (multichannel-)image objectHImageHImageHImageHImageXHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real / complex / vector_field)

Input image.

MSecondMSecondMSecondMSecondMSecondMSecond (output_control)  integer HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Milliseconds (0..999).

SecondSecondSecondSecondSecondsecond (output_control)  integer HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Seconds (0..59).

MinuteMinuteMinuteMinuteMinuteminute (output_control)  integer HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Minutes (0..59).

HourHourHourHourHourhour (output_control)  integer HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Hours (0..23).

DayDayDayDayDayday (output_control)  integer HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Day of the month (1..31).

YDayYDayYDayYDayYDayYDay (output_control)  integer HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Day of the year (1..366).

MonthMonthMonthMonthMonthmonth (output_control)  integer HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Month (1..12).

YearYearYearYearYearyear (output_control)  integer HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Year (xxxx).


The operator get_image_timeget_image_timeGetImageTimeget_image_timeGetImageTimeGetImageTime returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if exactly one image was passed. The behavior in case of empty input (no input images available) is set via the operator set_system('no_object_result',<Result>)set_system("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>)set_system("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>). If necessary an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors

read_imageread_imageReadImageread_imageReadImageReadImage, grab_imagegrab_imageGrabImagegrab_imageGrabImageGrabImage

See also




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