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get_text_objectget_text_objectGetTextObjectget_text_objectGetTextObjectGetTextObject (Operator)


get_text_objectget_text_objectGetTextObjectget_text_objectGetTextObjectGetTextObject — Query an iconic value of a text segmentation result.


get_text_object( : Characters : TextResultID, ResultName : )

Herror get_text_object(Hobject* Characters, const Hlong TextResultID, const char* ResultName)

Herror T_get_text_object(Hobject* Characters, const Htuple TextResultID, const Htuple ResultName)

Herror get_text_object(Hobject* Characters, const HTuple& TextResultID, const HTuple& ResultName)

void GetTextObject(HObject* Characters, const HTuple& TextResultID, const HTuple& ResultName)

HObject HTextResult::GetTextObject(const HTuple& ResultName) const

HObject HTextResult::GetTextObject(const HString& ResultName) const

HObject HTextResult::GetTextObject(const char* ResultName) const

void HOperatorSetX.GetTextObject(
[out] IHUntypedObjectX*Characters, [in] VARIANT TextResultID, [in] VARIANT ResultName)

IHUntypedObjectX* HTextResultX.GetTextObject([in] VARIANT ResultName)

static void HOperatorSet.GetTextObject(out HObject characters, HTuple textResultID, HTuple resultName)

HObject HTextResult.GetTextObject(HTuple resultName)

HObject HTextResult.GetTextObject(string resultName)


get_text_objectget_text_objectGetTextObjectget_text_objectGetTextObjectGetTextObject queries the iconic result ResultNameResultNameResultNameResultNameResultNameresultName of TextResultIDTextResultIDTextResultIDTextResultIDTextResultIDtextResultID returned by find_textfind_textFindTextfind_textFindTextFindText. The possible parameter values for ResultNameResultNameResultNameResultNameResultNameresultName differ, depending on the text model used within the text segmentation process of find_textfind_textFindTextfind_textFindTextFindText.

In the following, first the possible parameter values for text models with ModeModeModeModeModemode = 'auto'"auto""auto""auto""auto""auto" are listed, and then those for text models with ModeModeModeModeModemode = 'manual'"manual""manual""manual""manual""manual":

Result objects for text segmentation with text models with Mode = 'auto'


Returns all characters in all segmented text lines. For each polarity, the text lines are independently sorted from top to bottom and left to right. The characters within the text lines are sorted from left to right.


Returns all characters within the text line specified by 'Index'"Index""Index""Index""Index""Index" (e.g. ['line',0]["line",0]["line",0]["line",0]["line",0]["line",0] to return the first line). The characters within the text line are sorted from left to right.

Result objects for text segmentation with text models with Mode = 'manual'


Returns all characters in all segmented text lines. The text lines are sorted from top to bottom and left to right. The characters within the text lines are sorted from left to right.


Returns all characters within the text line specified by 'Index'"Index""Index""Index""Index""Index" (e.g. ['line',0]["line",0]["line",0]["line",0]["line",0]["line",0] to return the first line). The characters within the text line are sorted from left to right.

If 'persistence'"persistence""persistence""persistence""persistence""persistence" was activated and ModeModeModeModeModemode = 'manual'"manual""manual""manual""manual""manual" for the text model used to create TextResultIDTextResultIDTextResultIDTextResultIDTextResultIDtextResultID, the following additional value can be queried:


the enhanced image used for segmentation.



CharactersCharactersCharactersCharactersCharacterscharacters (output_object)  object(-array) objectHObjectHObjectHObjectHObjectXHobject *

Returned result.

TextResultIDTextResultIDTextResultIDTextResultIDTextResultIDtextResultID (input_control)  text_result HTextResult, HTupleHTupleHTextResult, HTupleHTextResultX, VARIANTHtuple (integer) (IntPtr) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Text result.

ResultNameResultNameResultNameResultNameResultNameresultName (input_control)  string(-array) HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (string / integer) (string / int / long) (HString / Hlong) (char* / Hlong) (BSTR / Hlong) (char* / Hlong)

Name of the result to be returned.

Default value: 'all_lines' "all_lines" "all_lines" "all_lines" "all_lines" "all_lines"

List of values: 'all_lines'"all_lines""all_lines""all_lines""all_lines""all_lines", 'compensated_image'"compensated_image""compensated_image""compensated_image""compensated_image""compensated_image", 'line'"line""line""line""line""line"


If the parameters are valid, the operator get_text_objectget_text_objectGetTextObjectget_text_objectGetTextObjectGetTextObject returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If necessary, an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors


See also




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