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HTuple (Class)


HTuple — Provides tuple functionality.


DeserializeTuple    Deserialize a serialized tuple.
ReadTuple    Read a tuple from a file.
SerializeTuple    Serialize a tuple.
TupleAbs    Compute the absolute value of a tuple.
TupleAcos    Compute the arccosine of a tuple.
TupleAdd    Add two tuples.
TupleAnd    Compute the logical and of two tuples.
TupleAsin    Compute the arcsine of a tuple.
TupleAtan    Compute the arctangent of a tuple.
TupleAtan2    Compute the arctangent of a tuple for all four quadrants.
TupleBand    Compute the bitwise and of two tuples.
TupleBnot    Compute the bitwise not of a tuple.
TupleBor    Compute the bitwise or of two tuples.
TupleBxor    Compute the bitwise exclusive or of two tuples.
TupleCeil    Compute the ceiling function of a tuple.
TupleChr    Convert a tuple of integers into strings with the corresponding ASCII codes.
TupleChrt    Convert a tuple of integers into strings with the corresponding ASCII codes.
TupleConcat    Concatenate two tuples to a new one.
TupleCos    Compute the cosine of a tuple.
TupleCosh    Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a tuple.
TupleCumul    Calculate the cumulative sums of a tuple.
TupleDeg    Convert a tuple from radians to degrees.
TupleDeviation    Return the standard deviation of the elements of a tuple.
TupleDifference    Compute the difference set of two input tuples.
TupleDiv    Divide two tuples.
TupleEnvironment    Read one or more environment variables.
TupleEqual    Test whether two tuples are equal.
TupleEqualElem    Test, whether two tuples are elementwise equal.
TupleExp    Compute the exponential of a tuple.
TupleFabs    Compute the absolute value of a tuple (as floating point numbers).
TupleFind    Return the indices of all occurrences of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFindFirst    Return the index of the first occurrence of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFindLast    Return the index of the last occurrence of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFirstN    Select the first elements of a tuple up to the index “n”.
TupleFloor    Compute the floor function of a tuple.
TupleFmod    Calculate the remainder of the floating point division of two tuples.
TupleGenConst    Generate a tuple of a specific length and initialize its elements.
TupleGenSequence    Generate a tuple with a sequence of equidistant values.
TupleGreater    Test whether a tuple is greater than another tuple.
TupleGreaterElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater than another tuple.
TupleGreaterEqual    Test whether a tuple is greater or equal to another tuple.
TupleGreaterEqualElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater or equal to another tuple.
TupleHistoRange    Calculate the value distribution of a tuple within a certain value range.
TupleInsert    Inserts one or more elements into a tuple at index.
TupleInt    Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers.
TupleIntersection    Compute the intersection set of two input tuples.
TupleInverse    Invert a tuple.
TupleIsInt    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type integer.
TupleIsIntElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type integer.
TupleIsMixed    Test whether a tuple is of type mixed.
TupleIsNumber    Check a tuple (of strings) whether it represents numbers.
TupleIsReal    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type real.
TupleIsRealElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type real.
TupleIsString    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type string.
TupleIsStringElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type string.
TupleLastN    Select all elements from index “n” to the end of a tuple.
TupleLdexp    Calculate the ldexp function of two tuples.
TupleLength    Return the number of elements of a tuple.
TupleLess    Test whether a tuple is less than another tuple.
TupleLessElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less than another tuple.
TupleLessEqual    Test whether a tuple is less or equal to another tuple.
TupleLessEqualElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less or equal to another tuple.
TupleLog    Compute the natural logarithm of a tuple.
TupleLog10    Compute the base 10 logarithm of a tuple.
TupleLsh    Shift a tuple bitwise to the left.
TupleMax    Return the maximal element of a tuple.
TupleMax2    Calculate the elementwise maximum of two tuples.
TupleMean    Return the mean value of a tuple of numbers.
TupleMedian    Return the median of the elements of a tuple.
TupleMin    Return the minimal element of a tuple.
TupleMin2    Calculate the elementwise minimum of two tuples.
TupleMod    Calculate the remainder of the integer division of two tuples.
TupleMult    Multiply two tuples.
TupleNeg    Negate a tuple.
TupleNot    Compute the logical not of a tuple.
TupleNotEqual    Test whether two tuples are not equal.
TupleNotEqualElem    Test, whether two tuples are elementwise not equal.
TupleNumber    Convert a tuple (of strings) into a tuple of numbers.
TupleOr    Compute the logical or of two tuples.
TupleOrd    Convert a tuple of strings of length 1 into a tuple of their ASCII codes.
TupleOrds    Convert a tuple of strings into a tuple of their ASCII codes.
TuplePow    Calculate the power function of two tuples.
TupleRad    Convert a tuple from degrees to radians.
TupleRand    Return a tuple of random numbers between 0 and 1.
TupleReal    Convert a tuple into a tuple of floating point numbers.
TupleRegexpMatch    Extract substrings using regular expressions.
TupleRegexpReplace    Replace a substring using regular expressions.
TupleRegexpSelect    Select tuple elements matching a regular expression.
TupleRegexpTest    Test if a string matches a regular expression.
TupleRemove    Remove elements from a tuple.
TupleReplace    Replaces one or more elements of a tuple.
TupleRound    Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers.
TupleRsh    Shift a tuple bitwise to the right.
TupleSelect    Select single elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectMask    Select in mask specified elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectRange    Select several elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectRank    Select the element of rank n of a tuple.
TupleSgn    Calculate the sign of a tuple.
TupleSin    Compute the sine of a tuple.
TupleSinh    Compute the hyperbolic sine of a tuple.
TupleSort    Sort the elements of a tuple in ascending order.
TupleSortIndex    Sort the elements of a tuple and return the indices of the sorted tuple.
TupleSplit    Split strings into substrings between predefined separator symbol(s).
TupleSqrt    Compute the square root of a tuple.
TupleStrBitSelect    Select single character or bit from a tuple.
TupleStrFirstN    Cut the first characters up to position “n” out of a string tuple.
TupleStrLastN    Cut all characters starting at position “n” out of a string tuple.
TupleStrchr    Forward search for characters within a string tuple.
TupleString    Convert a tuple into a tuple of strings.
TupleStrlen    Determine the length of every string within a tuple of strings.
TupleStrrchr    Backward search for characters within a string tuple.
TupleStrrstr    Backward search for strings within a string tuple.
TupleStrstr    Forward search for strings within a string tuple.
TupleSub    Subtract two tuples.
TupleSubstr    Cut characters from position “n1” through “n2” out of a string tuple.
TupleSum    Return the sum of all elements of a tuple.
TupleSymmdiff    Compute the symmetric difference set of two input tuples.
TupleTan    Compute the tangent of a tuple.
TupleTanh    Compute the hyperbolic tangent of a tuple.
TupleType    Return the type of a tuple.
TupleTypeElem    Return the types of the elements of a tuple.
TupleUnion    Compute the union set of two input tuples.
TupleUniq    Discard all but one of successive identical elements of a tuple.
TupleXor    Compute the logical exclusive or of two tuples.
WriteTuple    Write a tuple to a file.

HTuple (Class)


HTuple — Provides tuple functionality.


DeserializeTuple    Deserialize a serialized tuple.
ReadTuple    Read a tuple from a file.
SerializeTuple    Serialize a tuple.
TupleAbs    Compute the absolute value of a tuple.
TupleAcos    Compute the arccosine of a tuple.
TupleAdd    Add two tuples.
TupleAnd    Compute the logical and of two tuples.
TupleAsin    Compute the arcsine of a tuple.
TupleAtan    Compute the arctangent of a tuple.
TupleAtan2    Compute the arctangent of a tuple for all four quadrants.
TupleBand    Compute the bitwise and of two tuples.
TupleBnot    Compute the bitwise not of a tuple.
TupleBor    Compute the bitwise or of two tuples.
TupleBxor    Compute the bitwise exclusive or of two tuples.
TupleCeil    Compute the ceiling function of a tuple.
TupleChr    Convert a tuple of integers into strings with the corresponding ASCII codes.
TupleChrt    Convert a tuple of integers into strings with the corresponding ASCII codes.
TupleConcat    Concatenate two tuples to a new one.
TupleCos    Compute the cosine of a tuple.
TupleCosh    Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a tuple.
TupleCumul    Calculate the cumulative sums of a tuple.
TupleDeg    Convert a tuple from radians to degrees.
TupleDeviation    Return the standard deviation of the elements of a tuple.
TupleDifference    Compute the difference set of two input tuples.
TupleDiv    Divide two tuples.
TupleEnvironment    Read one or more environment variables.
TupleEqual    Test whether two tuples are equal.
TupleEqualElem    Test, whether two tuples are elementwise equal.
TupleExp    Compute the exponential of a tuple.
TupleFabs    Compute the absolute value of a tuple (as floating point numbers).
TupleFind    Return the indices of all occurrences of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFindFirst    Return the index of the first occurrence of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFindLast    Return the index of the last occurrence of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFirstN    Select the first elements of a tuple up to the index “n”.
TupleFloor    Compute the floor function of a tuple.
TupleFmod    Calculate the remainder of the floating point division of two tuples.
TupleGenConst    Generate a tuple of a specific length and initialize its elements.
TupleGenSequence    Generate a tuple with a sequence of equidistant values.
TupleGreater    Test whether a tuple is greater than another tuple.
TupleGreaterElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater than another tuple.
TupleGreaterEqual    Test whether a tuple is greater or equal to another tuple.
TupleGreaterEqualElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater or equal to another tuple.
TupleHistoRange    Calculate the value distribution of a tuple within a certain value range.
TupleInsert    Inserts one or more elements into a tuple at index.
TupleInt    Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers.
TupleIntersection    Compute the intersection set of two input tuples.
TupleInverse    Invert a tuple.
TupleIsInt    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type integer.
TupleIsIntElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type integer.
TupleIsMixed    Test whether a tuple is of type mixed.
TupleIsNumber    Check a tuple (of strings) whether it represents numbers.
TupleIsReal    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type real.
TupleIsRealElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type real.
TupleIsString    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type string.
TupleIsStringElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type string.
TupleLastN    Select all elements from index “n” to the end of a tuple.
TupleLdexp    Calculate the ldexp function of two tuples.
TupleLength    Return the number of elements of a tuple.
TupleLess    Test whether a tuple is less than another tuple.
TupleLessElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less than another tuple.
TupleLessEqual    Test whether a tuple is less or equal to another tuple.
TupleLessEqualElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less or equal to another tuple.
TupleLog    Compute the natural logarithm of a tuple.
TupleLog10    Compute the base 10 logarithm of a tuple.
TupleLsh    Shift a tuple bitwise to the left.
TupleMax    Return the maximal element of a tuple.
TupleMax2    Calculate the elementwise maximum of two tuples.
TupleMean    Return the mean value of a tuple of numbers.
TupleMedian    Return the median of the elements of a tuple.
TupleMin    Return the minimal element of a tuple.
TupleMin2    Calculate the elementwise minimum of two tuples.
TupleMod    Calculate the remainder of the integer division of two tuples.
TupleMult    Multiply two tuples.
TupleNeg    Negate a tuple.
TupleNot    Compute the logical not of a tuple.
TupleNotEqual    Test whether two tuples are not equal.
TupleNotEqualElem    Test, whether two tuples are elementwise not equal.
TupleNumber    Convert a tuple (of strings) into a tuple of numbers.
TupleOr    Compute the logical or of two tuples.
TupleOrd    Convert a tuple of strings of length 1 into a tuple of their ASCII codes.
TupleOrds    Convert a tuple of strings into a tuple of their ASCII codes.
TuplePow    Calculate the power function of two tuples.
TupleRad    Convert a tuple from degrees to radians.
TupleRand    Return a tuple of random numbers between 0 and 1.
TupleReal    Convert a tuple into a tuple of floating point numbers.
TupleRegexpMatch    Extract substrings using regular expressions.
TupleRegexpReplace    Replace a substring using regular expressions.
TupleRegexpSelect    Select tuple elements matching a regular expression.
TupleRegexpTest    Test if a string matches a regular expression.
TupleRemove    Remove elements from a tuple.
TupleReplace    Replaces one or more elements of a tuple.
TupleRound    Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers.
TupleRsh    Shift a tuple bitwise to the right.
TupleSelect    Select single elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectMask    Select in mask specified elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectRange    Select several elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectRank    Select the element of rank n of a tuple.
TupleSgn    Calculate the sign of a tuple.
TupleSin    Compute the sine of a tuple.
TupleSinh    Compute the hyperbolic sine of a tuple.
TupleSort    Sort the elements of a tuple in ascending order.
TupleSortIndex    Sort the elements of a tuple and return the indices of the sorted tuple.
TupleSplit    Split strings into substrings between predefined separator symbol(s).
TupleSqrt    Compute the square root of a tuple.
TupleStrBitSelect    Select single character or bit from a tuple.
TupleStrFirstN    Cut the first characters up to position “n” out of a string tuple.
TupleStrLastN    Cut all characters starting at position “n” out of a string tuple.
TupleStrchr    Forward search for characters within a string tuple.
TupleString    Convert a tuple into a tuple of strings.
TupleStrlen    Determine the length of every string within a tuple of strings.
TupleStrrchr    Backward search for characters within a string tuple.
TupleStrrstr    Backward search for strings within a string tuple.
TupleStrstr    Forward search for strings within a string tuple.
TupleSub    Subtract two tuples.
TupleSubstr    Cut characters from position “n1” through “n2” out of a string tuple.
TupleSum    Return the sum of all elements of a tuple.
TupleSymmdiff    Compute the symmetric difference set of two input tuples.
TupleTan    Compute the tangent of a tuple.
TupleTanh    Compute the hyperbolic tangent of a tuple.
TupleType    Return the type of a tuple.
TupleTypeElem    Return the types of the elements of a tuple.
TupleUnion    Compute the union set of two input tuples.
TupleUniq    Discard all but one of successive identical elements of a tuple.
TupleXor    Compute the logical exclusive or of two tuples.
WriteTuple    Write a tuple to a file.

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HTupleX (Class)


HTupleX — Provides tuple functionality.


DeserializeTuple    Deserialize a serialized tuple.
ReadTuple    Read a tuple from a file.
SerializeTuple    Serialize a tuple.
TupleAbs    Compute the absolute value of a tuple.
TupleAcos    Compute the arccosine of a tuple.
TupleAdd    Add two tuples.
TupleAnd    Compute the logical and of two tuples.
TupleAsin    Compute the arcsine of a tuple.
TupleAtan    Compute the arctangent of a tuple.
TupleAtan2    Compute the arctangent of a tuple for all four quadrants.
TupleBand    Compute the bitwise and of two tuples.
TupleBnot    Compute the bitwise not of a tuple.
TupleBor    Compute the bitwise or of two tuples.
TupleBxor    Compute the bitwise exclusive or of two tuples.
TupleCeil    Compute the ceiling function of a tuple.
TupleChr    Convert a tuple of integers into strings with the corresponding ASCII codes.
TupleChrt    Convert a tuple of integers into strings with the corresponding ASCII codes.
TupleConcat    Concatenate two tuples to a new one.
TupleCos    Compute the cosine of a tuple.
TupleCosh    Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a tuple.
TupleCumul    Calculate the cumulative sums of a tuple.
TupleDeg    Convert a tuple from radians to degrees.
TupleDeviation    Return the standard deviation of the elements of a tuple.
TupleDifference    Compute the difference set of two input tuples.
TupleDiv    Divide two tuples.
TupleEnvironment    Read one or more environment variables.
TupleEqual    Test whether two tuples are equal.
TupleEqualElem    Test, whether two tuples are elementwise equal.
TupleExp    Compute the exponential of a tuple.
TupleFabs    Compute the absolute value of a tuple (as floating point numbers).
TupleFind    Return the indices of all occurrences of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFindFirst    Return the index of the first occurrence of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFindLast    Return the index of the last occurrence of a tuple within another tuple.
TupleFirstN    Select the first elements of a tuple up to the index “n”.
TupleFloor    Compute the floor function of a tuple.
TupleFmod    Calculate the remainder of the floating point division of two tuples.
TupleGenConst    Generate a tuple of a specific length and initialize its elements.
TupleGenSequence    Generate a tuple with a sequence of equidistant values.
TupleGreater    Test whether a tuple is greater than another tuple.
TupleGreaterElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater than another tuple.
TupleGreaterEqual    Test whether a tuple is greater or equal to another tuple.
TupleGreaterEqualElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater or equal to another tuple.
TupleHistoRange    Calculate the value distribution of a tuple within a certain value range.
TupleInsert    Inserts one or more elements into a tuple at index.
TupleInt    Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers.
TupleIntersection    Compute the intersection set of two input tuples.
TupleInverse    Invert a tuple.
TupleIsInt    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type integer.
TupleIsIntElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type integer.
TupleIsMixed    Test whether a tuple is of type mixed.
TupleIsNumber    Check a tuple (of strings) whether it represents numbers.
TupleIsReal    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type real.
TupleIsRealElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type real.
TupleIsString    Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type string.
TupleIsStringElem    Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type string.
TupleLastN    Select all elements from index “n” to the end of a tuple.
TupleLdexp    Calculate the ldexp function of two tuples.
TupleLength    Return the number of elements of a tuple.
TupleLess    Test whether a tuple is less than another tuple.
TupleLessElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less than another tuple.
TupleLessEqual    Test whether a tuple is less or equal to another tuple.
TupleLessEqualElem    Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less or equal to another tuple.
TupleLog    Compute the natural logarithm of a tuple.
TupleLog10    Compute the base 10 logarithm of a tuple.
TupleLsh    Shift a tuple bitwise to the left.
TupleMax    Return the maximal element of a tuple.
TupleMax2    Calculate the elementwise maximum of two tuples.
TupleMean    Return the mean value of a tuple of numbers.
TupleMedian    Return the median of the elements of a tuple.
TupleMin    Return the minimal element of a tuple.
TupleMin2    Calculate the elementwise minimum of two tuples.
TupleMod    Calculate the remainder of the integer division of two tuples.
TupleMult    Multiply two tuples.
TupleNeg    Negate a tuple.
TupleNot    Compute the logical not of a tuple.
TupleNotEqual    Test whether two tuples are not equal.
TupleNotEqualElem    Test, whether two tuples are elementwise not equal.
TupleNumber    Convert a tuple (of strings) into a tuple of numbers.
TupleOr    Compute the logical or of two tuples.
TupleOrd    Convert a tuple of strings of length 1 into a tuple of their ASCII codes.
TupleOrds    Convert a tuple of strings into a tuple of their ASCII codes.
TuplePow    Calculate the power function of two tuples.
TupleRad    Convert a tuple from degrees to radians.
TupleRand    Return a tuple of random numbers between 0 and 1.
TupleReal    Convert a tuple into a tuple of floating point numbers.
TupleRegexpMatch    Extract substrings using regular expressions.
TupleRegexpReplace    Replace a substring using regular expressions.
TupleRegexpSelect    Select tuple elements matching a regular expression.
TupleRegexpTest    Test if a string matches a regular expression.
TupleRemove    Remove elements from a tuple.
TupleReplace    Replaces one or more elements of a tuple.
TupleRound    Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers.
TupleRsh    Shift a tuple bitwise to the right.
TupleSelect    Select single elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectMask    Select in mask specified elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectRange    Select several elements of a tuple.
TupleSelectRank    Select the element of rank n of a tuple.
TupleSgn    Calculate the sign of a tuple.
TupleSin    Compute the sine of a tuple.
TupleSinh    Compute the hyperbolic sine of a tuple.
TupleSort    Sort the elements of a tuple in ascending order.
TupleSortIndex    Sort the elements of a tuple and return the indices of the sorted tuple.
TupleSplit    Split strings into substrings between predefined separator symbol(s).
TupleSqrt    Compute the square root of a tuple.
TupleStrBitSelect    Select single character or bit from a tuple.
TupleStrFirstN    Cut the first characters up to position “n” out of a string tuple.
TupleStrLastN    Cut all characters starting at position “n” out of a string tuple.
TupleStrchr    Forward search for characters within a string tuple.
TupleString    Convert a tuple into a tuple of strings.
TupleStrlen    Determine the length of every string within a tuple of strings.
TupleStrrchr    Backward search for characters within a string tuple.
TupleStrrstr    Backward search for strings within a string tuple.
TupleStrstr    Forward search for strings within a string tuple.
TupleSub    Subtract two tuples.
TupleSubstr    Cut characters from position “n1” through “n2” out of a string tuple.
TupleSum    Return the sum of all elements of a tuple.
TupleSymmdiff    Compute the symmetric difference set of two input tuples.
TupleTan    Compute the tangent of a tuple.
TupleTanh    Compute the hyperbolic tangent of a tuple.
TupleType    Return the type of a tuple.
TupleTypeElem    Return the types of the elements of a tuple.
TupleUnion    Compute the union set of two input tuples.
TupleUniq    Discard all but one of successive identical elements of a tuple.
TupleXor    Compute the logical exclusive or of two tuples.
WriteTuple    Write a tuple to a file.

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