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polar_trans_contour_xldpolar_trans_contour_xldPolarTransContourXldpolar_trans_contour_xldPolarTransContourXldPolarTransContourXld (Operator)


polar_trans_contour_xldpolar_trans_contour_xldPolarTransContourXldpolar_trans_contour_xldPolarTransContourXldPolarTransContourXld — Transform a contour in an annular arc to polar coordinates.


polar_trans_contour_xld(Contour : PolarTransContour : Row, Column, AngleStart, AngleEnd, RadiusStart, RadiusEnd, Width, Height : )

Herror polar_trans_contour_xld(const Hobject Contour, Hobject* PolarTransContour, double Row, double Column, double AngleStart, double AngleEnd, double RadiusStart, double RadiusEnd, const Hlong Width, const Hlong Height)

Herror T_polar_trans_contour_xld(const Hobject Contour, Hobject* PolarTransContour, const Htuple Row, const Htuple Column, const Htuple AngleStart, const Htuple AngleEnd, const Htuple RadiusStart, const Htuple RadiusEnd, const Htuple Width, const Htuple Height)

Herror polar_trans_contour_xld(Hobject Contour, Hobject* PolarTransContour, const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& AngleStart, const HTuple& AngleEnd, const HTuple& RadiusStart, const HTuple& RadiusEnd, const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& Height)

HXLDCont HXLDCont::PolarTransContourXld(const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& AngleStart, const HTuple& AngleEnd, const HTuple& RadiusStart, const HTuple& RadiusEnd, const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& Height) const

HXLDContArray HXLDContArray::PolarTransContourXld(const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& AngleStart, const HTuple& AngleEnd, const HTuple& RadiusStart, const HTuple& RadiusEnd, const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& Height) const

void PolarTransContourXld(const HObject& Contour, HObject* PolarTransContour, const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& AngleStart, const HTuple& AngleEnd, const HTuple& RadiusStart, const HTuple& RadiusEnd, const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& Height)

HXLDCont HXLDCont::PolarTransContourXld(const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, double AngleStart, double AngleEnd, const HTuple& RadiusStart, const HTuple& RadiusEnd, Hlong Width, Hlong Height) const

HXLDCont HXLDCont::PolarTransContourXld(double Row, double Column, double AngleStart, double AngleEnd, double RadiusStart, double RadiusEnd, Hlong Width, Hlong Height) const

void HOperatorSetX.PolarTransContourXld(
[in] IHUntypedObjectX* Contour, [out] IHUntypedObjectX*PolarTransContour, [in] VARIANT Row, [in] VARIANT Column, [in] VARIANT AngleStart, [in] VARIANT AngleEnd, [in] VARIANT RadiusStart, [in] VARIANT RadiusEnd, [in] VARIANT Width, [in] VARIANT Height)

IHXLDContX* HXLDContX.PolarTransContourXld(
[in] VARIANT Row, [in] VARIANT Column, [in] double AngleStart, [in] double AngleEnd, [in] VARIANT RadiusStart, [in] VARIANT RadiusEnd, [in] Hlong Width, [in] Hlong Height)

static void HOperatorSet.PolarTransContourXld(HObject contour, out HObject polarTransContour, HTuple row, HTuple column, HTuple angleStart, HTuple angleEnd, HTuple radiusStart, HTuple radiusEnd, HTuple width, HTuple height)

HXLDCont HXLDCont.PolarTransContourXld(HTuple row, HTuple column, double angleStart, double angleEnd, HTuple radiusStart, HTuple radiusEnd, int width, int height)

HXLDCont HXLDCont.PolarTransContourXld(double row, double column, double angleStart, double angleEnd, double radiusStart, double radiusEnd, int width, int height)


polar_trans_contour_xldpolar_trans_contour_xldPolarTransContourXldpolar_trans_contour_xldPolarTransContourXldPolarTransContourXld transforms the ContourContourContourContourContourcontour in the annular arc specified by the center point (RowRowRowRowRowrow, ColumnColumnColumnColumnColumncolumn), the radii RadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartradiusStart and RadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndradiusEnd and the angles AngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartangleStart and AngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndangleEnd to its polar coordinate version PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour in the virtual image of the dimensions WidthWidthWidthWidthWidthwidth x HeightHeightHeightHeightHeightheight. The output contour is cropped at the borders of this virtual image.

The coordinate (0,0) in the output contour always corresponds to the contour point specified by RadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartradiusStart and AngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartangleStart. Analogously, the coordinate (HeightHeightHeightHeightHeightheight-1,WidthWidthWidthWidthWidthwidth-1) in the output contour always corresponds to the point in the contour that is specified by RadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndradiusEnd and AngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndangleEnd, even if the contour does not contain these points. In the usual mode (AngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartangleStart < AngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndangleEnd and RadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartradiusStart < RadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndradiusEnd), the polar transformation is performed in the mathematically positive orientation (counterclockwise). Furthermore, contour points with smaller radii lie in the upper part of the output contour. By suitably exchanging the values of these parameters (e.g., AngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartangleStart > AngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndangleEnd or RadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartradiusStart > RadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndradiusEnd), any desired orientation of the output contour PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour can be achieved.

The angles can be chosen from all real numbers. Center point and radii can be real as well.

Note that PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour can consist of more than one contour because ContourContourContourContourContourcontour may be split at AngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartangleStart respectively AngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndangleEnd or the size of the angle interval [AngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartangleStart,AngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndangleEnd] may be greater than one 2pi period.

If more than one contour is passed in ContourContourContourContourContourcontour, their polar transformations are computed individually and stored as a tuple in PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour. However, since one contour may be transformed into several contours, there is no relation between the indices of the contours in the input tuple ContourContourContourContourContourcontour and the indices in the output tuple PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour.


Only the contour points are transformed. As the polar transformation is not affine, polar_trans_contour_xldpolar_trans_contour_xldPolarTransContourXldpolar_trans_contour_xldPolarTransContourXldPolarTransContourXld only produces reliable results if the spacing of the contour points is small. Existing attributes are not transformed.



ContourContourContourContourContourcontour (input_object)  xld_cont(-array) objectHXLDContHXLDContHXLDContHXLDContXHobject

Input contour.

PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour (output_object)  xld_cont(-array) objectHXLDContHXLDContHXLDContHXLDContXHobject *

Output contour.

RowRowRowRowRowrow (input_control)  number HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Row coordinate of the center of the arc.

Default value: 256

Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 240, 256, 480, 512

Typical range of values: 0 ≤ Row Row Row Row Row row ≤ 32767

Restriction: Row >= -131068 && Row <= 131068

ColumnColumnColumnColumnColumncolumn (input_control)  number HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Column coordinate of the center of the arc.

Default value: 256

Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 320, 512, 640

Typical range of values: 0 ≤ Column Column Column Column Column column ≤ 32767

Restriction: Column >= -131068 && Column <= 131068

AngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartAngleStartangleStart (input_control)  number HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double) (double) (double)

Angle of the ray to be mapped to the column coordinate 0 of PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour.

Default value: 0.0

Suggested values: 0.0, 0.78539816, 1.57079632, 3.141592654, 6.2831853, 12.566370616

Typical range of values: -6.2831853 ≤ AngleStart AngleStart AngleStart AngleStart AngleStart angleStart ≤ 6.2831853

AngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndAngleEndangleEnd (input_control)  number HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double) (double) (double)

Angle of the ray to be mapped to the column coordinate WidthWidthWidthWidthWidthwidth-1 of PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour to.

Default value: 6.2831853

Suggested values: 0.0, 0.78539816, 1.57079632, 3.141592654, 6.2831853, 12.566370616

Typical range of values: -6.2831853 ≤ AngleEnd AngleEnd AngleEnd AngleEnd AngleEnd angleEnd ≤ 6.2831853

RadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartRadiusStartradiusStart (input_control)  number HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Radius of the circle to be mapped to the row coordinate 0 of PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour.

Default value: 0

Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 100, 128, 256, 512

Typical range of values: 0 ≤ RadiusStart RadiusStart RadiusStart RadiusStart RadiusStart radiusStart ≤ 32767

RadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndRadiusEndradiusEnd (input_control)  number HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)

Radius of the circle to be mapped to the row coordinate HeightHeightHeightHeightHeightheight-1 of PolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourPolarTransContourpolarTransContour.

Default value: 100

Suggested values: 0, 16, 32, 64, 100, 128, 256, 512

Typical range of values: 0 ≤ RadiusEnd RadiusEnd RadiusEnd RadiusEnd RadiusEnd radiusEnd ≤ 32767

WidthWidthWidthWidthWidthwidth (input_control)  number HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Width of the virtual output image.

Default value: 512

Suggested values: 256, 320, 512, 640, 800, 1024

Typical range of values: 0 ≤ Width Width Width Width Width width ≤ 32767

HeightHeightHeightHeightHeightheight (input_control)  number HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Height of the virtual output image.

Default value: 512

Suggested values: 240, 256, 480, 512, 600, 1024

Typical range of values: 0 ≤ Height Height Height Height Height height ≤ 32767

See also

polar_trans_image_extpolar_trans_image_extPolarTransImageExtpolar_trans_image_extPolarTransImageExtPolarTransImageExt, polar_trans_image_invpolar_trans_image_invPolarTransImageInvpolar_trans_image_invPolarTransImageInvPolarTransImageInv, polar_trans_regionpolar_trans_regionPolarTransRegionpolar_trans_regionPolarTransRegionPolarTransRegion, polar_trans_region_invpolar_trans_region_invPolarTransRegionInvpolar_trans_region_invPolarTransRegionInvPolarTransRegionInv, polar_trans_contour_xld_invpolar_trans_contour_xld_invPolarTransContourXldInvpolar_trans_contour_xld_invPolarTransContourXldInvPolarTransContourXldInv



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