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set_window_extentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsSetWindowExtents (Operator)


set_window_extentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsSetWindowExtents — Modify position and size of a window.


set_window_extents( : : WindowHandle, Row, Column, Width, Height : )

Herror set_window_extents(const Hlong WindowHandle, const Hlong Row, const Hlong Column, const Hlong Width, const Hlong Height)

Herror T_set_window_extents(const Htuple WindowHandle, const Htuple Row, const Htuple Column, const Htuple Width, const Htuple Height)

Herror set_window_extents(const HTuple& WindowHandle, const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& Height)

void HWindow::SetWindowExtents(const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& Height) const

void SetWindowExtents(const HTuple& WindowHandle, const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& Width, const HTuple& Height)

void HWindow::SetWindowExtents(Hlong Row, Hlong Column, Hlong Width, Hlong Height) const

void HOperatorSetX.SetWindowExtents(
[in] VARIANT WindowHandle, [in] VARIANT Row, [in] VARIANT Column, [in] VARIANT Width, [in] VARIANT Height)

void HWindowX.SetWindowExtents(
[in] Hlong Row, [in] Hlong Column, [in] Hlong Width, [in] Hlong Height)

static void HOperatorSet.SetWindowExtents(HTuple windowHandle, HTuple row, HTuple column, HTuple width, HTuple height)

void HWindow.SetWindowExtents(int row, int column, int width, int height)


set_window_extentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsSetWindowExtents positions the upper left corner of the output window at (RowRowRowRowRowrow,ColumnColumnColumnColumnColumncolumn) and changes the size of the window to WidthWidthWidthWidthWidthwidth and HeightHeightHeightHeightHeightheight at the same time. Negative values for WidthWidthWidthWidthWidthwidth and HeightHeightHeightHeightHeightheight are ignored.


Modifying the size of the window does not automatically redraw the window contents. This has to be done by the program by redisplaying the desired data.



WindowHandleWindowHandleWindowHandleWindowHandleWindowHandlewindowHandle (input_control)  window HWindow, HTupleHTupleHTupleHWindowX, VARIANTHtuple (integer) (IntPtr) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Window identifier.

RowRowRowRowRowrow (input_control)  rectangle.origin.y HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Row index of upper left corner in target position.

Default value: 0

Typical range of values: Row Row Row Row Row row (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1

ColumnColumnColumnColumnColumncolumn (input_control)  rectangle.origin.x HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Column index of upper left corner in target position.

Default value: 0

Typical range of values: Column Column Column Column Column column (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1

WidthWidthWidthWidthWidthwidth (input_control)  rectangle.extent.x HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Width of the window.

Default value: 512

Typical range of values: Width Width Width Width Width width (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1

HeightHeightHeightHeightHeightheight (input_control)  rectangle.extent.y HTupleHTupleHTupleVARIANTHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong) (Hlong)

Height of the window.

Default value: 512

Typical range of values: Height Height Height Height Height height (lin)

Minimum increment: 1

Recommended increment: 1


If the window is valid and the parameters are correct set_window_extentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsset_window_extentsSetWindowExtentsSetWindowExtents returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If necessary an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors

open_windowopen_windowOpenWindowopen_windowOpenWindowOpenWindow, open_textwindowopen_textwindowOpenTextwindowopen_textwindowOpenTextwindowOpenTextwindow

See also

get_window_extentsget_window_extentsGetWindowExtentsget_window_extentsGetWindowExtentsGetWindowExtents, open_windowopen_windowOpenWindowopen_windowOpenWindowOpenWindow, open_textwindowopen_textwindowOpenTextwindowopen_textwindowOpenTextwindowOpenTextwindow



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