project_3d_pointT_project_3d_pointProject3dPointProject3dPoint (Operator)


project_3d_pointT_project_3d_pointProject3dPointProject3dPoint — Projizieren von 3D-Punkten in Bildkoordinaten (Subpixel).


project_3d_point( : : X, Y, Z, CameraParam : Row, Column)

Herror T_project_3d_point(const Htuple X, const Htuple Y, const Htuple Z, const Htuple CameraParam, Htuple* Row, Htuple* Column)

void Project3dPoint(const HTuple& X, const HTuple& Y, const HTuple& Z, const HTuple& CameraParam, HTuple* Row, HTuple* Column)

void HCamPar::Project3dPoint(const HTuple& X, const HTuple& Y, const HTuple& Z, HTuple* Row, HTuple* Column) const

static void HOperatorSet.Project3dPoint(HTuple x, HTuple y, HTuple z, HTuple cameraParam, out HTuple row, out HTuple column)

void HCamPar.Project3dPoint(HTuple x, HTuple y, HTuple z, out HTuple row, out HTuple column)


project_3d_pointproject_3d_pointProject3dPointProject3dPointProject3dPoint projiziert einen oder mehrere 3D-Punkte mit den Koordinaten XXXXx, YYYYy und ZZZZz in das Bildkoordinatensystem (in Pixel) und liefert das Ergebnis in RowRowRowRowrow und ColumnColumnColumnColumncolumn zurück. Die Koordinaten XXXXx, YYYYy und ZZZZz sind Kamerakoordinaten, entsprechen also der Position der Punkte relativ zur Kamera.

Die internen Kameraparameter CameraParamCameraParamCameraParamCameraParamcameraParam beschreiben dabei die Abbildungseigenschaften der Kamera (siehe Kalibrierung).



XXXXx (input_control)  point3d.x-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

X-Koordinaten der zu projizierenden 3D-Punkte im Kamerakoordinatensystem.

YYYYy (input_control)  point3d.y-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Y-Koordinaten der zu projizierenden 3D-Punkte im Kamerakoordinatensystem.

ZZZZz (input_control)  point3d.z-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Z-Koordinaten der zu projizierenden 3D-Punkte im Kamerakoordinatensystem.

CameraParamCameraParamCameraParamCameraParamcameraParam (input_control)  campar HCamPar, HTupleHTupleHtuple (real / integer / string) (double / int / long / string) (double / Hlong / HString) (double / Hlong / char*)

Interne Kameraparameter.

RowRowRowRowrow (output_control)  point.y-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Zeilenkoordinaten der projizierten Punkte (in Pixel).

ColumnColumnColumnColumncolumn (output_control)  point.x-array HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Spaltenkoordinaten der projizierten Punkte (in Pixel).

Beispiel (HDevelop)

* Set internal camera parameters and pose of the world coordinate
* system in camera coordinates.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
                                654, 519, 1280, 1024, CameraParam)
create_pose (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 40, 50, 60, \
             'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', WorldPose)
* Convert pose into transformation matrix.
pose_to_hom_mat3d(WorldPose, HomMat3D)
* Transform 3D points from world into the camera coordinate system.
affine_trans_point_3d(HomMat3D, [3.0, 3.2], [4.5, 4.5], [3.8, 4.2], X, Y, Z)
* Project 3D points into image.
project_3d_point(X, Y, Z, CameraParam, Row, Column)

Beispiel (HDevelop)

* Set internal camera parameters and pose of the world coordinate
* system in camera coordinates.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
                                654, 519, 1280, 1024, CameraParam)
create_pose (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 40, 50, 60, \
             'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', WorldPose)
* Convert pose into transformation matrix.
pose_to_hom_mat3d(WorldPose, HomMat3D)
* Transform 3D points from world into the camera coordinate system.
affine_trans_point_3d(HomMat3D, [3.0, 3.2], [4.5, 4.5], [3.8, 4.2], X, Y, Z)
* Project 3D points into image.
project_3d_point(X, Y, Z, CameraParam, Row, Column)

Beispiel (HDevelop)

* Set internal camera parameters and pose of the world coordinate
* system in camera coordinates.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
                                654, 519, 1280, 1024, CameraParam)
create_pose (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 40, 50, 60, \
             'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', WorldPose)
* Convert pose into transformation matrix.
pose_to_hom_mat3d(WorldPose, HomMat3D)
* Transform 3D points from world into the camera coordinate system.
affine_trans_point_3d(HomMat3D, [3.0, 3.2], [4.5, 4.5], [3.8, 4.2], X, Y, Z)
* Project 3D points into image.
project_3d_point(X, Y, Z, CameraParam, Row, Column)

Beispiel (HDevelop)

* Set internal camera parameters and pose of the world coordinate
* system in camera coordinates.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
                                654, 519, 1280, 1024, CameraParam)
create_pose (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 40, 50, 60, \
             'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', WorldPose)
* Convert pose into transformation matrix.
pose_to_hom_mat3d(WorldPose, HomMat3D)
* Transform 3D points from world into the camera coordinate system.
affine_trans_point_3d(HomMat3D, [3.0, 3.2], [4.5, 4.5], [3.8, 4.2], X, Y, Z)
* Project 3D points into image.
project_3d_point(X, Y, Z, CameraParam, Row, Column)

Beispiel (HDevelop)

* Set internal camera parameters and pose of the world coordinate
* system in camera coordinates.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
                                654, 519, 1280, 1024, CameraParam)
create_pose (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 40, 50, 60, \
             'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', WorldPose)
* Convert pose into transformation matrix.
pose_to_hom_mat3d(WorldPose, HomMat3D)
* Transform 3D points from world into the camera coordinate system.
affine_trans_point_3d(HomMat3D, [3.0, 3.2], [4.5, 4.5], [3.8, 4.2], X, Y, Z)
* Project 3D points into image.
project_3d_point(X, Y, Z, CameraParam, Row, Column)


Sind die Parameterwerte korrekt, dann liefert project_3d_pointproject_3d_pointProject3dPointProject3dPointProject3dPoint den Wert 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Gegebenenfalls wird eine Fehlerbehandlung durchgeführt.


read_cam_parread_cam_parReadCamParReadCamParReadCamPar, affine_trans_point_3daffine_trans_point_3dAffineTransPoint3dAffineTransPoint3dAffineTransPoint3d


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Siehe auch

camera_calibrationcamera_calibrationCameraCalibrationCameraCalibrationCameraCalibration, disp_caltabdisp_caltabDispCaltabDispCaltabDispCaltab, read_cam_parread_cam_parReadCamParReadCamParReadCamPar, get_line_of_sightget_line_of_sightGetLineOfSightGetLineOfSightGetLineOfSight, affine_trans_point_3daffine_trans_point_3dAffineTransPoint3dAffineTransPoint3dAffineTransPoint3d, image_points_to_world_planeimage_points_to_world_planeImagePointsToWorldPlaneImagePointsToWorldPlaneImagePointsToWorldPlane

