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HXLDCont (Class)


HXLDCont — Represents an instance of an XLD contour object(-array).

Base Class

HXLD — Represents an instance of an XLD object-(array).


GenContourRegionXld    Generate XLD contours from regions.
GenContourPolygonXld    Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples).


This operator is not available as a class member but will be called automatically when the resources of the object instances are to be released. This occurs in the finalization stage of garbage collection, or upon an explicit call of the Dispose() method.

ClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the database.


AddNoiseWhiteContourXld    Add noise to XLD contours.
AffineTransContourXld    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to XLD contours.
ChangeRadialDistortionContoursXld    Change the radial distortion of contours.
ClipContoursXld    Clip an XLD contour.
ClipEndPointsContoursXld    Clip the end points of an XLD contour.
CloseContoursXld    Close an XLD contour.
CompareObj    Compare iconic objects regarding equality.
ConcatObj    Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
ContourPointNumXld    Return the number of points in an XLD contour.
ContourToWorldPlaneXld    Transform an XLD contour into the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system.
CopyObj    Copy an iconic object in the database.
CreateAnisoShapeModelXld    Prepare an anisotropically scaled shape model for matching from XLD contours.
CreateLocalDeformableModelXld    Prepare a deformable model for local deformable matching from XLD contours.
CreatePlanarCalibDeformableModelXld    Prepare a deformable model for planar calibrated matching from XLD contours.
CreatePlanarUncalibDeformableModelXld    Prepare a deformable model for planar uncalibrated matching from XLD contours.
CreateScaledShapeModelXld    Prepare an isotropically scaled shape model for matching from XLD contours.
CreateShapeModelXld    Prepare a shape model for matching from XLD contours.
CropContoursXld    Crop an XLD contour.
DeserializeXld    Deserialize a serialized XLD object.
DifferenceClosedContoursXld    Compute the difference of closed contours.
DistEllipseContourPointsXld    Compute the distances of all contour points to an ellipse.
DistEllipseContourXld    Compute the distance of contours to an ellipse.
DistRectangle2ContourPointsXld    Compute the distances of all contour points to a rectangle.
DistanceCc    Calculate the distance between two contours.
DistanceCcMin    Calculate the minimum distance between two contours.
DistanceCcMinPoints    Calculate the minimum distance between two contours and the points used for the calculation.
DistanceContoursXld    Calculate the pointwise distance from one contour to another.
DistanceLc    Calculate the distance between a line and one contour.
DistancePc    Calculate the distance between a point and one contour.
DistanceSc    Calculate the distance between a line segment and one contour.
DrawNurbs    Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve.
DrawNurbsInterp    Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve using interpolation.
DrawNurbsInterpMod    Interactive modification of a NURBS curve using interpolation.
DrawNurbsMod    Interactive modification of a NURBS curve.
DrawXld    Interactive drawing of a contour.
DrawXldMod    Interactive modification of a contour.
FitCircleContourXld    Approximate XLD contours by circles.
FitEllipseContourXld    Approximate XLD contours by ellipses or elliptic arcs.
FitLineContourXld    Approximate XLD contours by line segments.
FitRectangle2ContourXld    Fit rectangles to XLD contours.
GenCircleContourXld    Create XLD contours corresponding to circles or circular arcs.
GenContourNurbsXld    Transform a NURBS curve into an XLD contour.
GenContourPolygonRoundedXld    Generate an XLD contour with rounded corners from a polygon (given as tuples).
GenContourPolygonXld    Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples).
GenCrossContourXld    Generate one XLD contour in the shape of a cross for each input point.
GenEllipseContourXld    Create an XLD contour that corresponds to an elliptic arc.
GenGridRectificationMap    Compute the mapping between the distorted image and the rectified image based upon the points of a regular grid.
GenParallelContourXld    Compute the parallel contour of an XLD contour.
GenPolygonsXld    Approximate XLD contours by polygons.
GenRectangle2ContourXld    Create an XLD contour in the shape of a rectangle.
GenRegionContourXld    Create a region from an XLD contour.
GetContourAngleXld    Calculate the direction of an XLD contour for each contour point.
GetContourAttribXld    Return point attribute values of an XLD contour.
GetContourGlobalAttribXld    Return global attributes values of an XLD contour.
GetContourXld    Return the coordinates of an XLD contour.
GetRegressParamsXld    Return XLD contour parameters.
InsertObj    Insert objects into an iconic object tuple.
IntersectionClosedContoursXld    Intersect closed contours.
IntersectionRegionContourXld    Intersect a contour with a region.
LocalMaxContoursXld    Select XLD contours with a local maximum of gray values.
MergeContLineScanXld    Merge XLD contours from successive line scan images.
ObjDiff    Calculate the difference of two object tuples.
PolarTransContourXld    Transform a contour in an annular arc to polar coordinates.
PolarTransContourXldInv    Transform a contour in polar coordinates back to Cartesian coordinates
ProjectiveTransContourXld    Apply a projective transformation to an XLD contour.
QueryContourAttribsXld    Return the names of the defined attributes of an XLD contour.
QueryContourGlobalAttribsXld    Return the names of the defined global attributes of an XLD contour.
RadialDistortionSelfCalibration    Calibrate the radial distortion.
ReadContourXldArcInfo    Read XLD contours to a file in ARC/INFO generate format.
ReadContourXldDxf    Read XLD contours from a DXF file.
RegressContoursXld    Calculate the parameters of a regression line to an XLD contour.
RemoveObj    Remove objects from an iconic object tuple.
ReplaceObj    Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
SegmentContourAttribXld    Segment XLD contour parts whose local attributes fulfill given conditions.
SegmentContoursXld    Segment XLD contours into line segments and circular or elliptic arcs.
SelectContoursXld    Select XLD contours according to several features.
SelectObj    Select objects from an object tuple.
SelectShapeXld    Select contours or polygons using shape features.
SelectXldPoint    Choose all contours or polygons containing a given point.
SerializeXld    Serialize an XLD object.
ShapeTransXld    Transform the shape of contours or polygons.
SmoothContoursXld    Smooth an XLD contour.
SortContoursXld    Sort contours with respect to their relative position.
SymmDifferenceClosedContoursXld    Compute the symmetric difference of closed contours.
TestEqualObj    Compare image objects regarding equality.
TrainGenericShapeModel    Train a shape model for matching.
Union2ClosedContoursXld    Compute the union of closed contours.
UnionAdjacentContoursXld    Compute the union of contours whose end points are close together.
UnionCocircularContoursXld    Compute the union of contours that belong to the same circle.
UnionCollinearContoursExtXld    Compute the union of collinear contours (operator with extended functionality).
UnionCollinearContoursXld    Unite approximately collinear contours.
UnionCotangentialContoursXld    Compute the union of cotangential contours.
UnionStraightContoursHistoXld    Compute the union of neighboring straight contours that have a similar distance from a given line.
UnionStraightContoursXld    Compute the union of neighboring straight contours that have a similar direction.
WriteContourXldArcInfo    Write XLD contours to a file in ARC/INFO generate format.
WriteContourXldDxf    Write XLD contours to a file in DXF format.

HXLDCont (Class)


HXLDCont — Represents an instance of an XLD contour object(-array).

Base Class

HXLD — Represents an instance of an XLD object-(array).


GenContourRegionXld    Generate XLD contours from regions.
GenContourPolygonXld    Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples).


This operator is not available as a class member but will be called automatically by the destructor. This occurs when a local variable goes out of scope or an instance on the heap is deleted.

ClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the database.


AddNoiseWhiteContourXld    Add noise to XLD contours.
AffineTransContourXld    Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to XLD contours.
ChangeRadialDistortionContoursXld    Change the radial distortion of contours.
ClipContoursXld    Clip an XLD contour.
ClipEndPointsContoursXld    Clip the end points of an XLD contour.
CloseContoursXld    Close an XLD contour.
CompareObj    Compare iconic objects regarding equality.
ConcatObj    Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
ContourPointNumXld    Return the number of points in an XLD contour.
ContourToWorldPlaneXld    Transform an XLD contour into the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system.
CopyObj    Copy an iconic object in the database.
CreateAnisoShapeModelXld    Prepare an anisotropically scaled shape model for matching from XLD contours.
CreateLocalDeformableModelXld    Prepare a deformable model for local deformable matching from XLD contours.
CreatePlanarCalibDeformableModelXld    Prepare a deformable model for planar calibrated matching from XLD contours.
CreatePlanarUncalibDeformableModelXld    Prepare a deformable model for planar uncalibrated matching from XLD contours.
CreateScaledShapeModelXld    Prepare an isotropically scaled shape model for matching from XLD contours.
CreateShapeModelXld    Prepare a shape model for matching from XLD contours.
CropContoursXld    Crop an XLD contour.
DeserializeXld    Deserialize a serialized XLD object.
DifferenceClosedContoursXld    Compute the difference of closed contours.
DistEllipseContourPointsXld    Compute the distances of all contour points to an ellipse.
DistEllipseContourXld    Compute the distance of contours to an ellipse.
DistRectangle2ContourPointsXld    Compute the distances of all contour points to a rectangle.
DistanceCc    Calculate the distance between two contours.
DistanceCcMin    Calculate the minimum distance between two contours.
DistanceCcMinPoints    Calculate the minimum distance between two contours and the points used for the calculation.
DistanceContoursXld    Calculate the pointwise distance from one contour to another.
DistanceLc    Calculate the distance between a line and one contour.
DistancePc    Calculate the distance between a point and one contour.
DistanceSc    Calculate the distance between a line segment and one contour.
DrawNurbs    Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve.
DrawNurbsInterp    Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve using interpolation.
DrawNurbsInterpMod    Interactive modification of a NURBS curve using interpolation.
DrawNurbsMod    Interactive modification of a NURBS curve.
DrawXld    Interactive drawing of a contour.
DrawXldMod    Interactive modification of a contour.
FitCircleContourXld    Approximate XLD contours by circles.
FitEllipseContourXld    Approximate XLD contours by ellipses or elliptic arcs.
FitLineContourXld    Approximate XLD contours by line segments.
FitRectangle2ContourXld    Fit rectangles to XLD contours.
GenCircleContourXld    Create XLD contours corresponding to circles or circular arcs.
GenContourNurbsXld    Transform a NURBS curve into an XLD contour.
GenContourPolygonRoundedXld    Generate an XLD contour with rounded corners from a polygon (given as tuples).
GenContourPolygonXld    Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples).
GenCrossContourXld    Generate one XLD contour in the shape of a cross for each input point.
GenEllipseContourXld    Create an XLD contour that corresponds to an elliptic arc.
GenGridRectificationMap    Compute the mapping between the distorted image and the rectified image based upon the points of a regular grid.
GenParallelContourXld    Compute the parallel contour of an XLD contour.
GenPolygonsXld    Approximate XLD contours by polygons.
GenRectangle2ContourXld    Create an XLD contour in the shape of a rectangle.
GenRegionContourXld    Create a region from an XLD contour.
GetContourAngleXld    Calculate the direction of an XLD contour for each contour point.
GetContourAttribXld    Return point attribute values of an XLD contour.
GetContourGlobalAttribXld    Return global attributes values of an XLD contour.
GetContourXld    Return the coordinates of an XLD contour.
GetRegressParamsXld    Return XLD contour parameters.
InsertObj    Insert objects into an iconic object tuple.
IntersectionClosedContoursXld    Intersect closed contours.
IntersectionRegionContourXld    Intersect a contour with a region.
LocalMaxContoursXld    Select XLD contours with a local maximum of gray values.
MergeContLineScanXld    Merge XLD contours from successive line scan images.
ObjDiff    Calculate the difference of two object tuples.
PolarTransContourXld    Transform a contour in an annular arc to polar coordinates.
PolarTransContourXldInv    Transform a contour in polar coordinates back to Cartesian coordinates
ProjectiveTransContourXld    Apply a projective transformation to an XLD contour.
QueryContourAttribsXld    Return the names of the defined attributes of an XLD contour.
QueryContourGlobalAttribsXld    Return the names of the defined global attributes of an XLD contour.
RadialDistortionSelfCalibration    Calibrate the radial distortion.
ReadContourXldArcInfo    Read XLD contours to a file in ARC/INFO generate format.
ReadContourXldDxf    Read XLD contours from a DXF file.
RegressContoursXld    Calculate the parameters of a regression line to an XLD contour.
RemoveObj    Remove objects from an iconic object tuple.
ReplaceObj    Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
SegmentContourAttribXld    Segment XLD contour parts whose local attributes fulfill given conditions.
SegmentContoursXld    Segment XLD contours into line segments and circular or elliptic arcs.
SelectContoursXld    Select XLD contours according to several features.
SelectObj    Select objects from an object tuple.
SelectShapeXld    Select contours or polygons using shape features.
SelectXldPoint    Choose all contours or polygons containing a given point.
SerializeXld    Serialize an XLD object.
ShapeTransXld    Transform the shape of contours or polygons.
SmoothContoursXld    Smooth an XLD contour.
SortContoursXld    Sort contours with respect to their relative position.
SymmDifferenceClosedContoursXld    Compute the symmetric difference of closed contours.
TestEqualObj    Compare image objects regarding equality.
TrainGenericShapeModel    Train a shape model for matching.
Union2ClosedContoursXld    Compute the union of closed contours.
UnionAdjacentContoursXld    Compute the union of contours whose end points are close together.
UnionCocircularContoursXld    Compute the union of contours that belong to the same circle.
UnionCollinearContoursExtXld    Compute the union of collinear contours (operator with extended functionality).
UnionCollinearContoursXld    Unite approximately collinear contours.
UnionCotangentialContoursXld    Compute the union of cotangential contours.
UnionStraightContoursHistoXld    Compute the union of neighboring straight contours that have a similar distance from a given line.
UnionStraightContoursXld    Compute the union of neighboring straight contours that have a similar direction.
WriteContourXldArcInfo    Write XLD contours to a file in ARC/INFO generate format.
WriteContourXldDxf    Write XLD contours to a file in DXF format.

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