interfaces mvtec


Image Acquisition Interface for Ginga digital Boards

Interface: GingaDG
Revision: 13.0.1
Date: 2016-10-28
HALCON Version: 13.0


This page provides the documentation about the HALCON interface for the LinX Ginga digital frame grabber boards. Registered customers can download the latest revision of this interface from the MVTec WWW server or from the Support Area of the LinX WWW server. In case of installation problems please send an e-mail ( or a fax (81-45-979-0732) to LinX technical support center.

System Requirements

  • Intel compatible PC with Windows 7 (32-bit) or newer that is also supported by the vendor-specific SDK.
  • Successfully installed GingaDigital Initial Software Kit (ISK): GingaDigital device driver version or later
  • Successfully installed GingaDigital driver GingaDG.sys.
  • HALCON image acquisition interface hAcqGingaDG.dll or hAcqHFGGingaDGxl.dll, respectively. If you have properly installed the interface, both DLLs should reside in bin\%HALCONARCH% within the HALCON base directory %HALCONROOT% you have chosen during the installation of HALCON.


  • Multiple cameras on multiple frame grabber boards.
  • Serial and parallel (simultaneously from several cameras) grabbing.
  • Synchronous and asynchronous grabbing.
  • Using arbitrary cameras by setting the camera file name.
  • Different grabbing modes: external trigger, sequence grabbing, continuous grabbing.
  • Subsampling. Multi woi grabbing
  • Software cropping of image parts.

Camera File Naming Convention

The name of the camera file is described according to the camera name and the way how to control it. It is separated into the blocks camera name, scan format and shutter mode:
[Camera Name] Name of camera. Symbols like "-" are removed.
[Scan Format] Bit depth and the number of taps as shown below:
  • E: 8 bit
  • T: 10 bit
  • W: 12 bit
  • F: 14 bit
  • S: 16 bit

[Shuttering] Shutter mode of the camera:

- Area camera:

  • NORM: The images, which are continuously outputted from the camera, can be grabbed by the software timing. Each grab starts just after a grab command like grab_image is called.
  • RR: The images, which are outputted in restart reset mode, can be grabbed.
  • TRIG_DEMAND: The trigger shutter function can be used. Reset shutter is made by a trigger signal given to the camera from the GINGA digital board. The camera trigger signal is given at the timing of shot (trigger) signal from the external device (external trigger) to the GINGA digital board or shot operation by software trigger. The camera can be reset by the shutter operation and outputs the images at the shot signal timing.

- Line sensor camera:

  • NORM: The images, which the H runs in free-running mode, can be grabbed by the software timing. Each grab starts just after a grab command like grab_image is called.
  • H_DEMAND: The images can be grabbed when the horizontal synchronization is reset.
  • TRIG_FREERUN: One line just after the encoder pulse can be grabbed with the H running in free-running mode.

In the case of using the external signal as the grab command, these parameters must be modified by 'SHOT'.
When you continue the grabbing while the external signal is active, this parameter must be set 'SHOT_EXTEND'.

  • FIX: 'TRIG_DEMAND' in [Shuttering] means the pulse width exposure, but the setting with 'FIX' means the fixed shutter speed.
  • WOI: It means the camera file set by the multiple WOI. The number of WOI needs to be set just after 'WOI'.
  • PART: It means the camera file set by the partial scan setting. The frame rate needs to be set just after 'PART'. (ex: Frame-rate=120fps -> 'PART_120')


  • CSB4000CL, 10 bit, free running without reset shutter:
  • CSB4000CL, 10 bit, grabbing by trigger pulse signal from the GINGA digital board to the camera. The images can be grabbed from camera by the shot signal input to the GINGA digital or the shot operation of software:
  • CSB4000CL, 10 bit, grabbing by the setting of 16 WOI, free running without reset shutter:
  • TL-5150UFD, 10 bit, grabbing with reset shutter by external shot signal (external trigger):
  • TL-5150UFD, 8 bit, grabbing one line just after the encoder pulse under the free running of horizontal synchronization with reset shutter by external shot signal (external trigger):

Multi WOI Mode

Using a camera with Multi WOI Grabbing function, each image on each WOI is grabbed. Generally, for grabbing an image, a HALCON object is not generated until the whole frame is grabbed completely. However, by using the Multi WOI Grabbing function, the HALCON object is available as soon as one WOI has been grabbed. By using this function, you can construct the parallel processing.
When the frame capture starts, all WOI image grabbing in a frame are started. If grab_image call will be late, WOI capture missing isn't occurred. When grab_image is called in number of WOI, one frame capture is finished. In addition, this function supports asynchronous grabbing and software trigger like normal grabbing function. It is because the command of grabbing one frame is called when the first WOI is grabbed.

Sequence Grabbing Mode

The principle idea of this grabbing mode is that the image frames are stored sequentially to several frame buffers, which are allocated in system memory in advance. With the use of only one grab command like grab_image the specified number of frames are grabbed at once.

Note that the frame rate for grabbing can be adjusted either automatically or dynamically according to the PCI load by setting the grabbing frequency.

Note: The sequence grabbing mode can not be combined with the software trigger (shot grabbing) mode!

  • num_buffers: 5
  • capture_frequency: 'Capture=2 Drop=1'

Continuous Grabbing Mode

The principle idea of the continuous grabbing mode is that images will be acquired with each external trigger and stored into the specified number of buffers (ring buffer) in a cyclic way without any additional explicit software trigger like grab_image. Your HALCON application, which runs using asynchronous image grabbing, can process other data without loosing any frame. You can acquire several frames into the ring buffers in parallel and the number of frames (specified with the 'num_buffers' parameter in advance) is limited only by system memory size.

This mode is usually applied with external trigger and cannot be used with software trigger (shot operation). However, this method can be used in normal mode also without trigger.

Note that the frame rate for grabbing can be adjusted either automatically or dynamically according to the PCI load by setting the grabbing frequency.

Note: The continuous grabbing mode can not be combined with the software trigger (shot grabbing) mode!


  • num_buffers: 5
  • capture_frequency: 'Capture=2 Drop=1'

Reference of Ring Buffer: This paragraph describes how to transfer the remaining images in the ring buffer to HALCON when the image acquisition stops in continuous grabbing mode. The figure below shows the status of the ring buffer when the image acquisition is terminated in the condition of 'abort' for the parameter 'overwrite_method'. The gray area shows the remaining images which have not been transferred to HALCON. The condition of the continuous grabbing mode is

  • num_buffers = 6
  • overwrite_method = 'abort'
  • ring_buffer_stop_margin = 1

The image acquisition is terminated because it has reached the last frame number specified by 'ring_buffer_stop_margin' although the acquisition is made to Frame2. You can transfer the images to HALCON according to the sequence of Frame5->Frame0->Frame1->Frame2 by setting the parameter 'walk_ring_buffer' to 'enable' and calling grab_image or grab_image_async.

Parameters for info_framegrabber

Parameter Value List Type Kind Description
'bits_per_channel' [] Unused.
'camera_type' ['CAMFILE:', '', <camera_path>] string pre-defined Syntax for camera configuration file.
'color_space' [] Unused.
'defaults' [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'interlaced', 8, 'gray', -1.0, 'false', 'default', '0', 0, 0] mixed pre-defined Default values for open_framegrabber.
'device' ['GingaDG-CL2', 'GingaDG-LV'] string pre-defined Pre-defined list of possible board types.
'external_trigger' [] Unused.
'field' [] Unused.
'general' [] string pre-defined Information about the HALCON GingaDG interface.
'generic' [] Unsupported query.
'horizontal_resolution' [1, 2, 4] integer pre-defined Value list for horizontal resolution.
'image_height' [] Unsupported query.
'image_width' [] Unsupported query.
'info_boards' ['device:GingaDG-LV', 'device:GingaDG-CL1', 'device:GingaDG-CL2'] string dynamic Returns a list of the available GINGA digital boards.
'parameters' ['<parameters>'] string pre-defined Pre-defined parameters of the HALCON interface.
'parameters_readonly' ['<parameters>'] string pre-defined Pre-defined read-only parameters of the HALCON interface.
'parameters_writeonly' ['<parameters>'] string pre-defined Pre-defined write-only parameters of the HALCON interface.
'port' [0, 1, 2, ... 15] integer pre-defined Static list of possible values for port.
'revision' '<revision>' string pre-defined Revision number of the GingaDG interface.
'start_column' [] Unsupported query.
'start_row' [] Unsupported query.
'vertical_resolution' [1, 2, 4] integer pre-defined Value list for vertical resolution.

Parameters for open_framegrabber

Parameter Values Default Type Description
Name 'GingaDG' string Name of the HALCON interface.
HorizontalResolution 1, 2, 4 1 integer The desired horizontal image resolution.
  • 1: full resolution,
  • 2: subsampling by factor 2
  • 4: subsampling by factor 4.
VerticalResolution 1, 2, 4 1 integer The desired vertical image resolution.
  • 1: full resolution
  • 2: subsampling by factor 2
  • 4: subsampling by factor 4.
ImageWidth 0, <width> 0 integer Width of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
ImageHeight 0, <height> 0 integer Height of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
StartRow 0, <row> 0 integer Row coordinate of the upper left pixel within the desired image part.
StartColumn 0, <column> 0 integer Column coordinate of the upper left pixel within the desired image part.
Field --- Ignored.
BitsPerChannel --- Ignored.
ColorSpace --- Ignored.
Generic --- Ignored.
ExternalTrigger --- Ignored.
CameraType <cam_name> 'default' string Specify the file name of the desired camera configuration. Note that the filename has to be relative to the environment variable %GingaDGConfigPath%. Please use a name for the camera file according to the name rules.
Example: 'jai/CVM40_NI_NORM'
Device 'GingaDG-CL2', 'GingaDG-LV' '0' string Board type of the Ginga digital board.
Port <port> 0 integer Channel number the camera(s) is/are connected to. The channel number must be set from 0 for the first channel of the smallest PCI bus and slot number when multiple cameras on multiple frame grabber boards are installed in the same system. For example, in case of
[Board 1] bus number = 0, slot number = 0
[Board 2] bus number = 0, slot number = 1
[Board 3] bus number = 1, slot number = 0
Port number of [Board 1] must be set to [0-3]
Port number of [Board 2] must be set to [4-7]
Port number of [Board 3] must be set to [8-11]
LineIn --- Ignored.

Parameters for set_framegrabber_param

Parameter Values Default Type Description
'abort_wait' <milliseconds> 0 integer Time to wait in milliseconds after aborting a grab.
'capture_frequency' 'Capture=<frames_x> Drop=<frames_y>' value specified in the camera file string Specify the grabbing frequency to adjust the desired frame rate automatically and dynamically according to the PCI load. The frames specified by frames_x are grabbed sequentially. After that, the grabbing is suspended for the next frames_y frames. This parameter is effective only in sequence or continuous grabbing mode.
  • frames_x: 1...15
  • frames_y: 0...15
'continuous_grabbing' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Activate/deactivate continuous grabbing mode.
'do_abort_capture' --- Abort the current image acquisition.
'do_clear_ring_buffer' -1 integer If 'continuous_grabbing' is enabled, the parameter clears the internal used buffers.
'do_force_trigger' --- This parameter is prepared for shot operation similar to the 'software_trigger' parameter. When set_framegrabber_param operator with 'do_force_trigger' is called, a shot operation is invoked and a trigger signal is sent to the camera. This mode is useful to abort a pending grab_image_async when using a reset shutter mode camera file.
'do_reset_encoder_count' 'enable' string Reset the encoder count.
'encoder_count_multiple' 1 ... 4 camera configuration file. integer Ratio of the encoder pulse divider.
'encoder_scan_step' 0 ... 4294967296 camera configuration file. integer Interval counts for the capture start signal in encoder counts.
'external_trigger' 'false', 'true' string Activate/deactivate external triggering. If enabled, the grabbing starts with the shot (external trigger) signal input to the board. Note that you cannot disable the external trigger mode when using a reset shutter mode camera file.
'gport' 0 ... 15 0 integer Output the data via general output port. Port0 corresponds to BIT0, Port1 corresponds to BIT1. On each bit value '1' is high and value '0' is low.
'grab_timeout' <milliseconds> 5000 integer Desired timeout (milliseconds) for aborting a pending grab. If -1 is specified, the timeout is set to INFINITE.
'image_height' 0 ... 4294967296 camera configuration file integer Height of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
'multi_woi_grabbing' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Change the index of the multi WOI. If an already grabbed WOI is not collected by a call of grab_image the old one is thrown away and a new image is grabbed. See multi woi grabbing mode for more details.
'multi_woi_index' <index> integer Run the multi WOI grabbing mode. You can get one image for one WOI by calling grab_image. Shutter runs when first WOI is grabbed. See multi woi grabbing mode for more details.
'overwrite_method' 'abort', 'ignore' 'abort' string In this continuous grabbing mode you might encounter situations where the images are acquired at a faster rate than they are read by your application. Thus, the buffers will fill up and finally you will encounter a buffer that was not read so far, but should be overwritten by the next frame. You can decide what to do in this situation via the parameter 'overwrite_method':
  • 'abort': Before overwriting any frame, abort the acquisition. This is the most safe method. The main user will be able to process any good buffers still in the system before an error is returned.
  • 'ignore': Ignore the problem and overwrite the ring buffer. Thus, some of the older frames that already have been acquired (but not processed so far) will be lost.
Note: When 'abort' is specified and acquisition is completed, HALCON error H_ERR_FGF is returned during runtime of grab_image or grab_image_async.
'pseudo_encoder' 'forward', 'reverse', 'stop' string Control an imitate encoder:
  • 'forward': Run in the direction of increasing the counter.
  • 'reverse': Run in the direction of decreasing the counter.
'ring_buffer_stop_margin' 0 ... (num_buffers-1) 1 integer When 'overwrite_method' is set to 'abort', empty frame number is specified for the condition of completion of image acquisition. You may have the problem that you cannot stop acquisition at the expected frame number when the load of application is big or high-speed camera is used. The image may by overwritten before converting it into HALCON object. Please specify enough number of frames to avoid this situation. See continuous grabbing mode for more details.
'sequence_grabbing' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Activate/deactivate sequence grabbing mode
'serial_baudrate' 0 ... 4294967296 9600 integer Baud rate for serial communication.
'serial_message' '<string>' string Send the string. The terminate of the string is NULL(0x00).
'serial_terminate_code' 0 ... 255 LF(0x0A) integer Terminate character of the receive string. If you call get_framegrabber_param with the parameter 'serial_message', the receive process is finished by receiving this character.
'serial_timeout' 0 ... 4294967296 2000 integer Timeout for serial communication (in milliseconds).
'shutter_speed' >0 float Specify shutter speed (exposure time) in seconds if camera is used in reset shutter mode.
'software_trigger' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Enable or disable the software trigger mode (shot grabbing). In case you specify a camera file for reset shutter mode in the CameraType parameter during open_framegrabber, the GingaDigital board sends the trigger signal to the camera for shuttering. This trigger signal is synchronized with the shot (external trigger) signal input to the board from an external device if the parameter 'software_trigger' is set to 'disable' (default).
However, if you enable the software trigger mode, the board sends the trigger signal to the camera synchronized with the software operation instead of the external device signal. When calling grab_image or grab_image_async in this software trigger mode (also called shot grabbing mode) the trigger signal is sent immediately to the camera for shuttering and grabbing the desired image.
'start_async_after_grab_async' 'disable', 'enable' 'enable' string By default a new asynchronous grab command is automatically given to the acquisition device at the end of grab_image_async. If the parameter 'start_async_after_grab_async' is set to 'disable', this new grab command is omitted.
'volatile' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Grayscale only. In the volatile mode the two image acquisition interface buffers are used directly to store HALCON images. This is the fastest mode avoiding to copy raw images in memory. However, be aware that older images are overwritten again and again as a side-effect. Thus, you can only process one image while you grab another image. Older images are invalid!
'wait_frame_exposure' <milliseconds> integer Time to wait for the camera exposure.
'wait_frame_exposure_timeout' <milliseconds> 1000 integer Specify timeout value in milliseconds for waiting process for the completion of camera exposure by 'wait_frame_exposure' of get_framegrabber_param, when image acquisition is made by random trigger shutter of camera.
'walk_ring_buffer' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string If you specify 'enable' to this parameter, you can convert the remained images in the ring buffer into HALCON objects sequentially using grab_image or grab_image_async after completion of continuous grabbing. The total number of remaining images in the ring buffer can be calculated by the parameters 'ring_buffer_last_index', 'ring_buffer_current_index', and 'num_buffers' using get_framegrabber_param. HALCON error H_ERR_FGF is returned if you invoke grab_image or grab_image_async after all images stored in the ring buffer are read. See continuous grabbing mode for more details.

Parameters for get_framegrabber_param

There may exist additional read-only parameters with the following postfixes:
  • '_description': These parameters provide the tool-tip of the corresponding parameter as a string.
  • '_range': These parameters provide the minimum, maximum, step width, and default values for the corresponding integer or float parameter as a tuple with 4 elements, e.g., get_framegrabber_param(.., 'Shutter_range', ..) will return the output tuple [min, max, step, default].
  • '_values': These parameters provide the valid value list for the corresponding parameter as a tuple, e.g., get_framegrabber_param(.., 'volatile_values', ..) will return the output tuple ['enable', 'disable'].

All these postfixed parameter names are not returned when calling info_framegrabber(.., 'parameters', ..) and are used to enable the easy parameterization via a generic graphical user interface, particularly the HDevelop Image Acquisition Assistant.

Parameter Values Default Type Kind Description
'abort_wait' <milliseconds> 0 integer dynamic Time to wait in milliseconds after aborting a grab.
'bits_per_channel' <default> -1 integer pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'camera_type' <cam_name> 'default' string pre-defined Current camera type.
'capture_frequency' 'Capture=<frames_x> Drop=<frames_y>' value specified in the camera file string dynamic Grabbing frequency to adjust the desired frame rate automatically and dynamically according to the PCI load.
'color_space' '<default>' 'gray' string pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'continuous_grabbing' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Activate/deactivate continuous grabbing mode.
'device' 'GingaDG-CL2', 'GingaDG-LV' '0' string pre-defined Board type of the Ginga digital board.
'encoder_count' <count> integer Value of the encoder count.
'encoder_count_multiple' 1 ... 4 camera configuration file. integer dynamic Ratio of the encoder pulse divider.
'encoder_scan_step' 0 ... 4294967296 camera configuration file. integer dynamic Interval counts for the capture start signal in encoder counts.
'external_trigger' <default> 'false' string pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'field' '<default>' 'interlaced' string pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'generic' <default> -1 integer pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'gport' 0 ... 15 0 integer dynamic Output the data via general output port. Port0 corresponds to BIT0, Port1 corresponds to BIT1. On each bit value '1' is high and value '0' is low.
'grab_timeout' <milliseconds> 5000 integer pre-defined Current grab timeout in milliseconds.
'horizontal_resolution' 1, 2, 4 1 integer pre-defined Current value of horizontal resolution.
'image_height' <height> 0 integer pre-defined Height of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
'image_width' <width> 0 integer pre-defined Width of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
'line_in' <default> 0 integer pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'multi_woi_count' 1...16 integer dynamic Get the number of WOI. See multi woi grabbing mode for more details.
'multi_woi_grabbing' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Change the index of the multi WOI. If an already grabbed WOI is not collected by a call of grab_image the old one is thrown away and a new image is grabbed. See multi woi grabbing mode for more details.
'multi_woi_index' <index> integer dynamic Run the multi WOI grabbing mode. You can get one image for one WOI by calling grab_image. Shutter runs when first WOI is grabbed. See multi woi grabbing mode for more details.
'name' 'GingaDG' string pre-defined Name of the HALCON interface.
'next_buffer_acquired' <index> integer dynamic Index of the next buffer which could be acquired.
'next_buffer_returned' <index> integer dynamic Index of the next buffer which is returned.
'num_buffers' <number> 2 integer pre-defined The number of allocated frame buffers is specified in case of sequence grabbing or continuous grabbing mode. The maximum number of frame buffers is limited by system memory size. Note that 'num_buffers' must be set before enabling the sequence grabbing mode!
'num_free_buffers' 0...(num_buffers-1) integer dynamic Remaining buffer size of ring buffer. See continuous grabbing mode for more details.
'overwrite_method' 'abort', 'ignore' 'abort' string pre-defined Overwrite method of the buffers.
'port' <port> 0 integer pre-defined Current port number.
'pseudo_encoder' 'forward', 'reverse', 'stop' string dynamic Control an imitate encoder:
  • 'forward': Run in the direction of increasing the counter.
  • 'reverse': Run in the direction of decreasing the counter.
'revision' '<revision>' string pre-defined Revision number of the GingaDG interface.
'ring_buffer_current_index' 0...(num_buffers-1) integer dynamic Index number of the last ring buffer which is converted into HALCON object when image acquisition is completed. The index number is between 0 and (num_buffers-1). See continuous grabbing mode for more details.
'ring_buffer_last_index' 0...(num_buffers-1) integer dynamic Last index number of the ring buffer when image acquisition is completed. The index number is between 0 and (num_buffers-1). See continuous grabbing mode for more details.
'ring_buffer_stop_margin' <number> 1 integer pre-defined Number of buffers to stop the ring buffer.
'sequence_grabbing' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Activate/deactivate sequence grabbing mode
'serial_baudrate' <baud> 9600 integer dynamic Baud rate for serial communication.
'serial_message' '<string>' string dynamic Send the string. The terminate of the string is NULL(0x00).
'serial_message_char' <character> integer dynamic Receives single character from the serial message.
'serial_terminate_code' 0 ... 255 LF(0x0A) integer pre-defined Terminate character of the receive string. If you call get_framegrabber_param with the parameter 'serial_message', the receive process is finished by receiving this character.
'serial_timeout' <milliseconds> 2000 integer dynamic Timeout for serial communication (in milliseconds).
'shutter_speed' <seconds> float dynamic Specify shutter speed (exposure time) in seconds if camera is used in reset shutter mode.
'software_trigger' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Software trigger mode (shot grabbing).
'start_async_after_grab_async' 'disable', 'enable' 'enable' string pre-defined Status of 'start_async_after_grab_async'.
'start_column' <column> 0 integer pre-defined Returns the current start column of the HALCON image.
'start_row' <row> 0 integer pre-defined Returns the current start row of the HALCON image.
'vertical_resolution' 1, 2, 4 1 integer pre-defined Current value of vertical resolution.
'volatile' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Grayscale only. In the volatile mode the two image acquisition interface buffers are used directly to store HALCON images. This is the fastest mode avoiding to copy raw images in memory. However, be aware that older images are overwritten again and again as a side-effect. Thus, you can only process one image while you grab another image. Older images are invalid!
'wait_frame_exposure' 0, 1, 2 integer dynamic Wait for finish of the camera exposure (see also parameter 'wait_frame_exposure_timeout'):
  • 0 (fail): Fail in waiting for exposure finish.
  • 1 (timeout): Pass the time, which is set in parameter 'wait_frame_exposure_timeout'.
  • 2 (success): Success in the camera exposure.
'wait_frame_exposure_timeout' <milliseconds> 1000 integer dynamic Specify timeout value in milliseconds for waiting process for the completion of camera exposure by 'wait_frame_exposure' of get_framegrabber_param, when image acquisition is made by random trigger shutter of camera.
'walk_ring_buffer' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Walk ring buffer.

Operator set_framegrabber_lut

Not supported by this interface.

Operator get_framegrabber_lut

Not supported by this interface.

Operator set_framegrabber_callback

Not supported by this interface.

Operator get_framegrabber_callback

Not supported by this interface.

Operator grab_image_start

Starts a new asynchronous grab. See also grab_image_start.

Operator grab_image

grab_image starts a new synchronous grab. See also grab_image. Note that the interface converts the image from the device to the desired image format specified by the parameters 'image_width', 'image_height', 'start_row', 'start_column', 'bits_per_channel', and 'color_space'.

Operator grab_image_async

grab_image_async returns an image and starts the next asynchronous grab. See also grab_image_async. Note that the interface converts the image from the device to the desired image format specified by the parameters 'image_width', 'image_height', 'start_row', 'start_column', 'bits_per_channel', and 'color_space'.

Operator grab_data

Not supported by this interface.

Operator grab_data_async

Not supported by this interface.

Operator close_framegrabber

This operator closes the device. See also close_framegrabber.

CSB4000CL. Additional parameters for set_framegrabber_param

You can control the camera configuration by set_framegrabber_param and get_framegrabber_param in case of a Toshiba Teli CSB4000CL camera via the following additional parameters.
Parameter Values Default Type Description
'csb4000_gain' 0 ... 15 The setting value. integer Gain of the camera.
'csb4000_shutter_speed' 0 ... 16383 The setting value integer Exposure time of the camera.
'woi_area' [<woi;x;y;width;height>] integer Change the size of the WOI window. Each element has to be separated by ';':
  • woi: the number of WOIs (1 ... 16)
  • x: coordinate of the x-axis (0 ... 2007)
  • y: coordinate of the y-axis (0 ... 2007)
  • width: window width (1 ... 2007)
  • height: window height (1 ... 2007)
Example: 'woi=1;x=100;y=200;width=400;height=800'

CSB4000CL. Additional parameters for get_framegrabber_param

Additional parameters supported by get_framegrabber_param only.
Parameter Values Default Type Kind Description
'csb4000_gain' 0 ... 15 The setting value. integer dynamic Gain of the camera.
'csb4000_shutter_speed' 0 ... 16383 The setting value integer dynamic Exposure time of the camera.
'woi_area' [<woi;x;y;width;height>] integer dynamic Size of the WOI window.

Release Notes

  • Revision 13.0.1 (Oct 28, 2016):
    • HALCON 13 version of the interface.
  • Revision 6.0 (Oct 31, 2014):
    • HALCON 12 version of the interface.
  • Revision 5.1 (Oct 24, 2014):
    • Fixed error when using parameter 'do_force_trigger' with HDevelop Image Acquisition Assistant.
  • Revision 5.0 (May 15, 2012):
    • HALCON 11 version of the interface (included in HALCON 11 DVD).
  • Revision 4.2 (Sep 8, 2010):
    • Added parameters 'do_clear_ring_buffer', 'next_buffer_acquired', 'next_buffer_returned', and 'serial_message_char'.
    • Fixed bug in grab_image and grab_image_async.
    • Removed internally used debug functions.
    • HALCON 10 version of the interface (included in HALCON 10 DVD).
  • Revision 4.1 (Dec 1, 2009):
    • info_framegrabber(...'parameters'...) crashed because the returned tuple length was higher than the actually number of available parameters. This bug has been fixed.
  • Revision 4.0 (Dec 1, 2008):
    • HALCON 9.0 version of the interface (included in HALCON 9.0 DVD).
    • Special thread handling in continuous grabbing mode.
  • Revision 3.2 (Apr 22, 2008):
    • Added read-only parameters with postfix '_description', '_range', and '_values' to enable the easy parameterization via a generic graphical user interface.
  • Revision 3.1 (Jul 27, 2007):
  • Revision 3.0 (May 15, 2007):
    • HALCON 8.0 version of the interface (included in HALCON 8.0 DVD).
    • Support of additional color modes.
    • New parameters 'abort_wait', 'multi_woi_grabbing', 'image_height', 'gport', 'encoder_scan_step', 'encoder_count_multiple', 'do_reset_encoder_count', 'pseudo_encoder', 'serial_timeout', 'serial_baudrate', 'serial_message', 'serial_terminate_code', 'multi_woi_count', and 'wait_frame_exposure'.
  • Revision 2.0 (Apr 28, 2002):
    • First official release.