interfaces mvtec

Interface Documentation

Image Acquisition Interface for ADLINK CPL64 Boards

Interface: ADLINK
Revision: 20.11.2
Date: 2023-08-01


This page provides the documentation of the HALCON ADLINK interface for the ADLINK frame grabber board CPL64. Registered customers can download the latest revision of this interface from the MVTec WWW server.

System Requirements

  • Intel compatible PC with Windows 7 (32-bit) or newer that is also supported by the vendor-specific SDK.
  • Successfully installed ADLINK drivers cpl64fg.sys and clseradl.sys (for CPL64).
    If you do not have these drivers, please contact ADLINK or the vendor from which you bought the frame grabber board.
  • ADLINK DLLs Cpl64.dll and clallserial.dll (for CPL64).
    These DLLs must be in your search path %PATH%. If you do not have these DLLs, please contact ADLINK or the vendor from which you bought the frame grabber board.
  • HALCON image acquisition interface hAcqADLINK.dll or hAcqADLINKxl.dll, respectively.
    If you have properly installed the interface, both DLLs should reside in bin\%HALCONARCH% within the HALCON base directory %HALCONROOT% you have chosen during the installation of HALCON.


Only when installing or updating the interface manually follow these steps:
  • Windows: Extract the archive containing the interface files to the HALCON base directory %HALCONROOT% (Note: Administrator privileges may be required for this step). Additionally, you have to move the interface examples to the directory %HALCONEXAMPLES% manually.


  • Multiple frame grabber boards.
  • Multiple compatible cameras per board.
  • Synchronous and asynchronous grabbing.
  • External trigger (with software override of the camera configuration file).
  • Support of multiple analog and digital cameras based on the ADLINK camera configuration files.
  • Support of line scan cameras.
  • (Partial) software control of the number of bits per pixel (with software override of the camera configuration file).
  • Support of the digital output lines.
  • Support of start/stop trigger mode.
  • Support of user-specific callback function.


  • No subsampling or cropping of image parts through the HALCON interface. This feature is supported through the use of camera files.
  • No support of dynamically changing the frame size of the grabbed image.

Parameters for info_framegrabber

Parameter Value List Type Kind Description
'bits_per_channel' [] Unused.
'camera_type' ['CAMFILE:', 'ini', 'C:/'] string pre-defined Syntax for the camera configuration file.
'color_space' [] Unused.
'defaults' [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'progressive', 8, 'gray', -1.0, 'false', 'CAMFILE', 'ADLINK CPL64:0', 0, 0] mixed pre-defined Default values for open_framegrabber.
'device' ['ADLINK CPL64:<nr>'] string dynamic Pre-defined list of possible device IDs.
'external_trigger' [] Unused.
'field' [] Unused.
'general' [] string pre-defined Information about the HALCON ADLINK interface.
'generic' [] Unused.
'horizontal_resolution' [] Unused.
'image_height' 0 integer pre-defined Unsupported query.
'image_width' 0 integer pre-defined Unsupported query.
'info_boards' ['device:<device_id>'] string dynamic A list of the available devices.
'parameters' ['<parameters>'] string pre-defined Pre-defined parameters of the HALCON interface.
'parameters_readonly' ['<parameters>'] string pre-defined Pre-defined read-only parameters of the HALCON interface.
'parameters_writeonly' ['<parameters>'] string pre-defined Pre-defined write-only parameters of the HALCON interface.
'port' [0, 1, 2, 3] integer pre-defined Value list for port.
'revision' '<revision>' string pre-defined Revision number of the ADLINK interface.
'start_column' 0 integer pre-defined Value list for the column coordinate of the upper left pixel within the desired image part.
'start_row' 0 integer pre-defined Value list for the row coordinate of the upper left pixel within the desired image part.
'vertical_resolution' [] Unused.

Parameters for open_framegrabber

Parameter Values Default Type Description
Name 'ADLINK' string Name of the HALCON interface.
HorizontalResolution --- Ignored. The corresponding setting of the camera configuration file is used.
VerticalResolution --- Ignored. The corresponding setting of the camera configuration file is used.
ImageWidth 0 0 integer Width of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
ImageHeight 0 0 integer Height of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
StartRow 0 0 integer Row coordinate of the upper left pixel within the desired image part.
StartColumn 0 0 integer Column coordinate of the upper left pixel within the desired image part.
Field --- Ignored.
BitsPerChannel --- Ignored. The corresponding setting of the camera configuration file is used.
ColorSpace 'default', 'gray', 'rgb', 'rgbx' 'gray' string Desired color space and thus the number of image channels of the resulting HALCON image.
Generic --- Ignored.
ExternalTrigger --- Ignored.
CameraType '<camfile>' 'CAMFILE' string This parameter is used to specify the camera configuration file (e.g., 'Dalsa-HS-80-08K80(8bit)-area.ini').
Device 'ADLINK CPL64:<nr>', 'default' 'ADLINK CPL64:0' string Device name ('ADLINK CPL64') and number ('0', '1', '2' ...) of the frame grabber board (passed as one string!), e.g., 'ADLINK CPL64:0'.
Port 0, 1, 2, 3 0 integer Port number (starting with 0 for the first camera).
LineIn --- Ignored.

Parameters for set_framegrabber_param

For further details on supported parameters, please refer to the user's manual of the used ADLINK board.
Parameter Values Default Type Description
'CameraConfiguration' 0, 1 integer Camera configuration.
  • 0: base
  • 1: medium
'CaptureMode' 0, 1, 2 integer Capture mode.
  • 0: free run
  • 1: line area trigger
  • 2: encoder input
'CC1NegativePulseWidth' <width> integer Negative part of width of pulse output of CC1.
'CC1Polarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of CC1.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
  • 0: normal
  • 1: inverse for pulse output.
'CC1PulseWidth' <width> integer Width of pulse output of CC1.
'CC1Type' 0, 1 integer Type of CC1.
  • 0: pulse output
  • 1: digital output
'CC2NegativePulseWidth' <width> integer Negative part of width of pulse output of CC2.
'CC2Polarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of CC2.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
  • 0: normal
  • 1: inverse for pulse output
'CC2PulseWidth' <width> integer Width of pulse output of CC2.
'CC2Type' 0, 1 integer Type of CC2.
  • 0: pulse output
  • 1: digital output
'CC3Polarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of CC3.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
  • 0: normal
  • 1: inverse for pulse output
'CC4Polarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of CC4.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
  • 0: hormal
  • 1: inverse for pulse output
'DataValidDelay' <clocks> integer Delay of data valid in clocks.
'DI0Event' 0, 1 integer Digital input event for channel 0.
  • 0: disable event
  • 1: enable event
'DI1Event' 0, 1 integer Digital input event for channel 1.
  • 0: disable event
  • 1: enable event
'DI2Event' 0, 1 integer Digital input event for channel 2.
  • 0: disable event
  • 1: enable event
'DI3Event' 0, 1 integer Digital input event for channel 3.
  • 0: disable event
  • 1: enable event
'DO0' 0, 1 integer State of digital output for channel 0.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
'DO1' 0, 1 integer State of digital output for channel 1.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
'DO2' 0, 1 integer State of digital output for channel 2.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
'DO3' 0, 1 integer State of digital output for channel 3.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
'do_abort_grab' --- Cancel current grab.
'DVALEnable' 0, 1 integer State of data valid.
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable
'DVALPolarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of DVAL.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'EncoderCompareCount' <count> integer Compare count of encoder input signal.
'EncoderDelayCount' <delay> integer Encoder delay count.
'EncoderInputDirection' 0, 1 integer Direction of encoder input signal when encoder input mode is A/B phase or A/B/Z phase.
  • 0: CW;
  • 1: CCW.
'EncoderInputMode' 0, 1, 2 integer Encoder input mode.
  • 0: A phase
  • 1: A/B phase
  • 2: A/B/Z phase
'FVALPolarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of FVAL.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'grab_timeout' <milliseconds> 5000 integer Desired timeout (milliseconds) for aborting a pending grab. If -1 is specified, the timeout is set to INFINITE.
'LineAreaTriggerPolarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of line trigger in.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'LineAreaTriggerStartEnable' 0, 1 integer Line area trigger is referred to the state of the line trigger start input.
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable
'LineAreaTriggerType' 0, 1 integer Type of line trigger in.
  • 0: TTL
  • 1: RS422
'LinePageExternalTriggerPolarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of line page external trigger.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'LinePageExternalTriggerStartPolarity' 0, 1 integer Start polarity of line page external trigger.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'LinePageExternalTriggerType' 0, 1 integer Type of line page external trigger.
  • 0: TTL
  • 1: RS422
'LinePageInternalTriggerStartPolarity' 0, 1 integer Start polarity of line page internal trigger.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'LVALEnable' 0, 1 integer State of line valid.
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable
'LVALPolarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of LVAL.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'PixelFormat' 0, 1 integer Pixel format.
  • 0: unpacked
  • 1: packed
'PixelSize' 8, 10, 12, 16 integer Number of bits of a pixel. Currently, the number cannot be set higher than the initial value of the camera configuration file.
'PowerState' 0, 1, 2 integer State of cable power.
  • 0: auto detect
  • 1: short ground
  • 2: short +12 V
'ScanMode' 0, 1, 2 integer Scan mode.
  • 0: linescan
  • 1: areascan
'SensorHeight' <height> integer Sensor height. Currently, the number cannot be set higher than the initial value of the camera configuration file.
'SensorTap' <tap> integer Sensor tap.
'SensorTapPlacement' <value> integer Scan method and direction of sensor tap.
'SensorWidth' <width> integer Sensor width. Currently, the number cannot be set higher than the initial value of the camera configuration file.
'start_async_after_grab_async' 'disable', 'enable' 'enable' string By default a new asynchronous grab command is automatically given to the acquisition device at the end of grab_image_async. If the parameter 'start_async_after_grab_async' is set to 'disable', this new grab command is omitted.
'SystemBufferCount' <size> integer Size of frame buffer queue.
'TriggerInPolarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of trigger in.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'TriggerOutMode' 0, 1 integer Mode of trigger out.
  • 0: external trigger
  • 1: software trigger
'TriggerOutPolarity' 0, 1 integer Polarity of trigger out.
  • 0: low active
  • 1: high active
'TriggerOutPulseWidth' <width> integer Pulse width of trigger out.
'TriggerOutState' 0, 1 integer State of trigger out.
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable
'volatile' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string Grayscale only. In the volatile mode the two image acquisition interface buffers are used directly to store HALCON images. This is the fastest mode avoiding to copy raw images in memory. However, be aware that older images are overwritten again and again as a side-effect. Thus, you can only process one image while you grab another image. Older images are invalid!
'XOffset' <offset> integer X offset.
'YOffset' <offset> integer Y offset.

Parameters for get_framegrabber_param

There may exist additional read-only parameters with the following postfixes:
  • '_description': These parameters provide the tool-tip of the corresponding parameter as a string.
  • '_range': These parameters provide the minimum, maximum, step width, and default values for the corresponding integer or float parameter as a tuple with 4 elements, e.g., get_framegrabber_param(.., 'Shutter_range', ..) will return the output tuple [min, max, step, default].
  • '_values': These parameters provide the valid value list for the corresponding parameter as a tuple, e.g., get_framegrabber_param(.., 'volatile_values', ..) will return the output tuple ['enable', 'disable'].

All these postfixed parameter names are not returned when calling info_framegrabber(.., 'parameters', ..) and are used to enable the easy parameterization via a generic graphical user interface, particularly the HDevelop Image Acquisition Assistant.

Parameter Values Default Type Kind Description
'available_callback_types' 'transfer_end' string pre-defined Query all callback types which are supported by this interface.
'bits_per_channel' <default> 8 integer pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'camera_type' '<default>' 'CAMFILE' string pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'CameraConfiguration' 0, 1 integer dynamic Camera configuration.
  • 0: base
  • 1: medium
'CaptureMode' 0, 1, 2 integer dynamic Capture mode.
  • 0: free run
  • 1: line area trigger
  • 2: encoder input
'CC1NegativePulseWidth' <width> integer dynamic Negative part of width of pulse output of CC1.
'CC1Polarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of CC1.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
  • 0: normal
  • 1: inverse for pulse output.
'CC1PulseWidth' <width> integer dynamic Width of pulse output of CC1.
'CC1Type' 0, 1 integer dynamic Type of CC1.
  • 0: pulse output
  • 1: digital output
'CC2NegativePulseWidth' <width> integer dynamic Negative part of width of pulse output of CC2.
'CC2Polarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of CC2.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
  • 0: normal
  • 1: inverse for pulse output
'CC2PulseWidth' <width> integer dynamic Width of pulse output of CC2.
'CC2Type' 0, 1 integer dynamic Type of CC2.
  • 0: pulse output
  • 1: digital output
'CC3Polarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of CC3.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
  • 0: normal
  • 1: inverse for pulse output
'CC4Polarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of CC4.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
  • 0: hormal
  • 1: inverse for pulse output
'ChannelState' <state> integer dynamic Current channel state.
  • 0: stopped
  • 1: running
'color_space' 'gray', 'raw', 'rgb' 'gray' string pre-defined Desired color space and thus the number of image channels of the resulting HALCON image.
'DataBits' <bits> integer dynamic Total bits of a pixel.
'DataValidDelay' <clocks> integer dynamic Delay of data valid in clocks.
'device' 'ADLINK CPL64:<nr>' 'ADLINK CPL64:0' string dynamic Current device id.
'DeviceFirmwareVersion' <firmware> integer dynamic Device firmware version.
'DeviceModelName' '<model>' string dynamic Device name.
'DeviceVersion' '<version>' string dynamic Device hardware version.
'DI0' <value> integer dynamic Current digital input state of channel 0.
'DI0Event' 0, 1 integer dynamic Digital input event for channel 0.
  • 0: disable event
  • 1: enable event
'DI1' <value> integer dynamic Current digital input state of channel 1.
'DI1Event' 0, 1 integer dynamic Digital input event for channel 1.
  • 0: disable event
  • 1: enable event
'DI2' <value> integer dynamic Current digital input state of channel 2.
'DI2Event' 0, 1 integer dynamic Digital input event for channel 2.
  • 0: disable event
  • 1: enable event
'DI3' <value> integer dynamic Current digital input state of channel 3.
'DI3Event' 0, 1 integer dynamic Digital input event for channel 3.
  • 0: disable event
  • 1: enable event
'DO0' 0, 1 integer dynamic State of digital output for channel 0.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
'DO1' 0, 1 integer dynamic State of digital output for channel 1.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
'DO2' 0, 1 integer dynamic State of digital output for channel 2.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
'DO3' 0, 1 integer dynamic State of digital output for channel 3.
  • 0: low
  • 1: high
'DroppedFrames' <number> integer dynamic Number of dropped frames since the beginning of capture.
'DVALEnable' 0, 1 integer dynamic State of data valid.
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable
'DVALPolarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of DVAL.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'EncoderCompareCount' <count> integer dynamic Compare count of encoder input signal.
'EncoderCounterValue' <value> integer dynamic Counter value of valid encoder trigger in signals.
'EncoderDelayCount' <delay> integer dynamic Encoder delay count.
'EncoderInputDirection' 0, 1 integer dynamic Direction of encoder input signal when encoder input mode is A/B phase or A/B/Z phase.
  • 0: CW;
  • 1: CCW.
'EncoderInputMode' 0, 1, 2 integer dynamic Encoder input mode.
  • 0: A phase
  • 1: A/B phase
  • 2: A/B/Z phase
'external_trigger' 'false', 'true' 'false' string pre-defined Status of the external trigger.
'field' '<default>' 'progressive' string pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'FVALPolarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of FVAL.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'generic' <default> -1 mixed pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'grab_timeout' <milliseconds> 5000 integer pre-defined Current grab timeout in milliseconds.
'horizontal_resolution' <resolution> 1 integer pre-defined Current value of horizontal resolution.
'image_available' 0, 1 -1 integer dynamic Status of the last asynchronous grab command. The value 1 means that the image is already acquired and thus can be fetched by grab_image_async without delay. Note that this parameter is especially useful in combination with external triggering.
'image_height' <height> 0 integer pre-defined Height of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
'image_width' <width> 0 integer pre-defined Width of the desired image part ('0' stands for the complete image).
'LibraryVersion' '<version>' string dynamic Device library version.
'line_in' <default> 0 integer pre-defined The value is not used, so a default value is returned.
'LineAreaCounterValue' <value> integer dynamic Counter value of valid line trigger in signals.
'LineAreaTriggerPolarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of line trigger in.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'LineAreaTriggerStartEnable' 0, 1 integer dynamic Line area trigger is referred to the state of the line trigger start input.
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable
'LineAreaTriggerType' 0, 1 integer dynamic Type of line trigger in.
  • 0: TTL
  • 1: RS422
'LinePageExternalTriggerPolarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of line page external trigger.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'LinePageExternalTriggerStartPolarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Start polarity of line page external trigger.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'LinePageExternalTriggerType' 0, 1 integer dynamic Type of line page external trigger.
  • 0: TTL
  • 1: RS422
'LinePageInternalTriggerStartPolarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Start polarity of line page internal trigger.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'LVALEnable' 0, 1 integer dynamic State of line valid.
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable
'LVALPolarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of LVAL.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'name' 'ADLINK' string pre-defined Name of the HALCON interface.
'num_buffers' <number> 5 integer pre-defined Number of buffers used for the image acquisition.
'PixelFormat' 0, 1 integer dynamic Pixel format.
  • 0: unpacked
  • 1: packed
'PixelSize' 8, 10, 12, 16 integer dynamic Number of bits of a pixel. Currently, the number cannot be set higher than the initial value of the camera configuration file.
'port' <port> 0 integer pre-defined Current port number.
'PowerState' 0, 1, 2 integer dynamic State of cable power.
  • 0: auto detect
  • 1: short ground
  • 2: short +12 V
'revision' '<revision>' string pre-defined Revision number of the ADLINK interface.
'ScanMode' 0, 1, 2 integer dynamic Scan mode.
  • 0: linescan
  • 1: areascan
'SensorHeight' <height> integer dynamic Sensor height. Currently, the number cannot be set higher than the initial value of the camera configuration file.
'SensorTap' <tap> integer dynamic Sensor tap.
'SensorTapPlacement' <value> integer dynamic Scan method and direction of sensor tap.
'SensorWidth' <width> integer dynamic Sensor width. Currently, the number cannot be set higher than the initial value of the camera configuration file.
'start_async_after_grab_async' 'disable', 'enable' 'enable' string pre-defined Status of 'start_async_after_grab_async'.
'start_column' <column> 0 integer pre-defined Returns the current start column of the HALCON image.
'start_row' <row> 0 integer pre-defined Returns the current start row of the HALCON image.
'SystemBufferCount' <size> integer dynamic Size of frame buffer queue.
'TriggerInPolarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of trigger in.
  • 0: rising edge
  • 1: falling edge
'TriggerOutMode' 0, 1 integer dynamic Mode of trigger out.
  • 0: external trigger
  • 1: software trigger
'TriggerOutPolarity' 0, 1 integer dynamic Polarity of trigger out.
  • 0: low active
  • 1: high active
'TriggerOutPulseWidth' <width> integer dynamic Pulse width of trigger out.
'TriggerOutState' 0, 1 integer dynamic State of trigger out.
  • 0: disable
  • 1: enable
'vertical_resolution' <resolution> 1 integer pre-defined Current value of vertical resolution.
'volatile' 'disable', 'enable' 'disable' string pre-defined Grayscale only. In the volatile mode the two image acquisition interface buffers are used directly to store HALCON images. This is the fastest mode avoiding to copy raw images in memory. However, be aware that older images are overwritten again and again as a side-effect. Thus, you can only process one image while you grab another image. Older images are invalid!
'XOffset' <offset> integer dynamic X offset.
'YOffset' <offset> integer dynamic Y offset.

Operator set_framegrabber_lut

Not supported by this interface.

Operator get_framegrabber_lut

Not supported by this interface.

Operator set_framegrabber_callback

Once the callback is registered, on every occurrence of the underlying event (e.g., the notification that the transfer has finished) the specified callback function will be called. If the callback function is set to NULL, the corresponding callback will be unregistered.

The signature of the callback function is Herror (__stdcall *HAcqCallback)(void *AcqHandle, void *Context, void *UserContext) and uses the following parameters:

  • AcqHandle Acquisition handle of the corresponding image acquisition instance.
  • Context Optional context data of the specific callback. In the ADLINK interface, this parameter is the pointer to the buffer of the acquired frame.
  • UserContext User context as set via set_framegrabber_callback. Using user-callback functions

    Note that the execution time of a user-specific callback function should always be as short as possible since during the execution of a callback function the handling of further internal callbacks might be blocked. This can be achieved by removing the current processing from the user-specific callback function to a separate thread that is controlled via signals or events.

Type Description
'transfer_end' Corresponds to the end of the image DMA.

Operator get_framegrabber_callback

Not supported by this interface.

Operator grab_image_start

Starts a new asynchronous grab. See also grab_image_start.

Operator grab_image

grab_image starts a new synchronous grab. See also grab_image. Note that the interface converts the image from the device to the desired image format specified by the parameters 'image_width', 'image_height', 'start_row', 'start_column', 'bits_per_channel', and 'color_space'.

Operator grab_image_async

grab_image_async returns an image and starts the next asynchronous grab. See also grab_image_async. Note that the interface converts the image from the device to the desired image format specified by the parameters 'image_width', 'image_height', 'start_row', 'start_column', 'bits_per_channel', and 'color_space'.

Operator grab_data

Not supported by this interface.

Operator grab_data_async

Not supported by this interface.

Operator close_framegrabber

This operator closes the device. See also close_framegrabber.

HDevelop Examples

For this interface there are the following examples available:
  • adlink.hdev - Benchmark
  • adlink_parameters.hdev - Lists all parameters of a device.
  • adlink_simple.hdev - A simple example to show the usage of the interface.

C++ Examples

For this interface there is also a further C++ Visual Studio Project to demonstrate the usage of the operators get_framegrabber_callback and set_framegrabber_callback. Please check the directory %HALCONEXAMPLES%\cpp\console\vs2005\. If you prefer building the example via the console, please check the following folder %HALCONEXAMPLES%\cpp\console\. With a Linux OS please use $HALCONEXAMPLES/cpp/console/.

C# Examples

For this interface there is also a further C# Visual Studio Project to demonstrate the usage of the operators get_framegrabber_callback and set_framegrabber_callback. Please check the directory %HALCONEXAMPLES%\cpp\console\vs2005\.

Release Notes

  • Revision 20.11.2 (Aug 1, 2023):
    • The technical dependency from the HALCON Library has been removed.
    • The distribution package of this interface now contains files providing meta information for the HDevelop example browser.
  • Revision 13.0.1 (Oct 28, 2016):
    • HALCON 13 version of the interface.
  • Revision 6.0 (Oct 31, 2014):
  • Revision 4.0 (Sep 8, 2010):
    • First official release.
    • HALCON 10 version of the interface (included in HALCON 10 DVD).