Deep Learning Tool

The easy way into deep learning with MVTec software

Labeling training data is the first crucial step towards any deep learning application. The quality of this labeled data plays a major role when it comes to the application's performance, accuracy, and robustness.

With the Deep Learning Tool, you can easily label your data thanks to the intuitive user interface – without any programming knowledge. This data can be seamlessly integrated into HALCON and MERLIC to perform deep-learning-based object detection, classification, semantic and instance segmentation, anomaly detection and Deep OCR.

The Deep Learning Tool offers

  • A fast path to the complete deep learning solution
  • An intuitive user interface
  • Active support for the optimization of the trained networks
  • Easy integration into the MVTec portfolio
  • Full control over your own data


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Working with the Deep Learning Tool

Seamless integration into the MVTec product portfolio

The Deep Learning Tool seamlessly integrates into the MVTec product portfolio with HALCON and MERLIC and serves as the core of your Deep Learning application.

Acquire your images and preprocess them with HALCON or MERLIC if necessary. After labeling, training as well as evaluation in the Deep Learning Tool, deploy your trained network in the respective runtime environment.

Image of the DLT leaflet

Discover our Deep Learning Tool leaflet

It provides a general overview on the Deep Learning Tool and its seamless integration with our product portfolio.

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